Please WWE "Creative"...No more lame screen graphics!

Vintage Punk

Pre-Show Stalwart
Honestly, the screen graphics that are like kid's sing along lyrics have got to go. Who in their right mind working for WWE thought this would be a good idea? It pains me to see this. I mean, can you imagine the meeting where this was pitched?

Lame "creative" guy-"Hey Vince and Kevin Dunn, you know what would be awesome? Screen graphics like jail cells closing every time the Usos say "locked down" or when we really wanna reiterate what someone is saying in a backstage promo!"

Vince and Kevin Dunn-"That sounds like a great idea!!

An actual creative writer- "Hey Vince and Dunn, what about bringing pyro back, having PPV set designs reflect the PPVs, and let's not script the wrestlers so much so we can get a sense of realism!"

Vince and Kevin Dunn-"Those are horrible ideas! One more outburst like that and you're fired! Now have you come up with any more ideas on how to get Reigns over?"

OK, I got sidetracked but seriously, does anyone else feel the same about the screen graphics??
personally i don't mind them because will sometimes they are over the top annoying, it makes the show more fun and less serious which is what i want when i watch WWE programming.

As far as the rest of the comment, you're pretty much saying what most of the internet fans are thinking is wrong with WWE but at the same time, you're not thinking on the business side of the argument. Pyro's got a lot of money and really unless it's for a big show like Mania or summerslam, they don't serve that big of a purpose so why have them if you're it's just throwing money out the windows for no reason. Same goes for PPV sets in my opinion. Why throwaway money when you can use that money to pay for the deficit that NXT brings to the company every year.

As far as scripted promo's goes, i think you need them in most cases because a good chunck of your active Rosters don'T know how to improvise and get their personality across so they need those but i feel that they could let the talent have more of an input into what's those promo's are because who's better in knowing what a character would say then the guy playing it. But letting them just go off without a concrete script would be a disaster waiting to happen.

Anyway that my thought on this, personally i don't mind the graphic that much because i don't pay attention to them anyway so to me it's just a fun idea to get kids to have fun while watching the show.
Honestly, the screen graphics that are like kid's sing along lyrics have got to go. Who in their right mind working for WWE thought this would be a good idea? It pains me to see this. I mean, can you imagine the meeting where this was pitched?

Lame "creative" guy-"Hey Vince and Kevin Dunn, you know what would be awesome? Screen graphics like jail cells closing every time the Usos say "locked down" or when we really wanna reiterate what someone is saying in a backstage promo!"

Vince and Kevin Dunn-"That sounds like a great idea!!

An actual creative writer- "Hey Vince and Dunn, what about bringing pyro back, having PPV set designs reflect the PPVs, and let's not script the wrestlers so much so we can get a sense of realism!"

Vince and Kevin Dunn-"Those are horrible ideas! One more outburst like that and you're fired! Now have you come up with any more ideas on how to get Reigns over?"

OK, I got sidetracked but seriously, does anyone else feel the same about the screen graphics??

I was afraid that you meant gettting rid of the graphic where it shows both participants for "Wrestlemania", and then the word "Wrestlemania" behind them, when they announce a match for the PPV. Because if it was that, I would disagree with you.

If you mean the words that pop up on screen when someone talks to the camera, that seem to have started happening the last few weeks, then I am 100% in agreement. They are childish and unnecessary, and I hope that they drop it soon.
You want the WWE to get rid of the Kinetic Typography (yes, the term for the words and graphics that pop up on screen), then you want them to get rid of something that they are trying to use to bring in younger, casual fans.

You see these videos online all the time. They are popular, and WWE tries to ride the popularity train until sometime after it runs dry. It doesn't matter what a Vintage Punk or JJohns wants to see on their wrestling program, because they aren't the ones that they are trying to program for.

They want NEW viewers, and will try anything to get them.

As far as bringing back pyro and PPV Specific Sets, not happening, because it's not needed. You are adding additional production costs that can't be justified. Does AJ Styles having pyro going off before the lyrics of his entrance start being sung put butts in seats? Does having a set that will have a majority of it's components used once or twice before being stored in the WWE Warehouse for all of eternity bring in advertising revenue?

These are things that cost money, and I'd rather they use that money to bring in newer wrestlers to replace those that will be Future Endeavored.

All that those things really do, outside of eating money, is potentially polish a turd.
I understand people’s reaction to this by saying it brings in new viewers etc. BUT surely it would serve its purpose better on a show like Main Event or Superstars where they replay a lot of RAW and SD programming? Having these words jump on my screen during a live show seems irorganic and plain ridiculous. This is wrestling, not Disney sing a long. The worst is during a segment that is so blatantly targeted towards older viewers. It just doesn’t work?
You want the WWE to get rid of the Kinetic Typography (yes, the term for the words and graphics that pop up on screen)

Ahh the classic "immediately answer a question nobody asked" technique. Pretty common on this forum. It's usually some mark who, within an HBK thread, will say something like "Shawn Michaels was an arrogant SOB, but Michael Hickenbottom (yes, that's his real name) is not." Needlessly sharing something most people know and awkwardly doing it right away...just cringe-worthy.

