Possible new member in the Wyatt Family


Pre-Show Stalwart
There was a post earlier today saying that there is a possibility of a new superstar joining Bray Wyatt & Luke Harper to potentially make a 6-man tag match at Summerslam to take on Reigns, Ambrose & a rumored Sting. If this does in fact happen who do you think could potentially join the Wyatt Family?

I would like to see Rowan return soon and eventually join the family back as i fear without the Wyatt family he has no future left in WWE. However, if this isn't possible I can see Bo Dallas joining his actual brother and changing his character completely which i think would be a better route for him. He really seems to have no future "BO-Lieving"

What are your thoughts?
As far as the reports say, Erik Rowan was severely injured and won't be back to the ring anytime soon. And they Wyatt family certainly will need a new member if they're going against Team Roman Reigns. But personally I don't reckon Bo-Dallas will fit to the mould. Because he isn't as aggressive as Bray or Luke Harper. Bray was great in the mic but shaggy in the ring but right now he got tuned up and showing so much intensity in the ring. Those are the key things BO-Dallas lacks. But lets hope The Wyatt Family finds a newest member soon!

Aggression and intensity can easily be changed and worked on. We see it all the time when a Face turns heel their arsenal tends to always become much more aggressive. I think he has potential. If not Bo, i hope to see someone from NXT like a Baron Corbin.
I'd be all for Bo Dallas to have a creep-make-over and join his brother in the Wyatt Family, in fact...Bo Dallas is kind of creepy anyway, it wouldn't be hard to change his character. And if it's true that Sting is joining Ambrose and Reigns then this match could be really good. Luke Harper vs Reigns had a good match on RAW and the post match brawl boiled some blood and gave Ambrose some steam ( something to do instead of being invisible during PPVs ) add Sting in a match with a possible Wyatt vs Sting stare down in the middle of the ring....well , this is awesome chants will ring out for sure.
How about Damien Sandow? The dudes been off of TV for quite some time now and it can be explained by Bray saying he was preparing Sandow to become a weapon. It has been proved that Sandow can pull off basically any character he is given, I think this one could also work out. The eventual split could happen when Eric Rowan returns.
All over the IWC individuals keep mentioning Bo Dallas as a possible new Wyatt Family member but I fail to see the possibility. The Wyatt Family are imposing individuals. Their stature and demeanor sends a message of fear. Even with a character transition I just can't see Bo pulling that off. If it is just a matter of their real relation then why not slap IRS right in there to handle the Family's financials.

There are a number of suitable candidates in NXT but how many are truly main roster ready? Maybe there is a free agent or a rehire they could pick up. For some stupid reason Mason Ryan, bald w/a beard, jumps into my mind. On the main roster, maybe Adam Rose could revert back to Leo. It could be explained as Bray saving him from the persona giving to him by the machine.
What about the Ascension? Their current gimmick fucking sucks but I'm sure they could be serviceable goons to Wyatt. I kinda see them like what the Acolytes were to the Undertaker. The Wyatt Family would then consist of Bray Wyatt as the leader, Luke Harper as the midcard guy, and Konnor/Viktor as the tag-team. I think it makes a lot of sense and gives two guys that are currently floundering something meaningful to be a part of, while also allowing Luke Harper to continue to establish himself as a singles wrestler.
What about the Ascension? Their current gimmick fucking sucks but I'm sure they could be serviceable goons to Wyatt. I kinda see them like what the Acolytes were to the Undertaker. The Wyatt Family would then consist of Bray Wyatt as the leader, Luke Harper as the midcard guy, and Konnor/Viktor as the tag-team. I think it makes a lot of sense and gives two guys that are currently floundering something meaningful to be a part of, while also allowing Luke Harper to continue to establish himself as a singles wrestler.

Totally agree, just tweak the characters of Konnor and Viktor a bit, give them a couple squash victories over Los Matadores and Metapowers. You can have Harper ringside and Wyatt in his chair at the top of the ramp maybe scouting the ascension. Wyatt can have Harper punish them whenever they lose (Ravens flock style)
I would love to see Baron Corbin called up and be Wyatt's third man. He's got the look, the intensity, and he fits the part. He can be the new 'muscle' of the group. Sorry Rowan, but Corbin is much better than you.
I'd be all for adding two to three members right now and putting Rowan back with them when he's available. Their should be some storyline reason for current roster members like the Ascension and Bo Dallas joining Bray though. Even just a few weeks of Bo beginning to not BOlieve would do it or the Ascension just being jumped by Bray and Luke and being beat down and dragged to the back. Something that would make you believe in Bray as a cult leader who has brain washed his followers.

