Pick-A-Spot-Monkey: Evan Bourne or John Morrison?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Recently, Morrison and Bourne have both received pretty noticeable pushes. Granted, Bourne's has faded since a month or so ago, when he was teaming with Cena and opening Raw by fighting with Edge. Anyway, presuming there's room enough only for one spot monkey in the Raw main event - and there is for all I know - which would you pick?

Despite being a self-confessed Bourne fanboy - did you see his tights this week? BLUE! - I'd probably have to go with Morrison. From what I was able to see - fuck you, Sky Sports - he actually had pretty good chemistry with Sheamus. That's more than you could say for Edge and any of his opponents ever, save maybe Cena.

People say Morrison is bad at promos. I don't think he is. I mean, I don't think he's dazzlingly good either but I believe people see that he's quite stilted when he talks and so think he's a poor speaker. In fact, that's just a quality of his character. You know, one of those thingymajigs. A characteristic.

The Miz and Mr. Anderson prove that all you have to do these days to be considered the best in the world at cutting a promo is to talk fluently and come up with a catchphrase. Standards aren't exactly high.

Inversely, Bourne is bad at promos. I think. The only one I can remember is the pre-recorded one they had when he debuted on ECW. Funnily enough, Morisson took the piss out of it on The Dirt Sheet.

Bourne is definitely smoother in the ring. However, Morrison's no clumsier than, say, Chris Jericho - proved when they went toe to clumsy toe the other week - or Edge, and they constantly find themselves in the main event.

Well, that's all I got for now. Who's Raw's top spot monkey then, eh?
I'm disappointed in this thread from you Sam, as neither of these two are spot monkeys, at all, certainly no more so than any other popular wrestler from AJ Styles to John Cena, they all have the same exact spots that they work into almost every single match, so to refer to these two as spot monkeys is pretty stupid frankly, especially when neither of these two are even particularly spotty. There's a big difference between high-flying maneuvers and being a spot-monkey, HUGE difference, and neither Morrison or Bourne fit the criteria.

As for which I'd pick as the superior of the two, that's difficult. Morrison probably has a better shot in the main event scene, but Bourne remains incredibly popular with the crowds, moreso than Morrison. I absolutely loved the way they presented Morrison this Monday on Raw, showing him doing crazy training before using that training to try and take out Sheamus. I'd likely go with Morrison, just because despite the hate he gets online, the guy is incredibly entertaining to watch in a wrestling ring.
I'm disappointed in this thread from you Sam, as neither of these two are spot monkeys, at all,

Well, Bourne in particular does very little other than get beat up and then do a spot.

certainly no more so than any other popular wrestler from AJ Styles

World's greatest spot monkey, fact fans. I also hope you're enjoying how I'm splitting your post into disjointed clauses. How I roll.

to John Cena,

Too many punches.

they all have the same exact spots that they work into almost every single match, so to refer to these two as spot monkeys is pretty stupid frankly, especially when neither of these two are even particularly spotty. There's a big difference between high-flying maneuvers and being a spot-monkey, HUGE difference, and neither Morrison or Bourne fit the criteria.

Well, like I said - surprisingly large quote - they do very little but get beat up and then do a spot. I know I didn't see the entire match, but I saw the final five or so minutes of Sheamus/Morrison and all it was was Sheamus beating up Morrison and then Morrison jumping off something or doing a flip. Case in point, Sheamus throws Morrison off the stage, Morrison does a corkscrew (or something) and lands on his feet. Morrison then bounces of the stage with a high kick. Sheamus fights back, a minute later Morrison is jumping off that... thing. You know, the thing.

It's all semantics anyway, and the amount of times I find myself arguing semantics over wrestling terms is frankly ludicrous.

I'd likely go with Morrison, just because despite the hate he gets online, the guy is incredibly entertaining to watch in a wrestling ring.

Evan Bourne by leaps and bounds. Everything Evan does looks good. He kicks can be brutal, and the way he sells that ass kicking he just got is great. He is much more likable than John Morrison, which is great because I don't know why there are so many baby faces that aren't likable. If nothing else, he actually hits his finisher and doesn't get lost in the ring.

Morrison, on the other hand.. I guess the guy is flashy. I know a lot of people loved the match he had with Sheamus on Raw, but I couldn't get into it. Morrison did a bunch of stuff just to *prove* he is flashy. None of it made any sense, but all of it looked forced. Like "Hey, I may suck at talking, but I can do flips better than [name]! I promise I am not a waste!" Sheamus did great in the match because Sheamus is actually believable as a bruiser type.. Morrison just came off like a super douche.
Morrison by far. I don't regard Morrison as a spot monkey at all by the way in fact he is far from it. John Morrison has increased in his mic skills since first arriving in WWE. Hell the guy has only started showing his truely athletic style since coming to RAW. He has uped his game in the ring BIG TIME since coming to RAW. Up until now he has done nothing on RAW but a feud with Chris Jericho could be in the works that is if Jericho decides to stay with the WWE. John has the better look and probably one of the better looks in wrestling. The only thing i see wrong with Morrison is his mic skills which aren't bad but aren't good either.

