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PG Wrestlers - Only popular for 6 months then fade away. Why IWC?? Why???


Occasional Pre-Show
Why those the PG wrestlers popularity only last a couple of months and fade away?

Ryback, Wyatt, Roman, the list goes on and on. Now Ambrose getting heat.

People don't seem to love the wrestlers, they just don't care. They are like sheeps.

"Now most people hate him, so now im going to cheer another PG wrestler" People just don't give a fuck about the wrestlers. Back in the day people loved the wrestlers, now it's like mjeeh he's ok but I don't care.

People are backstabbing the wrestlers big time and acting like hyopcrites.

So who's the next flavour of the month who will get fucked up by IWC?
Now Ambrose getting heat.

Aren't you the same tool who posted that Ambrose looks like shit and can't hold a candle to Stone Cold. That he sucked in the ring and would never amount to anything. Don't come on here calling people hypocrites when you're probably the biggest offender on this entire forum. Don't take a handful of people who hate Wyatt, Reigns, or Ambrose and lump the whole IWC in with them. Everyone has an opinion, get the fuck over it.
Aren't you the same tool who posted that Ambrose looks like shit and can't hold a candle to Stone Cold. That he sucked in the ring and would never amount to anything. Don't come on here calling people hypocrites when you're probably the biggest offender on this entire forum.

Wow ok why are you mad?? So what I dont like every wrestler in the PG era and dissing some stars, but im dissing old and new stars and a pretty consistent about it.

Ambrose is nothing compared to Austin.. We all know that don't we. Austin was the most over guy in wrestling under Attidue Era. You cant compare a PG shitty wrestler that looks like shit compared to Austin.

Austin won his matches also and the Rock who was the "other star" - didn't even get a clean win until 7 years later, his last match..compare that to Ambrose. Ambrose is just a jobber compared to it. He's not over, never will be.

But back to topic, why does the PG wrestlers lose the popularity so quickly?
I blame the WWE and circumstances for it, not the IWC.
Look at Cesaro- IWC cares about him lesser than before because WWE ruined his momentum with an ill-timed swerve when he was just at the door of the main event scene.
We are not responsible for where Bray Wyatt and his family is for the past couple of months by courtesy of John Cena's "elevating" efforts.
Damien Sandow- From Mr. Money in the Bank to copying someone different each week and getting kicked around. WWE's fault.
Reigns is injured. Bryan is injured. Bad News is injured. Again, not our fault that they are out of focus.
Agreed, a portion of the IWC changes their support from time to time in an effort to look cool. But all of the above weren't the outcome of the said portion of fans turning against them. In other words, whom the internet is supporting or rooting against, is not paid much (or any) concern to by the WWE.

Just one question here. What is a PG wrestler?

I'm guessing anyone that rose to prominence in the PG era.
Why those the PG wrestlers popularity only last a couple of months and fade away?

Do you happen to have any real evidence to support Wyatt, Roman, and Ambrose's popularity on the decline, or do you just like making threads because it makes you feel accomplished?

There are always going to be people who dislike what is popular and be vocal about it. That's the reality for everything; whether it's music, television, etc.

People shit all over everyone because they're people and that's what people do. Being PG has fuck all to do with it.

Now Ambrose getting heat.

Do you remember being one of those people that was doing this?

So who's the next flavour of the month who will get fucked up by IWC?

If you truly believe the IWC has so much sway that they can legitimately fuck up a wrestler's momentum, I do believe it's time for you to back away from the computer and stay backed away.

There was no "back in the day people loved them now they don't" argument to be made. Fans do love Bray Wyatt and the like. The sell of merchandise and their constant appearance on television testifies to that. You're reading too much into a small majority's opinion.
There is no such thing as the IWC. It's just an internal conglomoration of the opinions that you read and don't like. You will never see a poster say "The IWC thinks this, and I agree with them"; in every instance that the term is used, it is always about how that dastardly internet community is ruining professional wrestling.

I will retract this statement on the day where someone can list a set of opinions that everyone who discusses professional wrestling on the internet can agree with. I've been waiting several years on that, and expect to wait several more. Until that point, it remains the professional wrestling equivalent of the Chris Rock setup, "white people do something like this, but black people do something like that."

