OWA (Ohio Wrestling Alliance)

OWA #15 "Caged Combat"

Opening Segment: The Luke Williams Show
- "I love this time of year, and I love this caged concept. I'm thrilled to announce the main event for the year end show, OWA 16 December 2 Remember. One Man Gang will be defending his heavyweight title vs 2 men in a triple threat match! The first guy is his biggest rival, Kahuna. The 3rd man had his momentum stopped by Gang, and that's the Sandman. That fight will be no DQ. We are also gonna have the trilogy fight for the tag titles, between the champs, Demolition, and the old champs, Morton and Torch. I'm also just signed Big D and Josh Storm to have a submission match. Tonight's show should be awesome. Enjoy it, and let the blood begin to pour!"

Opening Match: cage fight
The Bull (1-3) vs Josh Storm (2-0)
- Storm is a heavy favorite here, especially since he already signed up to fight Bull's older, and tougher, brother Big D at D2R. Storm comes out and lands several leg kicks. Bull charges forward , but gets stuck in a Storm guillotine on the way down. Bull fights through the choke. Big D walks to ringside, and joins the broadcast table. Storm continues to control the fight, and drops Bull with a straight right. He then takes the back, and locks in a fight ending Rear Naked Choke on the Bull. Big D stands from the announce table, and locks eyes with Storm. The men stare each other down, this should be an intense fight. (12:23)

Segment #2: "Showstopper" Bret Michaels Promo
- "Luke Williams, I hope you are listening. I NEED on that December 2 Remember card. I'll fight anybody. Whats D.2.R. without having the Showstopper, anyways? Watch my fight tonight if you don't believe me."

Match #2: Cage Fight
Royal Battler (1-1) vs "Showstopper" Brett Michaels (2-1)
- The Battler comes out agressively, and controls the ring. Battler begins to work the Showstopper over. Battler hits a powerful powerbomb, but Michaels somehow kicks out. Michaels ducks under a big clothesline, and counters with his superkick. The Royal Battler appears to be out cold. Michaels ignores the pin opportunity, and scales the top rope. Michaels hits his first career moonsault to end the fight. Talk about sending a message! It's clear that the Showstopper belongs on the December 2 Remember card. (13:56)

Segment #3: Survivors Promo (Jenna M and Johnny Fairplay)
- Jenna M "Amy is just jealous of me. I'm better than her at everything, and I'm cuter. I'm a celebrity, and she is a local bum!" JFP "Jenna is the queen of OWA, you guys are all idiots. As my idol Ric Flair would say, wooooo!"

Match #3: Cage Fight
Jenna M (2-1) w/ JFP vs Amy K (1-1)
- This is the 3rd fight this year between these evenly matched ladies. Jenna looks like she respects Amy's ground game, and prefers to stand up vs her in this fight. Amy uses a Judo hip toss to land the takedown. Jenna gouges her in the eye, and scores the quick roll up pin, while holding the tights. (8:15)

Segment #4: New Jack Promo
- "Joe, I'm ending your career tonight. Joe's never gonna fight again, period. The way you left me at the last PPV, you shoulda killed me. To the death, Grampa. To the death, B!@#$."

Match #4: Cage Fight
New Jack (2-2) vs Gypsy Joe (1-2)
- New Jack blindsides Joe during his entry, and drags him toward the ring. Jack beats Gypsy Joe's head vs the ring post. Jack then drags Joe in, and the cage door is locked. Joe hits a low blow, and New Jack collapses. Joe reaches into his tights, and pulls out some brass knuckles. Joe blasts Jack multiple times, and Jack is busted open. Joe reaches into his tights again, and brings out a bag of tacks. He spreads the tacks in the middle of the ring. Joe goes for the suplex on New Jack , but gets reversed! Joe is now bleeding everywhere, and the tacks are stuck all over him. New Jack then pulls out a fireball, and blinds Gypsy Joe! Joe squirms throught the ring, kicking and punching still. New Jack grabs the knucks, and starts to pound away on the blinded 75 year old. Joe is now out cold, but New Jack continues to beat on him. New Jack then depants the Gypsy, leaving him nude in the ring! Jack spits on the naked, unconscious body. Jack begins to walk away, then looks back at the body. Jack takes Joe on his shoulder, and to the top rope. Jack does a powerbomb from the top rope, onto the tacks in the middle of the ring. Jack then pins Joe with 1 finger, spits on him again, and flips him the double bird. The crowd hates Jack, even to the point of calling him racial slurs. It's very questionable whether we will ever see either man again in OWA. (23:43)

