Please, Hollywood, Please: Blacklist M. Night Shyamalan

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Anonymous Mozzarella recently did a review of M. Night Shyamalan's newest film, The Last Airbender. In this review, he mentioned how, on, a site that aggregates critics' reviews in order to provide a percentage indication on how well a film is received, The Last Airbender has a current score that's below 10% (out of 100). Now, while I have not seen this film (I haven't seen a Shyamalan film since The Village; that movie sucked serious ass), I am still perplexed at how Shyamalan could have fucked up so royally on an adaptation. Seriously, how can you fuck up a live-action version of a Nickelodeon show?!!!

This man gave audiences three shit sandwiches in a row. Now, I can't fully blame The Last Airbender's studio for this latest turd, as Shyamalan is a more than capable director, and letting him direct a film from source material that didn't originate from his very limited imagination probably seemed like a safe bet. But, why, oh why, did they let him do the screenplay as well? Shyamalan cannot write to save his life!

So, I'm not really sure what the deal is. Is it the case that Shyamalan won't direct a film unless he can write it as well? If so, please, Hollywood suits, have a heart, and never finance another one of this man's films again.
You know, I loved The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs and I actually enjoyed Lady in the Water. As for The Village I thought it was pretty horrible except I liked the ending (What a Twist!! anyone? anyone?) and The Happening was just horrible. I keep hoping this man will recapture his glory days but everyone I've talked to about The Last Airbender says the movie sucked. I heard he even changed the pronunciations of a couple of the main characters names. Judging from the reviews of the movie so far.............I doubt the two other "chapters" (if you will) will ever be made. And if they are, please let it be free of M. Night.
This man gave audiences three shit sandwiches in a row.

Wouldn't it be more like 4?, the man has made like 7 movies, and only the first three were worth watching, I think the guy needs to just focus on one part of film making if he want to continue, apparently wearing all three hats (Writer, Director, & Producer) are just too much for him, just focus on one of those things, or maybe it was just too much success too soon, Sixth Sense was huge, Unbreakable was huge, Signs was pretty good, maybe all that happened to fast and it went to his head, now he's just getting lazy

Tdigs comment on Nights writing ability reminded me of his cameo on Entourage:lmao:

Well, in my post, I made the point that the companies, everyone that made this film, didn't give a shit. They didn't. They thought they were producing a movie with the thought process that they were producing "some kids movie from Nickelodeon," so no one gave a shit about impressing the adults, or the movie critics. Kind of like how the people who made Furry Vengeance or Marmaduke had absolutely no intention of impressing movie critics.

It's incredibly fucked up, because not only did casual moviegoers get shafted out of their money, so did the parents, the critics, and most importantly, fans of the show. Little did "Hollywood" know, this show has a diehard fanbase.
Well, in my post, I made the point that the companies, everyone that made this film, didn't give a shit. They didn't. They thought they were producing a movie with the thought process that they were producing "some kids movie from Nickelodeon," so no one gave a shit about impressing the adults, or the movie critics. Kind of like how the people who made Furry Vengeance or Marmaduke had absolutely no intention of impressing movie critics.

It's incredibly fucked up, because not only did casual moviegoers get shafted out of their money, so did the parents, the critics, and most importantly, fans of the show. Little did "Hollywood" know, this show has a diehard fanbase.

The problem is, they did nothing to please the kids or the fanbase, either. There were no funny jokes, no cool fight scenes, the 3D was garbage, there was no character development whatsoever...basically, it was a piece of shit on a layer of cardboard.

The Last Airbender appealed to no one. not movie critics. Not kids. Not fans of the show. Not adults. No one. At least Furry Vengeance and Marmaduke have stupid immature "jokes" that little kids can laugh at. The Last Airbender removed all traces of humor that the show was loved for to make something darker, edgier, and completely awful.

The only part in that whole movie that resembled the show in spirit was where the Uncle basically told Zuko he needed to get laid. Even the fight scenes were major letdowns. Completely anticlimactic. Yeah, the fight scenes in a fantasy kung fu movie were shit. Let that sink in for a bit.

M. Night Shamalamadingdong was supposed to be a die-hard fan of the show. How he managed to bungle up the movie so royally perplexes me. He needs to stop writing screenplays immediately. Hell, he needs to get the fuck out of the movie business. He managed to fuck up something that's really hard to fuck up.

It would have been easy to make an Avatar movie. Keep the characters like the show. Tighten up some plot. Add in character development and show us instead of telling us. Have some cool CGI-enhanced fight scenes. BAM, you have a movie that makes everyone happy.

I wasted $15 on seeing this. And the only enjoyment I got from it was making fun of it the whole way through with my friends.