Also, Steve Austin is currently trying to pitch Wendy's BBQ menu as legitimate BBQ. Loss of all credibility aside for that, I'm pretty sure that can cost someone their Texas residency.
Wow ok why are you mad?? So what I dont like every wrestler in the PG era and dissing some stars, but im dissing old and new stars and a pretty consistent about it.

Ambrose is nothing compared to Austin.. We all know that don't we. Austin was the most over guy in wrestling under Attidue Era. You cant compare a PG shitty wrestler that looks like shit compared to Austin.

Austin won his matches also and the Rock who was the "other star" - didn't even get a clean win until 7 years later, his last match..compare that to Ambrose. Ambrose is just a jobber compared to it. He's not over, never will be.

But back to topic, why does the PG wrestlers lose the popularity so quickly?
Because of people like you, people who believe that everyone has to be compared to one person. Someone who lives in their own world and flat out refuses to believe that there are new starts in WWE. You say Dean Ambrose isn't over? You have to be joking. I don't even know how to comprehend your absolute stupidity.
'Antonio Cesaro' has been in the company for almost 4 years and yet we've probably only see about 20% of what Claudio Castagnoli can really do, people like him who they don't let spread their wings.

I mean are Triple H, Cena etc... scared of a big man doing these things, the guy is incredible, he is like a young Scott Steiner, he is probably the only guy on the roster who I think would be able to do a standing moonsault slam.
Wow a thread actually NOT about Austin... improvement...

It's not the IWC causing the issue it's the WWE's muddled business plan and Vince's delusion that they are "more" than a wrestling company causing the issue.

Everything on paper they've done in the last few years, investing in the Performance Centre, hiring young, exciting wrestling talent, widening the net into recruiting from more sporting backgrounds points to building a great Wrestling company.

Yet so much of how that talent and the company is then managed outside of talent and developmental is still with a view to WWE being a "Media Conglomerate", basically ANYTHING but a wrestling company.

Vince HATES being labelled a wrestling promoter, he really believes the "We make movies" crap he spouted 15 years ago in Beyond The Mat and would happily sink the company trying to make it happen.

The reason guys like Cesaro, Wyatt, Bryan and now Ambrose are having hard times becoming the "face of the company" is cos Vince doesn't want it to be a Wrestling company... Cena, Rock, Batista and the like work cos they are the face of Hollywood acceptance. Roman Reigns is their "chosen one" cos he has that look (and 5 moves of doom) that fits with the latter group.

Until Vince is either gone or the company is in such trouble that he once again HAS to switch directions then it's the way it's gonna be. But IF Trips can get control somehow, the foundation and everything HE has done points to it become a great Wrestling company again... he has seemingly no qualms about being that "promoter".
Yeah, I think that you're logic is a tad bit flawed.

Regarding Ryback, his push wasn't stopped because he wasn't getting over, it was stopped because of numerous accusations of other wrestlers that he was reckless and, allegedly, because he had a piss poor attitude backstage, treated fans like garbage at autograph sessions and trying to get him to promote WWE to local media, like every other top star in the company does, was like pulling teeth. If true, then he enjoyed the fame that came with being a top guy, but he didn't particularly care about the additional work it takes to stay a top guy.

As far as Bray Wyatt goes, I'd love to see some evidence that his popularity is on the decline. He's been off TV for a while and various reports indicate that something is in the works. If true, then maybe they're looking to start fresh with him upon his return. The biggest complaint I've read over the past several months regarding Bray Wyatt is that he, Harper & Rowan were fed to John Cena at Vince's insistence because of his paranoia people would stop "believing" in Cena. It's a complaint not lodged at Wyatt, but at Vince for frequently having Cena booked to look so strong that it's more of a detriment than anything else.

As for Roman Reigns, again, I've seen no signs that his popularity is on the decline. I agree with the notion that Reigns isn't ready to be given a top spot, if such reports of Reigns going up against Lesnar at WM XXXI are true. I think he has potential that hasn't been reached as of yet but, as for now, he's not nearly as strong, overall, as Ambrose or Rollins. I'm a fan of Reigns, as are a lot of others, and pointing out legit shortcomings he currently has doesn't change that.

