Paul London And Brian Kendrick?

Are Paul London and Brian Kendrick underrated?

  • Yes, They should be used more.

  • No, they're fine the way they are.

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In the words of Naitch..."Woooooo!"
So I was looking through many videos and I have to this question, is the tag team of London and Kendrick underrated? I mean, they are good high-fliers, they're fast, and they've held the Smackdown Tag Team straps for 331 days. Not only that but every time I watch the Kendrick "Spanky" Promo about Cena I laugh, a lot. And not to mention the more recent Holly "What the hell is a myspace?" Promo as well. I think they can be very successful if they can be used a little more. What's your opinion? :smashfreakB:
Right now they're obviously being used in a wrong way, it seems like Kendrick pissed someone off, otherwise he (and Paul London as well in tag matches) wouldn't be squashed that often. It's really a pity, they are outstanding high-fliers, but since their feud with Cade and Murdoch they seem to be out of the tag title picture, and it doesn't look like they'll get there again any time soon.
Right now they're obviously being used in a wrong way, it seems like Kendrick pissed someone off, otherwise he (and Paul London as well in tag matches) wouldn't be squashed that often. It's really a pity, they are outstanding high-fliers, but since their feud with Cade and Murdoch they seem to be out of the tag title picture, and it doesn't look like they'll get there again any time soon.

Exactly, that's what I'm saying. They are so full of talent and so misused. But. like many stars in the WWE, they are just pushed to the side.
Just some match statistics for Brian Kendrick and Paul London in 2008 (TV shows only):

Raw January 21: Kendrick lost to Umaga in a short match
Raw January 28: Kendrick lost to Mr. Kennedy in a short match
Raw February 4: London and Kendrick lost to Santino and Carlito in a 1 minute match
Raw February 11: Kendrick lost to Paul Burchill in a short match

In all of these matches Kendrick (and London) had little to no offense and was squashed in a matter of minutes. That's pretty extreme considering they seemed to be te next World Tag Team Champions in late 2007.
They are underrated and misused now. But isn't Paul London injured now? I think WWE should wait until London has recovered before using them. And since Ashley is in RAW, why not make her their manager? Her gimmick fits well with theirs. It'll be another team xtreme.

And just another note, RAW needs another heel tag team besides Cade and Murdoch. WGTT was a good heel, but no one was happy that shelton was part of it. RAW needs a legit heel tag team to make the tag team division more interesting. That way, London and Kendrick can be used well, instead of them, being face, fighting with another face.
I think they are fine were they are. Granted they are both good athletes and wrestlers and have a vast array of moves, but that's about it, they almost act to childish at times, jumping and bouncing around the ring, it's like come on now, you are grown-ups, not fifteen year old kids. Plus I've noticed they work to fast, mess up moves that should be done easily, so if they slowed down just a little bit, they could be even better, plus work on the childess thing and get some more charisma, then maybe they could/will be used better, until then though, they are fine where they are at.
Ever since they moved to RAW from Smackdown they have been vastly underused. Raw doesn't use it's tag-teams very much (when was the last time Rhodes and Holly defended the titles? RAW XV Anniversary?) and these guys are the best tag-team in the WWE. Now they are wrestling on Heat. I say when the draft comes later this year trade them back to Smackdown and have them in the Tag Team title hunt. It is where they belong. Smackdown uses their tag-teams pretty well, with 20 or so minutes being devoted to Tag-Team action. Trade London & Kendrick back to Smackdown.

I think they are fine were they are. Granted they are both good athletes and wrestlers and have a vast array of moves, but that's about it, they almost act to childish at times, jumping and bouncing around the ring, it's like come on now, you are grown-ups, not fifteen year old kids. Plus I've noticed they work to fast, mess up moves that should be done easily, so if they slowed down just a little bit, they could be even better, plus work on the childess thing and get some more charisma, then maybe they could/will be used better, until then though, they are fine where they are at.

Have you watched these two outside the WWE? You must have not because if you did you would see that these guys are two great workers. They jump and bounce around the ring to try and get the crowd pumped up and get some pops which you dont see all two often. What childish thing you talking about it dosnt make them childish becuase they work "fast" if they did all the light heavy weights in the world are chilidish thats some peoples style of work. They arnt being used fine, they barely get on RAW and if they do they get squashed. And to top it off they get 3 dam minutes to work. Its not fair to them, they cant show there talent if they dont get work, or cant cut a promo to show there skills. They are one of the only real tag teams in the WWE. They wear matching clothes, matching styles of wrestling, they held the tag titles for almost a year in 2006, who can foget the ladder match at Armaggedon 2006 they carried that match with the Hardyz. If they got broke up both of them would become jobbers. So hopefully they get back to Smackdown there they are used correctly until then there being wasted.
I don't know why WWE is using them as enhancement talent. They had an almost year-long title reign as tag champions. Yes, the tag titles are pretty much worthless right now, but it still counts for something. They're very talented wrestlers, and they definitely deserve another shot. It seems that they've been severely damaged ever since London had a shit-eating grin on his face the night the limo explosion happened.
Of course they're underused, just like everyother tag team on RAW. RAW has at least five tag teams, being Holly/Rhodes, Cade/Murdoch, London/Kendrick, Carlito/Marrela, and the Highlanders. With the Highlanders being seen less than London/Kendrick, you can just take them out of the picture. That leaves two face and two heel tag teams. With the right storylines and time, London and Kendrick could get a good feud or two going to work back towards the title. And they should definitely take Ashley on as their manager. Teams always seem to get the belts when there's a girl in the corner.
well this has been said many times, but yes they are being underused.. as of late, on SD! they were doing good, they had a good crowd reaction with their reign, not great, but good, and if u consider how crappy the tag teams have been latley, to get ANY crowd reaction is already great news for any team

like it or not, london and kendrick was the most over tag team WWE had, and instead of WWE keep pushing them on raw they just jobbed them out, and like ive said b4, london and kendrick right now is pretty much the ONLY team that could sell some good merch if pushed well, they are the only team that little kids could get behind with their high flying style, kinda like rey rey, but without the mask, ive said this b4 and ill say it again, push them as the new team xtreme, dont exactly call them team xtreme, but u get what i mean... give them more gimmick matches, even though the IWC wont approve of this idea, but more gimmick matches will get them over kinda like the hardys, then they will sell a shit load... they are a gold mine, WWE doesnt know how to use them
I think the reason that London and Kendrick have become jobbers is because London hit a shooting star press on Lance Cade a few months back...ever since then theyve been basically jobbers.

Its the only reason I can see for their relegation to jobberness.....specially if Cade had no idea what London was about to do at the time.

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