Pick One: WWF vs WCW


Championship Contender
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie

Wrestlemania or

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW

DX vs

Undertaker vs

Which did you enjoy more? Not bigger impact or bigger ratings. Just which you prefer......

Royal Rumble match: Never been a big cage fan. Rumbles brought a few of my favorite moments in history

Clash of the Champions: Although I grew up on SNME the clashs def had the better matchs when I rewatched

Intercontinetal Title: Early-Mid 90s I enjoyed the IC Title more then the world title

Flair going to WWF in 1991: I was Hogan'd out by the time he arrived in WCW. Flair was the first bad guy I really hated.

Jim Ross: Close call. 1 and 2. JR just beats out Solie

Wrestlemania: has always been must see

Shawn vs Bret: was the biggest feud ever. The storyline made the matchs even better

Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW: Although looking back, the choice would be Eddie, Y2J, Benoit Nash/Hall invasion really caught my attention

DX: By far. After Hall/Nash/Hulk expanded I lost interest.

Sting: Never was a big Taker fan. Loved Sting against Vader.
Royal Rumble: My favourite match of the year. Period.

Clash of Champions: had more of a grand feeling too it.

Intercontinental: Has always just seemd more illustrous, looks better too.

Hogan WCW, 1993: Truly shocking, spelled a major shift in momentum for WCW.

Jim Ross: Has called so many iconic moments I'l never forget.

Wrestlemania: Has always been the biggest show of the year its heritage is untouchable.

Shawn vs Bret: One of the best, most iconic fueds of all time, at least matched Steamboat/Flair for match quality and much more intriguing storyline.

Benoit, Eddie, Y2J: Just generally prefer these three, all of them minus Benoit at the end made a positve contribution to the company and were great wokrres/entertainers. Hall/Nash while providing an intial push hurt WCW by commanderring the main event never been a masisve fan of either.

NWO: Dragged on for far too long but the orignal conecept was revoluationary (no pun intended), greatest stable of all time in my opinion.

Sting: More diverse, better on the mi, just as good in-ring and was actually the face of WCW during its boom period alongside Hogan, Taker has a great legacy but he has never really been the companys top guy even in the lean early 90's.
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match
This is probably the toughest one to choose from on the list, because they are easily my favorite gimmick matches. I guess the sheer unpredictability of the Royal Rumble slightly puts it over the top. I mean the surprise entrants, the crazy spots of eliminations and non-eliminations makes it a must see PPV for me every year.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions
I remember as a kid it was often very hard to stay up late enough on Saturday nights to catch SNME. Clash of the Champions had some really stellar cards back then while SNME only usually had one maybe two main event level matches on them, so Clash wins this one easily.

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title
There have been some amazing wrestlers to hold both of these titles. Magnum TA vs Nikita Koloff really stands out to me when I think of the United States title. When I think about the IC title the first memory for me is Warrior defeating Honky in like 8 seconds. So I give the US title the win here.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993
I was in the military when Flair first arrived in the WWF so I missed that spectacle. Hogan joining WCW was I think much more monumental in the grand scheme of things though, as it would eventually tip the scales in favor of WCW.

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie
Both are considered the best of the best but I think Ross is still the best man to ever sit behind the announcers table.

Wrestlemania or
Wrestlemania easily not even a real debate here. There is a reason why we are going into WM28 and there hasn't been a Starrcade in over a decade. Wrestlemania is and always will be the #1 PPV bar none.

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret
Flair/Steamboat for me, they had some of the greatest pure wrestling matches of all time. Shawn and Bret were great but nothing compared to legends like Flair and Steamboat.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW
Nash and Hall changed the entire landscape of wrestling when they jumped to WCW. The Radicalz while making the move was the best thing for them individually, Nash and Hall made the entire company of WCW relevant once again.

DX vs
Not gonna lie I loved them both and was a major mark for either, but there was just something a little bit cooler about DX to me than the nWo. I think it might have been Hogan's involvement that ultimately killed the nWo for me.

Undertaker vs
I honestly don't see why these two are paired together so much as they are completely different in every way. Sting had a very short "dark period" when you look at his career as a whole. He was the multi colored Venice Beach surfer Sting for way longer and much more entertaining that way I thought. Taker has been the Deadman for over 2 decades and is remembered as that more than anything else and there is a reason for that, because it might be the single greatest gimmick in the history of wrestling.
Royal Rumble match or War Games match - like the War Games concept but the Rumble wins since it is usually shows who the next main event guy is

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or Clash of the Champions - never watched either back in the day but Clash since it was a screw-you to WWF and showed him that others could play the same sort of games he was playing

Intercontinetal Title or United States title - IC just because of the guys who held it

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or Hogan going to WCW in 1993 - Hogan. Flair to WWF didn't put WCW out of business but Hogan to WCW almost put WWF under(well, sort of)

Jim Ross or Gordon Solie - Never heard Solie other than in clips but Ross is good

Wrestlemania or Starcade - Mania.

Flair vs Steamboat or Shawn vs Bret - Bret and Shawn. just watched their Rivals dvd and all the stuff going on behind the scenes made this a great feud.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW - Nash/Hall. WWF knew how to promote so when Nash and Hall jumped, it was a big deal. WCW didn't promote properly so when Eddie, Benoit and Jericho jumped, i didn't care that much because WCW never cared that much about them. only cared that Benoit was jumping because i knew his work from back in Stampede Wrestling.

DX vs NWO - NWO. Heal Hogan was unique at the time. DX became the better group as time went by but the initial NWO run was fantastic.

Undertaker vs Sting - Taker. only started watching WCW after Nash and Hall jumped so i knew nothing of Sting.
Never that big on WG, definitely Royal Rumble.