Bourne on the other hand. As much as i hate to say it he sounds like an eight year old boy on the mic no matter how good he is in the ring. He seems to have lost his push to Kaval as i have read on other websites. Bourne may have one of the best wrestling styles in the business but the guy needs a personality and something else memorable other than the SSP.

Overall Morrison he is just better.
Well if your considering them spot monkies because they do the same moves week in and week out, all of them are spot monkies. Cena gets the crap kicked out of him for 15 minutes solid then does 2 shoulder blocks, a bulldog, spin out power bomb, 5 chuckle shuffle, then fu or the stfu. Thats a cena match. And if this is the case then Mysterio is the biggest one ever, he always gets the crap kicked out of him and does a few moves.
The Miz and Mr. Anderson prove that all you have to do these days to be considered the best in the world at cutting a promo is to talk fluently and come up with a catchphrase. Standards aren't exactly high.

This is quite possibly the most accurate statement I have ever seen on a WZ Forum... or any for that matter

That aside, My vote goes to Morrison. He just has more to offer and has a deeper character, more personality, and a better look. Far more marketable than Bourne
I dont care for Morrison, but I would have to pick him over Bourne. Morrison is taller and more entertaining in the ring that Bourne to the majority of the fans, and myself. To be honest I havent seen any real potential from Morrison since he was ECW champion but I still see a hell of a lot more potential for him than Bourne. Bourne is simply too small, not good on the mic, and the crowd barely cares hes there, even after Cena went out of his way to help him get pushed.

Morrison has the crowd caring about him, a good look, and a flashy move set that people pop for other than a couple as opposed to Bourne. Morrison may very well be a champion some day, if he can improve upon his mic skills and grow a personality. Well maybe not, Swagger was champ and Morrison is better on the mic than him.

I really see nothing in Bourne other than midcarder, thus Morrison is my choice.
Spot Monkey? Rude, and not a fitting full-time term for Morrison. Bourne....well, I can see why you would call him that.

I choose Bourne, simply because he's better at being a Spot Monkey.

Morrison can be more than just a fancy loser, World Champion even, while Evan may never leave the position of Jobber.
Maybe neither of these two will be main eventers one day, or maybe both will, but if I have to pick one it would be MORRISON.

Evan is a great wrestler very entertaining can do lot of things, I dont know how good/bad he is on the mic because WWE has never given him the chance to speak, but anyway if wwe wants to give him the chance I think he can be a great star, don't know if world champ, but a big star to be a complement in the company.

Now why I picked Morrison? he has bigger physique, I can say he is GOOD on the mic, and can be better in some point in time, can wrestle BIG TIME MATCHES, this is a very good tv match or ppv match when the company tells him too, see mysterio vs morrison from smackdown in 2009, in the fall of 2009 where morrison won the intercontinental title, that came out of nowhere and he delivered, also morrison vs edge from 2009 represents what im talking about.

I thought last year that JO-MO would be champion by this point in time, for what I was seeing of him on smackdown last year, or at least being a top star right now, don't know what happened, maybe he wasn't ready for RAW yet, hope wwe gives him his chance soon.
Well, Bourne in particular does very little other than get beat up and then do a spot.

Really though Sam, you could simplify literally any professional wrestler to that same description. Did Hogan do much besides get beat up and then do his Hulking-Up spots? Did Austin do much else? Cena? Bret? Shawn? Really, you can simplify any wrestler's workrate into calling them a spot monkey if you want, because every wrestler relies on their familiar spots, every one of them.

World's greatest spot monkey, fact fans. I also hope you're enjoying how I'm splitting your post into disjointed clauses. How I roll.

Old school all the way Sam, I like it. Make sure to start splitting up my sentences though, I think you may need to address ever syllable in my post or I'll feel personally slighted.

Too many punches.

Punches can be spots too. See: Big Show's punch, Goldust's terrible clap-smack. Just because Bourne and Morrison jump off the top rope instead of doing the same springboard reverse DDT (Styles) or a Boston crab into an STF (Joe) doesn't make them any more of a spot monkey than any other wrestler. I suppose I just get tired of wrestlers being dismissed and insulted as "spot monkeys" like they aren't good workers while other wrestlers get a pass. Why is a wrestler doing a flip and adding acceleration and velocity to a slam any less viable than a chokeslam or pedigree? They're all equally ridiculous holds and maneuvers if you want to get logical about it.
I like both of these guys. The only spot-monkeys in wrestling these days are in TNA. Sorry TNA marks, but it's true. Most, if not all, TNA matches are total spot fests that look way too choreographed.

