Physical WWE HOF


Mid-Card Championship Winner
As we previously reported, WWE is looking into opening a physical Hall of Fame at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL, and the site would be very near the sound stage that used to be TNA's Impact Zone.

It's now being reported that in addition to the Hall of Fame, WWE is looking into opening a themed restaurant in the same building as the Hall of Fame location.

Seems like a wise location. Will give WWE that mainstam exposure they crave!! They should speak to Madame Tussauds about building them some life size wax works of legends like Bruno, Andre, Hogan, Bret, HBK, Austin, etc. (example -

I would also have some of the classic 'coin ups' like Superstars/Wrestlefest scattered around too!
I'm surprised it's taken this long for WWE to finally decide to do a physical HOF. I think Orlando is the perfect place for it, it gets a lot of tourists because it offers a lot, so I'm guessing there's a lot of people who will be interested in going to the HOF. The fact that it's going to be near where TNA's Impact Zone was, wasn't likely to be the main reason for WWE wanting it there because as I said there's a lot of tourists in that area.

I like the idea of life size wax works. They made a life size of Andre's hand for WM didn't they, so people could measure theirs compared to his? It was pretty cool so it would be cool to have in the building. Also I expect old title belts, old costumes etc will be there to see as well.

The restaurant is sure to have some cheesy meal and drink names, like Santino Mozzarella Pizza or Coffee Kingston (anyone think of some others?). So that would be interesting.

So, I think there's definitely profit to be made with the physical HOF and restaurant, smart move by WWE.
As mentioned it's a long time coming, not many better places to host it then Orlando either, especially for international fans as well!

Also love the idea of old school coin ups in an arcade section, this would be a great addition!

Honestly cannot see anything bad that will come from this!
I think the location should be the #1 tourist attractable city in the world at thats Las Vegas
Restaurant idea is a bad one but a thing for WWE to have would be their own WWE Apparel Shop
I'm kinda iffy on the whole Universal Studios location thing. I mean, It's easy to understand wanting the building to be in Orlando, with it being such a big tourist destination with Disney and the whole lot, but the location is too close to TNA. I like the Idea of it being in Connecticut. If you really think about it, no major Hall of Fame for anything is in a major city. (MLB in Cooperstown, NY. NFL in Canton, OH. NBA in Springfield, MA.) And a location close to the Headquarters would have something of significance, rather than just placing it in Orlando for the sake of it being in Orlando.
I love the idea of the whole area (HOF, restaurant, shop etc). Perfect location (especially for me, as my parents recently bought a holiday home in Citrus Ridge, which is 30 minutes away). Knowing how WWE like to do this, it is going to be incredible if the whole idea pulls through and doesn't collapse for some reason.

Can I just ask one question. What is a 'coin up'? Seen the phrase batted around lately in reference to the HOF, but I have no idea what it means. Is it a form of bust, kind of like a plaque that you put on the wall?
I feel like this would be huge flop. I understand people travel fro all over the US and even the world to attend something like Wrestlemania, but I don't think people would do that for a HOF. I suppose if it were part of Universal Studios, rather than a stand alone building, it could potentially work. It just seems like a big bet that it would be a huge attraction. As for a location in someplace like CT? I think that would be an even bigger flop.

I also think that if it were at Universal Studios, that could be a plus for TNA. TNA should be very focused on capturing those fans.
I feel like this would be huge flop. I understand people travel fro all over the US and even the world to attend something like Wrestlemania, but I don't think people would do that for a HOF. I suppose if it were part of Universal Studios, rather than a stand alone building, it could potentially work. It just seems like a big bet that it would be a huge attraction. As for a location in someplace like CT? I think that would be an even bigger flop.

I also think that if it were at Universal Studios, that could be a plus for TNA. TNA should be very focused on capturing those fans.

If it's at Universal Studios, WWE will have a guaranteed audience. It may not be the most popular attraction, but it would almost certainly make enough money to cover the lease, the operating costs, and put some petty cash into WWE's coffers.

