Poor Russo

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Getting Noticed By Management
I swear people need to get off Russo's dick.

"With Russo there you know what could happen", "something stupid happened, i bet it was Russo", "they are hotshotting the titles coz of Russo". "Russo this, Russo that".

Thats all bullshit. The poor guy cannot escape this fkn stigma he got in WCW. That was fkn six, almost seven years ago. He has done so much before and after but people just continue to hate. Evrytime something goes wrong its his fault. Evrytime something goes right its because he was not involved in the decision. I feel for the dude. Especially when you got spastics like F4W who will just bash the guy for anything he does or is involved in, simply because they don't like him.

Here is a perfect example: WWE hotshots 3 titles on RAW with all three changing hands tiwce in 2 weeks and nobody whispers a word. They hotshot the X-div title three times in the space of a month and evryone starts spitting blood and talking shit about Russo. They do a DQ title change and evryone gets bitchy. But its the fan's own fault on this one. Its not Russo's fault that first time viewers and new TNA fans didn't know about the DQ title change rule. Sure he was negligent in not reminding the fans leading up to the PPV, but evryone crucified him for it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't always agree with what he does, but he is far from what he is portrayed as being. Give the guy a break!! Its ridiculous.
i know this is of the topic but how do you start a thread or can some one post this thread

Day of reckoning wii?

is their going to be a third installment in this series or will smackdown vs. raw come over?
If this is going to happen when?
you reap what you sow... Russo created himself into this monster that destroyed WCW from the inside... I, for one, think that Russo knows what he's doing... yes, he's done some stupid stuff, but what writer hasn't? Plus, Russo may write but someone above him accepts what's written... it's not all his fault...
dboy1373 said:
i know this is of the topic but how do you start a thread or can some one post this thread

Day of reckoning wii?

is their going to be a third installment in this series or will smackdown vs. raw come over?
If this is going to happen when?
Do you have to ask this question in every friggin' thread? :dark2:
Blackbird said:
Do you have to ask this question in every friggin' thread? :dark2:

yea this dude is a ******...he say he doesn't know how to post/start a thread...but he know how to reply to a thread...how dumb...And hes asking about a wrestling game on a console..Who would such be interested in this topic..why not got to a game forum or something..this is geting very anoying..

They dude has bad english too..LOL
How could you give Vince Russo slack. I mean he did say that he didn't want the high paid superstars having the belts. He is why Sting and Hulk Hoagan left WCW. What he did to Hoagan is disrespecting what Hoagan has meant to wrestling.
Vince Russo will always be remembered for the WWF Attitude Era but other than that the Man wouldn't know success if it bit him in the ass...If I recall, he was the man behind the New Blood faction in WCW...Yeah, we all know where that went.WCW even let him go because they lost faith in his booking before rehiring him for the New Blood angle.Then he came to TNA and started a similar angle with Sports Entertainment Xtreme, an angle that also bombed faster than Ring of Glory. My detest for Russo has nothing to do with that WCW angle with Hogan.I am one of the people who thinks Hogan deserved it..As far as the DQ rule, I've been watching TNA since its days in Nashville and I didn't even know about the rule because it's rarely ever mentioned so unless you saw the show where it was FIRST introduced, not many know of it.And it's not that we don't know about it, it's that it's the dumbest rule in the history of wrestling..Hell, if you're gonna do that, why not just take the DQ out all together and make every match an ECW style match.Asfar the Hotshot Title changes...Don't even try to act like people are bias towards WWE over TNA...If anything it's the other way around.Who do you think is responsible for the VKM storyline?I'll bet my house it's Vince Russo.Russo has lost his touch with the business so he's rehashing the old storylines that got him labled a creative genius in the first place.That's why I feel for the guy..Not because everyone jumps on his back, but because he's done so much to deserve whatever people say.
attila said:
I swear people need to get off Russo's dick.

"With Russo there you know what could happen", "something stupid happened, i bet it was Russo", "they are hotshotting the titles coz of Russo". "Russo this, Russo that".

Thats all bullshit. The poor guy cannot escape this fkn stigma he got in WCW. That was fkn six, almost seven years ago. He has done so much before and after but people just continue to hate. Evrytime something goes wrong its his fault. Evrytime something goes right its because he was not involved in the decision. I feel for the dude. Especially when you got spastics like F4W who will just bash the guy for anything he does or is involved in, simply because they don't like him.