IC or US. Tough, going with US since it always seemed more southern

Flair/Hogan - Draw

Solie taught me wrestling, JR made it that much more exciting.

WM - no contest

Personal fave is Shawn/Bret

Watched Hall & Nash live with jaw dropped open

The NWO angle was more compelling but DX was cooler.

Taker since I've seen him live.

I remember going into the Monday Night Wars being a huge WCW fan then found myself turning to WWE more and more often.
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match

The Royal Rumble is my favorite match of the year. There were some great Wargames matches, but like everything else in WCW, they fell apart towards the end of the promtion's run.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions

I don't have much an opinion on this one. I never saw the original Saturday Night Main Events, and mid 90's Clash of the Champion events weren't too great. I give the edge to the WWE because I liked the mid 2000's Main Events.

Intercontinental Title or
United States title

There was a time when holding the Intercontinental Championship was huge, and many of the WWE's most memorable matches were for the IC title. The US title doesn't even compare.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993

Flair's 1991 run with the WWF was good, but it didn't have the effect Hogan's defection to WCW did. WCW's entire image changed basically over night, even if it did take a few years for the company to start actually being competitive with WWE.

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie

Jim Ross is the best commentator ever. I'm only vaguely familiar with Gordon Solie.

Wrestlemania or

Doesn't even require an explanation.

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret

Shawn vs Bret is one the greatest feuds in wrestling history. They were the best in the world, and made it no secret that they couldn't stand each other.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW

When Hall showed up on Nitro I couldn't believe it. Wrestlers didn't do that type of stuff back then. When Nash came the next week it was even bigger shock.

DX vs

DX was entertaining, but the NWO storyline was groundbreaking.

Undertaker vs

I always liked Sting, but The Undertaker is the bigger star, and better wrestler.
War Games was just something different and HIAC actually came from War Games
Starrcade is the original PPV and because VKM had to politic to get Starrcade moved from Thanksgiving showed how scared he was of JCP and JCP financially never recovered from getting bumped into December
US Champion produced more World Champions than the IC as the IC was the indicator of the best wrestler but the Us Title was held by the guy in waiting to be the next face of the company
COTC no doubt was better because the booking of the early Clashes was basically a free PPV on TV
Flair/Steamboat simply put is the guideline match of what a classic should be and how a top face should be perceived versus the beatable champion thats a heel that everyone wants to see lose
NWO much like the Horsemen drove the company's bottom line to records to compete with VKM
Undertaker vs
Sting I honestly don't see why these two are paired together so much as they are completely different in every way. Sting had a very short "dark period" when you look at his career as a whole. He was the multi colored Venice Beach surfer Sting for way longer and much more entertaining that way I thought. Taker has been the Deadman for over 2 decades and is remembered as that more than anything else and there is a reason for that, because it might be the single greatest gimmick in the history of wrestling.

I dont place them together for the gimmick similarities. I agree that they are not that similar. When I think of Sting, I think early 90s all american Sting. I paired the two together since Sting is WCWs biggest name never to go to WWF and Taker has been WWF since 1990
Royal Rumble match or War Games match

This is really no contest for me. Although I did really enjoy the War Games concept, the Royal Rumble does it for me here. Because nothing was really on the line in War Games (as far as I know) but bragging rights.

The Royal Rumble was a chance for EVERYBODY to compete in one BIG match whether it was for the Championship like the first one, or now where you get a title shot at WrestleMania. Also, throw in the shock value of the Rumble, the countdown and anticipation of who's coming next and etc.

You should've done the World War 3 - 60 Man Battle Royal vs The Royal Rumble. THAT would've been a tough choice for me.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or Clash of the Champions

I don't remember Clash of the Champions that well, and Saturday Night's Main Event was more prominent, so I give the nod to that.

Intercontinetal Title or United States title

Once again, no contest for me here: The Intercontinental Championship takes this one. The Intercontinental Championship back then was built up so much and at one point was held in higher regard than the WWF Championship. It's a perfect secondary title to the WWF Title. I don't remember the US Title from the old NWA days, but in WCW, it wasn't held in regard like the Intercontinental Championship was.

YOU may see Honky Tonk and Ultimate Warrior, but when I think about the IC Title, I think about Savage vs Steamboat, Rock vs HHH, Razor Ramon vs HBK etc.. IC Title takes it for me.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or Hogan going to WCW in 1993

In the overall grand scheme of things, Hogan going to WCW is the choice for me here. He brought the True American Hero to WCW and eventually made, in some people's minds, the biggest heel turn in wrestling when formed the nWo with Hall and Nash.

Jim Ross or Gordon Solie

I have no idea who Gordon Solie is, so I'm choosing Jim Ross. (No bashing please) I'm still convinced that Jim Ross is the BEST play by play man the WWF has ever had. Yes, I even place him above the great Gorilla Monsoon. Jim Ross is the very best. The emotion, the passion, the fire in his voice is something JR brings to the table that nobody else can really replicate. Not to mention, he was pretty damn funny when had to be as well. Jim Ross FTW!

Wrestlemania or Starcade

WrestleMania....by a MILE.

WrestleMania is the holy grail of professional wrestling. There is NOTHING like it. The biggest event in Sports Entertainment history. Starrcade doesn't even come close. Besides, I always thought Super Brawl was WCW's big show? Either way, both shows pale in comparison to the epicness that is WrestleMania.

Flair vs Steamboat or Shawn vs Bret

Damn. Tough, tough choice. Every time Flair and Steamboat were in the ring, their match had "Greatest match of all time" potential.

