PG & Attitude Era Thread

. plus I sadly think the pg thing is working.

Really? really? the only thing the PG era is working in is selling the shirts. As far as PPV buyrates, RATINGS (which shows um how many people are watching), and just about anything else PG is failing miserabley.

OTHER than SUPER CENA what are the majority of the shirts you see? people who have a hint of attitude (Orton, Nexus, etc. )

One kid buys a CENA shirt, his friend buys one...its called peer pressure to be like each other...
What most of you fail to realize is that PPV buyrates and such have been falling since the end of WCW. This isn't the PG era's fault, and you'd know this if you pulled your head out of your asses. WWE has never been able to match the ratings it was getting right up to the final Nitro broadcast. This was years before the PG era, or the deal with Mattel, or Linda's campaign. They tried turning the "volume" up on the "attitude" for years afterwards to no avail. Eventually, their partners and shareholders encouraged them to switch back to a PG rating, because it was clear that the old way wasn't working.

The answer obvious to most anyone with a brain is that the PG rating is not what is holding back ratings and buy rates. Of course, that's not going to stop some of you from acting like entitled children.
The "PG era" will last until 2015 at least. Why? Because WWE have a deal with Mattel, the toy company, until then.

It's really simple and nothing will force WWE to change their style. Bad ratings will not do it, nor falling PPV buy rates.

While they book and write a product within these contraints, they will have to be content with this.
when the pocketbook starts taking a hit noticabley then you will see wont be as Hardcore as AE but it will be a bit more aggressive than the current product.

And no it wont have anything to do with the deal with mattell...does nobody remember toys were put out during the AE??? Whether it was mattell or not i dont know but toys were produced during the AE...any advertising deals wont matter
I am a very big fan of the PG rating. If I want to see naked broads or excessive violence, I am old enough to watch that stuff without someone questioning me when I buy a movie ticket. Which leads me to ask: "Do people who want that shit don't have another way of seeing it?"

The PG rating requires the wrestlers know what the heck they are doing because it DOES lead to a SAFER style. If someone has to st someone on fire in order to get a reaction, what kind of message does that send to someone who wants to be a pro wrestler just to entertain people? What kind of message does that send for people who REALIZE that it is fake? Pro wrestling an over glamorous form of acting with the actors doing their own stunts. Let alone the fact that for a good few years, the crowd didn't reaction to ANYTHING.

As far as if they should move away from it, think of it this way:

Front Row Tickets for a Raw = (very conservatively) $60. Little Billy wants to go. Of course, he wants to take a friend. The person who paid for the tickets is prolly the one taking them. As the guy and these two kids walk to their seats, they see some really cool t-shirts at $25 a pop. Before you know it, the adult's wallet is used more at this show than a DudeBuster. For you guys who are bad at match, that $230 before the show even starts.

Moral of the story:

They are rebuilding their fanbase to react to the booking and still milking the "family night" concept to f'n tee.

PG ain't going anywhere anytime soon. Vince is a lot of things, but "stupid when it comes to making money in pro wrestling ain't one of them."
but compare the millions he was making in the late 90's to the lesser millions hes making now? he'll see it sooner or later...

WWE was PG back in the early 90's. And a TV Rating on top the screen doesn't draw consistent ratings... otherwise, TNA and CZW would be the top wrestling companies.

And WWE's rating has dipped even prior to the rating change. I didn't recall any huge rating boost when WWE was having mature storylines such as the HBK/God and Bastard son.
The best thing that could happen to WWE (and professional wrestling in general) would be a strong TNA, aimed at the more adult crowd.

Very true. Whether he likes to admit it or not, Vince McMahon is at his best when faced with strong competition. It's ironic the way we casually refer to the WCW threat a decade ago, but what Vince accomplished was amazing, taking on a mega-company with Time/Warner assets behind it that was wholly dedicated to putting him out of business...... yet, Vince came out on top and the rich guys took a bath.

We are wrestling fans and we want to be entertained; look at all the complaining going on in this forum about WWE being in a slump. But I have to admit that Vince has spiced up the PG era with some innovative writing. The Nexus concept and ideas that have grown out of it are inspired. The infusion of more 'tweeners (Orton, Jericho, Edge) and their interactions with everyone else has produced programs that keep us guessing like never before.