Here is a perfect example: WWE hotshots 3 titles on RAW with all three changing hands tiwce in 2 weeks and nobody whispers a word. They hotshot the X-div title three times in the space of a month and evryone starts spitting blood and talking shit about Russo. They do a DQ title change and evryone gets bitchy. But its the fan's own fault on this one. Its not Russo's fault that first time viewers and new TNA fans didn't know about the DQ title change rule. Sure he was negligent in not reminding the fans leading up to the PPV, but evryone crucified him for it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't always agree with what he does, but he is far from what he is portrayed as being. Give the guy a break!! Its ridiculous.

I agree with you but you shouldn't have said get off his dick, you should have said get off his back or his ass because when someone is on your dick or riding your dick it is actually a good thing, it means they are essentially good things. I know this from rap music.

"Go to the hood theres, mad n****s on my dick" -50 Cent, in context with the song he means in the hood everyone loves him.
"Please stay off the t-i-p of my dick" - Ludacris, he is telling people to stop saying his name to get famous, cause they are using his status to get to the top.

But I don't agree with the DQ thing, I thought a lot of long time TNA fans were unaware of the rule too. It just was not a very good ending and I promise I give WWE hell everytime they use a DQ ending. The title switches hands ALL The time though, WWE just does lots of changes every now and then but the TNA belts switch an awful lot, but I have already made a post saying that I was fine with it cause it makes it unpredictable and exciting every match, even the ones on iMPACT!.
jefferson411 said:
I agree with you but you shouldn't have said get off his dick, you should have said get off his back or his ass because when someone is on your dick or riding your dick it is actually a good thing, it means they are essentially good things. I know this from rap music.

"Go to the hood theres, mad n****s on my dick" -50 Cent, in context with the song he means in the hood everyone loves him.
"Please stay off the t-i-p of my dick" - Ludacris, he is telling people to stop saying his name to get famous, cause they are using his status to get to the top.

But I don't agree with the DQ thing, I thought a lot of long time TNA fans were unaware of the rule too. It just was not a very good ending and I promise I give WWE hell everytime they use a DQ ending. The title switches hands ALL The time though, WWE just does lots of changes every now and then but the TNA belts switch an awful lot, but I have already made a post saying that I was fine with it cause it makes it unpredictable and exciting every match, even the ones on iMPACT!.

A little off my own topic here but...

I too am young and like rap, although you can't call the talentless shit that comes out of 50 Cent's mouth rap (actual rappers have a vocab that extends beyond ***** and bitch, but nobody knows that sought of rap coz the record execs only put shit like 50 and Lil Jon up on TV), and I knew what I was saying.

I purposely used the "get off his dick" coz evryone is infatuated with talking shit about Russo. He has become the scapegoat for anything bad in wrestling and people LOVE to hang on him whenever they feel he fucked up.

As for the New Blood angle, Russo has stated on numerous ocassions, as Bischoff has too, WCW was beyond salvation when Russo was rehired. He was fired coz the old guys were unhappy they weren't dominating the scene as usual. When the old-guard took over, Benoit, Malenko, Saturn, Douglas, Raven etc etc all left. When he came back, i ask, who was left (talent-wise) that would actually be able to save WCW??? All the top undercard guys jumped ship. I mean come on, they wanted to elevate someone using Hogan, and Kidman was the top guy at the time. That just goes to show how lean their roster was. It was over before it ever begun with the New Blood.

As for the thing with Hogan. That lying, cheating, politicing, useless piece of horse shit deserved every single motherfucking thing he got from Russo. Now I don't even think it was that bad, so he called Hogan a son-of-a-bitch, when Hogan was told he was going to be used in this "shoot" angle and Hogan gets pissed. He shoulda stayed pissed and never come back. This man and this man alone killed WCW. He wanted to stay on top for too long, He brought in talentless hacks of yesteryear like Earthquake, Jim Duggan etc. and pushed out the future of the industry in Triple H, Stone Cold, Mick Foley, Pillman and numerous others. He buried Flair, he buried Bret Hart, he buried WCW. The man has played evryone into believing he is a nice genuine good guy. The reality is that nobody is a bigger snake than Hogan - rivalled only by McMahon.
You call him poor Russo? thats totally Wacko!
Vince Russo is the Reason that wCw died and if it wasnt for Vince MCmahon Vince Russo would have Destroyed WWE as well.
He is in TNA currently and if he is not removed he will kill TNA as well!
He has helped in many Situations but still lives to die!

