Pot Legal in Cali in Nov 2010?


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
For those of you who don't know this may indeed happen. Ealier this year a petition was signed by more than 680,000 registered voters to put this on the Ballot this upcoming November. I personally don't live in California but I do think if this law passes it could effect the entire country.

The Law itself states any adult over the age of 21 can posses up to 1 ounce of pot and residents can cultivate marijuana gardens up to 25 sq feet in size. the Local city and county governments would decided to permit it with in their bounderies and how much to tax it.

1) How would this effect the state of California?

2) Do you think the rest of the country will eventually follow suit?

3) Do you personally think this is a good idea?

Now let me answer my own questions.

1) Keep in mind that pot is the biggest cash crop in the state of California even thoug it is Illegal. If pot is legal more people will buy it there by stimulating the state's economy. Also more people will be able to find jobs with the selling and growing of pot thereby reducing the 12% unemployment rate. Also with people not getting thrown in jail that will reduce the taxes that people pay to keep these people in jail.

2) If the law gets passed and it goes well I think that first the other 14 states that have legalized medicinal Marijuana will follow suit soon after. As for the rest of the country I think that if it works out in Cali and later the other 14 I can see the whole country legalizing Marijuana.

3) If you havent guessed by now yes I do think this is a good idea.

Most of what I typed is my own opinion. as for the law itself here's the article I got the info from.
Pot Vote: Legalizing Marijuana Could Be On 2010 Ballot.

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