On the flip side they could just call up an NXT guy like Baron Corbin as most of the audience won't know who he is.
What about the Ascension? Their current gimmick fucking sucks but I'm sure they could be serviceable goons to Wyatt.

Interesting idea, yet I see two problems with it. First, if Ascension were to join Bray, they'd really have to sublimate their current act ....to the point they wouldn't really be the Ascension anymore. Of course, that might not be a bad thing, but these guys were brought up to the main roster because WWE management liked them as they were. My second point is that I don't know that the brass has a mission of taking failed talent and fitting them into a different circumstance, although it can be argued that's exactly what they're doing with Luke Harper.

I'm warming to the idea of Bo Diddley.....I mean Bo Dallas.....as a member of his brother's team. Yes, he would have to bury his current gimmick, but that might work out fine. On the other hand, I don't know that he'd have to alter his personality that much.....after all, a stupid smile before & after matches is also a trademark of Bray Wyatt.

I Bo-lieve it might be worth a try.
In any other scenario, I would be all for Bo Dallas joining his brother and becoming the newest member of the Wyatt Family. However, if this DOES indeed lead to a match including Sting, than I really don't think Bo is the right guy to be involved in it... it needs to be an imposing figure who could actually be seen as a legitimate threat, and Bo doesn't fit that criteria at all. If you were to put those 6 names on paper (Reigns, Ambrose, Sting, Wyatt, Harper, Dallas) it doesn't take a genius to see which one sticks out like a sore thumb.

At this point, I have no clue who could be that third man. I guess Corbin is an option, but the guy's still green as gooseshit and has no business being on the main roster at this point. Perhaps a legend? Somebody like Jake the Snake if he were able? I don't know...
I'm warming to the idea of Bo Diddley.....I mean Bo Dallas.....as a member of his brother's team. Yes, he would have to bury his current gimmick, but that might work out fine. On the other hand, I don't know that he'd have to alter his personality that much.....after all, a stupid smile before & after matches is also a trademark of Bray Wyatt.

I Bo-lieve it might be worth a try.

Yeah, I think the obvious choice is Bo Dallas. And I don't say this because of the fact that he and Bray Wyatt are brothers in real life (although that is an interesting sub plot, but not essential to it all). It is because cult leaders, guys who rant and ramble endlessly and incoherently like Bray Wyatt does, still do so from the perspective of some type of cult leader. And to be an effective leader, you need followers. You need mindless numbskulls to blindly follow what you are professing, and Bo Dallas would fit the bill here perfectly. The fact that the character of Bo Dallas runs around, spouting the power of positivity and Bo-lieving, and he would be lured to the dark side, that's even more effective. Taking the "inspirational" Bo Dallas, and turning him dark and creepy (not too much of a stretch on the latter point), isn't that what effective cult leaders do? Otherwise, isn't Wyatt just babbling incessantly about his message, but no one is listening? This works well for all involved.

As a bonus, it eliminates the current Bo Dallas character, which is a really nice secondary benefit. It creates a larger Wyatt family, with Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan when he returns, Bo Dallas, and possibly even some upcoming NXT dude (possibly Baron Corbin) for a larger darker faction. Now we would just need a Sister Abigail, and wouldn't Bayley be perfect for this too?
Look, when a faction disbands simultaneously disbands its effect. It's like "old habits die hard" stuff.

No matter whoever guy the Wyatt Family employs(?), it won't land the same impact the original Wyatt Family did. So, the void can be filled only by adding in Erick Rowan. Like, how people clamor for a potential Shield reunion or something like that. The 2nd version of Nexus was reffered to as New Nexus. So, most probably the team will be called "New Wyatt Family" or so. But, since there needs to be a guy to fill the hole, that is obviously Bo Dallas. There ain't another choice. None of the other guys makes sense. There is only Bo Dallas who has some sort of connection with Bray Wyatt, hence the Wyatt Family. Ascension might also end up being a nice replacement.
Sting, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns on the same team? That's way too much star power in one match. Sting vs. Wyatt and Ambrose vs. Reigns would be much better. Erick Rowan will be back eventually, so there's no reason for another Wyatt Family member now.
Didn't Sting give Bo the death-drop the night after Wrestle-Mania, so whether as an associate or the newest member of the Wyatt Family there is enough reason to put Bo in that match.
Some people forget (or didn't know), but before Adam Rose was Adam Rose he was Leo Kruger in NXT, the guy who could easily fit into Wyatt Family, he doing nothing anyway, so why not.
You could re-package the Ascension pretty easily and add them to the Wyatt family. I don't know if it's a perfect fit but it can't be any worse than their current main roster gimmick.

