Popular things you don't understand and can't enjoy


Getting Noticed By Management
What are some popular things that everyone doesn't understand and can't seem to like like seemingly everybody else does?

It could be food , music , video games , a tv show , a movie , a celebrity , a wrestler , anything you can think of

If something I or someone else lists happens to be something you love (I mean , high chance of that its popular things we don't like) just try to be civil about it , don't turn this into some kind of derailed arguement mess or anything

I mean after all this is the section for posting about random stuff so lets try to have some open discussion about this here and not close it or anything , all these topics about your favorite random things so a topic devoted to your most hated/non-understood random things seems fun

I'll start

The Beatles:shrug: Despite their posistion of most successful band in the history of earth , I just don't understand it. I find most of their music either kind of boring and some of it kind of annoying. I sort-of like... like 1 song by them but thats it. While I do understand that compared to other bands of their own time they sounded comparativley pretty awesome I just personally don't understand how theres seemingly Beatlemania going on about 50 years later :shrug:

RadioheadAnother highly popular band I don't understand , they seem unusually boring to me (And I DO like some 'boring music' like Coldplay but Radiohead just seems far too boring to me)

Bruno MarsThis is on the new side of music , this guy is all over the place (Radio , TV , etc) but I absolutley hate his music and especially hate his lyrics (I have some respect for the 2 above bands that I don't get , but I HATE this guy)

Kidz Bop :wtf: The fact that this CD series is still going after several years means its for damn sure theres a ton of people buying them for their kids or kids buying them on their own decisions. I don't for a second understand the logic in buying a crappy chorus of kids covering top 40 hit songs when you could buy the same songs in their original non-suck versions.

Deadmau5Its just vocal-less house music? How he has over 3million fans on Facebook and a song with over 18million views on youtube is beyond me. I had no idea there was actually a demographic that huge for this stuff? I wouldn't call it bad but I don't get it. Whatever.

R&B music in general Hearing grown men cry about how their gf dumped them for being a pansy over a synth beat just gets on my nerves lol

Whoopie GoldbergShes an actress with a pretty extensive career , so there must be alot of people who actually like her.... somewhere... I however find her to be possibly the single most ugly woman on the planet and cannot get past that :X

Diet Soda :disappointed: This stuff tastes absolutley horrible. Imo if you're worried about calories either go with straight water , or green tea. Though studies show diet soda may actually hurt weight more than help due to increase appetite due to lack of calories. Really don't get this one at all :shrug:

Beer Tastes like piss me to me. Period. Not to mention it takes so much of it to feel something that not only will it taste like piss but you'll have to piss excessivley the rest of the day. I'd rather just take shots or drink actual good tasting fruity mixed drinks instead

LettuceI don't get this one at all. Salad is unedible imo. And then any time lettuce is added to something such as a taco or a sandwich all it seems to do imo is bring the dish down with its cold wet nearly flavorless crunchy crappiness. :disappointed:

Dominoes Pizza :wtf: The sheer fact that this company even somehow exists in the same society that has Pizza hut , Papa Johns , and Lil Ceasers is beyond me. Their crust tastes like sandpaper and the ingredients seem noticably of lesser quality.

Call Of Duty Most popular series in the gaming industy and yet no matter how many times I attempt to play one I just don't seem to be able to get into it and enjoy it. :shrug:

Watching Football Don't get me wrong here , the sport itself isn't bad I used to love to play football here and there with friends when I was a kid , but WATCHING it on TV seems so hard to me. Its seems to be the single most popular sport watched in america but I can't seem to manage to watch it for more than a minute or two

I think if I really wanted to think hard about it I could go on all day , but I'll leave it at these things for now. What are some popular things that you guys just don't understand?
Rap Music - With the rare exception of a song here and there... it's all the same.

Lost - terrible, terrible TV show

American Idol - average singers at best

The Dark Knight - never could watch that movie in one sitting without falling asleep.

300 - same as above.

just the first few things that came to mind.
Lost - terrible, terrible TV show

I will agree to disagree.

Radiohead after OK Computer - I get that a band evolves and that as a true fan you should find enjoyment in what they are doing now and how they are doing what they want to do. However, I just don't understand how they went from a kick-ass rock band to a ..................I don't even know what they are now. Rock, electro, dance, stoner, art rock? All of that I guess. I've given it all a try, even bought In Rainbows (I actually paid $10 unlike some greedy bastards who couldn't even fork over a couple dollars) on the assumption that since they were getting all of this press for how great it was it must be awesome. I liked one song off that album.