As far as internet fans go, like everyone else, they're of varied opinions on just about anything and everything. That's life. However, I do think that the OP has pointed out something that can be genuinely applied to some fans. There are some fans who're so damn smarky that they'll turn on almost anybody who happens to make it to the main event picture in WWE. Whenever a wrestler is in the midst of a main event push, it seems like haters come out in droves whereas many of those same haters were bitching 6 months earlier that said wrestler wasn't being given a main event push. Sometimes the complaints are aimed at the wrestler, sometimes they're aimed at creative as the push isn't going exactly as they think it should in their own fantasy booking scenarios, sometimes it's a bit of both. We've seen it with Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and we're currently seeing it with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. Those're the types of fans you can't please and any promoter would drive themselves crazy even trying to.
Why those the PG wrestlers popularity only last a couple of months and fade away?

Ryback, Wyatt, Roman, the list goes on and on. Now Ambrose getting heat.

People don't seem to love the wrestlers, they just don't care. They are like sheeps.

"Now most people hate him, so now im going to cheer another PG wrestler" People just don't give a fuck about the wrestlers. Back in the day people loved the wrestlers, now it's like mjeeh he's ok but I don't care.

People are backstabbing the wrestlers big time and acting like hyopcrites.

So who's the next flavour of the month who will get fucked up by IWC?

It's because we are a group of people that have differing opinions, different tastes, likes and dislikes. Who you may like or cheer for isn't necessarily someone on the thread above or below you happens to be a fan of. Not only that the IWC gives us the place and freedom to air those opinions, which I might point out are not facts, they are just personal opinions.

Please tell me who has faded away in the last couple of months? Wyatt is getting from all accounts an overhaul. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan are both out with injuries, and as far as I know they haven't yet lost their momentum. We won't know that until they return. Ryback lost his push due to the reasons that Jack Hammer stated, but it took a lot longer than that for it to happen. And he still has a fan base out there, maybe not as much as before, but it's there none the less.

Maybe some of us expect to much from the WWE, maybe we expect all our wants and desires to be filled, and when they aren't we get upset. The only thing I expect when I sit down to watch any wrestling show is to be entertained. This isn't rocket science, it's sports entertainment, and the day it stops being entertaining is the day I stop watching.
The support DOES fade away with the time, because when fans watch RAW, and see how misused for months and years some talented guys are, they simply lose any hope that said wrestlers would get their chance to shine and move on, younger fans move on faster than older and with the majority being young, it can be seen as "flavor of the month".

But this isn't IWC fault that WWE doesn't really listen to the fans anymore and think they know better who we like. "Oh, you like Bray Wyatt now? No, no, no, look, he is very weak, you should all continue to cheer John Cena, he is better, trust us"
When fans feel powerless at constant basis they switch to something/someone else in hope this time it will be different, but 95% of the time all they see is a very same midcard swamp for just another talented guy, who could become something bigger but probably never will.

I think these very fans WILL cheer for the good old Zack Ryder if they will see that the machine finally got behind him and will not toy with fans' minds and then drop poor Zack like nothing happened because of some idiotic political reasons only McMahons can understand.

Nobody like to get their hopes up only to see middle finger in the end.

At least this is how i see it.
I feel you're way off base on some things, like Dean Ambrose not being over. But I have to agree with you on the fickleness of today's fans. And I mean all fans, not just the "IWC". I think people just go with what's popular. They hate what others tell them to hate, they love what other tell them to love. Someone isn't getting a push, they're everyones favourite wrestler, they're being held down, they deserve more. The second the guy starts to get noticed, to get successful, everyone hates him. People love to disagree, everyone wants to be a unique thinker. The irony is, so few are.
The majority of the IWC are ADD fucktards who have the underground rock band syndrome: They like and cheer for the guys that arent popular/noticed/well known because they want to stand out and be different.

And thats it in a nutshell whether people want to admit it or not
A lot of it also comes from the ridiculous way talent is elevated. It literally is a conveyor at times, one fails, drops off the end and the next one takes their place to try and grab Vince's "imaginary" brass ring as Punk once put it.

Fans who are not IWC savvy have seen enough of the curtain pulled back now to know that whoever they are cheering for is probably going to fall foul of something and get de-pushed through no fault of their own...they don't need to be on sites like WZ cos they've seen it repeatedly in the last 3 years, Sheamus, ADR, Ziggler, Bryan, Bray and no doubt Ambrose is next...they will get their 5 seconds at the top, then it's back to Cena and the old guard and the fans are quickly tiring of investing in new stars emotionally only to have the rug pulled. So it gets harder for the next guy WWE actually WANTS like Reigns cos it feels double forced.
I feel you're way off base on some things, like Dean Ambrose not being over. But I have to agree with you on the fickleness of today's fans. And I mean all fans, not just the "IWC". I think people just go with what's popular. They hate what others tell them to hate, they love what other tell them to love. Someone isn't getting a push, they're everyones favourite wrestler, they're being held down, they deserve more. The second the guy starts to get noticed, to get successful, everyone hates him. People love to disagree, everyone wants to be a unique thinker. The irony is, so few are.