But here's what gives the nod to Shawn vs Bret. What makes this better is the real life problems with these two. I still don't know if it was just scripted, but you could feel that the way Shawn used to be back then, that he and Bret had real life problems with each other which fueled every feud they've been in from the their first meeting for the IC Title I believe (?) to the amazing Iron Man Match at WrestleMania which could possibly be the greatest WrestleMania match of all time and the Infamous Montreal Screwjob.

Flair and Steamboat had the great storytelling in the ring, but when a feud is fueled by hatred, especially real life hatred, I gotta give the slight nod to Shawn vs Bret.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW

Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW helped build the foundation for the nWo and one of the greatest periods in WCW's history. BUT, when Jericho, Benoit, Malenko, and Eddie jumped ship, it was like the final nail in the coffin of WCW. It was inevitable now that WWF had won the Monday Night Wars. It was only a matter of time now.

Jericho had the potential to lead WCW in the future and maybe they'd still be in business who knows. But he never got the push he deserved. So he left and made the greatest debut in history on Monday Night RAW with the countdown and the "JERICHO" appearing on the titantron. He interrupted The The Rock and became a player in a matter of months. By this time, WWF was beating WCW in the ratings.

When Benoit, Malenko, Eddie and Saturn turned, it was a deep shot to the midcard of WCW. They had to start all over so to speak and build some new young stars. This was around 2000, and WWF was getting ratings in the 6s and 7s a week on RAW and it was only a matter of time that WWF put WCW out of business. Once again, I don't think they built Benoit and Guerrero, or even Malenko right. They came to WWF and became big time players right off the bat.

My choice goes to the Radicalz and Y2J on this one.


Another tough choice here.

DX was made to pretty much counteract the nWo and I think it worked to perfection. I LOVED DX. HHH, X-Pac, The Outlaws, and Chyna MADE the Summer of 1998 along with Austin and Undertaker. They were supposed to be a heel group, but people loved them so much that they ultimately turned face and really defined what the Attitude Era was all about: Profanity, Nudity, and Rock and Roll. Everybody had a piece of the spotlight. Triple H was the leader, Chyna was sexy, yet deadly, X-Pac was badass sidekick, and The Outlaws were perhaps the best tag team at the time and had such an entertaining act and got the crowd to chant along with them every time. DX was the most boss group in history.

Here's why I DIDN'T choose the nWo. Were they big? Without a doubt. BUT, they didn't know when to stop. DX stopped when HHH turned heel and they were apart for a while. In 1997, nWo was in the prime of their glory with Hogan, Hall, Nash, Bischoff, Macho Man, Mr. Perfect, Buff Bagwell, Syxx, Scott Norton, etc. DX wasn't around in full force then, so nWo owned most of the show. But something happened to them after Starrcade 1997. They didn't seem the same anymore. And then, there was that ridiculous, yet interesting split up of nWo into Hollywood and the Wolfpac. Then, there the fingerpoke of Doom which brought both groups together into a BIG superpower and the next thing you know, everybody and their mom was joining the nWo. At one point, Disco Inferno joined the nWo for god sakes! nWo was awesome, but they tainted their legacy and didn't know when to call it a day for that group.

DX wins. Not by a lot, but just a little bit.

Undertaker vs Sting

Another tough choice here. Damn. What makes these two so cool is that they're the same, yet very different. They both represent the darkness, but Sting does it in a good way, and Undertaker represents it in an evil way. What would make a feud with these two in their prime so interesting is that they're both the same because they're characters are embodiments of Darkness.

Any mind trick Undertaker would throw at Sting wouldn't work because he knows about the Darkness all too well. It's almost like Sting would know Undertaker's next move before he even does it. It would've been the Ultimate battle of Good vs Evil, The Crow vs The Reaper, and it never happened. :disappointed:

But anyway, I got The Undertaker here. Undertaker is one of the most Iconic figures in Wrestling. I think he's definitely in higher regard than Sting. I respect Sting for everything he did in WCW, but The Undertaker was the most chilling, and successful characters WWF ever put out there. The nod goes to the Deadman.
Awesome thread!!

Royal Rumble match or War Games match
I pick the War Games match, because the second aspect of Wrestling I enjoy the most is Stables. The Royal Rumble is one of the greatest match types in history, but the Double Ring just looked like a Battle Ground.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or Clash of the Champions
I’m going to give this one a tie. SNME and COTC were both free PPV cards during a time where we hardly had PPVs and hardly saw Main Eventers. I liked them both equally.

Intercontinental Title or United States Title
I’m going with the Intercontinental Title here for no other reason other than I see it as the higher ranking Title.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or Hogan going to WCW in 1993
Flair coming to the WWF in 91 was more of a moment for me, than, in essence, vice versa. Now, Hogan’s Heel Turn vs. Flair going up North, that might be a different battle.

Jim Ross or Gordon Solie
Jim Ross. This is like asking me to pick between Austin / Rock and Hogan / Flair. I’m going to go with Austin / Rock.

WrestleMania or Starrcade
WrestleMania. I’m going with what I actually saw here. I never saw a WCW PPV as it was going on. I’ve seen many WrestleMania throughout my lifetime, over and over again.

Flair vs. Steamboat or Shawn vs. Bret
I was more involved in the WMXII storyline than the feud that started before I was born. I do enjoy the Flair Steamboat series, but seeing the Hitman Heart Break Kid sage unfold kept me as a fan.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW
At the time, the Outsiders invading. Looking back at it, the Radicalz invading. What Hall and Nash did was set up one of the greatest storylines ever. What the US, TV, Cruiserweight, and Tag Team Champions did was turn into WWE World Champions.

DX vs. NWO
This is another tie for me. I look at the New World Order as a Heel Justice League. In DC, if you’re a Hero, chances are you’re in the Justice League. I look at D-Generation X as a Heel Spider-Man and a Heel Captain America. In Marvel, there are many other teams out there to join, many others. The Clique is the Kliq is the Click.