Fuck you, M. Night Shadgaspard.
The problem is, they did nothing to please the kids or the fanbase, either. There were no funny jokes, no cool fight scenes, the 3D was garbage, there was no character development whatsoever...basically, it was a piece of shit on a layer of cardboard.

The Last Airbender appealed to no one. not movie critics. Not kids. Not fans of the show. Not adults. No one. At least Furry Vengeance and Marmaduke have stupid immature "jokes" that little kids can laugh at. The Last Airbender removed all traces of humor that the show was loved for to make something darker, edgier, and completely awful.

The only part in that whole movie that resembled the show in spirit was where the Uncle basically told Zuko he needed to get laid. Even the fight scenes were major letdowns. Completely anticlimactic. Yeah, the fight scenes in a fantasy kung fu movie were shit. Let that sink in for a bit.

Exactly right.

M. Night Shamalamadingdong was supposed to be a die-hard fan of the show. How he managed to bungle up the movie so royally perplexes me. He needs to stop writing screenplays immediately. Hell, he needs to get the fuck out of the movie business. He managed to fuck up something that's really hard to fuck up.

Well, the official story is, his daughter was actually the die-hard fan of the show, and asked him to make a movie, and after countless studio denials, he was finally able to get the funding for this movie. So when he got the funding, he spent the weekend watching the entire series, then started the screenplay.

It would have been easy to make an Avatar movie. Keep the characters like the show. Tighten up some plot. Add in character development and show us instead of telling us. Have some cool CGI-enhanced fight scenes. BAM, you have a movie that makes everyone happy.

Not even. They should have left it alone. I can't even think of a live-action incarnation of TLB that would have been decent. All the light-heartedness and humor of the show were all things that could translate well in a cartoon, due to the exaggerated faces and childlike humor, but it wouldn't have translated well into live action. You just can't do it. So they should have just left it alone. The series was great by itself, it didn't need a movie.

I wasted $15 on seeing this. And the only enjoyment I got from it was making fun of it the whole way through with my friends.

Fuck you, M. Night Shadgaspard.

I couldn't even get that enjoyment. All my friends and I were fans of the show. We were all too pissed off about this shit-sandwich of a movie to begin making fun of it. Maybe next month.

Seriously, fucking Aasif Mandvi?

And everyone thought Jonah Hex was going to be this years biggest bomb...

M. Night Shyamalan has become a product of his inflated ego and hopefully Hollywood will give chances to better more deserving indie directors. Anyone notice his name is shrinking on these one sheets? His next film will have to remove his name entirely to have any hope of tricking people into buying tickets. Maybe that will be his next (and hopefully last) twist idea.
I hope so. I just saw The Last Airbender(in 3D) a few days ago, and man was it a terrible movie. The dialouge was cheesy, the story was awful, and for a movie that's being sold on it's 3D affects, it sure does disappoint tremendously. I started a thread about Shyamalan in here not too long ago, and I was trying to give him credit as a director, but after seeing this one, I just can't right now. The fight scenes were laughable, because I don't know about anyone else, but I just couldn't take them seriously. And of course Shyamalan had to throw in one his lame endings to further kill this movie even more.

Shyamalan is still riding off of the fame he got from The Sixth Sense. This movie put him on the map. I liked Unbreakable, and Signs is my favorite Shyamalan film, but after those three movies, everything has been going down hill for him ever since. The Village was a piece of shit. The twist in this film was so ridiculous, and the ending was....well it was just horrible. I thought Lady In The Water was decent, but still, nothing special. And The Happening was just a disaster. All the hype surrounding that film was such a waste. The epidemic that plagued the earth was just so silly. I don't know how anyone was suppose to take this film seriously. If it had been done as a comedy, then it might have succeeded. Just imagine Mark Whalberg and others running from a gust of wind.....yeah that's right, a gust of wind.

Shyamalan hasn't produced anything good in years, so it's time for him to go away. There's always soooo much hype surrounding all of his films, and they always tend to let us down. He's just a name, and that's all he's been for quite some time now.
Thats the problem when you take gold and turn it into shit, there was a well made script which could have been used, look how well watchmen and kickass worked without too much editing.

They casted all characters wrongly, the main characters of prince zucko, the ang all are asian, the problem is he casted the wrong kind of asians which isnt working.

this is what happens when you violate something that was genuinly a great anime, shame.

M. Night said that he knew the story, he knew what the original series was and how it progressed, but he chose to go in a different direction.

also the fact that every movie he has ever made apart from a few have been aweful, if you want someone to piss away money to create a box office bomb then give M Night your franchise.
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