But in reality who the hell is that full of themselves that they think the IWC matters to the WWE? They don't give a shit about what people write on an internet wrestling site. We aren't the ones making the matches, we aren't the ones who are deciding who stays and who goes, we are fans that's it plain and simple.

The only thing the IWC does it give us an outlet to talk to other fans about what we like and dislike on the subject of wrestling. A place to vent in other words, and I don't think for one minute that Vince McMahon is reading all these threads and coming up with next weeks RAW. Now not saying WWE personal aren't reading them and reporting back, but what we said and do here is for our benefit only.

And I disagree with people just going with who's most popular. Go to the shows, look at what people are wearing, see what they buy at the merchandise stands. You will see that every wrestler from today and yesteryear is represented, and fans buy all the merchandise. One of the hottest sellers at the Toronto show a couple of weeks ago, was the Jericho T-shirt, and a Randy Savage T-shirt. Yes a lot of kids were head to foot Cena, but every wrestler was represented in some fashion on someone's body. I think people like who they like for whatever reason. I do anyway, and it's not always the most popular on the card.
The biggest problem is overexposure. The WWE has, what, a sixty man roster thereabouts? Yet it's the same dozen or so faces on TV five hours a week, week after week, month after month, with little change. It's no wonder people burn out on wrestlers. If they'd use that big roster to fill there TV time they'd get a hell of a lot more mileage out guys without the fans getting sick of them. Are they afraid fans will forget who Cena and Orton are if they aren't in five segments every show or something?
Truthfully I think it's a different time in wrestling and WWE still hasn't adjusted. Also think people who started watching wrestling during the Attitude Era were spoiled bc back then they were always trying to up the week b4 and their competition was stronger. I started watching much earlier(favorite tag team was Rock n Roll Express)... It was much easier then. Cheer for the good guy, boo the bad guy. Simple formula. Kinda wish it just went back to that. But that ship has sail long ago. Back then, and even later it was customary for wrestlers to go 2-5 years b4 earning top 2 title shots, sometimes longer if at all. Bc they were new. Now fans know most wrestlers b4 they even hit NXT and they have set opinions on those wrestlers and want to see those wrestlers thrusted into main event when wwe want the slow build. So they give you what you want in the beginning but after a couple months it's back to their formula. They want to try their gimmick and that causes the problems. Fans cheering for them when they want him to heel it up. Hard to be a heel when you're being cheered. I just boo them bc that is what the wrestler is trying to get the audience to boo. Plus like someone stated earlier there is going to be b-holes wherever you go. Can't really say it's everyone when it's really not. It's fewer then you think, but they are louder then most bc most people don't care. They just want entertainment. Some people take this crap too personal.
Wow a thread actually NOT about Austin... improvement...

It's not the IWC causing the issue it's the WWE's muddled business plan and Vince's delusion that they are "more" than a wrestling company causing the issue.

Everything on paper they've done in the last few years, investing in the Performance Centre, hiring young, exciting wrestling talent, widening the net into recruiting from more sporting backgrounds points to building a great Wrestling company.

Yet so much of how that talent and the company is then managed outside of talent and developmental is still with a view to WWE being a "Media Conglomerate", basically ANYTHING but a wrestling company.

Vince HATES being labelled a wrestling promoter, he really believes the "We make movies" crap he spouted 15 years ago in Beyond The Mat and would happily sink the company trying to make it happen.

The reason guys like Cesaro, Wyatt, Bryan and now Ambrose are having hard times becoming the "face of the company" is cos Vince doesn't want it to be a Wrestling company... Cena, Rock, Batista and the like work cos they are the face of Hollywood acceptance. Roman Reigns is their "chosen one" cos he has that look (and 5 moves of doom) that fits with the latter group.

