Perez Hilton To Be A Special Guest Ref On Raw

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So out of all the things we complain about on this website, is this the worst idea the WWE has ever had? I'm against guests hosts, but do my best to tolerate it. This however is redicilous. At least Hugh Jackman, Muppets, etc are mega stars. Perez Hilton is a blogger...on top of that a wrestling crowd has to be one of the worst places for a very openly gay guy.. I'm not homophobic, but I feel like if crowds were like they used to they would tear the place down..Imagine Perez coming out to guest ref at One Night Stand..Just wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on least it's a divas match

Use a gay slur, and you're gone. Your post will be deleted, and you'll receive an infraction. Honestly, if it's bad enough, I may ban you... forever. Keep that in mind. I don't care about the context, don't use words you shouldn't, even if you have no harmful intention behind it. Thanks.
As much as I agree with you because I dont like seeing these people on the show. Perez hilton actually holds a little more weight because he has his own website. Say what you will about him but his website gets about 1 MILLION hits a day. Thats alot of publicity for the company
It's not about homophobia...

As a young adult, straight male, I have no interest in Perez Hilton whatsovever.

I don't want to hear him plug whatever shitty project he is working on, and I don't want to see him involved in my favorite television show. Like you, I hated the guest host era as well. It turns RAW into a two hour infomercial, and drags down the show. I can almost understand when it's an A-list star like Hugh Jackman, but when RAW is taken over by fringe celebrities like Al Sharpton or Perez Hilton, we have a problem.

I imagine the type of people who read Perez Hilton's blog do not watch WWE Raw, so maybe it will draw tons of heat. But I'm not sure it's the right type of heat. I guess we will have to wait and see.
It took me a while to figure out who you were talking about because I'd completely forgotten who he was. I don't think most of the target audience will even know who Perez Hilton is, much less have an opinion on him. As long as he doesn't say something completely stupid or insulting (I'll never forget that one guest host calling SummerSlam "SummerFest"), I'm not sure he'll be met with more than indifference.
I agree, may not be a decision that fans want, but it helps with publicity and that's what WWE definitely goes for. And yes Perez Hilton carries alot of weight in main stream media with his blog and dispite what people think a lot of people do read his blogs. Also so what if he's openly gay. Gay people watch wrestling also (me especially and have for a very long while) and with the whole " B A Star" anti-bully thing the WWE does he also supports that. So all in all to fans it may not be smart but for WWE its a good business decision
If they're doing this to gain some sort of gay support, just throwing it out there, Perez has been known to attack celebrities into coming out of the closet. He has to be the least appropriate guest host ever. I honestly think he dug up some info on someone in the WWE, this has to be blackmail. Its completely out of left field. The only reason I'm watching is to see if they boo the crap out of him.
Is it really such a big deal? He'll be booed, the match will last 5 minutes and that will be that. Most people don't even pay attention to the divas anyways.
Im cool with it it gets wwe publicity

Im just worried that since it is close to wrestlemania

If they dare induct him in to the hall of fame I will lose it

But i hope thats not the case
I think it is a publicity thing, to try and get more people watching. For those of us who watch on a regular basis I see it as shock value, to get us tuned in to see what happens when the audience get a hold of him. Will he be booed, will he be cheered, will he get no reaction at all, or will he get called you know what. If he does get slammed with some offensive chants and jeers this may give the WWE a bit of a black eye when it comes to the Be A Star thing. If a gay guy gets put down on live WWE tv for being gay and bullied by the audience it may garner more bad press for the WWE then good press. WWE may have jumped the gun on this one.
If they're doing this to gain some sort of gay support, just throwing it out there, Perez has been known to attack celebrities into coming out of the closet. He has to be the least appropriate guest host ever. I honestly think he dug up some info on someone in the WWE, this has to be blackmail. Its completely out of left field. The only reason I'm watching is to see if they boo the crap out of him.

The gay community is not a fan of Perez. Its like they took all the worst aspects of gays, put it into a pot stirred it up, cooked it and out popped Perez.

