Poll: Do You Want Goldberg Back In the WWE?

Goldberg back for long run, small run, one last match or not coming back at all?

  • Goldberg back for a long run.

  • Goldberg back for a small run.

  • Goldberg back for one last match.

  • Goldberg not coming back at all.

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I know that there has been a lot of threads like this before, but a lot of things and opinions have changed after some public comments made by Goldberg.

So, to get to the point, I was reading a thread about Goldberg having it that bad in the WWE and I was wondering, after all the things that happened during his WWE run, would you like to see him back to a WWE ring for one last match or for a long or small run?

Maybe he is hated by most people in here, but nobody can deny the fact he is one of the biggest WCW superstars ever. I believe Goldberg lost a lot of steam after his streak was ended by Kevin Nash and so WCW lost the upper hand in Monday Night Wars.

Here are my final questions:

Would you like to see Goldberg back for one last match?
Would you like back for a small run or long run?
Or would you like not seeing him back in the WWE?
On the Fence here... I did vote for Small run. But kinda think I should have put "not at all"

The reason I said Small run.
Well the shock value of someone that was that much over in WCW and WWF/E is something that most people want to see.... shock returns are always BIG NEWS.

Why it should really be a NO.
Well the question is. Do we want half of the WWE roster and talent out for the forseable future with an injury?
The man cant wrestle and is/was as green as they come. A liability if you will.
Right place, right time, right gimmick. Nothing special.
I voted Not at all. As it says on another thread in the old school wrestling section, hes constantly bitched and moaned about his time in the E since he left, despite the fact he spent a year there and the entire year he was a main eventer despite having a weak character and below average in-ring ability. I mean, come on, if people really believe Cena is so poor in the ring, how can you possibly want to see a man who could only handle 3 minute squashes and injuring other stars?

I think WCW did well with very little in Goldberg, he became a star of the company just by having a really mean ass look. Obviously old WCW fans will stick up for the guy and wanna see him again for nostalgias sake but I'm a WWF/E guy, born and bred, so I have no interest in seeing the return of an old WCW boy who couldnt really wrestle and had no character.
God no! I wouldn't even wanna hear Goldberg mentioned on WWE tv, even for a cheap pop. I thought he was shit in WCW and his undefeated streak was one of the most boring runs I have ever seen. I'd honestly rather see Hornswoggle have a 3 year run as WWE champ than see Goldberg back on my tv.

Horrible in the ring, horrible attitude... I really can't think of one reason that would even come close to wanting him back.
I said Not at All. He's a guy who has lost a lot of steam all these years of being off of television, and kids don't really even know who he is. We do, because the IWC knows everyone, but kids don't and I doubt they would care. All Goldberg would do is take attention away from young guys on the roster who need the time, and the payoff isn't even very great, if at all. There are other icons and legends that would be much better to bring back; I'd rather see friggin' Malenko have another match, and he hasn't wrestled in years. Still, Malenko could wrestle a match with my dumb ass, outdoors, in 15 degree weather, today and it would still be watchable. Goldberg's matches were never great, some were even pretty bad, and his character was ironically more deep when he didn't even speak. The WWE should be scratching and clawing to get Jericho to come back if they're clamoring for veteran talent, not digging into the vault for wash ups that weren't even very good, aside from the fact that they were marketable.
When I fisrt heard of this I said to my 14 year old " hey Goldberg might be coming back to wrestling" his responce " is that the guy from that Pros vs Joes show?" I laughed.

In WCW he was inovative as long as the streak lasted. When Nash refused to job to a guy who knew two moves and Bishoff kissed his ass and said ok you will win Kevin. It was the end of Goldberg. However I remember hearing chants prior to that not of Goooollllddddbbbbeeerrrgggg but after a while Bbbbbooooorrrrriiiinnnnngggg coming from the fans at ringside.

After a while the Guy comes thru fire breating smoke then gets in the ring spear jackhammer who's next gets OLD and BORING.

Remember WCW was out of Atlanta....Goldberg was a Star for the Georgia Bulldogs Football and an Atlanta Falcon from 92-94 but he got cut for not being so great and that was the end of his football career. Oh yea he played 1 year 1990 for the Rams and then in 1995 went to the panthers but got injured in training camp tearing his abdomen off his pelvis.

As another poster said Goldberg is Goldbergs biggest fan...kinda like Gene Simmions is his own biggest fan as his son says. Dont start I am in the KISS army so I can say that.

His Issue with WWE is simple they refused to push him as the ultimate Monster that WCW fist did and so like a baby he sandbagged alot.