Undertaker vs. Sting
Undertaker is the Phenom, 20 – 0 at WrestleMania, but Sting is the Icon. Plus I like the “normal” version of the Ultimate Warrior, the Crow, the Wolfpac Crow, and the Joker.
war game match- was epic and brutal, excatly what wrestling is all about, i think wwe should bring this back

saturdays night main event- didnt really see either but i mremeber more defining moments from snme, hogan vs andre springs to mind

IC title- more prestigous title

hogan going to WCW- was more importent and made much more of an impact

jim ross...obviously

wrestlemania definetley, was the one that launched prowrestling into the stratosphere

Hall and Nash jump- no question this brought on the greatest modern wrestling angle and the next golden age of wrestling

nWo- dx was just a rip off of nWo, nWo was the real deal and did so much for the industry, dx was a part of the machine nWo was the machine

Sting- much better wrestler and talent imo...
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match: The royal rumble is just awesome

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993 : Overall a lot more memorable

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie: They're both are awesome

Wrestlemania or
Starcade: Mania is just huge and grew into a grand event

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret: IMO put on much better matches when you compare the match quality

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW: Similar to Hogan going to WCW, it just had way more "Holy $hit" factor to it and the timing was there where as Eddie, Benoit and Jericho jumped off of a sinking ship

DX vs
NWO: At least the beginning NWO was awesome with Hogan, Nash and Hall...afterwards it just became too much

Undertaker vs
Sting: Huge Undertaker fan and I'm not sure if I'd compare Sting/Undertaker compared to maybe Hogan/Sting
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match

This is tough because they are two of the best gimmick matches of all time. I will go with the Rumble though because there were a few times where the cages actually limited guys. Anyone remember when Sid Vicious tried to powerbomb Brian Pillman and he slammed him into the top of the cage and dropped him on his neck?

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions

Clash of the Champions was basically a big fuck you to the WWE as was said earlier so I will pick it

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title

IC title. It was very prestigious back in the day and the WCW often messed up the booking of the US title

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993

Hogan easily. He was the biggest star in wrestling

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie

Ross all day everyday. Imo he is the best pro wrestling announcer of all time

Wrestlemania or

Mania, no doubt. Starcade had a big feel but Mania really did and still does fell like the grandest stage of them all

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret

Both are great. I will give the vote to Shawn vs. Bret because they had legit beef with each other and both gave 110% every time they stepped into the ring together.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW

Nash and Hall. They were so big that they tried to create fake versions of them when they left. Plus, while Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho were big names, they weren't the stars that Nash and Hall were when they jumped.

DX vs

Michaels is my favorite wrestler of all time so I will pick DX but both were great.

Undertaker vs

Taker. I was never a big Sting fan growing up. I grew to like him as I got older but I never went through that phase with Taker
Royal Rumble (match) or War Games (match)
While the Royal Rumble was the one to elevate the next big star/the next contender for whatever title they choose to go after post-Monday Night War/brand split era in WWF/WWE, War Games was the end-all, end-of-the-line/feud finisher for WCW, and to me was a bigger deal.


(Saturday Night's) Main Event or Clash of the Champions
This is a tough one....Vince McMahon had (still has?) a business relationship with Dick Ebersol at NBC, giving professional wrestling its first mainstream exposure on network television in many years with Saturday Night's Main Event; whereas Clash of the Champions was started by NWA/JCP/WCW as a counter maneuver against WrestleMania IV in retaliation to the WWF bullying cable companies into carrying their product over NWA/JCP/WCW programming for rights to WrestleMania. As much as an NWA/JCP/WCW fan I am, SNME was a stroke of genius.

ADVANTAGE: Saturday Night's Main Event

Inter-Continetal Title or United States Title
Both titles were seen as the stepping stone to their respective organization's World Title/Heavyweight Championship. I see them both being on an equal level.


Flair going to WWF in 1991 or Hogan going to WCW in 1993
While Hogan going to WCW in 1993 was a major event for them, Flair going to WWF - with the NWA Title - was a BIG deal especially given the fact that another organization's belt (NWA/WCW) was showing up on WWF programming. This started the debate that those of us who are young enough to remember of who was the greater/greatest champion - Flair or Hogan - even if WWF failed to give us that program/feud (except for two house shows).

ADVANTAGE: Flair going to WWF in 1991

Jim Ross or Gordon Solie
Gordon Solie is "The Dean of Announcers." He could sell you tickets to a tiddlywinks tournament with his play-by-play calling. He would let you know about the background of the combatants in the squared-circle and sell you the storyline being played out in front of you, all at the same time. Jim Ross, who worked under Gordon Solie, at one time could have been the heir-apparent to Gordon Solie, but instead has been ruined by WWF/WWE's style/production/product, and as I'm watching/listening to the current Legends of Wresling show on WWE OnDemand, seems to come across as bitter about some things/subjects. Granted he is knowledgeable on wrestling, but he's no Gordon Solie. Honestly, the only one who's come close to Gordon Solie's shadow is Joey Styles (pre-WWE).

ADVANTAGE: Gordon Solie

WrestleMania or Starrcade
New York has always been the place to "get famous." But without Starrcade there would be no WrestleMania to be the mega-event that it has now become/making pay-per-view the destination for the big payoff.

ADVANTAGE: Starrcade

Flair vs Steamboat or Shawn vs Bret
Flair/Steamboat was pure athleticism; whereas Shawn/Bret was politics, exploding at "The Montreal Incident." Granted, all four of them have the technical aspect of wrestling down to a science, Flair/Steamboat was more about wrestling than Shawn/Bret was.

