Pledge of the IWC


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Here is how to know if you fit into the 10% of the IWC that Eric Bischoff talks about. I have actually come across the pledge that a member must make to be considered part of the IWC.

I will quote it for you.

I, as an aspiring member of the IWC pledge:-

(a) to be completely negative about wrestling today, and bitch and moan about how it was better in the old days (specifically 1997-99). I promise to never say that anything in wrestling is better today than the "Attitude Era".

(b) to give total devotion to Legends such as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and the Rock, forgetting that one walked out on us constantly, and liked to get violent with women, and the other claims to be for the "people" and then left to go and feather his nest by letting the "people" have to see him only on the big screen.

(c) to criticise John Cena at every opportunity, to consider him a cancer on wrestling, blame him for all the ills of the industry, and say that he is too much of a "Superman", and only having a limited moveset and appealing to dumb children (forgetting that I was a kid once, and didn't seem to have a problem watching "Hulk Hogan's Rock N' Wrestling" cartoon on Saturday morning, wearing my Hulkamania pyjamas, under my Hulkamania quilt, hugging my George "The Animal" Steele soft toy, dancing along to "Grab Them Cakes" with the Junkyard Dog, and sucking on my Hulk Hogan ice-cream bar).

(d) to complain about how the title picture gets boring with Cena and Orton always holding the title, and bleat about wanting a new face as champion, except if it is Sheamus, or Miz, or John Morrison, or Jack Swagger, or Kofi Kingston, or R-Truth etc.

(e) to say that, the hotter the diva, the worse in-ring performer she must be. To put down and bag any hot diva, because those bitches dare to look like the same types of girls who reject me constantly.I will instead commend less attractive divas, and say how they are world-beaters (such as Beth Phoenix, Natalya and Kharma). I mean, not only can she wrestle, but I bet that Natalya has a good personality as well.

(f) to bag TNA at any and every opportunity. To bag Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff for forming a faction, forgetting the fact that I tuned in each week to see what the NWO would get up to next. To also say how ex-WWE people have sold their soul for going to TNA, and that they are holding back the non-descript such as A.J. Styles and the Motor City Machine Guns. To vilify Kurt Angle and the Hardys, forgetting that I used to get hard-ons for Angle in WWE, and didn't mind Matt and Jeff near killing themselves for my amusement in TLC matches.

(g) to bag wrestlers using Youtube or Twitter to air their thoughts, such as the Hardys.(How dare Matt and Jeff have their own thoughts on things). But it is okay if your name is Zack Ryder. Then you're cool if you use modern technology.

(h) to crown someone a "future superstar" ONLY if they can talk on a mike, regardless of their wrestling ability, and that anyone who can't cut a promo on a regular basis, or doesn't have the charisma of the Rock, or Barack Obama, cannot be a superstar. I won't stand for it. To proclaim that no wrestler can ever be WWE or World Champion, unless they give a weekly promo, unless you're Masked Kane, Chris Benoit, Great Khali, Umaga, Andre The Giant, Bret Hart etc.

(i) must claim to be "smart" because I am one of fifty people on earth who know that ROH exists, and know every superstar by name, and think that it is a conspiracy (C-O-N-spiracy) that it is not the biggest wrestling company on earth.

(j) to say that I don't watch WWE or TNA PPV's for years, but somehow know how bad one was, because I just happened to walk past a bar that was showing it for free, and accidentally found myself inside watching it. But I will never watch another one. Then the next month......

(k) to love superstars like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and C.M. Punk, who stand up to their boss, so I can live vicariously through them and think what I can do to my supervisor who makes me clean floors at my job at Seven-Eleven.

(l) to blame Vince Russo for everything (when I'm not blaming Cena), and will say that he never did anything good for wrestling. I will not even acknowledge his contribution as head of WWF/E during the "Attitude Era". I mean, the words and stories that Austin and McMahon found themselves in each week must of just appeared miraculously on the pages by themselves.

I promise to do the above, and if I fail to live up to these expectations, will be expelled from the IWC, and be forced to be a lover of wrestling instead, and a normal functional member of society.

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