Poll: who do you want to see as Smackdown GM?

Who do you want to see as Smackdown GM?

  • Shane McMahon

  • Stephanie McMahon

  • Vince McMahon

  • India McMahon

  • HHH

  • Eric Bischoff

  • Paul Heyman

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • John Lauranitis

  • Vince Russo

  • Vickie Guerrero

  • Teddy Long

  • Mick Foley

  • Kane

  • Other let us know!

Results are only viewable after voting.


Championship Contender
Its a simple question. I know not of these are a stretch, but who would you like to see wwe put as Smackdown GM? Everyone I mentioned I could see. But I'd love to see ERIC BISCHOFF!!!
None, why do they need an on screen authority figure? It's tired. Bring back anonymous authority figures for a change.
I thought about none, but you know 100% they will have someone. Between all the applications their showing, plus they already have the Smackdown podium at the top of the stage too.
I absolutely loath what has become the norm for the General Manager/Authority positions within WWE. They are involved in far too many segments, develop multiple personal vendettas and become the focal point of the program. I would love a rarely seen and impartial figure head who helps advance the Brand by allowing the focus to be on the talent.

WWE seems in no way capable of comprehending such an idea so we are likely to get a lot of the same old same old. For the sake of the conversation I will toss out the name Chris Jericho. He is one of the most entertaining talents in the company, legendary resume, can play any role and would be a breath of fresh air as opposed to the normal types tossed into the role.

Edit: After really looking at the available options in the poll I am voting for India McMahon. The WWE product needs a little curry to spice things up
It could be either Shane or Stephanie McMahon.

Whoever it is, I would surely want a face GM. Tired of boring & stale Authority.

By the way, who is India McMahon? :suspic: :shrug:
I feel like Shane vs Stephanie is still the undelying storyline, so I feel ike its going to be one of them.
I miss Foley's silly sophomore humor. It's a role he loves, and feels he could have done more in. If he's willing, I say give it to him.
Hello My name is mr John Laurinaitis i am the executive vice president of talent relations and general manager of both RAW and smackdown. PEOPLE POWER!
I say Daniel Bryan WWE needs a face authority figure and Bryan is a very popular personality. His mic skills are good enough to play a neutral/face authority figure and imagine the "Yes" if Bryan makes a popular decision or "No" chant if he makes an unpopular one.
lol India McMahon, I went googling too wondering if Stephanie's daughter was called India and even old enough to become a character on TV.

I'd love for Vickie to come back, especially if she's still in moderate old past her prime but still in heat MILF form. Plus, she was the least annoying heel authority figure to me (yes, even less than Stephania) and she was a heat magnet.

If not Vickie, then I really like the idea of Daniel Bryan as a face authority figure. Daniel Bryan and Corporate Kane even would be fun.
I'm wondering who India McMahon is as well. I wish the OP would tell us, I've Googled it to no avail myself.

Anyway, don't need a GM let Shane or Stephanie run it, or not. I don't care anymore. Sick to death of the Authority figures, and let's face it we ain't getting rid of them anytime soon.
Well, I had a big relply for everyone who so graciously pointed out my misspelling of Linda while ignoring your own mistakes but the powers that be in here felt it needed deleted. SO thank you all so far who have pointed it out.it must have made it very popular. Is it so slow a Newsday that a spelling error is news?? Oh India is Linda's sisters uncles bandmates dog.

Now back to the important subject. I could see Daniel Bryan if they wanted to go down the face route. But theres a whole genuinely every day ideology that the boss "authority" is the bad guy that's holding down the little guy "wrestler_A" that's the good guy. Example HHH/Bryan storyline. A face GM would be nice, but I'd much rather see Eric Bischoff. Him and Vince play off each other so good.

By the way, can an administrator message me and tell me why my other post was deleted. Thanks.
Initially i was thinking Austin but after reading some comments here i think Daniel Bryan will be the very best pick for the GM.
The yes movement can still pick up.

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