ADVANTAGE: Flair vs. Steamboat

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW
Hall and Nash jumping ship to WCW was bigger than Jericho/The Radicalz going to WWF. The internet was in its infancy, and we didn't have access to backstage news/tidbits that we have now. The only source of said "backstage news/rumors" was via the dirt sheets/magazines. Nowadays, if someone so much as farts we know about IMMEDIATELY (either via websites or Twitter). Plus, Hall (and later Nash) showing up on WCW programming was the first direct shot fired in what we all know as The Monday Night War.

ADVANTAGE: Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW

DX vs nWo
Both have their merits. DX was WWF's response to the nWo - and quite frankly was the better executed faction of the two, as it didn't get watered down with members that quite frankly had NO BUSINESS being involved. Had the nWo stayed with its core members (Hall/Nash/Hogan, and maybe The Giant/Big Show) and not expanded/split-apart/reunite/rehashed (nWo 2000/Silver & Black/recycled in WWF, it would be better remembered as the better faction of the two (although my preferred faction pick would be The Four Horsemen).


Undertaker vs Sting
The Dead Man, The Phenom, the American Bad-Ass. Versus WCW's Icon, The Crow, and now The Joker in TNA/Impact Wrestling. While Mark Calloway was at one time in WCW ("Mean Mark Callas" anybody), Sting's "legacy" is best known for never...EVER...jumping ship to WWF, during The Monday Night Wars or the era after that. I don't recall if these two ever stepped foot together in the ring while in WCW (or JCP)....it's the match a lot of us have dreamed about/wished for. Ric Flair put Sting on the map with their main event 45-minute time-limit draw at the first ever Clash of the Champions. Undertaker has "The Streak" going for him. This is too close to call....but I'm a NWA/JCP/WCW guy through-and-through...


Good, thought-provoking topic/thread, HBKperfect23. Respect given.
1) Royal Rumble - Simply because it had produced more memorable moments than any other events besides Mania

2) Clash of the Champions - Better match quality

3) Hogan - He was still the biggest star at the time

4) JR - No one is better at selling a big moment

5) Wrestlemania - My opinion is probably skewed since WM has continued to grow and Starrcade has been around for so long, but Mania has always been the big one. Although Starrcade was the culmination of WCW's biggest feuds, it seemed to be lacking in terms of the sheer spectacle of the event.

6) HBK/Bret - Modern pro wrestling is most interesting when it blurs the line between reality and kayfabe and this feud is a shining example. Flair and Steamboat shouldn't be ignored though, as the match quality of that feud was top notch.

7) Hall/Nash - If we're talking long term, then I'd go with Y2J and the Radicals. But in terms of the solitary moment, Hall and Nash jumping ship was definitely the most intriguing.

8) nWo - Yes it eventually fizzled, but the apex of the nWo angle (1996-1998) was more compelling than anything DX ever did. And I was never into the trash tv antics of DX. Why was it cool to say "Let's get ready to SUCK IT!!!!"?

9) Sting - Looking back at it now, it is nearly impossible to choose between the loyal backbones of each company. But I'm only going with Sting because I was a kid growing up in the 90s and Sting was a bit more inspirational and fun to watch.
Even though this thread has been going for a couple of days already, I couldn't resist posting. This thread is really fun! ...not only to read everyone's responses, but also to respond to!

Royal Rumble match or
War Games match

Gotta go with the Royal Rumble. I kind of think that WCW's "War Games" match was more or less their answer to the WWF/E's "Survivor Series", and their "Rumble" match was more or less "World War 3". Even if I were to compare World War 3 to the Royal Rumble, the WWF/E's Rumble would still come in first.

WCW's War Games match was exciting, with the two teams battling all at once. To tell you the truth, I would prefer War Games to the WWF/E's Survivor Series, if that was an option here. Alas, it is not. Back on topic:

World War 3 was too big of a cluster fuck. I actually was at WCW's World War 3 PPV in 1998 in Pontiac, MI. That was the one where Nash won the right to fight Goldberg at Starrcade later that year (we all know what happened there, storyline-wise). The PPV was fun, but it was extremely hard to watch. It was great that they had so many wrestlers involved, but three rings at once made the action too hard to follow. My favorite moment of watching the match live in '98 was when Giant choke-slammed Disco Inferno in one of the three rings. Disco literally laid there in the ring for about five straight minutes, selling the move! It was so funny to see...I doubt that it came across as good on TV as it did in person, but that's one of my fondest memories of going to that show.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions

Clash of the Champions seemed like a more prestigious event. Saturday Night's Main Event was also hyped to be a big deal, but Clash just seemed to be more important to me. I can't really explain it, it was just that Clash of the Champions seemed to evoke more of a "big fight atmosphere" to me.

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title

As long as I'm thinking about these titles only before the WWF buyout, I gotta go with the United States Title. To be honest, I thought that the US Title was the best looking title that WCW had at the end. That belt looked outstanding, it's such a shame that WWF/E had to change the belt's appearance...in my opinion, they ruined the championship.

Since WWF/E has been using the US Title, it has definitely been devalued. The championship I used to think of as the best mid-card title there was is now on par (if not even less than) the European or Hardcore titles.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993

Definitely Hogan joining WCW. Not even including the whole nWo thing that happened a few years after that, Hogan's contract with WCW was so much bigger. Not only for Hulk himself, but WCW as a whole. Macho Man followed suit soon after Hogan joined, and WCW seemed to become "legitimized" by the signing. It seemed that WCW had all the great "old school" guys around then, and it was a much bigger deal when Hogan arrived to WCW.