Until Vince is either gone or the company is in such trouble that he once again HAS to switch directions then it's the way it's gonna be. But IF Trips can get control somehow, the foundation and everything HE has done points to it become a great Wrestling company again... he has seemingly no qualms about being that "promoter".

Maybe because if Vince remains myopic about being just a 'wrestling' promoter WWE would have been just another indy fed. Fans expectations are through the roof now for anyone to be considered 'good'. Vince is interested first and foremost in making money. Not to promote pro-wrestling as an 'art' like some IWC nerds think it is.

A lot of it also comes from the ridiculous way talent is elevated. It literally is a conveyor at times, one fails, drops off the end and the next one takes their place to try and grab Vince's "imaginary" brass ring as Punk once put it.

Fans who are not IWC savvy have seen enough of the curtain pulled back now to know that whoever they are cheering for is probably going to fall foul of something and get de-pushed through no fault of their own...they don't need to be on sites like WZ cos they've seen it repeatedly in the last 3 years, Sheamus, ADR, Ziggler, Bryan, Bray and no doubt Ambrose is next...they will get their 5 seconds at the top, then it's back to Cena and the old guard and the fans are quickly tiring of investing in new stars emotionally only to have the rug pulled. So it gets harder for the next guy WWE actually WANTS like Reigns cos it feels double forced.
Sheamus and ADR are poor examples of being depushed because they were over pushed and never really got the bad end of the stick. When was Sheamus ever depushed? ADR was released due to backstage issues. Bryan got injured. Ambrose hasn't even got the big push yet and you are already saying he will be depushed. It is fans like you that are the problem, not Vince or WWE. Seeing the negatives in everything just because 'WWE don't want to be only known for wrestling'. I'll say Cena and the old guards like Orton, Kane, Show, Taker, Mark Henry, Rock, Christian, Edge, etc. all added something when given the push. Did I miss someone else or is only Cena being named cause it is cool to hate on him?
Fans who are not IWC savvy have seen enough of the curtain pulled back now to know that whoever they are cheering for is probably going to fall foul of something and get de-pushed through no fault of their own...they don't need to be on sites like WZ cos they've seen it repeatedly in the last 3 years, Sheamus, ADR, Ziggler, Bryan, Bray and no doubt Ambrose is next...they will get their 5 seconds at the top, then it's back to Cena and the old guard and the fans are quickly tiring of investing in new stars emotionally only to have the rug pulled. So it gets harder for the next guy WWE actually WANTS like Reigns cos it feels double forced.

First of all Sheamus has never gotten over with the fans, heel or face. He has been overshadowed for a long time by other wrestlers. ADR was in the same boat, good in the ring, boring as shit otherwise. Again not over with the fans. And they both have numerous title reigns, won MITB, and Sheamus was King of the Ring. It still didn't help. There is just something about the two of them fans can't get into.

As for Ziggler, Bryan and Ambrose, you couldn't be more incorrect. All three of them are over like crazy. It seemed the more the WWE tried to bury Bryan the more the fans made a fuss about it, even booing Mysterio when he came in at number 30 in the Rumble. Mysterio the kiddie favourite never gets boo'd. Ziggler and Ambrose got themselves over with good matches, good promo's and just being entertaining in the ring. Fans go wild for both of them.

When the Shield broke up the WWE pushed Reigns as the next big thing, made Rollins a heel, cause he was the one that needed the most help, Ambrose on the other hand needed no help at all. The fans decided for themselves they wanted him. His "Unstable" character works perfectly against the Authority and the crowd eats it up.

All three have been around for a couple of years or more now. It looks like none of the three of them are fading away into the background now.
I never said they weren't massively over... but the fans are becoming tired of "their guys" getting short shrift at the top. Ziggler still gets pops but no one really buys him as a top guy any more cos WWE has done such a job in making it seem like his run was fluke.

Sheamus is an interesting one cos he was over, but he's the nearest to the type Vince WANTS over so he got the awful 18 second win that made Bryan and killed him. Fans have long memories and some haven't forgiven that.

