Poor Hulk Hogan


King Of The Ring
Anyone who watched raw this week, This Question is for you.

Did anyone notice that when hulk hogan came to the ring the crowd was on there feet and what not, But after him and the fake hulkster fucked up every move the crowd was just dead and not just dead but SILENT, If ever there was a moment when one man just had to know his time had come it was right then, The crowd gave NO reaction to what had just happened at all they were not even booing, This imo is a bad sign for Hogan, And i think he needs to bow out Graciously at Summerslam because i have never heard silence for Hulk Hogan before, Your thoughts Please
I agree, usually when Hogan comes out I'll be intersted but yesterday was horrible. Like they say it doesn't matter if the crowd boos or cheers- it's when their silent is when you have a problem. He should stop wrestling, I mean he probably loves the buisness but, there's a time when you do have to leave.

Flames Out
yeah he does love the business, But he has held people back long enoug, It was actually sad to watch him mount that guy to punch him he had trouble even getting down, Poor guy ITs time Hulk you can barely move his elbow drops were weak and the botched boot was just plain aweful, :( it was a sad day in wrestlign
People will never forget him, He is the immortal one. But if he continues to wrestle he will become very Forgettable.

LOL on a side note its like im making Threads for me and you
I'd rather he'd be rememberd for the great things he did in the past, than the bad things that are happening in the future.

Btw, I think we're the only two posting right now, that's why it seems like it.

Flames Out
Well of course theyre not just going to pull him off the schedule or drop the angle straight after Summerslam.
Hogan's time came in 1990 at Wrestlemania VI when it comes to his in-ring performance. The only crux of that deal, was that Vince decided to pass the torch to a self-centered mongoloid named Jim Helwig instead of Randy Savage or Bret Hart. Whatever legacy Hogan had was gone. He is one of the main reasons for WCW's downfall. He sported a strap he had no business wearing and the competition (WWF) put their belt on more capable athletes who brought it renewed prestige (Hart, Michaels, Austin, Rock). Meanwhile, WCW was full of nursing home applicants who should've hung up the boots five years prior (Piper, Flair, Hogan). Not to say I wasn't a diehard Hulkamaniac growing up, but I have a hard time stomaching Hogan on Raw these days when I get images of his titanic battle with Macho Man at Trump Plaza in 1989.
lol it is rather sad what has become of him, i feel really bad for him its really not good to see the wash up of his career come on mainstream tv but yeah i think his time is well and truly gone mogoloid lol thats funny but true ;p your a good poster u go indepth good shit but yeah its time for him to go
I think that if Hogan doesn't want to leave the buisness entirely he can make a few guest appearances, maybe during WM. But, as far as wrestling goes he should stop. Not only does he have countless injuries but, it's horrible watching him in the ring. I don't think his legacy is ruined, but it will be if he keeps doing things like this. I know people say that if Hogan retires so should Flair- but at least Flair can still put on a good match (not tha I'm saying Flair shouldn't retire).
Flames Out
Hogan's lucky that a Hall Of Fame status can't be revoked,'cause his shit is getting out of hand.I predict that the crowd at SS2006 will be booing him if he "beats" Orton.Most people weren't impressed with last year's SS.The whole HBK/Hogan thing pissed me off big time! Hogan is giving wrestling a bad name,he should leave now(and take Flair& Foleywith him!)
Ouch, the Hogan skit on Raw was horrible, it really was. Maybe that's the fault of the fake Hogan, but still, it sucked big time. I'll just be glad when Summerslam is over, so that he can go back to his reality show and leave his legacy alone before he destroys it completely.
Hulk Hogan is a 50 year old man with an "Injured" leg. If he wins at SummerSlam that is the most unreal, pathetic thing EVER! He is 50 so he wouldn't be able to beat a 26 year old anyway... And now he's injured! If he wins against The Legend Killer, Randy Orton... I will not watch RAW for a month!!! I want all the Hulkamaniacs to turn on Hulk Hogan, he is selfish and doesn't let any of the young one's win! I used to have respect for him BUT No, not no-more since he has gone against Randy Orton (my favourite wrestler) and since I read that Hulky was going to win! I'm glad the crowd wen quiet and thought it wasa joke!
Did I hear you say Hogan leave???? God that would be a micracle
lol a mircale that would never happen, The fake hogan helped make that skit bad but i swear in my whole life i have never heard a crowd in complete silence, There was not one mumur from the crowd after all teh botched spots it was really rather sad, I think even hogan knew it was time lol he woulda been pissed when he went to the back hahahah, People were laughing at him.
That promo was horrible, but i do think it was some what on Behalf of the Fake Hogan, he kept fucking up, most notably a big boot, Hogan did his best to fix it but it just didn't work, i guess the crowd didn't know how to react due to the bad performance, and then it was Hulk Hogan, so i guess that's why they were quiet, If Randy Orton wins, that'll be one hell of a miracle, but then i think Orton doesn't deserve it, Hogan shouldn't win either, he should just make an apperance every year, so overall i think Orton should win.
Yeah tha fake hogan fucked alot of it up, But just things like the way he got down to pummel him looked so shit like he struggled to get to his knees and he looked in pain getting up from the elbow Drops, It was just not the way a hero needs to be portrayed, And i agree that he may be booed if he wins at Summerslam
Randall Keith Orton does Soooo deserve to win this match! If I was there in the crowd and it went silent I would shout "RANDY I LOVE YOU! MARRY ME!!!" Lmaoooo, I'm Obsessed with Randy, he's so Yummy!!!! Mmm, Orton...
Hogan really needs to leave WWE and go to TNA and at least win the NWA title once! That would be a great mark on his career! Why not have a Hogan Jarrett match for the title??
ok i agree that hogans not very good but thats not why the crowd was silent. it was because the fake hogan couldnt do anything so that would happen to anyone so dont blame it on hogan
Hogan should not have even bothered taken the match in the first place, just an easy way to make his daughter a big music star. you don't see legends like steamboat,savage,dusty having matches to boost thier new DvDs or cd's
Dude, They werent only silent to the fake hogan, The whole thing just looked really shit, HOGAN shoulda known the dude didnt know what he was doing so he shouldnt have thrown him into the ropes in the first place, and im not saying there were silent only for Hogan, But i think they were Silent for both, Ill state again, HULK HOGAN COULD BARELY GET ON HIS KNEES TO DO SOME STANDARD PUMMELING, If he cant do that he should not be there period he has enough money so he should leave
That was horrible to watch. Im hoping Orton wins since he is "the legend killer" and that will be one way to get Hogan off the show for awhile.
I have alotta respect for Hogan but hes geting too old as you have said he has a bad knee and can barely bend down.He should only make appearances every year maybe because alotta wrestling will wear him down quickly he should focus on his show and his family. I hope when Hogan goes for a leg drop Orton moves outta the way then RKO's him not right away with the leg drop atleast some sort of match.

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