Segment #5: One Man Gang Promo
- "I'm ready to whoop Kahuna again. I feel better than I've ever felt before, and it shows with my 4-0 record and heavyweight title. But tonight's about having fun. And for me, having fun involves anger and steel. I wouldn't want to fight me tonight. I know Morton's a strong partner, and Torch is on the rise. Let's do this."

Match #5: Big Kahuna (2-1)/Smash (3-1,c)/Ax (3-1,c) w/ Bill Alfonzo
vs One Man Gang (4-0,c)/ Morton (2-2)/ Torch (2-2)
- This one is just an all out rumble from the get go, and the men pair off. Morton takes control on Ax, beating him down with his speed. Smash gets the power edge on Torch, and the Kahuna gets an early edge on Gang. Smash blindsides Morton. Demolition combine to Demolition Drop Morton. Gang breaks loose from Kahuna and saves Morton from the pinfall loss. Kahuna then blindsides OMG. Kahuna helps Demolition lift Gang for a devastating Demolition Drop. Kahuna then climbs to the top rope, using the cage for support. Kahuna lands his biggest Samoan Drop to date, and gets the pin over the World Champion. Bill Alfonzo hops in the ring, and the 4 man Hardcore Alliance rejoices. (31:22)

OWA 16, December 2 Remember, promises to be the biggest show in OWA history! One Man Gang defends his Heavyweight Title against bitter rivals Big Kahuna and Sandman. The Rock N Roll Express and Demolition end their feud in a trilogy fight for the tag titles. Don't miss it!!!
OWA #16 "December 2 Remember"

Opening Segment: The Luke Williams Show
- "Thanks to everybody for coming out to the 2nd annual December 2 Remember. I'm so proud of the card I've put together tonight. I've got something even more important to annonce though. I've met with OWA ownership, and this will be my last night as Commissioner. It's been fun but I'm not cut out for it. The next time you see the Luke Williams Show, it will be with another big announcement in Season 3. I know I'm an old man now, but what I do best is still lick heads and kick butt. The next LWS I will announce my NEW partner for Season 3. No, he isn't on the current roster. But yes, he will be a familiar face. Enjoy the show tonight, and I'll see you all next season!"

Match #1: Submission Fight
Josh Storm (3-0) vs Big D (0-2)
- Storm looks to "sweep" his first season in OWA, while Big D looks to get back to his championship status. They come out striking early, looking to hurt each other on the feet, to soften the future submission. Storm shows a kicking and length advantage, while D grabs a power and hands advantage. Big D drops Storm with a knee from the Muay Thai clinch. Storm hangs in there and pulls guard. D throws some grond n pound, but Storm perserveres and tries an armbar from bottom. Big D shrugs it off and passes to side control. Big D sinks in a powerful "head and arm triangle", and squeezes for dear life. Storm hangs in, but eventually passes out, forcing the referee to stop the bout. These are 2 guys to keep your eyes on in the future! (13:41)

Segment #2: Francine Promo
- "Jenna doesn't deserve to be in OWA. She's nothing but a cheater, and a spoiled brat! She and Fairplay deserve each other , as they are both trash. I'll prove tonight why I'm still the 'Queen of Extreme.' I sure hope the powers that be add a belt for me to grab next season."