I do agree he isn't really appropriate. Usually guest hosts are pitching a movie or something similar. I think they are just using him for cheap heat. Have him ref a match between Beth and anyone, have Beth get screwed, then have Beth hit him with the Glam Slam. One of those times where the heel gets a good crowd pop because the heat is one someone else
I don't know who this guy is but considering he's an unpopular gay celebrity who's going to appear on a wrestling show(keep in mind that pro wrestling doesn't exactly attract many gay friendly people), and that wwe is a supposed family-friendly mainstream entertainment company who has a partnership with GLADD this honest to God has the potential of becoming a PR nightmare for the wwe because the live crowd will boo like HELL most likely and with those idiots Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler of all people at commentary with all the world to hear them on national television you know they're going to joke about this to the point that one of them(Michael Cole most likely) will say something so inappropriate that it'll make the wwe look so BAD it could give wwe bad press, harm their PG image, and further ruin Linda's chances of EVER getting into office.
Perez has been known to use gay slurs against other gays in the past and that's just one of the reasons alot of people don't like him. WWE might want to reconsider that. Here is a direct quote from GLAAD.

"For someone in our own community to use it to attack another person by saying that it is, quote, 'The worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear,' is incredibly dangerous," Robinson, the senior director of media programs at GLAAD, said in a statement issued Monday. "It legitimizes use of a slur that is often linked to violence against our community. And it sends a message that it is OK to attempt to dehumanize people by exploiting anti-gay attitudes."
Who the fuck cares if he's a homosexual or not? It's his personal life, let’s stay away from that. The WWE is obsessed with getting their name out into the Popular Culture World and Perez Hilton can do just that. His (for some reason) popular blog or shows like TMZ and The Soup will undoubtedly show Perez Hilton refereeing the Diva’s match and the WWE will get the attention they're craving. It's the divas. I could understand the uproar if he was refereeing a main event match for the WWE Championship but it's the Divas; two minutes and he's gone.
I rarely watch Diva Matches anyway although they are often short.... as long as that CUNT remains in the area's of the show I dont give a fuck about I dont care.
Perez Hilton is the Justin Bieber or Jedward of Bloggers.
Who the fuck cares if he's a homosexual or not? It's his personal life, let’s stay away from that. The WWE is obsessed with getting their name out into the Popular Culture World and Perez Hilton can do just that.

Well since it doesn't matter if he's gay or not, then what's the harm in discussing it or even mentioning it? In truth I think WWE's average audience size is larger than Perez's is and to be honest I don't see alot of fans from each group crossing over no matter how many appearances they do together. In short it's all a big waste of time, imo.
If they're doing this to gain some sort of gay support, just throwing it out there, Perez has been known to attack celebrities into coming out of the closet. He has to be the least appropriate guest host ever. I honestly think he dug up some info on someone in the WWE, this has to be blackmail. Its completely out of left field. The only reason I'm watching is to see if they boo the crap out of him.

He literally gives good gay people bad names. He's a leach and a slug who attacks celebrities and bashes them any chance he can get.

I'll never forget when he got into a scuffle with someone from Black Eye Peas' entourage. Instead of calling an ambulance, the idiot sat in front of his laptop and typed the whole event.

"Oh my god I got a black eye." "I'm ok everyone." blah blah blah. I have nothing against gay people. I have actually had one to two friends who were gay and they hated these kind of people because he makes other gay men look like whiney bitches and most aren't. but his website will give the WWE a TON of publicity for those who don't watch wrestling.

You would think many gay guys would watch it because deep down it's pretty homo-erotic.
This is simply a publicity move by the WWE. Remember when everyone was up in a roar about Cena being homophobic (which is a big steaming pile of bullshit if their ever was one)? Well now you have the WWE reaching out to one of the more outspoken homosexuals there is. This is no different then Elton John and Eminem doing their duet with one another. Perez Hilton is an obnoxious cunt, but he's serving a greater PR purpose.
Well since it doesn't matter if he's gay or not, then what's the harm in discussing it or even mentioning it?
Why discuss something that's totally irrelevant to the situation? Perez Hilton being a homosexual doesn't disqualify him from being able to make a WWE appearance. He's refereeing a Divas match. A storyline isn't being built around him, he isn't the entire focus of the show, and his appearance isn't really advertised. GLAAD won't risk losing one of its biggest supporters in the WWE. It's completely irrelevant to the entire situation.
As a gay male, this is probably the worst person to have on. I honestly do not understand this decision from WWE.

