People want HHH vs Sting?!


Getting Noticed By Management
Eh, I saw this poll on WZ news and HHH was the first option as the first feud for Sting, and I'm just sitting there thinking "really"?

Their characters just don't match. If you want a real match, that is obviously against the Undertaker. Both are tall guys, with legendary careers, dark mysterious backgrounds etc etc. HHH is legendary too, but he just doesn't fit with Sting.

I voted for Bray Wyatt though, for the sheer reason that he is in good shape as opposed to Undertaker. Sure, Taker vs Sting will be iconic, but I wanna see a good match too, and Sting vs Wyatt will be also amazing. Wyatt has the same mystique as Taker, so if there is anyone out there who can substitute Taker, it's definitely Bray Wyatt.

HHH vs Sting? Please god no... at least not for Sting's first feud.
In my opinion HHH/Sting is the watered down version of what the audience wants, yet it does basically the same thing. Taker is too old and might not put on a great match, and I think some people get that. Granted I think most people just like it for the fact that Triple H was a force since like 1998-today and Sting was in WCW.

Maybe people just wanna see a WWF/WCW match and this is the best option. Who else was around during the Attitude era that could fight Sting...Mark Henry? Big Show? Rock maybe? Kane? Triple H is the best of a bad situation I think, and that's not a bad thing. Triple H is probably the guy I'd most want to see wrestle Sting at this point, Trips is great on the mic and can make just about anybody look good even if they aren't.

I'm still advocating for a Fatal 4 Way, best of all time Sting v Triple H v Rock v John Cena. What a spectacle that would be
I absolutely want Triple H versus Sting for the debut of the Icon in a WWE match, because I am absolutely convinced that we will see him compete more than once in a WWE ring before deciding to call it quits. And Triple H is the perfect first opponent. There is a logical reason for the feud to occur. Triple H is skilled enough to work well with Sting so that both guys end up looking good when the match is over and done with. HHH is unselfish enough to put Sting over, and his legacy will not be adversely affected by coming up short in the feud. And I think the fans will be all over cheering for Sting, as well as booing and rooting against Hunter.

If Sting were to only compete once in WWE, then Triple H would not be my number one choice. But I see a few feuds over a year or so, culminating at Wrestlemania in 2016. I see Sting going up against the Undertaker (possibly more than once), John Cena, and likely a couple of other guys as well. So I have absolutely no problem whatsoever seeing Triple H versus Sting. Should be awesome.
While I'm not super excited about this, that may change if this match is gonna happen and the build up is strong, I prefer this match over one with Taker. If Taker was healthy enough to put forth a strong effort, I'd be all for a match with Sting, but he isn't. Will it be a cool sight to see them in the ring together about to face off? Absolutely. However, that iconic image will be dramatically undercut if the match itself was lousy.

Triple H can work well with damn near anyone. He's skilled in the ring, he has a legendary career of his own and it makes sense considering that Sting is the primary reason The Authority is no longer "in power."

Personally, I also wouldn't mind seeing Sting go up against Bray Wyatt provided that Sting put Wyatt over. If Sting is gonna wrestle then, ideally, I'd prefer it be against someone who has something to gain by being in the match with him.
I'd rather Triple H Vs Sting because I feel they'd put on a good match and Sting needs an opponent who is more of a talker.

Bray Wyatt would be a horrible choice as Sting is also a bit too old and Bray needs to be carried. He's just not that good in the ring.
Eh, I saw this poll on WZ news and HHH was the first option as the first feud for Sting, and I'm just sitting there thinking "really"?

A good portion of the voting public will vote this way solely due to the events at SS and HHH being the one of the top heels in the company. Regardless though I think they are right.

Their characters just don't match. If you want a real match, that is obviously against the Undertaker. Both are tall guys, with legendary careers, dark mysterious backgrounds etc etc. HHH is legendary too, but he just doesn't fit with Sting.

Tall guys? Are you joking?

Anyway, how do you know who fits together? The story has barely been told at this point. WWE have a number of ways to move forward with Sting and HHH. HHH was taking pot shots at WCW last week. Sting cost HHH his power.

And how is the UT a better fit? Because they both wear black and are not known for their mic skills? What do you expect out of their feud? They are both faces, The Streak is over, Sting may be dark but he is not some occult creature like UT. Heck, even UT is not exactly mythical ever since his Badass days and end of The Streak. Do you really want to listen to two grown men talk about respect, point at the WM 31 sign repeatly, and not throw a punch for the few weeks they both show up on Raw?