Match #2: Francine (1-1) vs Jenna Morasco (3-1) w/ Johnny Fairplay
- Both woman swagger to ringside, and seem to be very confident. The male crowd is epecially loud for these 2 divas. Francine takes early control with a Thesz press. She lands several blows, and Jenna escapes. Jenna bails the ring and collects her thoughts with Johnny Fairplay. Francine's not gonna wait, and stalks her outside the ring. Jenna jumps back in the ring as Fairplay argues with Francine. Francine slaps JFP, dropping him! As she re-enters the ring, Jenna is waiting, and punts her in the head. She jumps on her for the quick pin. After the match , the Survivors celebrate in the ring. Former Playboy cover girl Jenna then flashes the crowd!!! Half of the crown is going crazy screaming, and half of the crowd seems offended. One thing is for sure. With winning 3 straight controversial matches, having Fairplay as a manager, and flashing the crowd, EVERYONE now has an opinion on Jenna!

Segment #3: "Showstopper" Brett Michaels Promo
- "I'm glad management decided to do the right thing, and put me on the Grandest Stage of them all. I'm gonna knockout Alex Karalexis tonight, and then I want a title fight in Season 3. Nobody deserves it more than me."

Match #3: Cage Fight
Alex "Assassin" Karalexis (1-1) vs "Showstopper" Brett Michaels (3-1)
- Both guys are looking to strike in this one. Karalexis handspeed is too much, and he drops Michaels with an uppercut. Michaels gets back to his feet, and finds some success with his range, and leg kicks. Michaels get overconfident, and gets dropped by a right hook. Karalexis jumps on top, and starts reigning now punches. Michaels scrambles back to his feet, and Karalexis chases him. Karalexis over commits, and Michaes ducks under. As Karalexis turns around, he gets planted with a "superkick." Michaels then does the unthinkable, and scales to the top of the 12 foot high cage. Michaels stands up , and waves his arms to get the crowd pumped up. Michaels lanches himself off the top, and lands a Randy Savage-esque elbow smash. Michaels get the clean pin. (17:12)

Segment #4: New Rock n Roll Express Promo
- Morton, "Tonight, we scale the mountain 1 more time. Torch has been a solid partner for me. I think a win tonight proves we are as good as we've ever been."

Match #4: Tag Titles
Demolition (Ax/Smash,) (4-1, c) w/ Bill Alfonzo vs New Rock n Roll Express (Morton/Torch) (2-3)- This a trilogy match between the 2 most accomplished teams in the short history of OWA. Morton grabs the early lead with a series of arm drags on Smash. Torch gets the tag and works some nice elbows and knees to Smash. Ax and Alfonzo are looking frustrated. Morton gets the tag and dropkicks Smash. Smash is on the ropes, figuratively speaking. Alfonzo enters the ring, and cracks Morton over the head with a chair. Referee Dennis Blevins calls for the bell, via DQ. Torch makes the save, and Demolition take their titles and run away, still the champions. (11:01)

Segment #5: Sandman Promo
- "I'm the only guy in this match that hasn't held the belt, and that changes tonight. I'm gonna beat the @#$% out of those 2 fat !@#^%!!! I've already got the beer on ice. My after party will be at Head First (local bar), for anybody that wants to have a beer, or ten, or more, with me."

Match #5: World Title
Sandman (2-1) vs Big Kahuna (2-2)
w/ Bill Alfonzo
vs One Man Gang (4-1, c)
- The fans are really behind the legendary One Man Gang in this one. Gang takes control, decking both opponents with his fist. Gang focuses on his rival, Kahuna. Sandman attacks from behind, and goes for the pin on Kahuna. The powerful Samoan kicks out. Sandman begins to work on Gang, trying to avenge his most recent loss. Kahuna sneaks up from behind, and clotheslines Sandman out of the ring. Kahuna begins to stomp on Gang, looking to set him up for the Samoan Drop. Sandman recovers outside, and then grabs a Singapore cane from nder the ring. He holds it in hand, and glares in the ring. He then thinks better of it, and instead blasts Bill Alfonzo. After Alfonzo's interuption in the Tag match, it's clear he won't disrupt the world title fight. Sandman jumps in and attacks Kahuna with punches. OMG recovers, and blindsides them both with a splash, smashing them in the corner. Both men fall, and Sandman rolls out of the ring. OMG lands a big splash on Kahuna to retain his belt. (16:22)

Tune in next year, to see who takes over for Luke as Commisioner! Who will be Luke's mystery partner? Will the woman finally get a title? Can One Man Gang and Demolition continue their dominance? Where do contenders like Bret Michaels and Big D fit in?