But really, he will be on for a few minutes and then leave so I honestly don't care too much.
Who the fuck cares if he's a homosexual or not? It's his personal life, let’s stay away from that. The WWE is obsessed with getting their name out into the Popular Culture World and Perez Hilton can do just that. His (for some reason) popular blog or shows like TMZ and The Soup will undoubtedly show Perez Hilton refereeing the Diva’s match and the WWE will get the attention they're craving. It's the divas. I could understand the uproar if he was refereeing a main event match for the WWE Championship but it's the Divas; two minutes and he's gone.
Its not his "personal" life if hes pretty much shoving it in everyones face for attention. We have such a false sense of piousness in this country. We do judge others by their sexuality, race, ethnicity, etc. We all do. Just because certain people choose to keep their bigotry deep inside and create a false image of acceptance doesnt mean it doesnt come out sooner or later (See CM Punk's pro gay marrige tweets followed by his YOU HAVE A VAGINA rant). That being said, wrestling is at its all time low and the only other word your hear people say when you try to talk to them about wrestling besides "fake" is "gay". Gay doesnt help WWE's image. WWE isnt gay porn, it doesnt matter if they have gay fans or not, they should be focused in attracting fighting fans in general. You wont see UFC pulling this kind of crap for sure. So yes, it does matter that hes gay since he himself likes to make a huge deal about it. This actually reminds me of the Ballad of Gay Tony, the GTA game, where the guys who owned the bar had their name smeared on the internet by a blogger (who was supposed to be Perez) and then to make peace with him they gave him a ride on a helicopter. RAW might just be Perez's helicopter ride but I wouldnt be surprised if someone whos more vocal in the WWE (like randy orton) speaks up on how stupid this whole situation is. I've honestly never been more embarrassed to be a wrestling fan than now. Maybe next week we can have Antione Dodson as a host. :rolleyes:
Its not his "personal" life if hes pretty much shoving it in everyones face for attention.
Doesn't mean he should be judged for being a homosexual. What makes you so sure, at Raw, he'll be all in your face about it?
We have such a false sense of piousness in this country. We do judge others by their sexuality, race, ethnicity, etc. We all do. Just because certain people choose to keep their bigotry deep inside and create a false image of acceptance doesnt mean it doesnt come out sooner or later.
Says you. What's wrong with accepting someone for who they are? Why make it out to be taboo? Remember when King played the old pervert commentator gimmick? He shoved it down our throats. It's no different. Except I'm sure Perez won't do anything significant enough for anyone to remember.
(See CM Punk's pro gay marrige tweets followed by his YOU HAVE A VAGINA rant).
"You have a vagina" somehow refers to your sexual preference?
That being said, wrestling is at its all time low and the only other word your hear people say when you try to talk to them about wrestling besides "fake" is "gay".
I never hear anyone say that. My friends around me a mature enough not to.
Gay doesnt help WWE's image.
Anyone's who accepting enough and anyone whose head is pulled out of their ass wouldn't give two shits whether or not someone is a homosexual.
WWE isnt gay porn,
The fuck does that have to do with anything?
it doesnt matter if they have gay fans or not, they should be focused in attracting fighting fans in general.
Has nothing to do with being a homosexual or not, fans are fans. You really think there isn't a single homosexual UFC fan?
You wont see UFC pulling this kind of crap for sure.
Two completely different sports with two very different goals.
So yes, it does matter that hes gay
No it doesn't.
since he himself likes to make a huge deal about it.
And how exactly will that play into him refereeing a Diva's match?
I wouldnt be surprised if someone whos more vocal in the WWE (like randy orton) speaks up on how stupid this whole situation is.
Randy Orton is a professional. If he's going to publicly criticize the WWE's decision and Perez himself, it'll likely be because he's a massive cunt; not because he's a homosexual.
I've honestly never been more embarrassed to be a wrestling fan than now.
Ignorant is the word here.

