Pick One: WWF vs WCW

Thought I was the only one who actually liked his Big Evil/Bad Ass run, agree 100% on the "dead man" stuff being over gimmicky, I enjoyed his Ministry run (up until the dumb ending) far more belivable to me as fan, not a "dead man" just a sick, cult leader. I remember having so much heel heat towards him during that run, great stuff! He's kind of plodding now though, they need to streamline his entrance to a brisk 10 minutes lol

Haha that's funny. I agree. I basically hated him and what he stood for in wrestling until about 1999 I guess and then liked him until his reversion to the Deadman.

I remember when he controlled lightning and stuff. I watched an episode of Raw during the Monday Night Wars and he made a lightning bolt strike or something and I turned it off. I know I know, WCW did some crappy stuff too, but on the whole their product was more "realism" based than the WWF.

Big Evil was one of the best heel runs of the era. I loved the program with Flair.
Big Evil was one of the best heel runs of the era. I loved the program with Flair.

I agree. I didnt hate him but I always considered Taker an average part of the show from mid 92 to this time. I did like his program with Hogan. He scared the shit out of me as a kid.
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match
Royal Rumble: I hated War Games with a passion and still do. Royal Rumble is one of two WWE shows that I continue to watch religiously every year.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions
Clash: This one's a tough one for me. Personally, I enjoyed them both, but on the whole, Clash was the much more interested wrestling show.

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title
Intercontinental: This one is also very hard for me to pick. Intercontinental because I was a WWF guy. Pre-Turner WCW, I would choose the United States championship by far, but I believe the U.S title was soiled by Turner's WCW.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993
Flair going to WWF: O.P states at the beginning of the thread that it's which one you personally enjoyed more. In-terms of the initial event, I much, much preferred the scenario of Flair going to WWF, even though it ultimately turned out a fizz.

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie
Jim Ross: Though without Gordon Solie, there wouldn't be the J.R we know and love. Jim Ross has provided the soundtrack to my life... No competition in my view.

Wrestlemania or
WrestleMania: This one's rather unfair, I feel. I realize that Starcade was WCW's 'WrestleMania', but the playing field just got so un-even so quick with WrestleMania outweighing Starcade, I think Starcade was at SummerSlam level at best.

Not to discount Starcade as many people are quick to do. I've enjoyed many of the classic Starcade events, but once again, when WCW 'changed' into it's well-known image (which I hated then and still hate to this day), that special atmosphere seemed to evaporate.

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret
Flair/Steamboat: Very close, but I get more enjoyment from a Flair/Steamboat encounter than Bret/Shawn.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW
Eddie, Benoit and Jericho jumping to WWF: They were the only entertaining part of WCW's show and they jumped to the entertaining company. We already knew what Hall and Nash could do by the time they got to WCW, but now we were going to see if Benoit, Guerrero and Jericho could really 'hang with the big boys' - and they indeed proved themselves.

DX vs
Tie: I have a controversial opinion on DX/nWo. Realistically, DX and nWo were the same breed. They were the same group of friends in opposing companies. Both were compelling and entertaining and also disappointing at various points. I enjoyed both the original incarnations of these groups equally.

Undertaker vs
Undertaker: Sting's 'crow' character really intrigued me, but I was a WWF guy and although I loved Sting's work, nothing beats the Deadman.
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie

Wrestlemania or

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW

DX vs

Undertaker vs

Which did you enjoy more? Not bigger impact or bigger ratings. Just which you prefer......

1. as much as i love war games im gonna have to go with royal rumble. the majority of my favorite wresting moments revolve around the royal rumble.

2.i will have to go with clash of the champions because there was always an unexpected twist at these events.

3.intercontinental championship. brett hart, mr perfect and razor ramon made that belt.

4.flair going to wwf in 1991 mainly because he won the best royal rumble of all times.

5.jim ross......is that really a question you need to ask lol

6.wrestlemania. i guess its the whole nostalgia thing about it.

7.shawn vs bret . i had a bigger impact on the business as well as have just as stellar of matches.