As for it helping TNA, that's not likely since they no longer have any presence at Universal Studios. Their lease ended earlier this year, which was a big part of the reason they took Impact on the road. With rumors of WWE moving in (and possibly preliminary talks underway), there's little-to-no chance that Universal would have TNA back.
I love this idea! As a UK fan it would be great to visit - the only other chance of seeing all the things they'd have would be at a WM week, which is so hard to get to.

The waxworks are a great idea, as are the Andre' hand replica; it pretty much sounds like it would be extremely similar to the WM week they put on in the WM town before the event (if anyone has been, is this right?)

The restaurant is a great idea; endless opportunities. The idea of a permanent Merch shop would be great too (I reckon if WWE launched a WWE shop in London tomorrow it would be extremely popular!). The restaurant wouldn't have the typical music, there
would just be entrance music, past and present. to walk in the restaurant you'd walk down from the "stage" which would be the front door haha...endless things!

Would this physical HOF take away what is so special from going to a WM week event though?
It's a good idea to have it linked with Universal Studios as I feel it would attract a lot of older fans or casual fans who are visiting Orlando anyway, that plus hardcore fans visiting Orlando with the purpose of seeing the Hall of Fame.

I also used to love eating, havign a few beers and watching Raw in WWF World in Times Square, got to meet a load of wrestlers of the time likes Angle, Tazz, Big Show, the Acoloytes, Benoit & Guerrero and Lita by doing so as well. Hell they could run their pregame PPV shows from the restaurant like used in a studio format.
To Matty - 'coin up' is another term for 'arcade machine'. Back in the early 90s they had Wrestlefest which was brilliant.

As far as the resturant goes, the idea with the stage and entrance music is a great one. 'Steveweisers', Booker Tea, Jake 'The Shake' Roberts, Junkyard Hot Dogs, etc
I think the location should be the #1 tourist attractable city in the world at thats Las Vegas
Restaurant idea is a bad one but a thing for WWE to have would be their own WWE Apparel Shop

Having the HOF in Las Vegas alienates a vast majority of your audience. We're in a PG era; having a HOF in 'Sin City' would mean most parents will not take their children on vacation there which would be a shame.

Orlando is a great choice. Families visit for Universal Studios/Disneyworld and could be a nice addition to the tourist attractions down there. As a Brit, me and the vast majority of the people I know have been lucky to visit Disneyworld on holiday and I would have loved the opportunity to be able to go to a physical HOF.

I think the restaurant idea is a nice addition as the idea itself isn't strong enough to pull the punters in. Didn't WWF/E have that restaurant in Times Square around 2000ish? Can't remember it doing quite well but its nice to have the option of grabbing a bite to eat after trawling through the HOF.
Orlando is a great choice. Families visit for Universal Studios/Disneyworld and could be a nice addition to the tourist attractions down there. As a Brit, me and the vast majority of the people I know have been lucky to visit Disneyworld on holiday and I would have loved the opportunity to be able to go to a physical HOF.

Exactly! If I were to go on holiday with family it would most probably be to that area; I think great business with the overseas fans seen as a very important factor.
I don't buy into one city over another that fits PG
They have shows in NYC,Chi-Town,Philly,and Miami including LA and those cities don't equal the PG concept so not one city is really PG
Vegas has more family friendly venues know than ever before
The other reason its a good choice it takes a direct shot at UFC
Restaurant idea is horrible because it failed once before and almost every biz concept Vince has done outside of wrestling has failed miserably
The WWE Store would be the next logical step seeing other entertainment establishments have stores or a major retail chain as a carrier of their product
To Matty - 'coin up' is another term for 'arcade machine'. Back in the early 90s they had Wrestlefest which was brilliant.

As far as the resturant goes, the idea with the stage and entrance music is a great one. 'Steveweisers', Booker Tea, Jake 'The Shake' Roberts, Junkyard Hot Dogs, etc

I see, thankyou very much. I never got to play arcade games as a kid, my parents wouldn't let me.