On October 5, 1999, Russo and Ferrera left the WWF and, not long afterwards, signed with its chief rival, WCW. Russo stated that his reason for leaving the WWF was an altercation with Vince McMahon that arose out of a complaint by Russo regarding his workload,now can attlia tell me if Russo could have written a bit more would he die?. Smackdown! had just been introduced as a new WWF show, and Russo was not happy about having to write two more hours of wrestling every week, instead preferring to spend more time with his family. McMahon simply told him to "Go hire a nanny," resulting in the alleged altercation.And now this was the Turning Point in Russo's Life and as far as VKM goes he saved WWE from Disaster.

In WCW storylines, Russo and Ferrera simply came to be known as "The Powers That Be," contributing to the notion of a mysterious and secret power source whom everyone in WCW was obliged to obey. This notion was strengthened by the fact that Russo and Ferrera rarely appeared on camera. Writing-wise, they attempted to make WCW Monday Nitro similar to RAW, with edgier storylines, more lengthy non-wrestling segments, an increased amount of sexuality on the show, more backstage vignettes, expanded storyline depth, and the utilization of midcard talent in a more effective manner. Norman Smiley, Ernest Miller, Billy Kidman, and others became three dimensional characters on Nitro rather than undercard competitors; "Screamin'" Norman Smiley in particular became a very popular character during Russo's tenure. They also introduced several WWF-style storylines in WCW, notably holding a tournament for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Bret Hart, having been underused in WCW for over two years,well 2 years passed why did Vince make him Champion after 2 years? triumphed in the end to win his first-ever WCW World title.Now here is a point where Russo has helped the rest of his life Crap.

However, without Vince McMahon to oversee their work, their writing often became repetitive and incoherent; this infuriated some fans. Russo attempted to use the same Crash TV style in WCW that had made him successful in the WWF, only at an accelerated pace; this included constant heel/face turns, retirements, and title changes. Nitro became a haven for confusing storylines, which resulted in lower ratings. Russo and Ferrera often focused on poking fun at the WWF, rather than writing a captivating wrestling product as they had done while actually in the WWF.

Russo's writing style created a large turnover in title changes (the WCW World Title changed hands every 2.6 weeks on average under him). Swerves and everything being a "shoot" were emphasized; wrestlers did supposedly unscripted interviews using "insider" terms that were only recognized by the Internet fanbase and the wrestling community itself, and chaotic broadcasts became the norm. Russo booked actor David Arquette to win the WCW World title, and at one point toward the end of his WCW stay even booked himself to be champion. However, Russo explained both of these incidents during an interview with WrestleCrap Radio, saying he believed that he needed to produce television that would, in a sense, be a publicity stunt.Vince Russo has helped but his stupid Storylines at points are the Reasons for his Failure and he is not POOR RUSSO! He is responsible for his Respect today!
Russo has nothing new to offer as far as booking. Look at last nights TNA, it was a crash TV Nitro production. I mean you have the company "Monster" being preached to by Sting, give me a f'n break.

Here's the problem with bookers in wrestling, it's the same group of guys who have been booking shows for the past 20 years that rotate form company to company. Nobody with fresh ideas is allowed into the book!!!

The only good bookers/writes are ROH's Gabe and Paul Heymen, nobody else who is in a booking position right now has anything good to offer. I mean look at these posts week aftert week. Better storyline/match ideas come from fans more-so than the real bookers.
Well I think SD! is beginning to turn around, slowly. RAW really needs a kick in the ass, either through UFC becoming strong competition of TNA becoming competition (years away, however).

The thing is, if anyone was really worried about good storylines, they would be hiring and looking for people with great ideas. But they are sticking with these guys cause they are making money. Just cause people dislike Cena, and think the writing behind his stories and stuff is awful, doesn't mean they are looking to get rid of him or those writers anytime soon because Cena moves more merchandise than anyone.

The Russo name carries some power in the wrestling industry and at least gets some people curious either they love Russo and are exciting or they loathe Russo and want to watch him fuck up.
I swear people need to get off Russo's dick.

"With Russo there you know what could happen", "something stupid happened, i bet it was Russo", "they are hotshotting the titles coz of Russo". "Russo this, Russo that".

Thats all bullshit. The poor guy cannot escape this fkn stigma he got in WCW. That was fkn six, almost seven years ago. He has done so much before and after but people just continue to hate. Evrytime something goes wrong its his fault. Evrytime something goes right its because he was not involved in the decision. I feel for the dude. Especially when you got spastics like F4W who will just bash the guy for anything he does or is involved in, simply because they don't like him.

