Please delete my account


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
I have tried to enjoy this site for 2 years now. I was hounded once and left for awhile and tried to ponder to the smarky people on this website. Though I know wrestling is hot on debates and insults I see that the comments towards my sick girlfriend are very ill fitting. I would really appreciate it if the mods would delete my account because I am done with this site. I'd like to thank Doc for being the only guy on this site to actually be nice to me. Goodbye Wrestlezone Forums.
Probably should have just changed your password to a random string or something, yoski. People will be dicks to you in this thread, as is per the norm for these forums.
Dude, one person said something bad about your girlfriend, a bunch of people went to bat for you, and some (including myself) thought the bashing on your e-insulter was unnecessary. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. FFS, though, go out and get some sun.
If you have been here two years you should know they dont delete peoples accounts here.
Besides your being a bit of a drama queen by making this thread.
One person made a bad joke and in fairness how could he have known she was sick??. He even apoligised and he got a lot of shit for making the joke.
I was batting for you at first but now your just being really petty.
If you have been here two years you should know they dont delete peoples accounts here.
Besides your being a bit of a drama queen by making this thread.
One person made a bad joke and in fairness how could he have known she was sick??. He even apoligised and he got a lot of shit for making the joke.
I was batting for you at first but now your just being really petty.

And this entire post isn't?

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