Paid off my VITA today...

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So I pre-ordered a Playstation VITA last month, but I only put about $20 down because I wasn't overly excited about it. It looked really cool, and the tech level of such a portable device was definitely intriguing, but after Nintendo's disaster of a 3DS launch I decided to wait until the first round of game reviews came out and I actually got to spend hands-on time with the device before I put anything more down.

So I go into Gamestop today because they have their display models up. I played about 15 minutes of that new indie-esk game "Gravity Rush" and fell in love. The controls are incredibly fluid, the system is crazy responsive, and the touch screen worked beautifully in everything I tried to do. To say the's hella sexy.

But what about the game library at launch? Sure the system may be sex, but if there's nothing to do with it why should I drop the $300 on it?

Aside: if you're going to get the system, go for the 3G enabled mode IF and ONLY IF you can get it from Gamestop. I'm likely never going to use the 3G functionality, but because of low sales of that model Sony decided to offer a few incentives throughout GS. IF you buy the 3G model, which is $50 more than the one without it, it comes with a free 8Gb memory stick (which you NEED to do anything with the system, and will cost you $35 regardless), a voucher for $40 on ANY downloadable VITA or PS Network game you want in the future, and you are never forced to actually USE the 3G model. So really, you're getting a game and a required memory card out of it, and saving cash in the long run. Plus, if you ever going on a road trip, you just log on and pay the cash for a quick 2GB of 3G use at a one-time rate, and when it runs out it runs out. It's actually quite brilliant.

So anyways, we were talking about the launch catalog? With just VITA exclusive games, Lumines, Rayman: Origins, Stardust Delta, and Uncharted: Golden Abyss are supposed "must play" games. For the sports fan, the new FIFA game is apparently really good. Any Mod Nation fans out there? The game ported perfectly, and has a lot of improvements. The low-ish rating attributed to it is merely because it's the same damn game as the PS3 version. Same can be said for MvC3. But if you've never played either of those games, maybe this is the perfect way for you to start! There's a few more left to be reviewed, but launch exclusives look to be really solid.

Moving past that, by the time the general public gets their hands on it next week (the special editions went out yesterday) the VITA store will be fully operational. If you have any PS Network, or even old PSP games they will be playable for you on the VITA! So right off the bat I'm going to pick up Lumines and Rayman, and I'll already have a dozen other PSP games to play, and all my fun Network games! Plus, being able to do all you can with the PS3 is a huge bonus or those of us with the console.

I was never a huge PSP fan. I had one simply to mod it so I could run all my emulators on the go, and all in one place. I had about 6 actually PSP games, and most of them bored me. But this system looks incredible! Moving forward Sony will be releasing games in almost identical formula for both the VITA and the PS3. Gone will be the days when a game comes out for a console, is great, but sucks balls on any handheld!

Ladies and gentlemen...the way of the future. The way of the future.
Rayman Origins is NOT a Vita exclusive. I have it on Wii, it;s out soon on 3DS and is available on PS360.
How can you play games on an iPhone and enjoy them? I fat thumb the controls on almost every game on there.
I have slender, womanly fingers. Also, I buy games with simple and responsive controls. Get out of my face with Angry Birds and its wonky physics.
I don't think it's a terrible investment. I don't own a PS3, but my roommate does and I have a lot of Network games I would love to be able to play all the time. I also have several friends that will be getting a VITA, which always makes things more fun. Thanks for catching my Rayman mistake Lee.

The thing that did it for me was the FFX HD announcement. My PS2 finally bit the dust last year, and I haven't really had a reason to pick up another one. FFX is up there in my list of favorite games, and I'm really excited to get to play it on VITA.

Also, the above people are the vast majority of my favorite posters on these forums.
I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about the software and I'm still not convinced the Vita will succeed where the original failed. Sony are in a fair bit of trouble but I said the same about Nintendo and I'm now not so sure about them.
I think the VITA will pick up steam the same way the PS3 did. Same story: great launch set-up, but an extremely high price will drive mainstream players away. Give it time for them to price drop or even figure out a way to make the hardware cheaper (ala v2 and v3 of the PSP) and more people will flock to it. When Sony starts putting out the same games for both systems, and people that don't already own a PS3 realize they can play the same games, but on-the-go, that will be a big selling feature.

As far as Nintendo goes, I think the Wii U is either gonna sustain them, or break them. It won't be as commercially successful as the Wii was, because quite frankly, most of the millions of families that picked one up are still content with what they have! I think they're bigger downfall will be trying to appeal to the "hardcore gamer", allowing for tech that makes it possible for games like Modern Warfare to easily make their way over to a Nintendo system. Because here's the thing: I can already play MW3 on PS3 or Xbox. Why the hell would I want to play it on a Wii system with that wonky-ass looking controller they're developing?

It'll be "next gen" for a year before Microsoft releases its new system. I just don't think people are going to care about this launch near as much as they did with the Wii. Motion controls were new and refreshing when they did it the first time. Now it's a gimmick you can get in other places if you have to. The Wii U doesn't look to offer me anything new - motion controls were done on the Wii, the graphical superiority will only remain in place for a short time, and developers won't work on a new graphical approach to accommodate it, when the "hardcore" games that utilize it will sell much better on XBOx or PS3.

Nintendo shouldn't try to be more like modern gaming...they need to stick to their guns and continue doing what makes them unique and profitable. I don't want Mass Effect on my Wii, I want Pokemon Snap 2. Another cook in the kitchen just dilutes the entire industry. And if they do put themselves under trying to push a dying system, Sony may capitalize on VITA sales as the 3DS goes under with them. Total speculation obviously, but that's my estimation of the playing field right now.
Nintendo have made one loss since 1889, there's no need to worry about them.

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