Reality T.V. - How lame do you have to be to watch someone else live their life?

Twitter - How egotistical are you? Do you think I care about when you use the restroom, eat food, do your laundry, drive somewhere or tie your shoelaces? Hell, your friends don't even care what you're doing. Now, if your twitter updates are hilarious then there's a chance that it becomes a comedy platform and that is always welcome.
I will agree to disagree.

Radiohead after OK Computer - I get that a band evolves and that as a true fan you should find enjoyment in what they are doing now and how they are doing what they want to do. However, I just don't understand how they went from a kick-ass rock band to a ..................I don't even know what they are now. Rock, electro, dance, stoner, art rock? All of that I guess. I've given it all a try, even bought In Rainbows (I actually paid $10 unlike some greedy bastards who couldn't even fork over a couple dollars) on the assumption that since they were getting all of this press for how great it was it must be awesome. I liked one song off that album.

Reality T.V. - How lame do you have to be to watch someone else live their life?

Twitter - How egotistical are you? Do you think I care about when you use the restroom, eat food, do your laundry, drive somewhere or tie your shoelaces? Hell, your friends don't even care what you're doing. Now, if your twitter updates are hilarious then there's a chance that it becomes a comedy platform and that is always welcome.

A lot of people have disagreed with me over Lost, I'm not sure of the appeal of it to be honest, I tried to watch the first season.. I couldn't make it through it before not caring the slightest.

and I'm still of the belief that many watches Reality tv to feel better about themselves/life... it works everytime.

oh and Halo is another one... I still don't see the big deal with those games...
Good to see someone at least sort-of agrees with me on Radiohead

Twitter is definately one I missed , I feel like its ok for Celebrities to use it but when I see regular people use it and say stuff such as "Sitting on the toilet" Via Twitter 5 minutes ago and "Watching the game" Via Twitter 10 minutes ago. Those kind of pointless , stupid tweets especially by people who aren't even famous are ridiculous

As for Halo , I loved the 1st one but they seem to get old , by the 3rd game I pretty much gave up on the series. At least Halo is in space w/ weird futuristic themes to spice it up compared to most fps games though , so I can see how it stands out and I know I did at least originally love the game.

As for Lost I honestly have somehow never seen the show. Must come on a random inconsistent channel like... I don't know channel 26 or something on a random day and time like Wednesdays at 9:30 or something weird. I have heard of it and my brother loved that show but yeah I never even seen it (Edit : Haha I googled it and it said ABC at 7PM , no wonder I've never seen it)

Personally I have TV issues or something , if a channel isn't consistent I don't really watch it and so I miss alot of these allegedly great TV series that come on random channels like that (shrug) I like consistency like Spike , Comedy Central , TBS , Nickelodeon , etc you know channels that play stuff of the same sorts the whole day and night through my TV usually just ends up sitting left on channels like those all day long just cause I don't have to flip through channels to find something I'm ok with watching
For me it would be BLU-RAYS. I simply just never saw the appeal of those things. Sure they hold more than a DVD does, but so what? Whatever comes next will too. I dislike them because nothing truly sets them apart from DVD's other than storage capacity. They are just a meaningless upgrade. CD's are easily distinguished from floppys or cassettes. As are flash drives. DVD's are distinguishable from CD's. Blu-rays on the other hand just come off as an upgrade we never needed. I have been waiting for whatever comes next and refuse to get blu-rays, they are a waste of money and nothing special when you can just get the DVD version for less.
Just thought of another one

Burgers : Clearly the dominant choice at fast food restaraunts , but I don't get it... any given places chicken options usually taste signifigantly better and are signifigantly better for you from a health standpoint too

Big mac? No thanks I'll stick to McNuggets :p
Whoopie Goldberg just has this essence that comes off in her movies that make people want to watch her. It's kind of an unexplainable thing. I'm not a fan of all her movies, but the ones I like, she does really great in her roles.