People on this forum who are bitching that the show is always the same old thing don't seem to realize what they have in front of them. That ratings have been down speaks to the notion that fans don't want the new storylines; they want to see middle fingers thrown and to hear Dustin Runnels saying; "I'm sick of your shit." to his wife.

So be it. If that's what it takes to get things moving upward again, there's no one better to find a way than Vince McMahon. If things rebound with these innovative storylines, they'll stay PG. If not, things will get "bolder" again, especially if Linda McMahon loses her Senate bid.
The PG-era will last for the foreseeable future.

The thing about the PG-era is that is applying to a niche audience and the WWE seems to be very happy with that. It is my estimation that the WWE are really stuck with what they have right now and nothing they do is going to make it any better for them. When you look at what the WWE are achieving in the ratings right now, you might say that they would need to change something. However, I am willing to wager that the WWE will be content with the ratings that they are constantly pulling in. The fact of the matter is that the WWE have taken no steps to remedy anything that has been accomplished in the PG-era. They must look at the ratings and how much money they are pulling in and be happy with them for the status quo to remain. I mean, no self-respecting businessman is going to look ata failing business and be content with what he sees. In that scenario, you would be insane not to change some things.

However, that is not what we have seen from the WWE. The product has remained the same over the last couple of years and, if anything, they are gearing towards kids more with us being an added bonus. The fact of the matter is that WWE don’t really care about what we think anymore. We can bitch about everything about the WWE until we are blue in the face and it still wont make a shred of difference because we are not the main market for the WWE.

The only answer to this question is this simple. The PG-era will end when kids and families are no longer interested in buying the product that the WWE are putting out. At that point,. A sharp decline in sales couple with bad ratings will mean that the WWE will need to change some things to remain competitive and that is when the PG-era will disappear.
Well according to the wrestling observer newsletter(thanks to for posting it), it seems that some of the wwe stars are becoming increasingly upset with the current product (ie. PG). This is and actual quote taken out from the wrestling observer newsletter (again thanks to prowrestling for posting it):

WWE Stars Reportedly Frustrated with Current Product

Date Added: October 18, 2010
Story By: Marc Middleton
source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Several WWE stars have privately indicated in recent weeks that they are contemplating leaving the organization—and the wrestling business altogether—once their current contracts expire.

Edge, who's current deal with World Wrestling Entertainment expires in two years, has been telling people that he may retire from the wrestling industry once it concludes.

One company insider noted to Wrestling Observer editor Dave Meltzer that four other WWE stars have stated in recent weeks that they've completely lost their passion for wrestling, to such a degree that they vow to leave the business altogether once their contracts expire.

A fifth wrestler claims he will leave WWE once his current deal runs out, but will continue wrestling elsewhere.

To answer the question of this thread, based upon reports that are coming in from "trusted sources", it would seem to me that the wwe will become a few stars short if they don't do something about the current product. Also, if my memory serves right, didn't batista leave the wwe because he wasn't enjoying the way the product was going. This quote was taken from an interview conducted by ESPN when they interviewed batista:

Batista Speaks on Why He Left WWE and Returning

Date Added: October 18, 2010
Story By: Marc Middleton
- Batista recently spoke to ESPN and mentioned WWE and a possible return to wrestling, with highlights below:

Why He Left WWE: "I didn't agree with the direction the company was going in. It was geared more toward the PG rating. I fell in love with wrestling again in the late '90s with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and 'The Rock' Dwayne Johnson … It was edgy, and that was the kind of wrestling I knew and loved. It wasn't like that anymore, and my passion for it died a little bit."

Return to Wrestling: "I'm hoping the cycle will come around again, and it'll get a little edgy and it'll be my time to come back and shine a little bit. I love kids. I'm not anti-kids. I just don't think kids are going to relate to me the same way they're going to guys like John Cena, guys who are, to me, more bubblegum. There's nothing bubblegum about me."
I thought of something. Maybe most of you will hate it, maybe you won't.

But I was thinking, if we are forced to deal with WWE being rated PG, no matter how many of us complain... Wouldn't it be a good idea if WWE took one PPV slot during the year and made it rated something other than PG?