Overall, criticize the WWE's decision because Perez is a complete asshole, not because he's a homosexual. Doing so makes you look ignorant as fuck.
I have no idea who the guy actually is. I know he's a gossip blogger that makes Lady Gaga look butch, but that's about it.

As far as his appearance goes, doesn't bother me. He'll be the referee in a Diva match, so who gives a shit? It's not like the Divas are an actual relevant portion of WWE programming or anything. Not that there aren't talented female wrestlers on the WWE roster, it's just that women are used in WWE mostly for a little tits & ass for male viewers.

As long as he's not all over the show, sticks with the girls and doesn't get involved with anything meaningful, then I have no problem. As I said, it's a Diva match so I'll be taking a piss break anyhow.
Doesn't mean he should be judged for being a homosexual. What makes you so sure, at Raw, he'll be all in your face about it?
No, he should be judged for being an irresponsible one. Fact is, his sexuality does matter. You can sit there and say "hes gay, and what?" and feel all mature but the rest of the world that hears about this news is having a big laugh at the gay blogger going to that "fake gay sport".

Says you. What's wrong with accepting someone for who they are? Why make it out to be taboo? Remember when King played the old pervert commentator gimmick? He shoved it down our throats. It's no different. Except I'm sure Perez won't do anything significant enough for anyone to remember.
I never said anything is wrong with accepting them, I'm just saying we typecast people in our minds every single day, but when it comes out of someones mouth in a serious discussion all the sudden the fabric of our society apparently falls apart. This is why things like racism will never end, we have our Hispanic, Black, etc history months, celebrations, but when its time to talk about all the ills of a certain group, every who speaks up is suddenly a bigot.

"You have a vagina" somehow refers to your sexual preference?
Please lets not start being ignorant, everyone understood that he meant gay. I know hes the little internet superhero but hes human too, get over it.

I never hear anyone say that. My friends around me a mature enough not to.
Duh, they wouldnt say that because they're your friends. If someone walks up to me on Tuesday and says "hey how was that fake shit you were watching last night" they're obviously not my friends. But thats the American youth's opinion of wrestling for the most part, just because YOU havent heard it, doesnt make it any less true.

Anyone's who accepting enough and anyone whose head is pulled out of their ass wouldn't give two shits whether or not someone is a homosexual.
This is part of the holier than thou attitude we have these days. I dont condone being rude to anyone unless they're rude first but I do notice sexuality, just like everyone else does. The fact that I'm honest about it is the only difference. My comment was referring to the fact that people already have the idea that wrestling is gay. In your little PC world that might be fine but for people who like the business, are in the business, or want to be in the business, its annoying when you're straight and constantly get accused of liking wrestling for sexual reasons.

The fuck does that have to do with anything?
WWE has been on a crusade to recruit gay guys to watch their shows instead of recruit wrestling fans who are gay, straight, bi, but are in it for the show itself.
Has nothing to do with being a homosexual or not, fans are fans. You really think there isn't a single homosexual UFC fan?

Two completely different sports with two very different goals.
They're both fighting shows with the same goal, to attract fans. UFC doesnt target fans by sexual orientation, race, or what pop culture phenomenon they're into. They focus on making their product worth watching period. I'm just saying WWE should be doing that.
No it doesn't.
yes, it does. Just wait till the media coverage, you'll find out real soon that it does.

And how exactly will that play into him refereeing a Diva's match?
Its his charcter that plays into it. If you threw Adam Lambert in there or Neil Patrick Harris in there I could care less but you've got a guy whos hell bent into satisfying the "flaming f****" stereotype and WWE wanting to associate with him.
Randy Orton is a professional. If he's going to publicly criticize the WWE's decision and Perez himself, it'll likely be because he's a massive cunt; not because he's a homosexual.
No ones said that hes going to be criticized for being gay, hes being criticized for being a deuche and WWE is going to be criticized for being so desperate for gay fans that they went to what gay people on this site have even admitted is the worst representation of the homosexual.

Ignorant is the word here.

Overall, criticize the WWE's decision because Perez is a complete asshole, not because he's a homosexual. Doing so makes you look ignorant as fuck.
You act as if I'm sitting here reading the news on Wrestlezone going "Oh, a new host for RAW, cool....wait, hes gay?!?!?!?! LYNCH HIM LYNCH HIM LYNCH HIM OHHHH SET TEH *** ON FIRE".