In which case, aracde games would be a great edition. I wouldn't mind them putting in a row of ALL the WWE games from the past. All the way from WWF Attitude (my first WWE game, for PS1) up to WWE 2K14
I don't buy into one city over another that fits PG
They have shows in NYC,Chi-Town,Philly,and Miami including LA and those cities don't equal the PG concept so not one city is really PG
Vegas has more family friendly venues know than ever before

No, but families and fans live in Vegas so it makes sense having a show there. An attraction like a physical HOF needs to appeal to everyone and the stigma of Vegas as party town hinders that greatly. I was in Vegas in May and it does have shows and a wonderful grand canyon tour set up (yes I know the canyon is in Arizona but the tours run from Vegas) but the Hangover films don't help portray it as a family friendly environment. If you take a family on holiday in Orlando, you have other tourist attractions to appeal to families. In Vegas, the main attraction is gambling and Vegas thrives on that.

The other reason its a good choice it takes a direct shot at UFC

No company should do anything just to slight another company; you do what's right for business. Putting a tourist attraction in the middle of the desert, in a city not-renowned for a child friendly tourist atmosphere just to 'one-up' UFC is ludicrous. The HOF would be more successful in Orlando where all of the audience can go.
The funniest thing I hear is when fans mention about when WWE has been PG and "appeals to everyone" is also the times the company has all they can do to get to $500 mill
Actually the WWE Product appealed to everyone when they were TV-14 just not as much with the sponsors
Ratings and record level revenue proves that TV-14 was a better product seller than any era they were under PG including the Hulkamania era
I understand what fans are saying with Orlando but toursist revenue Orlando falls way short to NYC and Las Vegas
Also with being in Vegas its a short trip to LA and with VKM's obsession with Hollywood they could build a few studios in conjuction with LGF or any other movie studio for future WWE Films projects
I guarantee if the HOF was in Vegas within the first three years it would double projected profits compared to Orlando
The funniest thing I hear is when fans mention about when WWE has been PG and "appeals to everyone" is also the times the company has all they can do to get to $500 mill
Actually the WWE Product appealed to everyone when they were TV-14 just not as much with the sponsors

I never said it 'appealed to everyone' I said it was available to everyone. Everyone can engage with a PG product at some level, in the way that the Toy Story movies are so successful.

I understand what fans are saying with Orlando but toursist revenue Orlando falls way short to NYC and Las Vegas

You have to look it at from an international POV. It is far cheaper (and a shorter flight) to get to Orlando via a package deal than LA or Vegas. I don't have the figures to argue the part in bold but that might have more to do with the clientele that frequent those places. You're more likely to spend more on an adult holiday in New York, or a gambling stag/bachelor party in Vegas than a budgeted holiday for a family of 4.

Also with being in Vegas its a short trip to LA and with VKM's obsession with Hollywood they could build a few studios in conjuction with LGF or any other movie studio for future WWE Films projects
I guarantee if the HOF was in Vegas within the first three years it would double projected profits compared to Orlando

They won't get their foot in the door with a studio because they don't have the actors to warrant those roles. Mankind's mask on display isn't going to make Wade Barrett an action star. A couple of old robes won't have studios queuing up to sign The Miz for a motion picture. They'll have to continue putting movies out through WWE studios and hope they get the right attention.

And you can't guarantee that final part. In Vegas, its competition against the already established casinos and the adult atmosphere. In Orlando, it can gain a boost from the already child friendly environment of Disney and universal and be a welcome addition to numerous tourist attractions.
One thing I will admit openly that I am a major investor to alot of LV's hotel and casino establishments
One reason why I think it would be a good fit in Vegas with WWE's long term future success in Hollywood its only a 30-40 minute drive to LA
Vegas is considered the entertainment capital of the world and WWE considers themselves more entertainment than wrestling not my words but top line execs in WWE consider that their company ideaology
There are many gambling options for WWE if they were to have the HOF in Vegas
That added revenue in gambling could go directly to their WWE Films region of the company
I am a Vegas guy so thats why I think a HOF would work very well in vegas compared to other family friendly venues
There are many gambling options for WWE if they were to have the HOF in Vegas
That added revenue in gambling could go directly to their WWE Films region of the company
I am a Vegas guy so thats why I think a HOF would work very well in vegas compared to other family friendly venues