Evan Bourne reminds me of Dynamite Kid back in the day. When Dymanite took a bump it was like he got hit by an 18 wheeler. Bourne does the same thing. They're both little men in great shape who make their opponents look like a million bucks in the way they sell each bump.

John Morrison has Shawn Michaels potential as far as charisma and athleticism is concerned. But if he's gonna be World Champion material someday he has to break away from the Jim Morrison psychedelic 60's rocker character. It's very limiting much like Cena as the hip hop guy a few years ago. Cena looked a bit like the rapper Marky Mark, but they eventually stopped emphasizing that and let Cena be himself. I say let Morrison do the same and we may see his mic skills improve. Then he'll be ready to be a main eventer.
Evan Bourne by leaps and bounds.

Leaps? Mayhap. Bounds? No way!

Nitro definitely has more potential to be a main-eventer at this stage in the game. Bourne is just too small to take as a legitimate threat right now. When Mysterio retires then he can fill the role of ultimate underdog. Nitro has a bigger build and much more credibility to move into the main event picture if only because Bourne is still fresh on the scene. But since the question is who's my favourite then I'll have to go with Bourne because that guy can sell like no other currently. Every move looks like it kills him and I appreciate that.
Normally, I'd pick Bourne without even having to give it much thought. However, I will admit to FINALLY being entertained by Morrison on last Monday's RAW. The training routine that proceeded his match with Sheamus was both unique and jaw dropping. The match itself was the perfect ending to the previous promo. It incorporated much of what we just saw prior. If they can find a way to allow JoMo to show off more of the same in the future, I may be eating my words about the guy.
I woud pick Morrison anyday. I don't like Bourne never have and never will and I've always liked Morrison so it's pretty easy for me. Bourne has no and I mean no personality what soever. Whereas Morrison has the move-set, personality, entrance and has the crowd behind him he isn't that bad on the mic either. Also and most importantly Morrison can hit Bourne's move from a standing position!!!
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I don't really care for either superstar right now, but I'm going to go with John Morrison. Just from past history of actually watching lots of his matches from start to finish because he entertained me. John Morrison's matches left me impressed, feeling fullfilled and having a smile on my face. I don't get that with Evan Bourne. Not as often as I did with John Morrison anyway.

I'm not totally against Evan Bourne though. I think when he's put into a big match situation, he can actually get the job done pretty well. Take a look at when he teamed on Raw with John Cena, and his match with Chris Jericho at Fatal Four Way. Not only did Evan Bourne beat Chris Jericho, but he impressed me at FFW. I actually wasn't going to watch Bourne's match at Fatal Four Way, but I gave it a chance and I'm sure as hell glad that I did. Probably one of Evan Bourne's best matches in his career so far.

As for the main event picture then I'd still have to go with John Morrison. Evan Bourne is a deffenite second choice though. At the moment, I could see John Morrison going for the title abit more than I can see Evan Bourne going for the title. Neither of them could actually ever be champion though, who knows?
I think Bourne could be really solid on Smackdown. I think he would be really solid in a program against Ziggler, Del Rio, Swagger and Mysterio until he comes back.

That being said Morrison may be on his way to the top after that match with Sheamus. A program with Jericho is pretty much set in stone for after NOC. After this they could put him in a program with Edge for a couple of months.
I don't think either Morrison or Bourne are spot monkeys. When I think spot monkeys I think Sabu and Jeff Hardy but Sabu miles ahead of Jeff. Morrison and Bourne are both really good wrestlers but I'd have to say Morrison is better overall. I believe Morrison has potential to be the next Jericho im not saying he's going to be Jericho because he's not but I believe Morrison could be that guy who floats between mid-card and main-event. Morrison has all the wrestling ability he just needs to improve his mic skills.
I wouldn't really call either spot monkeys, but X has already covered that.

Anyway I would definitely go with JoMo, he is much better than Bourne all round in my opinion. He has better mic skills than Bourne, now I know that isn't saying a whole lot but it is definitely true, I can't remember one promo from Evan Bourne, JoMo was good on the dirt sheet and there are a few of his promos from SD I can remember, namely the one where he dressed up in a kilt and madde fun of Drew so while he is not great on the mic he is better than Borne.