No matter what kind of rating they used, whether it be R or TV-14 or whatever. They could allow blood or more revealing moments in a storyline, or with language. Or use this one night to have some sort of big ending, or continuation of a feud, not within the parameters of a PG-Rating!

If they took an existing PPV and changed the rating, or got rid of a PPV and came up with a whole new name in general for this particular new show. I think a lot of people would at the very least, have less to complain about.

I have accepted the PG-Rating and know that one day it will change. I typically hate most threads involving complaints about it. But, to defend myself, this isn't a thread complaining, it is just a random idea. I am not saying WWE would do better, or this one show would be better. But, it is something to consider to have a small portion of the saying, "Best Of Both Worlds"...

Maybe it would hold some people over as WWE continues it's crusade to appeal to children and be much more main stream!!

What do you guys think??

Is it a horrible idea to have a PPV theme revolving around NOT being PG that night?

Or if you like the idea a little... What would you name the PPV?

What would you do differently that ONE night, that WWE does not do, the rest of the year?
It's not going to happen. The wwe is not targeting people our age anymore. The are targeting kids. KIDS KIDS KIDS. I can't stress that anymore. If the wanted to go with your idea it would be a opposite direction from where the company is going. so I really dont think think it would work at all. Especially with the stand up for wwe thing going on right now. Vince is not going to allow blood at all right now and is going to do what ever he needs to do to have a squeaky clean image for his company.
lets pray to god or wotever you pray too that linda mcmahon gets out of the politics business then there is that small small posibillity that they will do something that will separate the pg and m rated fans, this still prob will not happen

the idea is really good but unfort will not happn
This wouldn't work for one reason. Whats one thing we all bitch about as fans? Consistency. We like to have consistency in presentation, storylines, characters, etc. To have one show where this non PG stuff happens simply doesn't make sense. One thing that shocked me during Raw tonight was during the Stand Up for WWE thing it said that 78% of WWE fans were over 18. PG doesn't make the product any worse or better, it just takes away some of the ridiculous BS thats been done in the got old just like everything else does. Just let this PG thing run it's course and we'll see what happens next.
This wouldn't work for one reason. Whats one thing we all bitch about as fans? Consistency. We like to have consistency in presentation, storylines, characters, etc. To have one show where this non PG stuff happens simply doesn't make sense.

What do you mean? As a storyline goes along, numerous angles or match-types intertwine themselves with the 2 (or more) wrestlers involved.

My whole point was...

When this "Non PG" event rolls around, this one night does not affect how the storylines are run. Say BR this Sunday was THAT show. All I am saying is now for that one night, if there was a Hell In A Cell Match or some other gimmick match. Maybe Cena hits Orton with the title this Sunday and he bleeds.

It allows for one night, an extra highlight or promo that maybe wouldn't have happened in a match hindered by a PG Rating.

I am not saying changing anything within a storyline to bend around the lines of a one night gimmick show. I am saying that having that gimmick show might add to the storyline or not have any PG guidelines to follow, when trying to conclude an angle or storyline on a high note!
This is the topic that will never end.

The problem with WWE right now is their "creative." All of the violence, blood and lewd gestures aren't going to make their product any better. It's just going to be lame (like it is now) with blood.

The WWE knows that their audience is 78% adults, but their goal is to make programming everyone can enjoy. I don't think targeting everyone is a great strategy, but forget their demographic error, their programming isn't good.

Now on to a non-pg PPV you have to ask why? And how would they book it... "John Cena vs Orton (but maybe you should tuck jr in to bed early this one's going to be bloody)." I just somehow don't see them advertising a TV-14 or M rated ppv on a pg show.
This is the topic that will never end.

The problem with WWE right now is their "creative." All of the violence, blood and lewd gestures aren't going to make their product any better. It's just going to be lame (like it is now) with blood.

The WWE knows that their audience is 78% adults, but their goal is to make programming everyone can enjoy. I don't think targeting everyone is a great strategy, but forget their demographic error, their programming isn't good.

Now on to a non-pg PPV you have to ask why? And how would they book it... "John Cena vs Orton (but maybe you should tuck jr in to bed early this one's going to be bloody)." I just somehow don't see them advertising a TV-14 or M rated ppv on a pg show.

This isn't a topic about WWE being PG. I myself do not complain about WWE being PG. As I said in my first post, I HAVE ACCEPTED IT!!!