Tell me what else is going to be so great about this feud?

I voted for Bray Wyatt though, for the sheer reason that he is in good shape as opposed to Undertaker. Sure, Taker vs Sting will be iconic, but I wanna see a good match too, and Sting vs Wyatt will be also amazing. Wyatt has the same mystique as Taker, so if there is anyone out there who can substitute Taker, it's definitely Bray Wyatt.

HHH vs Sting? Please god no... at least not for Sting's first feud.

Now I'm confused. You seem to like UT but you just replaced him with Bray Wyatt who has struggled to be interesting since WM. Is Bray going to use the "Sting is a monster" bit that continues to fail, the "Sting should join me" bit that has continued to fail, or the "Sting is not a savior" bit that no one cares about?

The children who vote on the internet have it right. HHH is the ideal feud for Sting's initial feud.
My hope is that he is able to give us more than one match. I don't necessarily believe he needs to put a younger guy like Wyatt over, but we waited for so many years for this to finally happen, I want to see as much of him as we can get without him falling to a level like The Undertaker versus Lesnar or anything Mysterio has tried to do lately.

That said, Trips isn't the worst option available. He has had a great career that can match Sting's accomplishments, proven multiple times this year he can still work at a relatively high level, and did technically lose his power due to Sting.
Honestly, there's something I dislike about Sting losing his one and only WWE match...but most people wouldn't benefit from a loss to the Stinger. If he should be paired with anyone, make it a WWE star whose prime was around the same time as Sting.

Triple H, Undertaker, even Cena or Orton. They can withstand such losses. If Sting shows up just to lose, then his presence is pointless. If he wins, it can sink careers. WWE has to be careful either way.
Honestly, there's something I dislike about Sting losing his one and only WWE match...but most people wouldn't benefit from a loss to the Stinger. If he should be paired with anyone, make it a WWE star whose prime was around the same time as Sting.

Triple H, Undertaker, even Cena or Orton. They can withstand such losses. If Sting shows up just to lose, then his presence is pointless. If he wins, it can sink careers. WWE has to be careful either way.

How does losing to Sting sink a career ??? Any current WWE star would get THE RUB OF THEIR LIFE if they were allowed a full fledged feud with Sting even it ended in feud ending loss. Heck, Bray Wyatt got way more out of losing to Cena, coming out of that feud looking like a demonic style heel force to be reckoned with, than he did by beating Chris Jericho is hastily put together feud with few high points and some pointless mid card matches.
Maybe "sink" was too strong of a word. But traditionally, older guys put over younger guys. If the younger guys look inferior, to someone whose career is close to ending, I need to say what effect it can have?

I don't really count Cena because even though he's probably not far from stepping back, he's still a very active performer. He is the top guy right now.

If Bray lost to a returning Hogan, that would be a totally different matter.
A good portion of the voting public will vote this way solely due to the events at SS and HHH being the one of the top heels in the company. Regardless though I think they are right.

Tall guys? Are you joking?

Anyway, how do you know who fits together? The story has barely been told at this point. WWE have a number of ways to move forward with Sting and HHH. HHH was taking pot shots at WCW last week. Sting cost HHH his power.

And how is the UT a better fit? Because they both wear black and are not known for their mic skills? What do you expect out of their feud? They are both faces, The Streak is over, Sting may be dark but he is not some occult creature like UT. Heck, even UT is not exactly mythical ever since his Badass days and end of The Streak. Do you really want to listen to two grown men talk about respect, point at the WM 31 sign repeatly, and not throw a punch for the few weeks they both show up on Raw?

Tell me what else is going to be so great about this feud?

Now I'm confused. You seem to like UT but you just replaced him with Bray Wyatt who has struggled to be interesting since WM. Is Bray going to use the "Sting is a monster" bit that continues to fail, the "Sting should join me" bit that has continued to fail, or the "Sting is not a savior" bit that no one cares about?

The children who vote on the internet have it right. HHH is the ideal feud for Sting's initial feud.

My first choice is a healthy Undertaker who can put on matches like back in the good days. To me, Sting vs Taker fits much better than Sting vs HHH, and if you take away the Sting/HHH thing from Survivor Series, most people would agree with me.