Here is a perfect example: WWE hotshots 3 titles on RAW with all three changing hands tiwce in 2 weeks and nobody whispers a word. They hotshot the X-div title three times in the space of a month and evryone starts spitting blood and talking shit about Russo. They do a DQ title change and evryone gets bitchy. But its the fan's own fault on this one. Its not Russo's fault that first time viewers and new TNA fans didn't know about the DQ title change rule. Sure he was negligent in not reminding the fans leading up to the PPV, but evryone crucified him for it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't always agree with what he does, but he is far from what he is portrayed as being. Give the guy a break!! Its ridiculous.

wow, you bring up amazing points.....you did forget however to state that russo hasnt done anything thats been impressive since the attitude era. hes looked at as a god of some sort or some big difference maker yet when he was brought in to wcw the product actually got worse...same thing will happen in tna.

you say people need to get off Russo's dick, perhaps you should remove his balls from your chin.

How could you give Vince Russo slack. I mean he did say that he didn't want the high paid superstars having the belts. He is why Sting and Hulk Hoagan left WCW. What he did to Hoagan is disrespecting what Hoagan has meant to wrestling.

No, what Hogan has done to wrestling is basically make WWF a big name, but run WCW into the ground. I blame Hulk Hogan entirely for WCW no succeeding. I mean, the guy refused to take a fall to nearly anyone and when he did it involved at least some sort of controversy. And it was Hulk Hogan's idea to bring the Warrior back simply so he could solidify his career and defeat the one man he never did beat. He's a selfish cold hearted jerk and I thank him for making wrestling popular, but anybody else could've done that just as easily if given the chance.
wow, you bring up amazing points.....you did forget however to state that russo hasnt done anything thats been impressive since the attitude era. hes looked at as a god of some sort or some big difference maker yet when he was brought in to wcw the product actually got worse...same thing will happen in tna.

you say people need to get off Russo's dick, perhaps you should remove his balls from your chin.


Hey I never claimed to be in love with the guy and think he is a complete god, far from in fact. All I am saying is that he gets a lot of unfair heat. And maybe you should try removing the dick from your head. What the fuck is with the anamosity? What a punk, as if you attack me over this shit??
No, what Hogan has done to wrestling is basically make WWF a big name, but run WCW into the ground. I blame Hulk Hogan entirely for WCW no succeeding. I mean, the guy refused to take a fall to nearly anyone and when he did it involved at least some sort of controversy. And it was Hulk Hogan's idea to bring the Warrior back simply so he could solidify his career and defeat the one man he never did beat. He's a selfish cold hearted jerk and I thank him for making wrestling popular, but anybody else could've done that just as easily if given the chance.

What Hulk Hogan did was bring Wrestling in general to the Mainstream...And does anyone honestly think WCW would've beaten the WWF in ratings all those weeks if not for the nWo?I doubt it...You'd find it difficult to match the emotion and the moment when Hulk Hogan turned heel and joined the nWo.Yeah, Hogan's a politician...But anyone who has any sort of Success is gonna have an ego...How about Kurt Angle's ego?His ego's even starting to piss TNA off and he hasn't even been there 2 months.And in that Bash at the Beach incident, asmuch as I disagree with Hogan's actions, He didn't need to put Jarrett over anyway...Jarrett didn't need the rub.Asfar as anyone being able to do what Hulk did...I doubt that considering noone did it before him and noone's done it since with the exception of MAYBE Steve Austin..When you look at today's crop of stars, you get a sense of understanding as to what Hogan meant to Wrestling because, while theres some talented stars, none of them will be able to do what Hulkamania did..That's when you get an appreciation for exactly What Hogan meant to the business, ego driven or not.Vince CHOSE Hogan because he thought he was the best guy for the job...If "anybodyelse" could've done it, Vince woulda chose them.
Ok.. Russo does infact suck.. Lets name somethings he has already messed up..

Genisis - There was about 4 or 5 handshake attempts.. And what for?
Genisis - How many roll up victories did we see? About 4 or 5?

Impact - The X-Division wrestlers are being burried due to Russo not wanting to give them enough air time.. For example Triple Threat #1 Contendors.. How long was it? 4:47? That match could be amazing, but yet Russo killed it..

Titles - X-Dvision Title changed hands 3 times in a month.
Titles - NWA Title - Abyss captures it via DQ?