8.nash and hall setting up the nwo changed the industry forever.

9. i was more of a fan of nwo at the begining but the became stale quick but the nwo always kept me entertained.

10.the deadman and sting is a toss up for me. i cant make a decision lol
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie

Wrestlemania or

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW

DX vs

Undertaker vs

Which did you enjoy more? Not bigger impact or bigger ratings. Just which you prefer......

Royal Rumble hands down. War Games had potential but it was always convoluted and big egos (Luger, Hogan, Savage) tended to ruin everything.

Saturday Night Main Event was all that I saw, I was out of the NWA / WCW market so I never heard of Clash of the Champions. SNME was awesome, it was bigger than Wrestlemania for me growing up.

IC title. From Savage v. Steamboat at WM3 to Hart v. Bulldog at Summerslam, the IC title always had prestige to me. It helped Warrior reach the top and made Razor Ramon more legit as well.

Flair going to WWF. There's no denying that Hogan had more of a long-lasting impact in wrestling history when he went to WCW, but Flair coming to WWF and calling himself the real world's champion was awesome. Plus Heenan showing off the Big Gold Belt made me awestruck. I didn't know what to think. Hogan in WCW was just a continuation of his tiring WWF shtick.

I never really enjoyed a Gordon Solie called match so I can't rule on this one.

WM. I just didnt get the impression that Starrcade was WCW's main show. But I could believe WM was WWF's main show, it was awesome with all the pageantry and hype - it felt special.

Flair v. Steamboat. I like the Iron Man match, but the feud after was too personal and too intense for my liking. Flair and Steamboat wrestled a clinic and it was all believable yet not overly intense.

Nash and Hall. The vanilla midgets made a huge impact on Raw, but The Outsiders made me switch from a WWF fan to a WCW fan. I was hooked and I wanted to see what happened the next week.

nWo. I hated dX, I never got behind it. It was too lewd and crude. nWo, before it became a jumbled mess, was exhilarating and exciting. They had significant power (kayfabe) and they were more dominant (again, kayfabe). dX wasn't as entertaining to me as it might have been to everyone else.

Sting. I love Taker but Sting's crow gimmick was better than anything Taker had. On the whole its close, but Sting really had it huge when he was taking on the nWo. Taker deserves credit for his big matches. It's a shame that Sting is wrestling in front of hundreds in Orlando while Taker is wrestling in front of 68,000 in Miami, but that's Sting's choice I guess.
Royal Rumble match - It's one of the most exciting times of the year and it's absolutely unpredictable. There can never be another like it, it can be tried but there never will be. I can't say the same for War Games though because we have Lethal Lockdown & Elimination Chamber which I do find better than WG.

Clash of the Champions - Never watched SNME back in the golden era but I've seen the newer ones but I'm sure this question is going on about the old SNME not the new ones, so COTC wins by default for me but Clash Of The Champions was great to watch though.

Intercontinental Title - As much as I like the US Title better, I'll go with the IC Title here because of the guys it rose to stardom like HBK, Bret, SCSA, Rock, HHH and some more.

Hogan going to WCW in 93 - Like most have mentioned, Flair coming to the WWF in 91 didn't have the same impact that Hogan's did. He pretty much changed the landscape of WCW as the years went by.

Jim Ross - JR wins by default cause I've never really heard Solie on commentary well except for one time but if I'm gonna compare from those two, JR would still win it cause he gives more reaction & screams at the top of his lungs which makes the action more exciting to watch.

Wrestlemania - WM provided better moments and matches.

Shawn vs Bret - Well as much I liked Ricky & Flair better when it came to matches, the real life animosity between Shawn & Bret made their matches & feud all the more sweet.

Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW - No question, this turned WCW around completely.

NWO - NWO were more kickass and cooler.

Sting - He's been a star longer than Taker has, he was more popular and had more buzz than Taker when both men were at their peak and when they would enter the arena, he's the more cooler dark character and his feud & moments with the nWo is legendary

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