Does wrestling need Goldberg.....Nope. Goldberg needs something to make him feel relavant.
Goldberg coming back would be as boring as what, Undertaker's 150'th dramatic return to wrestling (yawn), Stone Cold coming back to give two interviews, stun someone, then leave serving no real storyline purpose and never getting in the ring (double yawn), maybe HBK could come back so we can watch a 50 year old dance around in spandex like he's 19 and it's 1986 (YAWN) -

Goldberg is a name, and if used properly was way over with fans. Other than Austin who was bigger in the late 90's than Goldberg - he was hotter than Rock, than HHH, Taker, Hogan, Flair, Sting, Hart.

Sure, maybe he is his own "biggest fan" as one poster put it, as opposed to Kevin Nash who can't even run to ringside for a 2 minute run in without getting hurt and pulled off of a PPV (When he was healthy I thought Nash was an underated performer, and one of the best promo guys in the business - he can still talk but its been a long time since he was above average in the ring). Certainly Goldberg isn't any worse in the "Biggest fan" dept than Hogan, WWE brought him many times, even when he could barely move himself for SumerSlam matches vs Orton & HBK.

If Goldberg was in shape, willing to work, and WWE was commited to promoting him as the jackknife suplex monster he was at his height I'd say get him in there.
I voted for not at all. I have little to no interest at all to see Bill Goldberg get back into the ring.

WCW did a good job with Goldberg and his undefeated streak. They kept his matches short, many of them featured him destroying jobbers and they were able to cover up his weaknesses. Unfortunately, 13 years later, people have romanticized Goldberg and his streak as actually being far superior to what they actually were. In most cases, Bill Goldberg was pretty awful if he had to wrestle for longer than 5 minutes in a standard match. He did just fine in a hardcore style of setting but put him in your general standard wrestling match, he was ok in short bursts. Goldberg had a great look, he had a great physical presence and brought a legit intimidation factor. That's all great as far as the cosmetic package goes. But in terms of in-ring ability and on the mic, he definitely came up short in my eyes.

The only match that I MIGHT, just MIGHT, be interested in seeing would be Goldberg returning to take on The Undertaker at WrestleMania. A lot of my interest would be based on whatever, if any, particular stipulations were involved in the match.
Yea. Give him a good dominate run. A small face title run, followed by a loss and then a long title run as a dominate heel. Then have him drop the belt to a new face superstar at a big PPV.

You get superstar power, followed by a push for a youngster. As long as Goldberg is willing to put someone over it's a win/win.

After loosing the strap again maybe turn him face and win a final match and retire on a high note.
goldberg is the bomb.he put some real belief in his matches.one more match against austin will be the ultimate, if both can carry their weight.2 bald headed bad asses.
Yes bring him back! Have him job to the mighty and far superior Gillberg and then send him on his way again, that should give him plenty to bitch about for the foreseeable future! I mean come on he had a great run in WCW for someone with such limited ability, but lets be honest his in ring skills make Cena look like Hitman and his mic skills make Morrison look like Dusty Rhodes! Good post but lets be fair we all know its a rhetorical question your asking
Horrible in the ring, horrible attitude... I really can't think of one reason that would even come close to wanting him back.

Couldn't agree more. His coming back isn't a consideration anyway, since Goldberg hates McMahon so much. Yes, Vince definitely misused the guy, but Goldberg presumably wanted to be featured as a rampaging monster, running over everyone in WWE. Anything short of that was going to displease him, so he was going to be unhappy in any event.

You know what I always wondered? I remember reading that Goldberg was trying to make a case to WCW that he deserved more consideration (financial? publicity?) and he pointed to his incredible won-loss record as evidence.

If that was true.....was the guy kidding or what? Did he really think his winning streak came from his own athletic efforts..... or did he realize it was simply a product of the WCW Creative Dept.'s imagination?

Still, he remembered how WCW built him up and apparently is now unwilling to settle for anything less.

So, I'm in agreement with Goldberg....stay away, Bill!
Not at all. The ring is too small to hold two oldies(Kevin Nash). We are in a new era of WWE now and those oldies should just remain in the past. He just need to wait for his induction at the HOF.:lmao:
If Goldberg wants to wrestle again then he has every right to. But he needs to stay away from the WWE. He has nothing left to offer and had nothing left to offer the last time he was in WWE. Goldberg should have retired after WCW closed. Goldberg is not that exciting in the ring. Plus, he has a terrible attitude outside the ring. Goldberg is not worth WWE's money.
Not at all. No way in hell. I am not a Goldberg hater, but when I see craptastic in-ring work, I recognize it. I'm indifferent to the man, now. I don't like him. I don't hate him. I just don't care. The guy cannot wrestle. Does anyone recall his match vs. Lesnar, with Austin as ref, at WM ? One of the absolute worst matches I have ever witnessed. And we know it wasn't Lesnar that had issues with working an actual wrestling match, do we not ? As another post stated, I'd rather see Gillberg.
Didn't like him in WCW.
Hated him in WWE

Don't care to see him active in a wrestling ring ever again. He's garbage, always has been always will be

My answer is simple. Watch his final WWE match vs Lesnar. So NO I do NOT want him back. It would just be a distraction.