I'm judging Perez for being a deuche, and WWE for reaching a new low point in desperation.
No, he should be judged for being an irresponsible one. Fact is, his sexuality does matter. You can sit there and say "hes gay, and what?" and feel all mature but the rest of the world that hears about this news is having a big laugh at the gay blogger going to that "fake gay sport".
What gives you the right to speak for everyone? Because you see a problem with it, it means others do?
I never said anything is wrong with accepting them, I'm just saying we typecast people in our minds every single day, but when it comes out of someones mouth in a serious discussion all the sudden the fabric of our society apparently falls apart. This is why things like racism will never end, we have our Hispanic, Black, etc history months, celebrations, but when its time to talk about all the ills of a certain group, every who speaks up is suddenly a bigot.
You can't label a certain group of people based on one person. That's purely stupid.
Please lets not start being ignorant, everyone understood that he meant gay. I know hes the little internet superhero but hes human too, get over it.
What does being a human have anything to do with it? He said you have a vagina, that's it.
Duh, they wouldnt say that because they're your friends. If someone walks up to me on Tuesday and says "hey how was that fake ****** shit you were watching last night" they're obviously not my friends. But thats the American youth's opinion of wrestling for the most part, just because YOU havent heard it, doesnt make it any less true.
Who the fuck goes up to someone and asks that? I'm sure you've pulled that completely out of you ass.
This is part of the holier than thou attitude we have these days. I dont condone being rude to anyone unless they're rude first but I do notice sexuality, just like everyone else does. The fact that I'm honest about it is the only difference. My comment was referring to the fact that people already have the idea that wrestling is gay. In your little PC world that might be fine but for people who like the business, are in the business, or want to be in the business, its annoying when you're straight and constantly get accused of liking wrestling for sexual reasons.
Where do you hear this? Pretty much any contact sport could fit this.
WWE has been on a crusade to recruit gay guys to watch their shows instead of recruit wrestling fans who are gay, straight, bi, but are in it for the show itself.
Again, where did you hear this?
They're both fighting shows with the same goal, to attract fans. UFC doesnt target fans by sexual orientation, race, or what pop culture phenomenon they're into. They focus on making their product worth watching period. I'm just saying WWE should be doing that.
Since when do the UFC fighters show gimmicks? Since when does being over with the crowd guarantee a world title match? Two completely different sports. WWE doesn't target fans by sexual orientation.
yes, it does. Just wait till the media coverage, you'll find out real soon that it does.
Its his charcter that plays into it. If you threw Adam Lambert in there or Neil Patrick Harris in there I could care less but you've got a guy whos hell bent into satisfying the "flaming ******" stereotype and WWE wanting to associate with him.
That's understood. But like I've said, it's two minutes on tv and he's gone. That's it. He's not doing anything to cause any kind of uproar.
No ones said that hes going to be criticized for being gay, hes being criticized for being a deuche and WWE is going to be criticized for being so desperate for gay fans that they went to what gay people on this site have even admitted is the worst representation of the homosexual.
Where did you get the idea that the WWE is so worried about homosexuals fans? I don't get it.
You act as if I'm sitting here reading the news on Wrestlezone going "Oh, a new host for RAW, cool....wait, hes gay?!?!?!?! LYNCH HIM LYNCH HIM LYNCH HIM OHHHH SET TEH *** ON FIRE". I'm judging Perez for being a deuche, and WWE for reaching a new low point in desperation.
Then judge him on being a douche. Mention nothing about him being a homosexual because it's completely irrelevant.
I'm just trying to figure this out from a demographic point of view? Who is this going to appeal to? Perez had a minute of fame when he made an ass out of himself with that Miss America (Or whatever it was) contestant and that was it. As others have said, he's not a performer he's a blogger. We may aswell have Mark Madden be a guest referee seeing as he's just barely less annoying than Perez and actually has something to do with wrestling. This just seems to point out how out of touch the WWE is with it's audience as far as "celebs" are concerned.
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