It also...I can't say "amazes me" because I give most of the people who post here no credit...but I guess catches my eye that so many people on this forum dismiss other people's opinions so strongly and for no good reason. Some guy mentions that he likes the sets of the PPVs to match the theme of the show. Immediately some other guy bashes him because the sets cost too much money. ...what are you idiots talking about? The guy is stating a preference. He likes the sets a certain way. He didn't ask for the fiscal responsibility of the McMahon family. I'm sorry, I really am. But I just don't see what one thing has to do with another. One guy is a fan who wants his viewing experience a certain way; why does another guy, who is apparently interested in WWE's accounting and profits, need to bash the first guy's idea? If I said I liked baseball better when they manufactured runs and played more like teams and some guy said "That's dumb, homeruns sell tickets." I would think "what the hell do I, as a fan, and not an owner, give a shit about ticket sales?" Or a sports fan will say "I can't believe they gave Player X that much money!" ...are you writing his checks? Yes, maybe ticket prices will go up, but most people who complain aren't going to games anyway. It has NO effect on you, yet you get furious. It's laughable!

I think wrestling fans today--maybe because of so much access to what goes on behind the scenes--feel they are a much bigger part of the show than they are. Granted, WWE is probably to blame because of overstating the importance of the WWE Universe. Yes, fans as a group are important; but, not individual fans. It seems so many fans think they are calling the shots and can't believe it when the actual people in charge don't listen to their ideas. OR WORSE, the ones who actually think WWE knows they exist and are listening to their ideas but are ignoring them! Hahaha!

Look, I don't want everyone to agree on everything. I've gotten into some debates on this site and that's fine. But at least argue the same points. PPV sets and how they look are one argument. The money they cost to produce are another argument. They are linked, sure. If someone says "WWE should have themed-PPV sets to get fans back." and someone repsonds with "but the money they'll spend on the sets will cancel out the acquired gain of these new fans." that makes sense--because the argument is the same. But if someone says "I wish they would bring back Halloween Havoc because I liked the graveyard setup." and someone responds with "WWE has a responsibility to its stockholders to keep costs down.", that is a different argument: fan experience vs. business expenditures. It makes just as much sense as me saying "I love pizza." and someone responding with "You know, it costs less money to make a sandwich." Um...ok??

Anyway, I like the themed sets too and since I don't own stock, I don't own WWE and I don't care how much money they make each year, I wish they would bring them back. As for the graphics, I haven't noticed them and don't know what you're talking about...
I was afraid that you meant gettting rid of the graphic where it shows both participants for "Wrestlemania", and then the word "Wrestlemania" behind them, when they announce a match for the PPV. Because if it was that, I would disagree with you.

If you mean the words that pop up on screen when someone talks to the camera, that seem to have started happening the last few weeks, then I am 100% in agreement. They are childish and unnecessary, and I hope that they drop it soon.

Yes, the words that pop up on screen when someone talks is exactly what I'm talking about and I agree they are childish and unnecessary.
You want the WWE to get rid of the Kinetic Typography (yes, the term for the words and graphics that pop up on screen), then you want them to get rid of something that they are trying to use to bring in younger, casual fans.

You see these videos online all the time. They are popular, and WWE tries to ride the popularity train until sometime after it runs dry. It doesn't matter what a Vintage Punk or JJohns wants to see on their wrestling program, because they aren't the ones that they are trying to program for.

They want NEW viewers, and will try anything to get them.

As far as bringing back pyro and PPV Specific Sets, not happening, because it's not needed. You are adding additional production costs that can't be justified. Does AJ Styles having pyro going off before the lyrics of his entrance start being sung put butts in seats? Does having a set that will have a majority of it's components used once or twice before being stored in the WWE Warehouse for all of eternity bring in advertising revenue?

These are things that cost money, and I'd rather they use that money to bring in newer wrestlers to replace those that will be Future Endeavored.

All that those things really do, outside of eating money, is potentially polish a turd.

I completely disagree with you and here is why. If you want to talk about costing money, if you look at WWE's website and look up this past year, every quarter earnings increased an average mean of around 9% which is a nice sized chunk of money. Having more PPV themed sets than just Wrestlemania would be fine. At least start with Big 4 and go from there.

You said you'd rather see more wrestlers brought in but they can't even utilize many of the talents they have now. I actually would cut some of the dead weight wrestlers like the Colons, R-Truth, Tamina, Dana Brooke, Curt Hawkins, etc etc and use some of that money to bring in more quality talent. Some will say well they need jobbers and yes to an extent but these names I just mentioned aren't on the TV hardly ever anyways.

Also I'm pretty sure the pop up screen graphics aren't bringing in droves of younger/casual viewers. If they are, I'd like to see some data on that. Also the pyro is a nice effect and doesn't have to be used for every wrestler but for AJ, Brock, other top tier guys, and start of shows it makes sense and grabs your attention immediately especially after a big win or championship exchange. Again you state cost, but they're earning more money now than they did when they were actually doing pyro last.

In the end, I get trying to get newer or casual viewers but don't also lose faithful viewers in the process because of continued nonsense that continues to make the shows worse. Of course this is my opinion and maybe it's agreed on by some and others may disagree. Good day sir

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