TNA General - TNA is goin to get sued by the WWE for showing there logo on TNA television.. Copywrite infragment.. Calling HBK, and HHH by the real name.. A form of harrasment..

Yeah, I'd say he sucks.
Ok.. Russo does infact suck.. Lets name somethings he has already messed up..

Genisis - There was about 4 or 5 handshake attempts.. And what for?
Genisis - How many roll up victories did we see? About 4 or 5?

Impact - The X-Division wrestlers are being burried due to Russo not wanting to give them enough air time.. For example Triple Threat #1 Contendors.. How long was it? 4:47? That match could be amazing, but yet Russo killed it..

Titles - X-Dvision Title changed hands 3 times in a month.
Titles - NWA Title - Abyss captures it via DQ?

TNA General - TNA is goin to get sued by the WWE for showing there logo on TNA television.. Copywrite infragment.. Calling HBK, and HHH by the real name.. A form of harrasment..

Yeah, I'd say he sucks.

Is this a shock? That is the stuff he got famous for doing in the 90's. If you take a look at what he did during the attitude era in the :wwf: , that is pretty much what he is trying to do now. It seems that TNA is looking for more ratings and is doing so at the expense of wrestling by doing what you stated. The thing is good wrestling and less talk is what got TNA where it is, so why they would throw that out the window is beyond me.
Vince Russo is eatin TNA inside out. Once you know man's booking style it is easy to point out all the angles that come from him And for anyone who gives Russo credit for the attitude era, are you out of your fucking mind. Russo didn't make Steve Austin, he didn't make Rock, he pretty much used the nWo concept to make DX and besides taking the glory for what Austin, Rock, Undertaker, HHH and Mcmahons, he didn't really do all that much.

Now, in TNA, he is thinking that he can recreate something he didn't create to begin with. When you look at Russo's booking style you will find several things that catch your eye:
1. His storylines have little to no logic to them
2. Everything that he writes is based on short term basis
3. He always pushes for enterainment aspect of storylines rather than wrestling
4. He will always push for up and comers rather than veterans

With all those things in mind look at the things that TNA has been doing in the last several months and you will see Russo written all over it. The guy is just a shitty booker, out of touch. He is not capable of running a place like TNA.
Is this a shock? That is the stuff he got famous for doing in the 90's. If you take a look at what he did during the attitude era in the :wwf: , that is pretty much what he is trying to do now. It seems that TNA is looking for more ratings and is doing so at the expense of wrestling by doing what you stated. The thing is good wrestling and less talk is what got TNA where it is, so why they would throw that out the window is beyond me.
They're apparently not searching for the "wrestling" crowd and are looking to attract the "sports entertainment" audience as they feel it will yield better results. Oh, well, if this keeps going the way it's going, at least there's still import wrestling!:headbanger:
I think a lot of the flaws of TNA will dissipate once they get that second hour. I'm sick of constantly seeing more than two guys in a match. It used to be special to have a triple threat or a fatal four way...but TNA needs to do that just so they can get their guys on TV.

Is it Russo? I don't know. Before him, TNA still crappy TV matches. He seems pretty determined to waste time with these VKM segments. Yeah, he's probably leaning toward the sports entertainment crowd...
^Well, I look at it as the company bigwigs (namely Dixie) not knowing what the hell they want to do in terms of direction of the product except that they just want it to move in a successful way. The intentions are good, but you're right. It's irritating to see too many guys thrown into matches just to try and get most of the roster exposure due to all of the promos they air now. I love TNA's wrestling, as that's what drew me in initially, but it's starting to dissipate now. The wrestlers are given a fraction of the time to tell a story, and it shows. They really need that second hour. When I watched the premiere episode weeks back it really hit me how necessary it is. The show didn't seem rushed and instead had ample time to do all of what they needed to do, instead of the current method of ramming ten lbs. of $hit into a five lb. sack.
A second hour would be great for TNA, but the important thing is whether it is possible to get one. I think with the roster TNA has that they should find time to showcase their amazingly talented wrestlers without having a rushed effect as they have done recently. An extra hour would give a perfect amount of time for great promos and matches to be shown in their entirity without rushing due to limited time.
Ever since Russo joined again, TNA seems to have lost it's edge. It just seems more and more like the old WCW and doesn't stand out like it used to. Of course I can't say for sure that it's totally Russo to blame but it sure seems like it to me.
I'm still a diehard TNA fan but my intrest has been slowly diminishing ever since he's returned.
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