Pet Peeves About Non Wrestling Fans

The Brain

King Of The Ring
These are some things that bug me about non wrestling fans:

They insist on telling you that wrestling is fake. I’ve known this since I was 8 years old, but thanks for calling me an idiot.

They say they can’t watch it because it’s fake then go on to watch something like Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Avatar.

There are some who always point out wrestling is fake, but think Jerry Springer is real.

Despite constantly reminding you it’s fake they often ask if certain parts of the show are real. They’re often way more into the show than I am.

Whenever someone in the media (news anchor, sports anchor, etc.) makes a wrestling analogy they intentionally make a mistake to save face coming off as if they don’t really know about wrestling.

These are just a few things that I’ve noticed about the non wrestling fan. I’m sure most of you can relate. What else about the non fan bugs you?
For those who are nay-sayers about wrestlers, they are die hard for their so called real athletes 'Because they train for years to get to where they are.' about the majority of the wrestlers do as well...most have been doing this all their lives.

They say that their 'athletes' are in it for the love of the sport. How about those players that refuse to get on the field or train with their team over a stupid contract dispute? Most wrestlers will keep doing this even when they go past their prime, all cause its for love of the wrestling. They'll wrestle for smaller promotions for next to nothing, just for the rush.
People that refer to any and all wrestling as WWF. It's been WWE for 8 years. If you're going to insult it, get the letter right.
Another thing that gets when people call is "Wrasslin' " Another thing is that if someone says "Cena is okay." Everyone assumes you are a 12 year old teenybopper. Well I can say Cena is alright with me and I am WAY over 12 dammit, as long as he keeps on kickin ass. Hell, if I commanded a presence like that I'd be my own
ESPN. ESPN never talks about wrestling...unless something terrible happens. Unless they are taking a shot at pro wrestling, they could give a shit less. If you're going to cover something, go at it down the middle. Taking cheap shots from time to time really bothers me.
Yeah the whole "You know it's fake, right?" shit always pisses me off. I've known wrestling is scripted since I was like 10 years old. I try explaining pro wrestling to some people, but I just tend to give up after a while.
I had someone try to tell me its fake and I turned around and I said
No you think, did you just figure that out yourself..sometimes they really dont know what to say after that
It just really angers me when I hear someone say it, Fuel. I'm 22 now, and I still will have people SERIOUSLY ask me that question. It's like they think I wait up all night for Santa on Christmas Eve or I wait for the tooth fairy to come at night, and take the tooth under my pillow.
Ya, I guess you can ask them , have you ever watch a full episode and see how hard some of the stuff they can do? But then there may be no point in trying to talk some sense into these people because once they made up their mind its stuck and its like talking to a brick wall.

My girlfriend was that way first and then she started watching it and now she watches every raw with me and every ppv that we get...

The best way I can explain it to people is that its a man's soap opera I guess.

One fucking thing that really pisses me off is you get some people calling this ballet
What I hate is wrestling fans who think it's real. It's fake 90% of the time. My friend's brother is an amateur wrestler, and I asked him straight up if wrestling is fake. He said no, but they aren't out to kill each other. They try to glance their blows and that they aren't supposed to miss. It was an interesting discussion.
Non Wrestling Fans who think I'm fucking ******ed and ask me if I know It's fake, but then there are wrestling fans who think It's real and look at me as if I'm satan when booing Cena at an event.
You can't explain pro wrestling to the non-believers. Just don't try. You'll end up frustrated, and pissed off. I've been trying to do this for years, and it just doesn't work. Most people look down on pro wrestling, and that's just something we have to accept.

Also, to touch on something Brain said in his OP, people who constantly point out how wrestling is fake, but love movies like Star Wars, Avatar, Twilight, and Iron Man also anger me. They'll praise the fight scenes, and the STORY, but when it comes to wrestling, they'll say it's ridiculous garbage.
I hate when people constantly say its fake or its so phony.

Another thing I hate is when they act like its something only 12 year olds watch and say I'm too old to watch it.
The only thing that bothers me is when someone constantly laughs at the moves. Yes, I know some of this looks kind of gay, but ignore it. You don't have to bust out laughing every time something happens.

And it kind of bothers me when people point out the fakeness as if I didn't know it.
It's really tough when I tell them I want to wrestle."Oh you just wanna touch guys in their underwear" Like seriously...WTF!?
One thing that constantly annoys me, and just bothers me is being told its fake. I get it, I'm not stupid, its fake. Then people that watch wrestling that are in denial that its fake always say to me "if its fake, then why do you watch it?" I don't know but it pisses me off how ignorant and obnoxious those people are. I mean, to quote The Miz Really? Really?!
You can't explain pro wrestling to the non-believers. Just don't try. You'll end up frustrated, and pissed off. I've been trying to do this for years, and it just doesn't work. Most people look down on pro wrestling, and that's just something we have to accept.

I think it was Jeff Jarrett who said to those who get it no explanation is necessary and to those who don't no explanation will do.
Yeah, Brain, but Jeff Jarrett can't draw so he doesn't matter :smile:

By the way, I'll argue to anybody that Jeff Jarrett was in fact a draw.

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