Honestly I was never a fan of them in NXT either. A change of scenery would be good for them.
I would love to see Baron Corbin called up and be Wyatt's third man. He's got the look, the intensity, and he fits the part. He can be the new 'muscle' of the group. Sorry Rowan, but Corbin is much better than you.

Baron Corbin fucking sucks. He's greener than grass, and boring as hell. Oh he'd be a horrible addition.

I'll go with Bo Dallas. Like someone else said he's as creepy as they come so he fits in rather well. I wouldn't put in the Ascension, otherwise what would Harper do.
Are u kidding me?? Bo Dallas?? Just because he's real life bros with Bray??? Ridiculous. Bo plainly just SUCKS. . What a horrible gimmick, horrible character, and this guy needs to find out what a gym cuz he has not a single muscle in his body, its all fat.

Before u IWC crazies get on my ass, i know looks dont matter over skill, blah blah blah, but Dallas has no skill in my eyes, he has zero charisma, and Bo, for the love of God, and to gain respect from me and other wrestling fans, get into shape.

I'd take Baron Corbin or The Ascension into Wyatt family 2.0 over Bo any day.
I'd love to see Eric Rowan or Bo Dallas, or even both. I don't think either of them have sustainable gimmicks as solo acts on the current roster. Bo could really benefit. Especially with the reminder that they are in fact family. And as Sally mentioned, Bo wouldn't have to change his gimmick much. He could still be the creepy, overly inspirational fellow. Just, a little less naive sounding and little more crazy church pastor.
I don't think we're going to get a third member of the Wyatts. I think that at some point during the buildup, Harper and Wyatt are going to single out Ambrose and take him out of the equation. Just when it appears that Reigns is on his own, Sting appears as an unlikely ally. I don't necessarily like that as I don't want Ambrose to miss another PPV, but it makes sense.

If they do go the route of adding a third member, Bo Dallas really doesn't cut it for me. I'd have a hard time believing Ambrose and Reigns would need help against those three. Adam Rose? Better. Much better, actually. Still, I'm not sure that it would work. Baron Corbin is nowhere near ready to be called up to the main roster yet.

Damien Sandow would be my choice.
I think the guy who could both bring the prefered size and pull off the look is Bull Dempsey from NXT. He is a huge s.o.b and he would be perfect to be a lackey, and just do beatdowns, and work an occasional match. The guy has been in NXT forever, so its time to fish or cut bait with him. I think its a good opportunity to get his foot in the door. If it doesnt work out you can always replace him when Rowan returns.. Barin Corbin has the size, and im sure he could change to a backwoods look, but i think they still are working on developing him to be a singles wrestler on the main roster atleast another year away.. not the 3rd or 4th guy in a stable. Also i wouldnt mind seeing him do the old Disel role with a guy like Tyler Breeze why he is still learning how to work.
I debated on making a new thread but it probably doesn't warrant it.

Where is the Wyatt gimmick headed? Other than Rowan and Harper, who has his "cult magic" brought in? Daniel Bryan for two weeks and then who? He tried to turn Cena, couldn't do it, he's trying to turn Reigns, not going to do it.

Where does this lead? Is there any payoff, big or small, in store for Bray and his gimmick? The guy has wrestled two of the biggest stars in wrestling history at back to back Wrestlemanias and lost.

Does he ever get to turn someone he feuds with to his side? I'm not talking adding someone new from NXT or a guy on the roster he hasn't feuded with. Is a babyface that he is wrestling against ever going to give in to Bray's antics?
I would love to see Baron Corbin called up and be Wyatt's third man. He's got the look, the intensity, and he fits the part. He can be the new 'muscle' of the group. Sorry Rowan, but Corbin is much better than you.

I'll admit that Corbin was the 1st guy I thought of too, But Wrestling AND on the mike, Rowan is leaps and bounds ahead of Corbin yet. Corbin has the better look and the short match win streak going, but not even close.....they bring him up too soon and we got another Mason Ryan.

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