Post Wrestlemania Plans For Del Rio


As many have no doubt noticed, Alberto Del Rio's time at the top of WWE looks to have come and gone. As a 4 time World Champion in WWE, he's never really been able to get over on a level needed to be a main eventer. It's not as if WWE hasn't given him opportunities. Where he's heading right now, in my opinion, is where he's better suited for.

According to the WON, the current plan calls for Del Rio to feud with Big E for the Intercontinental Championship. A match between the two of them is currently scheduled for Extreme Rules. Del Rio scored a clean win in a strong match against Big E this past Monday, so it's logical that he's next in line for a title shot. I'm not all that wild about the champ losing clean in non-title matches, especially not when it means that the guy who beats him secures a title shot. After all, didn't it used to be that the challenger earned himself a shot at the title by beating other top contenders rather than the champ himself? There hasn't been nearly as much of that going on as there has been in recent years, I'm thinking that Vince made the call for how this match went down.

At any rate, it was still a good match and I was a little surprised at just how good. Del Rio doesn't get nearly enough credit from internet fans for his ability to consistently deliver strong matches and since it's been a while since we've seen Big E in any sort of lengthy match, I'd forgotten just how far he's come in the last 1.5 years. I don't think Del Rio will walk out with the title, but I do think he's a good choice for a post WrestleMania IC title feud.
When will Big E drop the IC title?

He's too boring, average at best in all areas.

Give the title to Cesaro or Swagger or Sandow or anyone honestly.

Please no more Big E.
As many have no doubt noticed, Alberto Del Rio's time at the top of WWE looks to have come and gone. As a 4 time World Champion in WWE, he's never really been able to get over on a level needed to be a main eventer. It's not as if WWE hasn't given him opportunities. Where he's heading right now, in my opinion, is where he's better suited for.

According to the WON, the current plan calls for Del Rio to feud with Big E for the Intercontinental Championship. A match between the two of them is currently scheduled for Extreme Rules. Del Rio scored a clean win in a strong match against Big E this past Monday, so it's logical that he's next in line for a title shot. I'm not all that wild about the champ losing clean in non-title matches, especially not when it means that the guy who beats him secures a title shot. After all, didn't it used to be that the challenger earned himself a shot at the title by beating other top contenders rather than the champ himself? There hasn't been nearly as much of that going on as there has been in recent years, I'm thinking that Vince made the call for how this match went down.

At any rate, it was still a good match and I was a little surprised at just how good. Del Rio doesn't get nearly enough credit from internet fans for his ability to consistently deliver strong matches and since it's been a while since we've seen Big E in any sort of lengthy match, I'd forgotten just how far he's come in the last 1.5 years. I don't think Del Rio will walk out with the title, but I do think he's a good choice for a post WrestleMania IC title feud.

Long overdue,lMO.

Just the type of opponent needed for the IC title to retain some prestige. I do hope there is some sort of true rivalry between the two when they feud however.

Too bad Punk might not return, because Sheamus is another guy who would be great in the IC title scene also.

Someone like Big Show and also, Mark Henry are other veterans that can be placed in the IC title scene as well. I am sure that with such challengers as those named, the IC title can regain a load of prestige and take its rightful place as the true 2nd title in the WWE.
I think Del Rio would make a great leader of a stable. Think of it... Mexican cartel leader, has a bunch of hired help, crushes people. Hell it would be a great space for Hunico and Camacho when and/or if they get out of the minors. Really that or the Midcard is where Del Rio belongs. He is a great wrestler, but has the charisma of a paper plate. The IC title is great for Del Rio
Fans just can't get behind Del Rio. He is okay as a heel and was a disastrous failure as a face. Honestly, Del Rio and The Miz turning face were two things that made no sense and should not have happened. I don't see anything huge for Del Rio because I'm just not a fan of his work. Concerning his feud with Big E, I wouldn't want Big E to lose the title to him. I was so excited when Christian was going to fight for the IC title but unfortunately got injured. I wish Ziggler won it instead. I like Big E but I have noticed I cheer for those who fight against him more than I cheer for him. Guys like Swagger or Cesaro are better champions. If a unification does occur between the US title and the IC title, I actually hope Ambrose wins.

Wait, this was about Del Rio right? Seriously though, I never liked any of his runs as champion, I see what WWE tried doing with him and it didn't work. He isn't a waste of talent but I can see other wrestlers getting his TV time instead. Guys who deserve it, like Kofi, and Justin Gabriel or Tyson Kidd.
Maybe if he wasn't pushed so hard and so brutally, his face turn a while back would have worked. A friend of mine (who can generously be described as a casual fan ;)) once asked me if Del Rio's the only wrestler they have, since it's like he's on every match on Smackdown.

Del Rio can deliver some great matches, but some of the best things about him are gone - the moonsault, the snazzy cars and Ricardooooooooooo RodRIIIIIIIIguez! I just think that if he didn't get over then, he's not going to reach that next level now.

I don't know where they're getting the next great Mexican fan favourite, but it's probably not going to be Del Rio. Let's face it, it's a demographic that should be very important - CMLL and AAA have produced great wrestlers, but like we saw with Sin Cara, it doesn't always translate well to the US.

With the unified WWE WHC title, I don't think Del Rio will have too many more runs as a world champ. He'll have a couple of title shots, but I just don't see him going over the other top guys.

