
The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So Wednesdays are my off-days from both Wrestlezone, and all the other junk I do in 'real life'. Most of my friends are busy in the middle of the week, so I find myself with a lot of free time on Wednesday. So I've decided to start a weekly stream, where I slowly make my way through each of the Pokemon games (including TCG, Stadium, Snap, etc.).

My long term goal is to get it popular enough to get a subscriber base, and partner with Twitch to have proceeds go completely to a charity. They do this with a LOT of streams, charging about $5 to subscribe, with about $4.50 of that going to the charity of your choice. So even if I can raise a couple hundred bucks, it'd be fun to do on my off days, and it'd be for a good cause.

I'm starting right now, at about 1AM PT until I'm sleepy. Starting with Pokemon Blue, the first game in the franchise, and my first love. I'll be back around 12PM PT after sleepy time, and will be going all day hopefully.

Link: http://www.twitch.tv/pokewednesdays
My long term goal is to get it popular enough to get a subscriber base, and partner with Twitch to have proceeds go completely to a charity. They do this with a LOT of streams, charging about $5 to subscribe, with about $4.50 of that going to the charity of your choice. So even if I can raise a couple hundred bucks, it'd be fun to do on my off days, and it'd be for a good cause.

90% isn't exactly "completely". Hope it works out for ya, though. I don't doubt that there are enough Royal Crown Chinpoko Masters out there who'd be more than willing to pay 50 cents to watch someone else play the game.
Posted on Wrestlezone on a Wedsnesday

So Wednesdays are my off-days from Wrestlezone


, and all the other junk I do in 'real life'. Most of my friends are busy in the middle of the week, so I find myself with a lot of free time on Wednesday. So I've decided to start a weekly stream, where I slowly make my way through each of the Pokemon games (including TCG, Stadium, Snap, etc.).

My long term goal is to get it popular enough to get a subscriber base, and partner with Twitch to have proceeds go completely to a charity. They do this with a LOT of streams, charging about $5 to subscribe, with about $4.50 of that going to the charity of your choice. So even if I can raise a couple hundred bucks, it'd be fun to do on my off days, and it'd be for a good cause.

I'm starting right now, at about 1AM PT until I'm sleepy. Starting with Pokemon Blue, the first game in the franchise, and my first love. I'll be back around 12PM PT after sleepy time, and will be going all day hopefully.

Link: http://www.twitch.tv/pokewednesdays

Oh. Well at least it's for charity. Good luck. :thumbsup:

90% isn't exactly "completely".

MATH!!! :gasp:
Made it 9 hours today. 7 badges, final roster was Venasaur, Dragonaire, Nidoqueen, Hitmonlee, Wigglytuff and Flareon.

Had 20 people check out the stream throughout the day. Not a ton, but not bad for the first day ever doing it. Got a few subscriptions as well, so that'll help kick off next week and hopefully keep momentum going.

It was decided by people in chat that next week I'll be playing N64 Pokemon games all day long. And if there's time left, or I get bored playing Snap and Stadium, I'll finish my playthrough of Blue.

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