Ambrose is emerging and it is entirely possible it was WWE's plan all along... as I've written elsewhere, he was the member of the Shield who was "essential" to get over from their debut onwards, Reigns just kind of took over after a while. But the fans are wary, they want to invest in him 100% but it's happened too many times where Vince gives their choices a token run only to abort it. Bryan forced his way through eventually but even that ended badly... Vince has to worry about the long term rather than what the fans want now, but one of these guys HAS to stick... even if they get hurt or we're gonna get to the stage where Cena is done and there IS no real replacement.
hey guys new here well ive been here a while but never post but i dont think they really do !!!!fans still love ryback ,bryan but the iwc (me included ) are scared of what these guys may become if they slow down or hit a peak or low that we freak out and turn on them to keep from being getting steamed in case they really do turn for the worse. like ziggler every one loved him wanted more of him this site was all over him but the fear he would become cena then he lost and now that hes back to mid card we act like like we never did like him(its was biggest supporters that are the biggest haters) like the iwc breaks up with these wrestlers the only ones most can agree with are the ones that left us or died.we just scared to commit to the highs and lows of these characters. austin had the ring master kane issac yankem these people are expected to be twice the preformers in half the time :banghead:
Sheamus is an interesting one cos he was over, but he's the nearest to the type Vince WANTS over so he got the awful 18 second win that made Bryan and killed him. Fans have long memories and some haven't forgiven that.

Sheamus has a one dimensional character intended for mostly kids. He was unnerved when Damien Sandow impersonated him in the ring on Main Event last week and the crowd was going for Sandow instead of him and all he could rely on was "I have pasty skin, red hair, I'm gonna kick your arse Fella". Sandow shot his gimmick to bits.

He is the definition of a midcard face, I don't see him as a lasting main card guy.
Sheamus has a one dimensional character intended for mostly kids. He was unnerved when Damien Sandow impersonated him in the ring on Main Event last week and the crowd was going for Sandow instead of him and all he could rely on was "I have pasty skin, red hair, I'm gonna kick your arse Fella". Sandow shot his gimmick to bits.

He is the definition of a midcard face, I don't see him as a lasting main card guy.

You've answered your own point... go back and look at his ECW debut, when he cut a promo partly in Gaelic... his original heel character was anything BUT one dimensional... He had aggression, size, speed, power and a genuinely scary but also funny personality. They eventually decided to make him "The Celtic Warrior" which is basically today's version of the Ultimate Warrior, kid friendly, affable and toned down from that initial idea which was a bad ass guy. That idea was enough to tear through ECW and win the WWE title within 6 MONTHS! Beating Cena no less... that's better than the Wyatts, Rusev, Brock any of them managed.

Even now he isn't irredeemable... that guy can come back to that... but not while Brock is around... When Brock inevitably leaves after Mania, I can see Sheamus getting that bad ass streak back and being back to a proper main eventer...
You've answered your own point... go back and look at his ECW debut, when he cut a promo partly in Gaelic... his original heel character was anything BUT one dimensional... He had aggression, size, speed, power and a genuinely scary but also funny personality. They eventually decided to make him "The Celtic Warrior" which is basically today's version of the Ultimate Warrior, kid friendly, affable and toned down from that initial idea which was a bad ass guy. That idea was enough to tear through ECW and win the WWE title within 6 MONTHS! Beating Cena no less... that's better than the Wyatts, Rusev, Brock any of them managed.

Even now he isn't irredeemable... that guy can come back to that... but not while Brock is around... When Brock inevitably leaves after Mania, I can see Sheamus getting that bad ass streak back and being back to a proper main eventer...

I'm sorry I just can't agree with you, but it's my own personal opinion on Sheamus. He isn't over with the fans, yes he gets a pop, but compare that to what Ambrose gets, it's apples and oranges. He's been around for the last 6 years or so and never got to the heights that he should have for his talent.

The biggest part of his problem isn't him, it's that he came along at a time when he was overshadowed by a lot of the roster. He somehow never managed to break through in my eyes anyway. There was always someone there ahead of him. No matter how many pushes he's received, and he's received a few of them, he's never been able to capitalize on them. The fans like him, but they've always like someone more Cena, Bryan, The Shield, Orton the list goes on. Now with Ambrose and Reigns getting the big pushes, Rollins holding the MITB, oh and don't forget Cena and Orton are still prowling around, Sheamus will never again reach the heights he could have.

Unfortunately for him even though he's a dedicated worker, puts on a good match, there is always someone that is further along. I equate it to him getting to the front of the line, but having people butt in in front of him over and over again. It's pretty clear he loves his job, and he's still holding a title and is on TV almost every week. That's more than you can say for a lot of the roster right now, and they would love to be in his position.

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