Del Rio and Big E have some history, so this could be a fun match-up. Big E is really charming and more mic time will be good for him. Del Rio is very versatile in the ring, so whether it's power vs speed, technique or cheating, I think the rematch-possibilities are very good, making for an entertaining series of matches.
Fans just can't get behind Del Rio. He is okay as a heel and was a disastrous failure as a face. Honestly, Del Rio and The Miz turning face were two things that made no sense and should not have happened. I don't see anything huge for Del Rio because I'm just not a fan of his work. Concerning his feud with Big E, I wouldn't want Big E to lose the title to him. I was so excited when Christian was going to fight for the IC title but unfortunately got injured. I wish Ziggler won it instead. I like Big E but I have noticed I cheer for those who fight against him more than I cheer for him. Guys like Swagger or Cesaro are better champions. If a unification does occur between the US title and the IC title, I actually hope Ambrose wins.

Wait, this was about Del Rio right? Seriously though, I never liked any of his runs as champion, I see what WWE tried doing with him and it didn't work. He isn't a waste of talent but I can see other wrestlers getting his TV time instead. Guys who deserve it, like Kofi, and Justin Gabriel or Tyson Kidd.

I don't expect Big E to lose the title to him, although maybe a title change with say, Del Rio winning the title on the RAW post-Mania through heel tactics, and that sets off the feud with Big E winning it back at ER might make for an interesting programme.

In terms of a different 'better' champion; I am hoping that Seth Rollins is the one to eventually win it from Big E whilst in a tag team with the still US Champion Dean Ambrose(Reigns would have moved on already).

Then, the Shield duo split and we have an Ambrose vs Rollins feud done with the MidCard title reunification being the centrepiece of the feud.
Would termination be too much to ask? There is no scenario that would raise my interest in Alberto Del Rio. As far as Mexico's greatest exports, Del Rio ranks just after bed bugs. Back in the day title feuds were set up to draw money, now it seems like they're set up to fill gaps between the opening talk segment and the main event. I guess that makes Del Rio vs Big E perfect.
Alberto is a decent wrestler who belongs in the midcard...and there's no shame in that. Not EVERYBODY needs to be pushed as a main eventer. Del Rio is a solid midcard heel who consistently delivers good matches. Having him challenge Big E for the IC Title makes sense, but Big E shouldn't lose the belt.
I don't know, I think the IC and US titles could benefit from having talents actually want to fight over them. I agree with getting the belt off of Big E, and I like Del Rio getting the belt, working a program with Ambrose to unify the IC and US titles, and then starting feuds to get Sandow, Ziggler, and Kofi into better positions.
I don't expect Big E to lose the title to him, although maybe a title change with say, Del Rio winning the title on the RAW post-Mania through heel tactics, and that sets off the feud with Big E winning it back at ER might make for an interesting programme.

In terms of a different 'better' champion; I am hoping that Seth Rollins is the one to eventually win it from Big E whilst in a tag team with the still US Champion Dean Ambrose(Reigns would have moved on already).

Then, the Shield duo split and we have an Ambrose vs Rollins feud done with the MidCard title reunification being the centrepiece of the feud.

OH COME ON MAN QUIT TEASING ME. Like wwe is going to give THAT MUCH RESPECT to mid card titles. Shit, I wish man, I wish.
Personally I think it is kind of sad, not just that he is fighting for it but that they had a #1 contender match with 4 former world champs. Once upon a time I would have had no issue with a former WWF champ going after the IC title but they have treated it poorly over the past number of years and I think that it shows how little WWE gets it now. Worse part is some decent guys have held the title over the past decade. I don't think Del Rio fighting over or winning the IC title is going to help him or the title at all.
OH COME ON MAN QUIT TEASING ME. Like wwe is going to give THAT MUCH RESPECT to mid card titles. Shit, I wish man, I wish.

It does write itself considering the rumours coming out with regards to Reigns splitting whilst the other 2 stay together.

Ambrose vs Rollins is very much a possibility in the coming year. I just hope they can see that a MidCard title unification can also be a part of such a feud to up the stakes a little,shall we say....
I think it's a great move. I was tired of seeing Del Rio in the main event just to beat the people he's expected to beat like Show and Ziggler but the company never gave him the push to beat Cena, Orton, etc. which makes it easy to predict his matches.

Hopefully, Sheamus, Christian, Ziggler, Show, Henry become permanent in the division - more recognizable faces and high profile matches up in the division besides beating up on Fandango, Kofi etc
its good news for ic title. Right now they treat ic title as whc title. Del rio, sheamus, henry, big show, christian, dolph, rvd, jericho are best choice for ic title.
It's a good feud for Big E. Del Rio is seriously underrated and he should be able to give Langston something resembling a quality match. Something that I can't recall Big E having very often.

So long as Del Rio doesn't win the belt. There's no point in that.
I was surprised to see Del Rio cleanly pin Big E in their first match, so when they were being introduced in the ring before their second battle, I was sure they were going to have Big E even the score. When he was again pinned, I figured a title match was being arranged, one in which the IC champ would finally beat ADR.

That's how I think WWE has come to regard Alberto Del Rio; still worthy of the occasional minor title match, yet not allowed to win it. How they regard Big E is another matter; I can't figure out whether they're pleased with his development or not.

Most folks seem to agree that their two matches were of high quality; I attribute that fully to ADR. I love watching the guy work a match; he's a master at his craft and if more fans appreciated a fine ring technician, Del Rio might still be a main event performer.

But they don't.....and he isn't.

Post-WM plans for ADR? They'll let his contract run out and send him south of the border to where he will (hopefully) be appreciated for the great worker he is.
I have enjoyed Del Rio a bit over the years but he is FAR too decorated for someone who isn't well known by casual fans and has never been able to get main event crowd reactions. A long IC or US title run would be good for him, with lots of new challengers. Del Rio has great ring instincts and wrestles on par with Orton, yet doesn't connect with fans quite well enough to warrant a top spot on the card. I think it would be wise to cut his run short soon, and focus on the next generation.

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