Popular things you don't understand and can't enjoy

A more interesting question would be: what would today's music sound like if the Beatles had never existed? There's no way to answer that, of course, but I imagine we'd be poorer for it.

I just imagine a different band would take the higher ammount of credit. Maybe The Rolling Stones would be the one in that spot instead. Or maybe some other band more on the pop side would have taken the spot. Maybe we'd have "Turtle-mania" (The Turtles)? Who knows , I just figure if its not them it woulda been someone else getting the most recognition

Well thats just what I figure but someone will always get the most credit

Kind of like how John Cena/Avenged Sevenfold take the sort of modern day shoes of Hulk Hogan/Metallica and fill them. They aren't the exact same people but they are filling the poster boy shoes for what they are :shrug: so it proves that the #1 posterboy slots for anything can be filled by various people , only difference is it would have been different people and/or at a different time
I never got the craze Final Fantasy! To me its just a long long loooooooong fantasy story in which you don't actually accomplish anything. Waste of time, if you ask me.
The hate Justin Bieber gets: Really? You hate a kid that much? Really? I mean, I can see if he raped your mom or kicked you sick dog in the head. But, for making songs you don't like? Really?

I swear to you, I was listening to an old Johnny Cash song on youtube. One of the top-rated comments went something like...

"God, we'll give you Justin Bieber if you give Johnny Cash."

Yeah. Because if it's one thing I know about Johnny Cash, it was that he loved child sacrifices.

I'm not even the biggest fan of the guy, but take it down a notch. He's a teenager.

iProducts: Hate the phone. Hate the pad. Hate the computer. I wish people that worshiped these products bought an iRazorblade and slit their iWrists.

Bout all I can think of at the moment.

Man, for someone who says wanting to trade Justin for Johnny is crossing the line (which I agree with), don't you think wanting somebody to slit their wrists over liking a product (or worshiping like you said) is a little extreme?
Diet soda has become quite a popular beverage in society, and I loathe it from its taste to its unknown health effects. It's not beneficial to your health, it might cause cancer among other health related turmoil, and it does not taste as good as non-diet sodas. I think there are better alternatives. If you are on a diet and need to count calories, actually choose food items and drinks that are actually healthy for you.
Man, for someone who says wanting to trade Justin for Johnny is crossing the line (which I agree with), don't you think wanting somebody to slit their wrists over liking a product (or worshiping like you said) is a little extreme?

Yes. And this is the first time I've said it. Matter of fact, I wouldn't be completely surprised if I was the first person to say it in that way. I don't have an entire movement behind me of people wanting Apple users to die. Nor do I go out of my way to say this. Which is different in an of itself.

And it's not even about the comments they make. It's about the fact that Johnny Cash has nothing to do with Justin Bieber. Yet, their hatred for a KID is so strong that they feel the need to mention him in any situation.

This has happened with Johnny Cash, Sam Cooke, Tupac... I've legitimately lost count. They just HATE someone that badly. Directly. Whereas, the comment I made was far more vague in terms of it's actual direction. No person in particular was pointed out. Certainly not a minor. And, it was in a proper setting. I was asked about things I don't understand or like. Those people apply.

Regardless, I stand by my comments. Because, in this context, it makes sense to rail on the things you're pointing out.

If someone's life revolves around those products and those types of products, they're pretty worthless. These peoples sit outside of electronic stores, waiting to buy the newest hunk of shit that means nothing and will be obsolete in a month. If that's your life, you're dead anyway.

So, I wouldn't say these things are the same. One is direct and out of place. The other, is indirect and in a proper context. Now, if this thread was about iProducts and I just went off, I'd consider it the exact same thing. Here, in this context? Not so much.
^^Point taken. I think at first I was offended because I have an iPhone and I was ready to put all defenses up but then I realized you were saying people that "worship" them and I definitely don't. The only reason I got one is because it was actually one of the cheaper phones available through my service. After I realized that, I was still a bit worked up from my previous misconception so I felt the need to say something. Still, feeling someone should die because they worship a product seems a bit extreme to me. But, to each his own I suppose. When I see people lined up outside stores for products I usually think, "Fuck that, there is no way I'm standing in a line for hours just to be one of the first ones to get a product." At the same time, I don't think the wish of any of them dying passes through my mind.
I had said DeadMau5 in my orignal post as something I don't get

But I think I should have said Dubstep or whatever the hell its proper term is in general

I just a second ago went on youtube attempting to listen a couple of to DeadMau5 and Skrillex songs again just to see if I would magically get it this time , and I still don't. I don't think I'll ever get it.

Its like ....... bad rap music but w/o the words or something....... I just don't understand how people could so dearly love music with no vocals EVER going on in it at all :shrug:
^^Point taken. I think at first I was offended because I have an iPhone and I was ready to put all defenses up but then I realized you were saying people that "worship" them and I definitely don't. The only reason I got one is because it was actually one of the cheaper phones available through my service. After I realized that, I was still a bit worked up from my previous misconception so I felt the need to say something. Still, feeling someone should die because they worship a product seems a bit extreme to me. But, to each his own I suppose. When I see people lined up outside stores for products I usually think, "Fuck that, there is no way I'm standing in a line for hours just to be one of the first ones to get a product." At the same time, I don't think the wish of any of them dying passes through my mind.

Yeah. In truth, I can understand. Lol. Honestly, I don't think I want them to die. Lol. Still, it happens to the best of us. I try to detach myself during discussions in hopes of not taking offense and what have you. But, it'll happen from time to time.

Still, I'd agree whole-heartedly that people waiting outside are simply strange. Just wait like a normal person.
I had said DeadMau5 in my orignal post as something I don't get

But I think I should have said Dubstep or whatever the hell its proper term is in general

I just a second ago went on youtube attempting to listen a couple of to DeadMau5 and Skrillex songs again just to see if I would magically get it this time , and I still don't. I don't think I'll ever get it.

Its like ....... bad rap music but w/o the words or something....... I just don't understand how people could so dearly love music with no vocals EVER going on in it at all :shrug:

While I can't explain it for Dubstep, which I enjoy from time to time... I can tell you why people choose to listen to stuff like smooth jazz.

A lot of times the sounds of the instruments playing at their best by someone who loves every minute of what they do. When it's really good, you don't need the words to tell you how the artist was feeling or what was going on in their minds. The music just flows and it lets you feel how they felt.

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