The End (Season 2)
Thoughts on Season 2 are greatly appreciated. I think feedback from you guys (Mickie James, Joe Creed, etc) made Season 2 better than Season 1.

Thoughts on the overal product are welcomed. Thoughts on characters or storylines are welcome as well. I hope everyone enjoyed, I will start Season 3 soon.
Offseason Updates

Departures from OWA
1. One Man Gang- This one shocked OWA ownership. Gang was pushed very hard by the company, but the pay raise he asked for was outrageous. Gang moved back to Georgia to be with his family.
2. Alex Karalexis- Was signed away by the UFC to compete in their 155 lb division.
3. Gypsy Joe- Joe retired following the 2010 season, due to the vicious beating and humiliation from rival New Jack.
4. Backwards Billy- Billy becomes the first man to be replaced for "performance reasons", after conPsecutive winless seasons.

Newcomers to OWA
1. Tito Santana- At 56 years old, Santana is OWA's answer to Ricky Steamboat. Santana can still "go" so to speak.
2. American Kickboxer- Returns from missing the 2010 season with a broken neck. Surely has his eyes on the man that broke his neck, Sandman.
3. Brian Christopher- In his late 30's, Christopher joins OWA with own segment/show, "The Player's Cafe."
4. Greg Valentine- Nearing 60, Valentine is still a tough cookie. He knows the game, and can take a lot of punishment.
5. Tammy Sytch- The lady formerly known as "Sunny", looks to take over the OWA women's division.
6. Paul Heyman- In his mid 40's, Heyman's role in unknown for 2011. One thing is for sure, he'll make an impact.
7. Bushwacker Luke- Now in his 60's, Luke is either a hero for coming back, or insane for taking the risk.
8. Miss Ohio- Returns to the ring after managing in 2010.

Status Change
1. Bill Alfonzo- Alfonzo goes back to his familiar "manager only" role for 2011.
2. Johnny Fairplay- Fairplay remains a manager, but now also takes over as the #2, and heel, commentator.

2011 Roster
1. Bret "Showstopper" Michaels
2. Sandman (converts)
3. Josh Storm
4. The Bull
5. American Kickboxer
6. Tammy Sytch
7. Amy K.
8. Miss Ohio
9. New Rock n Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Torch)
10. Blevins Gang (Big D and Jumpin Jeremy)
11. Global Connection (Tito Santana and Bushwacker Luke)

1. Big Kahuna
2. New Jack
3. Brian Christopher
4. Greg Valentine
5. Francine (converts)
6. Jenna Morasco
7. Looney Layne
8. Demolition (Ax and Smash)
9. The Asylum (Medicine Man and Royal Battler)

Non Competitors
1. Brenda (face, announcer)
2. Johhny Fairplay (heel ,manager, announcer)
3. Paul Heyman (face)
4. Bill Alfonzo (heel, manager, referee)
5. Dennis (face, referee)
6. Sergeant Craig "Pitbull" Pittman (neutral, security)
I enjoyed Season 2 a great deal. Your shows feel kinda...rushed however. I like your format you are using, but you can make other contenders, or the Title Matches more important by having the last show of the season unlike the others in the sense that its not OWA #-, its a seperate entity (WrestleMania, Bound For Glory type). This way, you can end all your feuds and begin your new ones for your upcoming seasons. But, keep it up for 2011 and beyond. BTW, One Man Gang leaving surprised me too...Joe Creed
Further Offseason Update

Being a local product, OWA is actually owned locally as well by Dennis Blevins. Dennis has given himself a small role in OWA, as a referee. His ex-wife Brenda (bad terms) leads the announce table, and all 4 of his children (Big D, The Bull, Jumpin Jeremy, Miss Ohio) are on the active roster.