Just thought of another one

Burgers : Clearly the dominant choice at fast food restaraunts , but I don't get it... any given places chicken options usually taste signifigantly better and are signifigantly better for you from a health standpoint too

Big mac? No thanks I'll stick to McNuggets :p

I tend to agree with this one. Burgers to me are okay when I'm in the mood for them, but when I look at the Burger King's Whopper and then go right down and see the chicken tendercrisp sandwich, there's no debate about it. In fact, I get it so much that the lady at the counter doesn't even ask for my order... then again she's my neighbor.

Another thing I can't find the purpose of is hating on teen stars. Like not just with JB or Rebecca Black (I actually like her single, sue me) but it always seems to be a stigma for society to bash whoever the teen star in the spotlight at the time is. Whether it's Hilary Duff, Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, Justin Bieber, Britney/Jamie Spears, or whoever... society seems to think it's funny to poke fun of these stars because they're living a dream and I just can never wrap my brains around why.
Call Of Duty Most popular series in the gaming industy and yet no matter how many times I attempt to play one I just don't seem to be able to get into it and enjoy it. :shrug:

Agreed, 'Cod' is a horrific blight and its name acronymises as a fish.

Watching Football Don't get me wrong here , the sport itself isn't bad I used to love to play football here and there with friends when I was a kid , but WATCHING it on TV seems so hard to me. Its seems to be the single most popular sport watched in america but I can't seem to manage to watch it for more than a minute or two

I used to think that too. Start putting money on it; your eyes never leave the screen.

Stitch, it seems to me people just get really jealous of Biebs, when he's clearly a straight-up baller and will have his pick of women in the future (or even now).
Am I the only one who can't stand The Office?

Seriously, so many people like that show, but I just find the humor in it completely ******ed.

O and I fucking hate Anime (besides dragon ball, dragon ball z and dragon ball gt).

All that shit is just way to confusing and in some situations just really fucked up. I get high and watch cartoons to laugh, not to see a bitch who's half human, half cat and half demon wrestle with her emotions about a guy who may or may not be a ghost/demon/asian. On top of being weird as shit, they also ruin adult swim every saturday, which pisses me off to no end.

I've heard it's pretty popular, but I just don't get it. I tried reading this book about it, and while it was a decent fantasy story, there were just too many potholes for my liking. Yet, it has hundreds of millions of followers... what I'm missing?
For the life of me, I've never seen what's so cool about a fauxhawk haircut. Easily the stupidest haircut I've ever seen.

Not to mention Crocs. Ugly as hell.

Never got the appeal of Facebook. I don't take pictures of everything I see and I'm not the kind to detail my life to anyone. If I wanna talk to you, I'll call you. If I don't have your number, there's probably a good reason for it.

People talk about MMOFPS as if it were the only thing available in a video game console. My response? I'll just go play paintball.
Metal Music - I don't know how somebody can like that :x

The Watchmen - It's the most confusing movie of all times, it really sucks.
Twilight- The cult following from this series alone scares me. It's one thing to enjoy books, hell I love books, but I've read them and there is nothing special about the antagonist at all and only the supporting characters keep it alive. But the fans of this series talk about it like Ryder fans talk about Zach Ryder.

Fred- A kid found out, with the help of online software, he could change his voice to mimick "Alvin And The Chipmunks" and he is a Youtube celebrity. I give him credit on making money off of the simple idea, but I still see nothing funny about a guy with a squeaky voice.

Snuggies- The backwards robe thing or blanket with sleeves. That thing was making cold hard cash but it just seemed like a waste of money to me.
Metal Music - I don't know how somebody can like that :x

Well , Metal is a very broad term

It could mean this :)

or it could mean this :disappointed:

BIG difference

I totally understand not understanding metal like the 2nd one , but not understanding how people could like stuff like the 1st one would be REALLY weird

I like alot of metal , but not constant super low super annoying growling vocals over white noise esque instrumentals stuff like that , screw that stuff
Reality Television in general: Can't stand it. It's fake. It's scripted. It's stupid. Not much more to say about. This goes for anything from The Amazing Race to Jersey Shore. All of it is stupid and pointless, to me. The best reality show to me is Last Comic Standing, and even that makes a mockery out of people just telling jokes. It's a waste of time.

New York City: I've been there, it's decent enough I suppose. What I don't understand, however, is how people consider it the best city in the world. First of all, you'd have no fucking way of knowing that.

