Pope Finally Returning to the Ring?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
He's been teasing it for a little while now, especially on Twitter where he cryptically answers fans asking when he's going to wrestle for TNA again like once a week.

But with the Lashley spear, what better time? A solid opponent, too, since it lets him step in as a face, which I'd argue he was always better at than being a heel. It'll give TNA a nice mid-card feud to work with, too, since apparently half the roster was involved in the main event WHC match.


And what would a post praising Pope be without me somehow invoking JJYanks to remind me he's a terrible public speaker (he isn't)? Consider this your invocation, sir!
This can really give Lashley the rub he needs for his heel run which is quite new. He did get some rub off Kurt Angle by defeating him and also attacking him post-match in Kurt's last TNA venture.

Pope can play the underdog in this feud and Lashley can be the dominant badass. Lashley needn't speak much as Pope can really carry on his own.

Good way of Pope's in-ring return and keeping Lashley away from main event scene.
I think Pope is a better asset for TNA in the ring rather than commentating, with a few veterans leaving his return to action will hopefully work well.
I agree, much as I like his work as a commentator. Not to mention they have a fantastic, loyal voice in Borash they could back-fill that role with without skipping a beat.
I always thought Pope should have been a World Champion. If all goes well these two could be in the main event scene fighting for the title one day. Pope would be a fresh addition to the ME scene which is needed in my eyes.

I like Pope as I also enjoy Lashley too. This could be a good feud for these two as mentioned above. Pope is smooth in the ring to where the matches these two guys put on should be very enjoyable. I look forward to seeing these two guys work to see if TNA can carry a feud in the mid card without giving up on it.
Ok fine, you dragged me out of the woodwork!

Look, my biggest issue with Pope, besides him being insanely annoying, was the overhype he received years ago. He's fine for a midcard act, but when people were touting him the next Rock, that was where I drew the line.

Now, he's older and an announcer so we don't have to delude ourselves into thinking he needs to be "the face" of TNA. Plus, he's next to Josh Matthews every day which makes him look a lot less annoying. All this and putting him into a feud designed to get Lashley heat? Fine by me.

That is, as long as Lashley doesn't have title aspirations. Let him just wander around and beat people up because it's fun.
There he is! Welcome back, my friend. I've missed you, and your wrong opinion on Pope, daddy!

I also reckon you're wrong about Lashley's title aspirations, and his ability to be champion (his run last year was fucking awesome).

But I do agree for the most part (let's not get hung up on the minutia) with Pope as an IMPACT player (no pun intended) at this point in his career. He should serve as fine cannon fodder for a heel-pushed Lashley to eat up and spit out. I just hope for his sake it isn't done in an instant and gone in a flash. Pope is a sold in-ring hand, so he should be given the opportunity to hang with Lashley a while to build him up, but ultimate still lose.
There he is! Welcome back, my friend. I've missed you, and your wrong opinion on Pope, daddy!

I also reckon you're wrong about Lashley's title aspirations, and his ability to be champion (his run last year was fucking awesome).

But I do agree for the most part (let's not get hung up on the minutia) with Pope as an IMPACT player (no pun intended) at this point in his career. He should serve as fine cannon fodder for a heel-pushed Lashley to eat up and spit out. I just hope for his sake it isn't done in an instant and gone in a flash. Pope is a sold in-ring hand, so he should be given the opportunity to hang with Lashley a while to build him up, but ultimate still lose.

I don't disagree and his run as champion was fine, but Matt Hardy is still a top heel, Tyrus may or may not have a title shot, and Matt Bennett is being built up. All I was trying to say is, it may not be the right time for Lashley now, so I'd rather see him beating people up until they cycle out some of these other guys. I have no issue with him returning to the main event, I just am not sure when it will be.

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