He is better in the ring, now some may disagree with this but I think it's true. In a Bourne match what does he usually do, some kicks maybe a hurricanrana, counters a suplex by kneeing his opponent in the face and the he does his SSP, that is really all I can remember from a Bourne match, and I can certainly never remember a classic match that has involved Bourne. JoMo on the other hand has had many classics with the likes of Rey, Edge, Jericho, Sheamus and Jeff Hardy all of which are proven main eventers proving he can hang in the ring with the big boys.

He has has a better look and a better character. JoMo basically gets this by default, he obviously has a look that will be a more succesful in the WWE given that he is taller. He also wins the gimmick by dafualt simpy becasue he has one. What is Bournes gimmick? Underdog, yeah I dont think that counts. Morrison on the other hand has a rockstar gimmick which I think is quite good so he wins that one.

Basically Morrison is better than Bourne in every way and he is more likely to succeed in the WWE main event given he is more of a normal hight.
He is better in the ring, now some may disagree with this but I think it's true. In a Bourne match what does he usually do, some kicks maybe a hurricanrana, counters a suplex by kneeing his opponent in the face and the he does his SSP, that is really all I can remember from a Bourne match, and I can certainly never remember a classic match that has involved Bourne.

Ironically, Bourne had a classic match WITH John Morrison in WWECW.


Overall though, I think Morrison is better. I've been a fan of his for awhile, and while Bourne is a fantastic worker who can definately put on a good show based on his indy work, Morrison has the look and gimmick to follow through with. To be fair, Bourne hasn't been given hardly any mic time throughout his entire WWE tenure, but as it stands now, Morrison gets the nod.
Morrison has the upper hand because he's not terrible on the mic and he has personality and he is interesting to watch in the ring. Bourne is also fun to watch but he is bland and you don't know much about the guy beside he is a face.
Morrison. Hands down.
Now don't get me wrong, Evan Bourne is good, but will never get to the main event, and I mean never. He has no charisma, sounds like he's a ten year old when he talks, and all he does is some kicks and a flip.
Morrison, on the other hand, has charisma, is decent on the mic, actually has a gimmick, and is wonderful in the ring. Absolutely incredible. He always puts on a good match, as seen on Raw, SD, ECW, Superstars, and hell, even NXT. Morrison is just all around better than Bourne and guys that have reached the main event, such as Swagger and Jeff. Morrison should be a world champ soon, seeing how a feud with Jericho is definitely in the works, and with the matches they'll put on, they can't not put him in the Main Event.
first as many people have said they are no more spot monkeys than the average performer,
morrison by leaps and bounds, the man is a miracle of athletic prowess, almost state champion in wrestling and a college level gymnast, the man is amazing, and differing from popular belief, he does not suck on the mic, but all his promo's are scripted nowadays,
bourne in no ways is a bad peformer, in fact hes quite good and currently underused, but morrison is better by far
I would much rather take John Morrison, there is no doubt in my mind that he is the better choice. He has had a bit more experience in the "upper-echelon" of the WWE and he is looking tons better than Bourne. Bourne pretty much disappeared after his little month in the spotlight, but JoMo has been looking consistently better and this has been a slow build to this push. I've said it a ton of times, John Morrison is looking like what we all thought he could be. JoMo is finally living up to all that hype, now I don't think that all the "JoMo Title Shot" sayings are too much... I really think that he has a shot and that it would be a fairly credible choice to put him in the Main Event.
Morrison and Bourne don't meet the requirements to bee a spot monkey. Both Morrison and Bourne sometimes employ high risk offense off the top rope and an occassional suicide dive but that's a far cry from being a spot monkey. A spot monkey is just that, someone that uses a continuous string of high spots, flips, etc. strung together virtually the entire match.

However, as far as who the superior of the two is...hmmm it's a little difficult. Evan Bourne is still extremely over with crowds and that's never a bad thing. The small push he'd received seems to have stalled at the moment and his size could be a hindurance in the eyes of many. Bourne's well under 6 feet tall and is billed about 183 lbs, though I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually lighter than that, and there's still a LOT of American fans that hate on the little man when he's in a main event picture.

Morrison has been pretty popular as well though he's been used pretty poorly since coming to Raw overall. He's looked like a star the past few weeks and the crowd has really been into him. Morrison has the look and the overall athleticism over Bourne. I knew Morrison was very athletic, but watching him do that Spider-Man shit on Raw impressed me. JoMo's mic skills have definitely held him back since becoming a face. As a heel, he was actually pretty good. He wasn't spectacular, but loads better than what we've heard out of him most of the time.

I'd love to see both of them make it to the main event scene personally. Morrison is very close to that next level, he just needs a little work, and Bourne could be the little man that changes a lot of wrestling fans' perceptions.

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