You haven't been to every city in the world. For all you know, their might be some city that has hot women who give 5 cent blowjobs and a guy giving out rolls of nickels. (Wish I could remember which comedian said this....)

Second of all, it's simply not true. You know what the best city in the world has? People who are modest enough not to claim their city is the best in the world.

Plus, I'd take L.A., Orlando, Vegas and Houston over New York any day of the week. Better people, better weather, better women. Yeah, I said it.

People who hate rap: If it's not for you, that's fine. However, to hate an entire genre, is pretty close-minded. The argument you always get is, "It's all the same, just listen to the radio."

Really? So, should rock music be judged based upon Good Charlotte? If you don't think you'd like what you might find beneath the surface of rap, that's fine. But don't judge it if you've never truly listened to the best music it has to offer.

For the record, this isn't directed at the guy who said he didn't like or understand rap. I had this one in my head when I read the thread title. Lol.

With that being said......

Rap on the radio: Most of it is 100%, straight up, grade A, silver dollar, purified, originality-challenged, creativity-lacking garbage.

The hate Justin Bieber gets: Really? You hate a kid that much? Really? I mean, I can see if he raped your mom or kicked you sick dog in the head. But, for making songs you don't like? Really?

I swear to you, I was listening to an old Johnny Cash song on youtube. One of the top-rated comments went something like...

"God, we'll give you Justin Bieber if you give Johnny Cash."

Yeah. Because if it's one thing I know about Johnny Cash, it was that he loved child sacrifices.

I'm not even the biggest fan of the guy, but take it down a notch. He's a teenager.

iProducts: Hate the phone. Hate the pad. Hate the computer. I wish people that worshiped these products bought an iRazorblade and slit their iWrists.

Bout all I can think of at the moment.
Originally Posted by TNHellbilly88
Lost - terrible, terrible TV show

Completely disagreed.But I respect you opinion.Dude,just wanna tell u that it's not a show that u can watch from the middle of nowhere.You have to watch it from the very first episode to get into the "feeling" of the show.There's a reason that it's called one of the greatest shows of all time or hell arugably the greatest show of all time.Just give it a chance dude.
Reality Television in general: Can't stand it. It's fake. It's scripted. It's stupid. Not much more to say about. This goes for anything from The Amazing Race to Jersey Shore. All of it is stupid and pointless, to me. The best reality show to me is Last Comic Standing, and even that makes a mockery out of people just telling jokes. It's a waste of time.

Completely agree. I mean how rotten is your life and shallow do you have to be to sit on your couch and watch somebody else live their life? As you've also pointed out, not all of it is even real. Shows like American idol have become so redundant. I mean has that show ever produced any real major star aside from possibly Kelly Clarkson? Dancing with the stars? Really? Whats next, jerking off with your favorite porn actress? Put this piece of pork in your pants and go run around in that lions cage and try and last the full 10 minutes without getting mauled to death? Or how about the new hot new game show just imported from Japan.Who Poop Last!?

People who hate rap: If it's not for you, that's fine. However, to hate an entire genre, is pretty close-minded. The argument you always get is, "It's all the same, just listen to the radio."
Hate is a strong word. I wouldn't say I hate the genre but I do strongly dislike it. The lyrics are so demeaning and completely juvenile and lacks and real soul for the most part. But as you've said its not for me so I don't listen to it.

The hate Justin Bieber gets: Really? You hate a kid that much? Really? I mean, I can see if he raped your mom or kicked you sick dog in the head. But, for making songs you don't like? Really?

Again,don't hate but I do dislike. I also agree that the hate this kid generates can be a bit extreme. Its like every music video on youtube has some comment pertaining to Justin Bieber. Its gotten way out of hand,these people claim to hate him yet they won't shut up about him,its irritating and obnoxious,just shut the fuck up and move on.

iProducts: Hate the phone. Hate the pad. Hate the computer. I wish people that worshiped these products bought an iRazorblade and slit their iWrists.

Oh my god do I ever agree. The market its completely flooded with Apple products and it seems like every few months there is a new IPhone a new Ipod and an announcement that a new Iproduct is heading our way. The only thing I even remotely care about is the Ipod because I do love my music. That's what I want from my Ipod,something that plays music and does nothing else because that is all I need it for. If you don't have an Iphone,we'll then you don't have an Iphone...thanks for stating the obvious you knobs.