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie

Jim Ross. I'm glad that you decided to use Solie, over Tony Schiavone (or even Mike Tenay or Larry Zbyszko). Solie was definitely better than those other WCW clowns I mentioned, although I have to admit that when I think of the WCW announce team I primarily think of the three I mentioned earlier here (Tenay, Schiavone, Zbyszko, and even Bobby "the Brain" Heenan). I know there were some others involved towards WCW's end, but the three man announce team is what they used for most of the time that I was watching (1997-2000 ish).

The Brain was probably my favorite part of WCW's announce team, as I'm sure the majority would agree with me. I know he's just another "former WWF guy" who jumped to WCW (along with Mean Gene), but he really took the edge off of Schiavone's horrible announcing. Schiavone was always talking about the "powerful thighs" of wrestlers, I especially remember him talking about Bobby Duncam Jr.'s thighs. There was also the whole thing when WCW first got their Hardcore Division, when Shiavone said that getting hit with a garbage can didn't hurt that bad...it just made a loud sound. God, Schiavone's voice alone was like fingernails on a chalkboard to me most of the time.

Wrestlemania or
Wrestlemania, hands down. I don't think it's much of a question, and I don't know many who actually preferred Starrcade to Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania was ALWAYS a bigger event...I think 99% of all wrestling fans would tell you the same.

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret
I gotta pick Shawn vs. Bret here, but only because I was a bigger wrestling fan at the time of that match. Going back and watching Flair/Steamboat, that was an amazing match as well. Like I said though, I was just more into the storyline of Bret/Shawn.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW
The Outsiders. Although The Radicalz jumping to WWF was quite a big deal (especially immediately after Benoit had just won the WCW World Title), Hall & Nash just made a much bigger impact in WCW. I really liked the storyline of The Radicalz in the WWF, but Hall & Nash was a much bigger swap. Especially for WCW, as we all know the huge ratings and entertaining storylines we got from The Outsiders...and later, the nWo.

DX vs

At the time of both group's debuts, I'd have to pick the nWo. Although DX probably has a better overall legacy than the nWo does. The nWo was bigger at the time of their debut, and - more importantly - they were first. DX seemed like an nWo ripoff at the time of their debut. They were just another group that spawned from "The Kliq", that were "cool heels".

Like I touched on just a second ago though, DX became the better group in the long-run. DX won't be remembered for having too many disposable members, the infamous "Finger Poke of Doom", etc. Although I did like the whole Wolfpac vs. Hollywood feud for a while. I thought that was an entertaining wrestling angle, and it lead to some great matches. The problem came a year or so later, when we got the "LwO"...and then when The Wolfpac combined with Hollywood. That was when Stevie Ray (of all people) was the "leader" of nWo black & white. God, that group was so lame.

Undertaker vs

My personal favorite was Sting. I know people always compare these two characters, since Sting was the closest thing to a "supernatural" character that WCW had after he donned "the Crow" makeup (at least the only supernatural WCW character that was relevant). Undertaker was super cool as well, though. I really enjoyed the whole "Ministry of Darkness" thing, although the "Corporate Ministry" got kind of lame (when the two groups combined). Although I liked both characters a lot, Sting was just one of my favorites in the late 1990s.
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match
: Personally I preferred the Royal Rumble Match with the excitment of who was coming out next and who would be last I still mark out for that. Even though the 2 rings concept was cool and WWE should try that one day.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions:
I think every one in America would say SNME it was an institution in America in the 80's lol. Nothing like waiting up late as a kid to see Hogan vs. Macho on a Saturday night no less! Big time production values and just overall exciting...memories

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title:
Toss up. I could go either way...both had great fueds Steamboat vs. Macho at Wrestlemania 3 or Booker T vs Benoit best of 5 matches... both classic

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993:
I think Hogan going to WCW was more devestating to me because I NEVER thought to see Hulkamania running wild in WCW

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie:
Another toss up but I lean more towards Ross because of his excitement I loved hearing "Rock Bottom!! Rock Bottom!! or Stone Cold!! Stone Cold!!" like some one shot his mother. To me JR is the G.O.A.T. of announcing

Wrestlemania or
Wrestlemania Hands down!! 'nuff said...

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret:
For me it was Shawn vs Bret. I used to HATE Shawn Michaels before his first retirement and to watch these to gladiators go at it with me cheering for the pink and black attack (Huge Hart family fan) I loved every moment. With respect to Steamboat and Flair they truly were two of the best to ever do it.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW:
Nash and Hall to WCW it changed the format of wrestling as we knew it and was so shocking you had to watch to see what was happening next.

DX vs
NWO as I said before I had to see what was happening next when I watched. I stopped watching wrestling and WCW vs NWO made me watch again.

Undertaker vs
Undertaker from a kid to now I loved this guy. So dominant and played the character so well for so long. Sting is an Icon but Taker is definitely the Phenom!

For sake of argument I think you should have also mention Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Goldberg: Complete toss up until Goldy won the title in my hometown. The streak was just phenomenal until WCW decided to F it up. After that it was SCSA all the way
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match
Do you mean World War III? Comparing War Games and RR is like comparing chalk and cheese, I digress. War Games.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions


Intercontinetal Title or
United States title

Hard choice, compare the US title of '96/'97 to the IC title now, it's the US. But if we're talking in general I'd go IC just for the Shawn/Razor feud.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993

I never (and still don't) like his face character, so, just because it led to Hollywood runnin' wild for the all the little nWo-ites, Hogan.

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie

Ross used to call WCW back in the Bill Watts days, with Gordon Solie in some cases, so not really WCW vs WWF. Schiavone/Ross would be better, and as much as I liked Tony on Nitro, no one's better than good 'ole JR (and alive today).