Dennis, along with his oldest son, Big D, have been the lead bookers in the first 2 seasons of OWA. Paul Heyman actually approached Dennis about buying OWA, or at least working their, after watching a couple of shows. After weeks of negotiations, Paul Heyman is now a minority owner in OWA, as well as having a future "on air" role in the company.

Part of the deal, was Heyman joining the booking team. Heyman now joins Dennis and Big D, and becomes the first non-family member to join the committee.

Heyman likes the general product, but wants to tweak a few things. His favorite ppv of each season has been the year end "December 2 Remember" card. Heyman really wants to push that concept to a new level. He has recomended that "December 2 Remember" be promoted throughout the season, and for it to be considered the biggest accomplishment you can achieve to Main Event this show. He wants it to be every superstar's goal to compete on this card. One major addition to "December to Remember" is the unveiling of the first ever HOF member in OWA History! According to Heyman's plan, this tradition will continue, with 1 person being added to the HOF at each subsequent "D2R." Another Heyman suggestion is to add a 6th match to the show. This adds "meat" to the card, and opens up another slot for stars to compete for during the season. Heyman wants to add the Women's Title at the Season Opening, "New Beginnings" show. He wants "December 2 Remember" to be the only show of the year that has all 3 belts (World, Tag, Women's) on the line. Both Dennis and Big D agree with these suggestions.

Just for kicks and giggles, here are the previous 2 "December 2 Remember" ppvs to compare against. . . . .

2009 December 2 Remember
1. World Title: Big Kahuna d. Big D (c)
2. Cage: Sandman d. American Kickboxer (broken neck)
3. Demolition (Ax/Smash) w/ Bill Alfonzo d. Blevins Gang (Bull/Jeremy)
4. Francine d. Joanie Lauer
5. Sean Waltmen d. Brett "Showstopper" Michaels

1. World Title: One Man Gang (c) d. Sandman & Big Kahuna (triple threat)
2. Tag Titles: Demolition (Ax/Smash) w/ Bill Alfonzo d. New Rock n Roll Express (Morton/Torch)
3. Cage: Brett "Showstopper" Michaels d. Alex "Assassin" Karalexis
4. Jenna Morasco w/ Johnny Fairplay d. Francine
5. Submission Match: Big D d. Josh Storm

This shows that only 8 contestants (Big Kahuna, Big D, Sandman, Francine, Ax, Smash, Bill Alfonzo, Brett Michaels) have made it to the main card of both December 2 Remember shows. Look for that nmber to shrink again as new talent is infiltrated into OWA.
Nailed it....Exactly what I was talking about.......Also, u may want that 6th match to be a 3Way or $Corner type match where the winner gets Title Shot at the following D2R. Again, just a thought, but you can use the persons victory to build the World Title feud your whole following season. Great job....
#1. Demolition Ax- Hard up for money and 60 years old, Ax has returned to what he does best. Ax is more of a thinker at this point, and will likely try to set up some evil alliance. In 2009, Ax struggled to a 2-3 record. In 2010, Ax (with Smash) made history by becoming the first Tag Champions in OWA history. Later that year Demolition added a 2nd title reign in route to a 4-2 record. The entire year was spent in Bill Alfozo's "Hardcore Alliance" stable.

#2. Big D- A local 20something with excellent technique and a crafty submission game. He stands 6'1, weighs 220, and is a member of the "Blevins Gang." Big D shocked the world by going 4-2 and grabbing a World Title in 2009. Big D struggled in 2010, submitting Josh Storm at D2R to get his only win of the year (1-2).

#3. Bret Michaels- Nicknamed "The Showstopper", Michaels shows a lot of resemblence to his older cousin Shawn. Bret is in his early 30's, and can wrestle any style of match. He dresses similar to Shawn (circa 1996). Michaels went 4-2 and was one of the best "in ring" characters in 2009. The Showstopper layed claim to main event status in 2010, going 4-1 and winning a cage fight at December 2 Remember

#4. Francine- A former ECW alumni, this could be Francine's final run in pro wrestling. She is now 40ish, but looking to go out with a bang! The guys are still crazy about Francine, especially on the local scale! In 2009, Francine paired with the Sandman to form "Team Philly", and ran off Joanie Lauer from OWA. Francine was 2-1 to lead the women's division. Francine turned heel in 2010, but struggled to a 1-2 record.