But, there are thousands of people that do complain about it, and absolutely hate it. I myself have grown very tired of the complaints, and have seriously gone off about it in many other PG-Related Threads.

Once again, the purpose of this thread was not to bash Creative OR their rating. It was just to find out people's opinion regarding WWE not being PG one night a year.

"Tuck JR in to bed early"... It is very easy to market this event or night. "Anything Goes" or "What will happen when No Holds are Barred" or whatever. It would be simple for a wresting company to promote a night of action where there aren't rules or the usual "rules" or guidelines are thrown out the window.
It wouldn't really work. Even when WWE tries to do something similar to this, it doesn't really deliver.

Extreme Rules is one of the worst PPV concepts for this WWE due to their strict regulations and policies. It just never works out. Obviously, it'd be different if they switched for a night, but they simply couldn't. Even if sponsers, Mattel, politics was all willing for one night, it wouldn't work storyline-wise.

Imagine you see a feud at this event that is in the middle stages. If they got that violent towards the center of the story, but pulled back towards the end, it would make for very anti-climatic television.

Not to mention that it wouldn't make the blood/tits fans much satisfaction to begin with. They'd either be let down or want more and neither would be good in the long run.
somehow i dont think this is going to work.the only way i think it could possibly work is if all feuds culminate on thiss ppv.imagine if orton and sheamus have a bloody,brutal match at this ppv but at the next ppv their feud ends in some tamer match are people going to buy that??

another thing is it destroys kayfabe a blood can flow freely for one night but it stops flowing for the rest of the thats not likely is it??
What do you mean? As a storyline goes along, numerous angles or match-types intertwine themselves with the 2 (or more) wrestlers involved.

My whole point was...

When this "Non PG" event rolls around, this one night does not affect how the storylines are run. Say BR this Sunday was THAT show. All I am saying is now for that one night, if there was a Hell In A Cell Match or some other gimmick match. Maybe Cena hits Orton with the title this Sunday and he bleeds.

It allows for one night, an extra highlight or promo that maybe wouldn't have happened in a match hindered by a PG Rating.

I am not saying changing anything within a storyline to bend around the lines of a one night gimmick show. I am saying that having that gimmick show might add to the storyline or not have any PG guidelines to follow, when trying to conclude an angle or storyline on a high note!

Blood really doesn't add anything to an angle. Maybe that one match or whatever but if this happens then the event wouldn't be about anything besides what they're going say, whos gonna bleed, etc. It will take away from the wrestling and the stories and be all about the shock factor which doesn't do dick if you really like wrestling.
I'm gonna say this one last time. Blood has very little to do with the pg rating. It's about the performer's health and well-being. Really, in any other sport you must leave the playing field if you get busted open. Hockey is the biggest for blood, but even those players must get stitched up before going back out. With diseases like hepititus and HIV, why would you want to expose your employees to the possibility of contracting something like that?

On the topic of the thread. We just saw a long promo on the "Stand up for WWE" campaign. The major emphasis was on the PG rating. So there is NO chance of this happening. Someone in here said that thousands of ppl complain about it, but you know what? I'm almost willing to bet that for every person that complains, there are atleast 5 people that either accept it and don't mind, or like it the way it is.
Syborgg hit the nail on the head. I am guessing this stupid thread was made before CyDeez watched Raw. If you had seen Raw, you would have noticed the 10 minute infomercial where WWE patted themselves on the back for being TV-PG and family oriented.

I know you don't want this to be a bashing creative or the PG thing. But the fact is this. While you want a one night free for all, WWE won't allow it. The Connecticut senate race is getting so much national attention for all the negative ads being ran against Linda McMahon primarily for being the CEO of such a violent form of entertainment.

A one night PPV event would be pointless. If you crave the blood and skimpy female outfits, TNA is on Thursday. I advise you tune in and get your fix.

One last thing. To those people who think the PG thing will "run its course," don't expect that course to end anytime soon. There is no chance they will switch to TV-14 while Linda is running for senate. But even if she loses, she is close enough to know that with 2-4 more years of good behavior as far as WWE is concerned can push her over the top and win her that senate seat. Don't be surprised if this "course" lasts quite a few years.
Syborgg hit the nail on the head. I am guessing this stupid thread was made before CyDeez watched Raw. If you had seen Raw, you would have noticed the 10 minute infomercial where WWE patted themselves on the back for being TV-PG and family oriented.

