Partnership ideas


Dark Match Winner
What If Morrison was taken under Shawn Michaels wing?

Morrison reminds me of a young Shawn and it would certainly be an interesting idea for Morrison to be the next show stopper. I can see this running for a year or so then maybe one day Morrison turns on Shawn like Shawn did to Marty Janetty.

My next idea would be for Vladimir Kozlov to work for someone like JBL or William Regal. Kozlov seems like the leg breaker in the mafia that doesnt say anything but will do the bonebreaking work.

Any other partnership ideas?
I have an idea for a partnership, not for wrestlers for a company,I know In the past TNA wrestler have apperead at ROH shows but TNA put an end to that, they should do something like WWF and ECW did when WCW was the top company and have ROH wrestlers appear on TNA, it could get them closer to being competition for the WWE.
It may sound stupid but Its just an idea.
I have an even better idea...Rather than having Kozlov team with JbL, why not have Kozlov team with a Pink Slip right out of the WWE.

There isn't a man in the business that could carry a match with Kozlov, which was pretty much proven in his matches against HHH and HBK.
Although it may seem silly, I almost always based my ideas for pairings on the wacky names I could come up with for them. I always liked my pairing of Elijah Burke and Umaga, simply to call the "The Samoan Experience".

Can you imagine the destructive force of Owen Hart and Kane? "The Big Red Rocket".

Im surely not the only one that wants to match up Gregory Helms and A-Train (Albert,Giant Bernard), The hairy locomotive could show the former superhero a few things in their tag team "Hurricane of A-Train"

Or perhaps a combination of the Million Dollar Man and Rey Mysterio Jr. to make a tag team of Ted DiBiase Jr. That'll never happen
I have to agree with the Shawn Michaels John Morrison Partnership that would be really good seeing HBK as Morrisons mentor and also that would be a great way to see a good athlete get a decent push.
i think Morrison has a lot of potential to be a decent singles wrestler the only really good thing about the miz is his charisma
What If Morrison was taken under Shawn Michaels wing?

Morrison reminds me of a young Shawn and it would certainly be an interesting idea for Morrison to be the next show stopper. I can see this running for a year or so then maybe one day Morrison turns on Shawn like Shawn did to Marty Janetty.

My next idea would be for Vladimir Kozlov to work for someone like JBL or William Regal. Kozlov seems like the leg breaker in the mafia that doesnt say anything but will do the bonebreaking work.
Any other partnership ideas?

I like the idea of John Morrison and Shawn Micheals as a tag or a stable. Both are technically sound and quite alike in their style of wrestling. Also, I can't see the WWE breaking up Miz and Morrison but I think that sometime in the future Morrison will get the big push that he needs and Miz might not. Sort of like what happened when Edge won the King of The Ring. Edge ot his push and Christian didn't resulting in Christian leaving eventually. Similarly, When Miz and Morrison had the match against DX at Raw's anniversary episode you could see that their was something there. I like Morrison, he gets over easily and should get his push and Micheals might be the man to do that.

I would also like to see Rated RKO back together at some point. If this isn't possible however, I would like to see a feud between these two for sure. Everyone is speculating that Edge will be drafted to Raw and I'm hoing that this feud takes off.
what about shelton benjamin and john morrison...led by shawn michaels. there's a lot of similaritiies between morrison and michaels already...that has all been talked about. we all know shelton is very, very good in the ring, excellent athelete etc...and, does anyone remember shelton vs michaels raw match from a few years ago? was one of the best matches that has ever been on television. i just think it would be a perfect fit....michaels would be a great "teacher"and could work as the mouthpiece of the group.

BUT, it won't happen! they won't break up miz and morrison and if they did, they wouldn't pair morrison up with another tag team partner.
I would like to Shawn Michaels to be to Morrison as Ric Flair was to Michaels. The Rockers started having issues after Michaels kept wrestling Flair. Flair was this big Icon and Michaels would have good matches but never win. Then Marty went through the barbershop window.
I think a good idea for a team is Abyss and Mankind because their styles and masks are very similar and it give Abyss a huge boost. Their name could be the Asylum and they could enter the ring and straigth jackets like Raven did in TNA. The hardcore matcehs they could have would be awesome think about it Foley locks in the Mandible Claw and abyss then hits the Blackhole Slam while Foley still has the Mandible Claw
I personally always wanted to see Rey Mysterio Jr. team with Psicosis during his WWE stint. They've got history and it could have been a good masked tag. Unfortunately it never happened.

As far as today goes. I agree with Michaels and Morrison. Shaman of SEXY. Just a SEXY boy. Let's face it, they're grooming him to be the next heart break kid anyways. Why not have an angle where HBK passes the torch.....or shiny pants (whichever). Although I do have to admit I don't think I could ever get into Morrison's dull voice singing his own theme.....then again.....that's what people thought of Michaels.....


Also, I always intrigued to the idea of pairing Khali with Umaga. If you really think about it, Khali could USE some help. Umaga could very well fit the bill. Umaga has all the talent in the world to make up for Khali being slow. It would be a monster tag for sure. Of course......they'd need an interpreter...not for the audience mind you....So they can "talk" to each other. Which would set up a good split, interpreter sets up Umaga. Khali and interpreter turn and boom. Umaga has his face turn and buries Khali (which is all I ever wanted in the first place anyways)
What about Umaga and Manu? Have Manu return with an Umaga-like Monster heel gimmick, and then have them as a tag team. They'd need a manager though.. perhaps bring Armando Estrada back in?
I want to see Funaki and Jimmy Wang Yang join up and become TOKYO BEATDOWN, but unfortunately this'll mean Funaki will stop being a jobber, and he's good at that.
I like Yang. I thought for sure he'd win the tag titles with Shannon Moore.
I would like to see Hass and Goldust team up as a comedy duo, Hass should become Hassdust/Goldhass. I could see them winning the Unified Tag Team Titles
morrison and HBK seems doable. but what would they do with the Miz?
The miz could be taken under the wing of someone else. but who. Maybe Y2J. they seem similar.
Morrison, HBK take on Miz and Y2J maybe.
Theres loads of guys in the back that would work swell with another person - and at a time like this - a crushing tag team divison only being held up by 3 different teams. It'd take alot of pressure off these teams we see every week. Umaga & Khali powerhouse unit could destroy any team going up against them. Mr. Kennedy & Christian - kind of an oddball - but I have a feeling it could be pulled off - they both can work a mic - and both funny guys that love to make fun of others - and something thats been stirring in my head for awhile - and Im crossing my fingers that somehow WWE creative thinks of the same thing is to pass over the good old Latino Heat gimmick to Chavo - have him face turn and tag with Rey - they'd go over with the crowd in no time - everyone loves latino heat haha

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