#5. Big Kahuna- A local Samoan in his mid 30's, Kahuna tips the scales at 468 lbs, and uses a "Yokozuna type" splash as his finisher. Big Kahuna was a staple in the main event scene in 2009, going 4-3 and becoming the first ever 2 time World Champion! Kahuna stayed at the main event level in 2010, but lost the Heavyweight Title to the One Man Gang, and went just 2-3.

#6. Looney Layne- A local lady that just turned 21, Looney is nimble and super athletic. She's confident enough to wrestle in the male or female divisions. Looney went 2-2 in split duty between the men's and women's divisions. In 2010, Looney looks to make a run at the Tag Titles with Backwards Billy, as the Lunatics. Looney struggled in both the women's and tag divisions in 2010, going 0-4.

7. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine- Nearing 60 years old, Valentine has held up pretty well, and is similar to Ric Flair in performance level. It's unknown what direction "The Hammer" plans to go in his 2011 debut.

#8. Dennis- Dennis is an older member of the popular "Blevins Gang", and serves as the primary referee in OWA. He is known to do an excellent job. Dennis fills one of the 5 "non competitor" slots. Dennis was OWA's best referee in 2009. Dennis was again in OWA's best referee in 2010. Dennis is an owner of OWA, and sold shares to Paul Heyman in 2011.

#9. Barry "Smash" Darsow- In his mid 50's, Smash has been talked out of retirement once again. Ax has convinced him to reunite in giving Demolition "one more run" against the young guys. Smash went a solid 3-2 in 2009, and looks to win the Tag Titles as Demoition in 2010. Demolitio went 4-2 and won the Tag Titles twice in 2010. Darsow spent 2010 in Bill Alfonzo's "Hardcore Alliance."

#10. Luke Williams- At 62 years old, Williams is the "OWA Commissioner." This wild character hosts a weekly segment entitled "The Luke Williams Show", in which he interviews superstars, and makes major announcements. Williams returns to make it 2 years as the OWA Commish. With his background in tag wrestling, he is adding the Tag Titles in 2010. Williams resigned from Commissioner at D2R 2010, but stated that he would be taking the "Luke Williams Show" to the tag division in 2011.

#11. Brian Christopher- In his late thirties, Brian brings a new talk segment entitled the "Player's Cafe" in his 2011 rookie season. Christopher has his eyes set on the World Title.

#12. Medicine Man- This local is known for always wearing a purple mask, and having amazing recooperative powers! He's a test for anyone, and can wrestle both on the mat and off the ropes! Medicine Man has an "up and down" rookie campaign in 2009, going 3-4. Medicine Man was winless (0-3) in 2010.

#13. Bill Alfonzo- Alfonzo is one of OWA's primary referees, although many people still question his "true motive." Alfonzo is 50ish and an ECW veteran. Alfonzo was fired by Commissioner Luke for crooked officiating. He returns in 2010 as an active competitor. Alfonzo went 0-1 in 2010, but led the "Hardcore Alliance" to World and Tag gold.
OWA #17 New Beginnings

Opening Segment:
-Longtime OWA owner and referee Dennis Blevins walks out to the ring.

Dennis "Thanks for coming out for our 3rd season folks. As times change, so does everything. I've decided to sell a majority share of the company. Yes, I will still be a partial owner and maintain my referee license. Anyways, the owner is also taking the reigns from Luke Williams, and becoming OWA's 2nd ever Commissioner! Let me introduce. . . . Paul Heyman!"