Since Taker isn't healthy though, I'd rather someone else face him. I'm all for a good character-feud in Sting and Taker, but I want a good match to come to end that feud too and Sting vs Taker won't deliver. That's why I prefer Wyatt. He is kinda like Taker but will put on a better match. I don't know what Wyatt will talk about to feud with him, but even the cheesy "I can make you young again" will work.

About HHH, sure he made some comments about WCW which went by without anyone noticing, except for when Sting came out and we looked here and there to find pieces to link the feud. Sure, it will be a good feud, pro wrestling 101 face vs heel but I'd rather see healthy Taker/Wyatt vs Sting. I guess it all comes down to opinions, but I'm really wondering what the results would be if Sting and HHH didn't have that altercation at SS.
Eh, I saw this poll on WZ news and HHH was the first option as the first feud for Sting, and I'm just sitting there thinking "really"?

"Really?" Is what I thought when I saw the thread title.

Their characters just don't match.

How don't they match? You have the Cerebral Assassin Triple H, whose best known for playing authoritarian power hungry characters, and then the mysterious Sting, whose known for opposing authority and those trying to force their way to power. That was his whole shtick against the NWO.

If you want a real match, that is obviously against the Undertaker. Both are tall guys, with legendary careers, dark mysterious backgrounds etc etc.

So we're expected to wait on our hands for 4 months until Undy returns while Sting does nothing of relevance?

I voted for Bray Wyatt though, for the sheer reason that he is in good shape as opposed to Undertaker.

Bray should face the Undertaker long before he faces Sting. If he does at all. That would be a waste of a match.

Sure, Taker vs Sting will be iconic, but I wanna see a good match too, and Sting vs Wyatt will be also amazing. Wyatt has the same mystique as Taker, so if there is anyone out there who can substitute Taker, it's definitely Bray Wyatt.

Er... and what credentials does Wyatt have to face Sting other than he is creepy? Kane is also creepy. Should I be expecting him to face Sting too?

HHH vs Sting? Please god no... at least not for Sting's first feud.

I fail to see how this is not good booking. HHH is a megastar. He is a natural heel. Sting is a natural face. He's perfect for reestablishing Sting's credibility. You must not understand how booking works.
I don't mind Sting vs. HHH. He's the best available opponent for Sting. The Rock, Stone Cold and Undertaker's WrestleMania available is questionable.

HHH isn't going anywhere and he's a proven draw as a bad guy. Bray is unproven
Stings is a special attraction like Brock Lesnar and how it would only feel right if he is facing a quality opponent like a Triple H, it would kind of be disappointing if Sting only had that one Undertaker match and leaves. Give him a good 3 or 4 match, and then have that final match against Taker if both are able to, then let him ride off into the sunset.

As much as I love Bray Wyatt, giving Sting to Bray to fight at this point would only bring Sting's aura down.
My first choice is a healthy Undertaker who can put on matches like back in the good days. To me, Sting vs Taker fits much better than Sting vs HHH, and if you take away the Sting/HHH thing from Survivor Series, most people would agree with me.

And my first choice would be a young Sting versus a prime Hogan, but this ain't fantasy land. Sting vs HHH is great because HHH can bring it in all areas and all Sting needs to do is the run-in attack. Simple.

Since Taker isn't healthy though, I'd rather someone else face him. I'm all for a good character-feud in Sting and Taker, but I want a good match to come to end that feud too and Sting vs Taker won't deliver. That's why I prefer Wyatt. He is kinda like Taker but will put on a better match. I don't know what Wyatt will talk about to feud with him, but even the cheesy "I can make you young again" will work.

So have Bray beat the newly acquired icon Sting, or have Sting beat the up and comer you are trying to build up? Hmm...

About HHH, sure he made some comments about WCW which went by without anyone noticing, except for when Sting came out and we looked here and there to find pieces to link the feud. Sure, it will be a good feud, pro wrestling 101 face vs heel but I'd rather see healthy Taker/Wyatt vs Sting. I guess it all comes down to opinions, but I'm really wondering what the results would be if Sting and HHH didn't have that altercation at SS.

And your opinion is wrong. If Sting and HHH didn't have that altercation, then it would probably be Undertaker, but because they did people have latched on to a better feud that can conclude with a great match.