The one thing I never could get into was social networking. Like Twitter, why do I care if you just ate an apple? Just took a massive shit?. I don't get it. Facebook was alright at first until people became obsessed over it. The ridiculous pictures and comments people leave are unreal. Its all about liking this and liking that,I have more friends than you BS. I don't know I just could never get it. If I want to interact with people I'll do in a face to face manner. Maybe I'll call them up and we'll go for a drink or something. Yeah it just was never my thing.
To anyone who does hate on the Beibs

Behold , the ultimate musical abomination , the cheap knock off of Justin Beiber. Except this kid actually sounds legitimatley awful

WARNING:The following video may cause thoughts of suicide , seizures , exploding eardrums , or a loss of all control resulting in you violently destroying your computer and putting a hole in your wall then assuming the fetile posistion and crying. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK.
1. American Idol - I've tried to get in to it but I just don't care about any of the contestants and the music bores me. I've watched and enjoyed plenty of crap over the years but not AI.

2. College Sports - namely football and basketball. Maybe if I didn't live in a city with professional sports or had gone to a college with strong programs but I don't care about watching unpaid? athletes compete.

3. Wine - not sure of the appeal, it never tastes as good as beer, a mixed drink or even a class of water. Champagne tastes even worse to me.

4. The Beach - mostly just hate sand mixed with sunscreen.

5. Oscars, Emmys, Grammys - each show makes the Slammys seem meaningful and entertaining.
2. College Sports - namely football and basketball. Maybe if I didn't live in a city with professional sports or had gone to a college with strong programs but I don't care about watching unpaid? athletes compete.

personally I prefer college sports. why? because don't have to listen to millionaires/billionaires cry over money. there is just such a different/better atmosphere in college sports in my opinion.

Completely disagreed.But I respect you opinion.Dude,just wanna tell u that it's not a show that u can watch from the middle of nowhere.You have to watch it from the very first episode to get into the "feeling" of the show.There's a reason that it's called one of the greatest shows of all time or hell arugably the greatest show of all time.Just give it a chance dude.

I watched majority of season one, from episode one and just could not get into it at all, I found myself wishing everyone would go ahead and die so it would be over before the end of the first season...
2. College Sports - namely football and basketball. Maybe if I didn't live in a city with professional sports or had gone to a college with strong programs but I don't care about watching unpaid? athletes compete.

It's like watching indie wrestling to WWE or even IW/TNA... It's like seeing the people who really want to be something in their life come up through hard work and determination.

As for why there's so many fans behind it, it's really just the whole school pride thing and the fact that College Football has far less rules than the NFL. I could watch an LSU Tigers or NSU Wildcats game from coin toss to the final second of the game and be on my toes all day.

I mean sure I love the Baltimore Ravens, but I can go without some of their games... unlike with me and NSU Wildcats.
The Beatles:shrug: Despite their posistion of most successful band in the history of earth , I just don't understand it. I find most of their music either kind of boring and some of it kind of annoying. I sort-of like... like 1 song by them but thats it. While I do understand that compared to other bands of their own time they sounded comparativley pretty awesome I just personally don't understand how theres seemingly Beatlemania going on about 50 years later :shrug:

Beatlemania came long before any of us were born, so it's almost impossible to explain the Beatles position in music culture back then, except for what we've read and heard. Based on that, though, they were more than just a band that made good music. They were a cultural phenomenon that transcended popular music and made themselves into a worldwide sensation, taking rock music wherever they wanted it to go. So much of what we hear today is based on efforts pioneered by the Beatles over 40 years ago.

Did you ever listen to the "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" album? There were so many innovations in sound, composition and dynamics on that single effort......and many can be found in the music we listen to today. I last heard that album when I was 11 and still find it hard to believe that all the individual songs were created by the same four people. Talk about diversity.

If Beatles music sounds bland to you today; well, times and tastes change and I can just imagine what our grandparents must have thought of the Beatles music their children (our parents) were listening to. But the Beatles influence on popular music carries forth to today.....and that's an accomplishment worth noting.

A more interesting question would be: what would today's music sound like if the Beatles had never existed? There's no way to answer that, of course, but I imagine we'd be poorer for it.

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