Post Your Christmas Tree Thread

Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.
It's that time of year. Thought this would be something cool to try. Post an image of your family's tree and let's talk shit about them.


My tree really is a fucking mess. The lights are everywhere they shouldn't be, someone has a ribbon fetish, and the angel looks like it's about to take a swan dive. But I like how it looks next to the fireplace. Any minute now those stockings are going to smolder and the air will be so thick in smoke I'll never have to look at that yuletide vomit in the corner of the living room again.

There's a tradition we do here where we'll place a few presents under the tree- few from personal friends and the like. And we'll wait til Christmas Eve to bombard the room with an assortment of Santa goodies to give the kids a real "Oh wow we're getting things even though we've been little shits all year!" moment.

It's a new house, so there is that golden bauble of an ornament on the mantle where it says "First Christmas In The New House" or some white people thing I don't know I didn't really read it. There are a lot of those ball decorations all over the house. The only place they aren't is on the tree itself. Instead, there are handmade bits of whatever with our names on them. Supposed to be a personal, sentimental thing. It'll make good kindling when we get drunk enough and realize the tree should burn.

That's not even going into the retro/modern art painting my mother did. You know what, fuck it. It's a not a bad painting. 4/10.

So what do you guys have going on? Any traditions, decorations, etc you guys do with your tree?


So I have four Christmas Yoshi's at the base and hama beads of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Draco, Newt, Mario, Link, Mr. Hanky, Mario Star and Baby Jesus.
We're putting up the fake tree tonight. I'd post a picture but it looks like any fake tree you'd see at Wal Mart with some cheap bulbs n crap on it.

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