Wrestlemania or

Hard choice, Starrcade's tended to suffer from screwy finishes to the main-events, on the other hand, I can think of more over-all bad wrestlemania's than Starrcade's, so for that, and the genius year long build to Sting/Hogan '97, Starrcade.

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret

Flair/Steamboat. Shawn and Bret acted like a pair of fucking baby's through-out that whole feud, and it didn't draw a dime.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW

Nash and Hall. I think people forget just how big it was when Scott jumped the rail on Nitro, it literally changed the whole buisness (guarenteed money, kicked off the nWo, catapulted WCW to no.1 83 weeks running.) After they jumped Eddie and Benoit went straight back to the mid-card, after Sullivan put the World belt on Benoit in WCW, all it did was damage those guys, in the short term, and WCW in the long-term.

DX vs

The Original nWO (Hall, Nash, Hogan, the Giant and Syxx) vs the original DX (HHH and Shawn) nWo. The bloated red vs black mess nWo vs DX with Pac and the Outlaws, DX.

Undertaker vs

Sting. His "crow" run was booking genius (almost, he should've gone over clean at starrcade '97). Plus, think about how many years they were on top respectivly, Sting was headlining WCW while taker was still "mean mark callous". I find Taker's "dead man" shtick a little wearing now, Sting always seemed less goofy. Not burying Taker but Sting was the first wrestler I was "a mark" for, so, go figure.

Which did you enjoy more? Not bigger impact or bigger ratings. Just which you prefer......
From '96 to '98 (and a little of '99) Nitro was the better show. Argue if you like but my position will not change. They had the stars, the matches, the production values and generally, top to bottom, the better cards and in-ring action. It's kinda funny, Russo books the WWF, WCW destroys it in the ratings for 83 weeks, Russo jumps to WCW, does irreparable damage to the roster and product and the company folds...make of that what you will.
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match: Always been a big Rumble fan, so my vote goes to RR.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions: Clash of the Champions. Again, just a personal preference

Intercontinetal Title or
United States title: Intercontinental. In the early days it just seemed more important than the US title did to WCW.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993: Flair, always enjoyed his work more than Hogan's.

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie: Jim Ross. The best announcer of all time, with Solie a very close 2nd.

Wrestlemania or
Starcade: Wrestlemania. Starcade never seemed as big or extravagant to me.

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret: Ooh, tie?

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW: Nash/Hall. Eddie, Benoit & Y2J may have been better in ring workers, but i was always a Nash fan.

DX vs
NWO: NWO, until it split. Never a huge fan of Triple H. No reason, just didnt like him.

Undertaker vs
Sting: Another tie. Big love for both guys.
ive always liked wwf/e better but when ya put these aspects against each other. wcw wasnt all that bad. alot of things are hard to pick but i will try.
my first and only unfair complaint is, how can u compare clash to snme? main event was a late night special on free tv used to further storylines while clash was a full blown ppv used to end storylines like most ppvs do.
i love the war games concept, but do to the fact of growing up on royal rumble, i have to say rumble. its a little more unpredictable.
alot of greats held both the ic and us title, so cant base it on that. but the fueds seemed more personal over the ic, so im leaning there
flairs impact going to wwf was alot more huge, cause at the time both were relevant and in their prime for the most part. it was also the first time wwf even acknowledged their was any other wrestling company when flair debuted as the "real world champion"
solie was the intovater when it came to the mic and announcing, but im more familair with jim ross, so i have to go there
shawn/brett was at the time the new flair/steamboat. so cant pick any here. either pair in their prime could duplicate the others matches perfectly identical.. and unfortunatly, their will eventually be others who do the exact thing
hall/nash vs radicals? toss up. the radicals gave the wwe midcard a huge boost, but nash and hall helped change everything, i kinda freaked a little there so the outsiders get my vote
sorry more into dx cause at the time i was jus getting out of high school and they were me and i was them, little punks and black sheep. i jus couldnt identify with nwo
grew up on undertaker, sorry stinger, love ya to life, but i gotta go with the deadman. i followed his career from the beginning of the character to now as i missed the first part of stings
Royal Rumble or War Games
War Games every time, as a general rule I find over the top rules matches generally very hokey to watch (although they always have their great spots). War Games always felt more real.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or Clash of the Champions
Prior to the Monday Night Wars, these were the two nonPPV events that provided Main Events that didn't feature Barry Horowitz or Rip Rogers and, as has already been stated, CotC usually provided a bigger overall card.

Intercontinetal Title or United States Title
My favorite back in the day was actually the TV Title (Arn Anderson, 'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton, Booker T, 'Lord' Steven Regal, Fit Finlay, DDP, Chris Benoit :worship:) but second would be the US Belt possibly because the IC Belt felt almost like a consolation prize to me during the heyday of Hulkamania.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or Hogan going to WCW in 1993
Hogan's defection to the WWF only really exploded with the nWo, Flair walking onto the stage with the WHC was simply jaw dropping to me.

Jim Ross or Gordon Solie
Ross had the potential and ability to possibly surpass Solie but I found his partnership with Jerry Lawler very passe after they had been together for some time and I feel he had crossed the line between being distinctive and being somewhat of a caricature. This criticism could never have been aimed at Gordon who I never found forced.

Wrestlemania or Starrcade
Everything in the WWF is ultimately about WM, this wasn't always the case with Starrcade.

Flair vs Steamboat or Shawn vs Bret
For sheer quality, I have to give the edge to the Richard derivatives - the Bret / Shawn Ironman match bored the pants off me.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW
Nash and Hall were portrayed as a serious threat to the WHOLE of WCW, Y2J and the Radicalz weren't even portrayed as being equals to the upper echelon.

dX vs nWo
Again, my actual preference would be the 4 Horsemen but from the options the original nWo created riveting TV without having to be 'edgy'. Plus they had the ultimate one-upmanship when Rick Rude appeared on the live Nitro clean shaven to join the nWo BEFORE being shown with full mustache with dX on the pretaped RAW.