I know you don't want this to be a bashing creative or the PG thing. But the fact is this. While you want a one night free for all, WWE won't allow it. The Connecticut senate race is getting so much national attention for all the negative ads being ran against Linda McMahon primarily for being the CEO of such a violent form of entertainment.

A one night PPV event would be pointless. If you crave the blood and skimpy female outfits, TNA is on Thursday. I advise you tune in and get your fix.

One last thing. To those people who think the PG thing will "run its course," don't expect that course to end anytime soon. There is no chance they will switch to TV-14 while Linda is running for senate. But even if she loses, she is close enough to know that with 2-4 more years of good behavior as far as WWE is concerned can push her over the top and win her that senate seat. Don't be surprised if this "course" lasts quite a few years.

That's about the time I figure. 4-5 years possibly. Probably more, depending on a lot of aspects. Linda's political career, and competition in their own industry, to name a couple.

As to your comment about wanting blood and skimpy female outfits, to tune into TNA on Thursdays. Exactly who is the "you" that you are advising with your Words Of Wisdom filled post?

And... What the fuck is stupid about the thread? I just watched HIAC with like 16,000 other people and plenty of them were complaining saying, "Why can't they forget the PG Rating for one night"!!! So I was wondering if WWE did actually do that, how would people react. Would they like it or hate it, etc.

This thread has nothing to do with my personal opinion. As I stated numerous times already, I am not bothered or affected by it being PG. I have 3 children so it is whatever to me. I would watch WWE if it was a roster full of midget trannys named J Holcomb fighting over slices of cheese laying on Mae Young's naked stomach.

I did watch Raw and to reiterate on what I said before. I HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I LEARNED OR TOOK FROM RAW. It is a simple question for those who are tired of PG or were one of those guys who would want a Non PG Show for a night. While I agree with most of the posts on this thread... I am not gonna let anyone act like a question I stated is my exact opinion or be called "stupid" for it. Because I assure you son, I am anything but stupid and I can guarantee my knowledge of wrestling extends far beyond yours. Simply given the fact that I have been watching WWE/wresting since before you were even BORN! To just name one.
Sally: The PG Era will not end if (that's a big if) Linda loses her campaign.


Several WWE stars have privately indicated in recent weeks that they are contemplating leaving the organization—and the wrestling business altogether—once their current contracts expire.

Edge, who's current deal with World Wrestling Entertainment expires in two years, has been telling people that he may retire from the wrestling industry once it concludes.

First off, the first group of wrestlers are leaving the business altogether, that doesn't mean they're leaving just because of the PG era. Guys like Undertaker, Triple H, Jericho and Mysterio are leaving because of injuries and they're getting old. Edge, on the other hand, had a torn Achille's Tendon. I'm more than sure he would stay longer than two years had he not gotten such a serious injury.

So far, it's just Batista who is complaining about the product.

Anyways, I feel the product will stay around long enough until it gets too stale, or Vince gets some competition from TNA, which I'm not holding my breath for. No matter how much the IWC complains, Vince will not have the product changed. He's attracting the younger audience, and by the sounds of things there's still older people and "Attiduians" (people that loved the Attitude Era to the extreme) that still watch WWE's current product.

It's not going away, no matter how many times you make a thread bashing the PG era. If you're frustrated with it, just stop watching.
If you bitch and complain bout the PG-Era , you ( whoever you are ) are not a TRUE wrestling fan and dont even diserve to have internet and TV to watch it/bash it.I'm not a blind sheep who just follows WWE.I watch everything that i can even TNA.I'm not biased towards any company, i just love watching wrestling and its different aspects.And whoever complains about WWE PG ...really...just go watch TNA and go wank mode when the bitches kiss each other and start shakin' their buts...cause that's what wrestling is all about to "you".
THE pg era is wicked, i went to smackdown yesterday and i promise there was no line up for beer, it was all kids wearing cena shirt loll .. wicked show i hated on pg but pg is actually pretty good its no attitude era but the amount of money vince is making off cena shirts woooooow and he wasnt even on the show

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