Distraction or Complete Waste of time?

Because his first WWE run was a waste of everyones time, just like his run in WCW. He made money, and idiots loved him, but man was he complete shit.
Goldberg should not come back. If he did then I would be ok with him doing one last match since that awful match with Lesnar hardly deserves to be the end of his career. However, there is a big problem. He will probably not settle for anything less than his WCW run and there are others far more deserving of such a push. One last match would likely not be good enough to him, and since that's all I want to see from Goldberg again at this point, he is better off just not returning. They would never give him what he wants and that is partially due to the bad terms he left on.

Goldberg = Cena only with vastly inferior mic skills and even more supermanning and wrestles maybe half as good, and has half the moveset.

Less superman gimmicks please. More CM Punk/Christian types instead. Guys who can actually talk as well as wrestle. Instead of just more played out superman gimmicks who only get over 'cause of their buff bods and raging antics.
No thank you! I want Bill Goldberg back in the WWE about as much as I want the Great Kahli to go on another run for the World Heavyweight Championship!

Yes, Goldberg is one of the biggest names in the history of professional wrestling. His time in WCW was iconic, and he had a good (not AS good) run in WWE afterwards. But do you really want the WWE doing exactly what TNA has done for years? Bring in names from the past that will draw for 2 weeks and give them the segments that many talented guys and girls have worked their asses off for. Goldberg was great, but there isn't a spot for him on the current roster.

If they did bring him back I'm sure he'd want to go for one huge WrestleMania match that he thinks he deserves, and then eventually fade away into obscurity again. He's not going to stick around for years and build up the younger talent. When was the last time Bill Goldberg EVER wanted to build anybody but himself? Now, you bring him back and put him into a feud with Sheamus, I might go for it. Sheamus has the potential to rise to the very top, and a guy like Goldberg could put him there IF he let Sheamus go over. Again, this would never happen. Goldberg still thinks he never should have lost a match, and I'm thinking he's not going to make a return only to lose to a talent on the rise in the industry.
I voted for not at all. Goldberg was in the right place at the right time with the right company. He came in, took out jobber after jobber and put together an impressive "winning streak". The problem with this was they covered up some of the glaring weakness in his repetoire. He was extremely green and his timing was terrible. He was a danger to himself and a danger to his opponents (see Bret Hart). He was terrible on the mic and he didn't work well with others. I think the problem with Goldberg is, he thought/thinks he was bigger than he actually is. He had what I like to call an unnecessary Swagger and a bad attitude when he got to the WWE. Sure McMahon misused him and fed him to the wolves, but where he thought his place was in this business versus where it actually was is two different things. If he didn't wrestle again, I would not miss him one bit. I laugh everytime I read where Y2J beat him up in the locker room.
I think one more small run probably in smackdown and then the end at wrestlemania Undertaker would be good austin would be better but it has to be sooner rather than later
Back in the WCW days Goldberg was the man! But even then they totally failed by ending his title reign (Nash). Anyway his comeback in WWE was a moment I totally marked out for! After he beated the Rock I thought he could have a nice second chance as the unstoppable force he once was but again it did not live up to the expectations.

I DO NOT want Goldberg back, since he is way too old and the same tricks just won't work anymore. His WCW run was good but could have been better and his second run in WWE could have been good but it sucked. So I don't see how WWE can benefit from Goldberg returning.

Okay he may bring some asses in the seats but do we want to think about the draw power all the time? How about good wrestling entertainment? and something relevant.In the end, you have a guy who wants to have another big paycheque while his passion for prowrestling died along time ago.
Haha. To the guys who says BILL GOLDBERG is more entertaining than 95% od the roster.

As for the topic at hand, no. Goldberg didn't leave the WWE on the best of terms and once Vince has burned a bridge, its not getting rebuilt. Goldberg bash the WWE in a recent interview to which never looks good.

Not to mention in all the recent picture I've seen of this guy lately, he doesn't look close to wrestling shape.
If Goldberg came back, I would want to see him on the Smackdown brand, because Goldberg when he was in WWE, he was never on the Smackdown brand and he was on RAW, so if he is on Smackdown, he has a better chance of being World Heavyweight Champion

Goldberg can feud with Orton, he can feud with Christian, Kane, whoever else on Smackdown

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