Undertaker vs Sting
Not even close, no voice piece was ever required for the Stinger and his ability in the ring was at a consistently high level long before Taker's.
Royal Rumble or War Games
Royal rumble hands down ive always loved it growing up when i did watch wwf.

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or Clash of the Champions
Snme i dont even remember clash of the champions.

Intercontinetal Title or United States Title
ima have to go with the ic title mainly because jericho held it many times.

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or Hogan going to WCW in 1993
Flair going to the wwf mainly because i never once have enjoy hulk or his matches.

Jim Ross or Gordon Solie
Good ole jr ive loved his commentary.

Wrestlemania or Starrcade
Starrcade mainly because i was more into wcw then wwf.

Flair vs Steamboat or Shawn vs Bret
Well shawn vs bret because they had a very personal fued which became one of the most shocking fueds/events in wrestling history.

Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW
Nash and Hall hands down because no one even knew if they were sent from wwf or not.

dX vs nWo
Nwo when it first started with hulk, and nash, hall. It got tiring after awhile so ima have to give it to the dx version with billy gun and road dogg.

Undertaker vs Sting
Sting hands down hes always been my favorite wrestler as a child and growing up. I had legitmate heat/hate on vampiro for catching him on fire. Taker is a joke nowadays i will never take him serious as everyone else has. The streak needs to be broken and he can finally retire.
Royal Rumble match or
War Games match Do you mean World War III? Comparing War Games and RR is like comparing chalk and cheese, I digress. War Games.
I orginally was going to ask WW3 but I thought it would get 0 votes. The 2nd pick 'em was Survivor Series match vs War Games and I found that to be lop sided so I combined the two. Battle Bowl even came into consideration.

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie
Ross used to call WCW back in the Bill Watts days, with Gordon Solie in some cases, so not really WCW vs WWF. Schiavone/Ross would be better, and as much as I liked Tony on Nitro, no one's better than good 'ole JR (and alive today).
Ross was with Mid South of the NWA but wasnt a part of the WCW lineage until the JCP merger. So he was with WCW for a very short time before joing the WWF in 93 (leaving in 91 to broadcast for the Atlanta Falcons for one year). Ross was/is WWF from93 til present day, so he will be considered a WWF guy. Comparing Ross with Schiovane is like comparing The Kentucky Derby to horse shit. Also, Schiavone had a WWF run in 89 and 90. If I took Ross out as WWF guy, Id have to take Taker out for his Mean Mark Callaway run in WCW.
Another great thread.

Royal Rumble match or
War Games match

Yikes! If you had made this Royal Rumble vs WW3 it would be easy. But you went with War Games. Oh Boy Oh Boy. Hmmmm....I love the Royal Rumble, but War Games was so awesome and led to some brutality. I'll go with WCW here.

War Games

(Saturday Nights) Main Event or
Clash of the Champions

Go with SNME here. Clash of the Champions got pretty run down throughout its existence and it wasn't on a major network like NBC.

Saturday Night's Main Event
Intercontinetal Title or
United States title

This is easy for me, US title. I was more of a WCW/NWA guy. The US title was always well booked. Always loved the design of it, never liked the IC title design.

United States Title

Flair going to WWF in 1991 or
Hogan going to WCW in 1993

Hmmm, what to rate it on? I'll go with Hogan going to WCW because it ended up meaning more and I for one loved Hogan vs Flair.

Hogan going to WCW

Jim Ross or
Gordon Solie

Jim Ross. Just like him better.

Jim Ross

Wrestlemania or

Wrestlemania. I'm a WCW guy like I said, but obviously Wrestlemania is the biggest event ever. NWA/WCW failed to promote Starrcade as effectively.

Flair vs Steamboat or
Shawn vs Bret

Closer in my mind than it should be. Going with Flair vs Steamboat, largely because I think it's one of the feuds where it plays out perfectly as heel vs face and almost everyone roots for the face.

Flair vs Steamboat
Eddie, Benoit, and Jericho jumping ship to WWF or
Nash and Hall jumping ship to WCW

Outsiders, obviously. Eddie, Benoit and Jericho (not sure they should be tied together as it didn't happen all at once) didn't have nearly the impact. People pretend now that it was this huge event, but it really wasn't. The only one of those three that was all that impactful early on was Jericho.

DX vs

NWO 4 Life. Revolutionary. Epic. Legendary. Just preferred them. DX had HBK which is awesome, but I never got the humor in a bunch of juvenile jokes and sex references. Oh so edgy.


Undertaker vs

Sting, hands down. I go back and forth on whether or not I even like the Undertaker. I tend to dislike gimmicky gimmicks and the Undertaker is the king of it. He's had moments of awesomeness (I loved Big Evil and ABA) but I've ALWAYS preferred Sting.


So I come down to:
WCW: 7
WWF: 3
Another great thread.
Sting, hands down. I go back and forth on whether or not I even like the Undertaker. I tend to dislike gimmicky gimmicks and the Undertaker is the king of it. He's had moments of awesomeness (I loved Big Evil and ABA) but I've ALWAYS preferred Sting.


Thought I was the only one who actually liked his Big Evil/Bad Ass run, agree 100% on the "dead man" stuff being over gimmicky, I enjoyed his Ministry run (up until the dumb ending) far more belivable to me as fan, not a "dead man" just a sick, cult leader. I remember having so much heel heat towards him during that run, great stuff! He's kind of plodding now though, they need to streamline his entrance to a brisk 10 minutes lol

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