Triple H is the only reasonable opponent I can think of for Sting right now. The Rock and Undertaker aren't around, so who else is there that is active on the main roster with a career that comes closest to Sting's? Triple H. No one else has had their longevity. It's the ideal match suited for what's available. I don't think Sting is gonna be around to work full programs, so if he's gonna have his special matches, they should be against opponents from around his era. It's like taking a time machine and going back to see matches that otherwise would never have happened and now we're finally able to see some. I think I said it before in another thread in the past, but I said that if everything was ideally possible, I'd want to see Sting vs Triple H (interchangeable with The Rock) at Royal Rumble, Sting vs Undertaker at WrestleMania and Sting vs The Rock (interchangeable with Triple H) at SummerSlam.
Although Bray is my number one choice, I feel that though if Sting comes to WWE he has to face a legend. A guy that was a main evener back in the wwf going up against a main eventer from wcw. Although it's not THE dream match it certainly is pretty significant. The Streak is over, wrestlemania 30 should be the last time we see Taker in a ring just because it was one of the biggest moments ever. Let it be, the ship has sailed on a Sting vs Taker match. It did on austin vs hogan, austin vs punk, goldberg vs austin, the list goes on. Not every dream match needs to happen.
Although Bray is my number one choice, I feel that though if Sting comes to WWE he has to face a legend. A guy that was a main evener back in the wwf going up against a main eventer from wcw. Although it's not THE dream match it certainly is pretty significant. The Streak is over, wrestlemania 30 should be the last time we see Taker in a ring just because it was one of the biggest moments ever. Let it be, the ship has sailed on a Sting vs Taker match. It did on austin vs hogan, austin vs punk, goldberg vs austin, the list goes on. Not every dream match needs to happen.

Bray still has some distance to run with Ambrose and that wouldn't leave a lot of time for them to build Bray v Sting, I would love to see Sting v Rollins, if that match delivered it would be an all time classic. Legend vs Future angle, Seth wrestles clean without the midget goons, win or lose you can expect Sting to put him over.
Yes please! I get that this is not the Sting of old, but that staredown (while it lasted WAY too long) was amazing! I wish I could go back in time and not read the spoiler of his appearance. I think if I didn't I may have creamed myself. Even when I read it on this site I didn't believe it (I mean how may times has WZ said this was gonna happen and it didn't) but when it did happen I wasn't as shocked as I could/should have been. It easily would have been a totally "mark out" moment for me. I'm curious as to how this ranks as the most shocking moments of the year with the streak ending and shield breaking up. (we all knew it had to happen but when it did...)
People are talking about similar careers and I agree, but another aspect is that Triple H can deliver the best match possible for Sting, at least in theory. Sting wouldn't keep up with Cesaro, Ziggler or Rollins, these matches would be good don't get me wrong, but still a more slow paced match would be better... The other options like Rock and Undertaker are ring rusted. And I'm over Bray already, he's promos are cool but nothing ever comes of it, he wasn't able to do any of what he's been saying and he can't lace Hunter's boots in his best day.
Well, off of the entire roster, HHH is about the only one that can carry Sting through a match without it being like Undertaker from WM30. Brock, Rock, and any other of the main full time heavyweights just wouldn't have the skill. Hell, I'd barely trust Cena to be able to carry Sting through a whole 15-20 minute match.

That being said, HHH is also probably the absolute best promo guy in the company right now, he's in a part of his career where he wrestles a few times, and he's earned the honor of fighting someone as established as Sting at this point in his career.
I saw the same poll. And what floored me wasn't just that HHH vs. Sting was #1....but that Taker vs. Sting wasn't even on the list.

This is probably the clearest case of conspiracy/poll fixing I've ever seen. There is no way in hell that HHH/Sting is the match fans want to see the most. Even if they left Taker off the list intentionally, the casual fan would still say Cena vs. Sting or maybe even Bray vs. Sting. But the fact that Taker wasn't on the list can also safely rule out Sting vs. Taker at Wrestlemania, unfortunately..
I have zero interest in Sting vs Undertaker in 2015. Ugly as shit, borefest. Sting vs HHH though, with control of WWE at stake, a storyline and reasonable suspension of belief and this match could be well worthw atching.
HHH is only in a putting guys over role now, and Sting needs to stay undefeated and impressive for people to give a shit about a face painted 55yo. Sting can still cut great promos and appears in good shape, so I think HHH could work a believable match on ppv with Sting.

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