I don't understand what you're suggesting here; that WWE have a stake in a casino/run a casino and feed the gambling profits into WWE films? Like it or not WWE is a PG company and as such has to present itself as such. They can produce more adult themed DVDs but not many (if any) are rated R or NC-17. WWE can't be seen to profit from something as adult-orientated as gambling, I'm afraid.
I feel like this would be huge flop. I understand people travel fro all over the US and even the world to attend something like Wrestlemania, but I don't think people would do that for a HOF. I suppose if it were part of Universal Studios, rather than a stand alone building, it could potentially work. It just seems like a big bet that it would be a huge attraction. As for a location in someplace like CT? I think that would be an even bigger flop.

I also think that if it were at Universal Studios, that could be a plus for TNA. TNA should be very focused on capturing those fans.

That is exactly why you put it in a place like Orlando, Vegas, Nw York, Chicago, cities that already have large tourism business because the HOF itself might not draw huge fans simply to see it from all over (Like Baseball does in Cooperstown, NY or Football does in Canton, OH). HOWEVER, there are a ton of wrestling fans who vacation, travel, etc and would be interested in stopping and seeing the HOF if it were among a host of reasons to travel to an area (Orlando being associated with Disney, which is a huge draw for family vacations, is a major bonus, plus Orlando does have a significant legacy in Pro Wrestling from the Fla Championship Wrestling days, plus hosting Nitro during WCW's mid 90's rise, and hosting WM 24).
The gambling aspect is you can have slot machines with WWE characters likeness spread through out some casinos
As far as the PG thing I believe Disney has cruise lines in FL that has some entertainment rooms with poker and black jack tables
In FL especially around Orlando their are so many attractions that have established themselves it will be greatly difficult for WWE to even take away 3% of other attractions longstanding clientele
For me Vegas makes sense just from the entertainment aspect of the company
I do think if the HOF was to open in Vegas WWE would get much more mainstream coverage than in Orlando with the presence of Disney
Keep one thing in mind even when Disney was struggling they never changed their product ideaology but WWE did and alot of people have a negative reaction towards WWE of being labeled a social entertainment sellout
the previous restauarant, WWE World went bust, in Times Square. I think the physical HOF should be in New York, the natural home of World Wrestling Entertainment, but fear it would go bust like the previous restaurant. So at a theme park makes the next amount of sense, a place where millions of people visit each year
I don't have a problem with the HOF in Orlando even though their is more non-wrestling biz opportunities if it was in Vegas
The biggest problem is I have a feeling WWE is going to put the HOF in the middle of other attractions which is a huge mistake
Look at almost all the HOF's sports or entertainment and those facilities are by themselves so that HOF can grow on its own and other businesses around it can grow instead of the opposite
The biggest problem even if they have a restaurant within the HOF around other super attractions what will draw people to WWE HOF
Having an apparel store within the HOF makes the most sense but WWE should have a partnership with a restaurant chain like JJ
If WWE does the restaurant all by themselves it will flop
According to a friend they had a themed restaurant once and every now and then some superstars would drop buy. I also read somewhere they had a theme park but thats obviously gone now too. I wouldnt mind seeing a physical Hall of Fame although I wish it would be in NY. NYC has so much history with the WWE and it would be great to commemorate WWE's rise in the city that was so instrumental to its success. I would love to see some more statues like the one of Andre at Access. A title display case with authentic replicas of all WWE titles. A couple replica rings so that fans can jump in and mess around. Game rooms with displays and copies of all WWE games. It sounds like a great idea and its long overdue.

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