Phone hacking

This week will be the last ever NOTW. Official - James Murdoch.
The can't have the the Sunday Sun as that's a local paper in newcastle that actually has been around longer than the Sun.
Rebekah Brooks was married to Ross Kemp? My God.

The closing of it is a bit of a surprise to be honest, would have expected more of a fight from News International. Smacks of an attempt on Murdoch's behalf to stop, or at least slow down the media coverage of the whole thing. It won't work.
And The Sun (another Murdoch publication) registers a domain name for a new Sunday paper. Given that the News of the World was making a financial loss anyway, nobody is suffering apart from the more blameless employees who just lost their jobs.
And The Sun (another Murdoch publication) registers a domain name for a new Sunday paper. Given that the News of the World was making a financial loss anyway, nobody is suffering apart from the more blameless employees who just lost their jobs.

Sunday Sun's a newcastle paper.
Never knew you couldn't buy The Sun on Sundays. So, yeah, this story has shaken my very perception of reality.
Never knew you couldn't buy The Sun on Sundays. So, yeah, this story has shaken my very perception of reality.

There's a paper called The Sunday Sun, it's a North East local paper and predates the rag by about 20 years.

NOTW was the Sunday version of the proper Sun I guess.

Favourite headlines I've seen:

"From NOTW to NOWT" and "Hacked to Death"

This would have been a hundred times funnier as Alan Partridge.
Tomorrow's Mirror:


Shit's going to go down now!
Reports everywhere suggesting that in 2006 when Rebekah Brooks was editor, The Sun hacked into medical records belonging to Gordon Brown about his son who was suffering from cystic fibrosis.
Wern't they the paper who leaked he had depression as well?

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