Paul Heyman "Yes, that's right. I'm here to stay and I'm here to generate some interest. I see a lot in OWA that reminds me of my old stomping grounds, the original ECW. You've got the veterans that are fighting for their careers, and the youngsters trying to push through to the next level. It's passion. As many of you may know, that punk One Man Gang has ran off back to Georgia. He demanded outrageous prices and now he's hiding out, so we are stripping him of his title. On another note, $2,000 bucks to the first person that brings me his mohawk in a bag! I'm putting the belt up at the next ppv, entitled 'Innovation Chamber.' The Innovation Chamber is the most gruesome match in professional wrestling history! I'll fill you all in a little more on that, later in the show. Let's get to our first match!"

American Kickboxer vs. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine
- This is the American Kickboxer's first match since sustaining a broken neck at the hands of Sandman in 2009. It's "The Hammer's" debut. Kickboxer's speed frustrates Valentine early. The Hammer grabs Kickboxer, and lands a side suplex. Hammer works some ground and pound. Kickboxer is bloodied up. "AK" works back to his feet, and drops Valentine with a dropkick. Kickboxer scales the ropes and lands the "AK 47" (moonsault into heel kick combo) to put Valentine to sleep. American Kickboxer grabs the mic. (13:53)

American Kickboxer "Sandman, I'm on you. Don't think for one second that I've forgotten why I missed the 2010 season!!!"

Backstage Segment:
Bill Alfonzo, and his entire Hardcore Alliance (Big Kahuna, Ax, Smash) are sitting in the locker room.

Kahuna: Eyes the Demolition tag titles. "I'm a champion. I might have to take those belts from the both of you!!!"

Alfonzo: "Hey now, simmer down Beast. Soon we will have all of the titles here in OWA. I'm getting you into whatever Heyman has concocted for the belt. (Looking at Demolition) You guys are gonna have to put those belts on the line tonight, Paul sent me a memo. Apparently your fighting the Blevins Gang, hahaha."

Paul Heyman walks in. "I got a couple more, quick announcements. First thing is we are crowning our first ever women's champion! I'm having a 4 woman tourney, starting next. It's gonna be Amy K vs Francine and Jenna M vs a debuting Tammy Sytch! One more thing, Demolition. You guy's will be defending your belts tonight inside a steel cage!"

Amy K vs Francine
- Both of these women are long time OWA competitors, and always dangerous. They meet in the middle and trade smacks, punches and kicks. Francine gets Amy down. Amy battles back with submissions. Amy locks in a triangle, but the referee counts to 3 as Amy's shoulders are touching the mat. Francine advances to the title fight. (9:22)

Backstage segment:
- Tammy Sytch arrives in a limousine. Paul Heyman is waiting for her, and greets her with a kiss on the cheek and a handshake. The 2 quickly walk off together. Heyman locks the door for privacy.

The Luke Williams Show:
Luke, "I'm here tonight on business. I want to see if I still have what it takes in the ring. I want the tag titles, Demolition have no integrity. I'll be watching that title fight later, and I'll be watching it with my new partner. Here he is. . . "

In walks "El Matador" Tito Santana.

Tito Santana: "I'm in my fifties, I didn't come here to fight nobodies. Please Paul, give us a title shot!!"

Josh Storm vs Brian Christopher
- Storm looks to get back on the winning track, and it's Christopher's debut. Both of these guys have solid reputations, so the winner looks to move toward the belt. Storm eats Christopher up early with the leg kicks, and Christopher retreats from the ring. Storm chases him down and works him again the railing , and the ring post. They roll back in the ring, and trade some offense both ways. Christopher pleas for a "time out", but low blows Storm instead, and gets the roll up pin. Christopher leaves the ring laughing, and taunting the crowd. (17:22)

Announcer Commentary:

Brenda "Next up, we have the debut of the woman formerly know in the WWE as Sunny, Miss Tammy Fytch!"
Johnny Fairplay "You should be talking about the only Survivor in OWA besides myself, Jenna Morasco! She's gonna be the first women's champion, I guarentee it!"
Brenda "You seem a bit biased and excited Johnny. This fight could go either way, and I can't wait!"

Tammy Sytch vs Jenna M
- Everyone is curious what Sytch was doing in Heyman's office, especially with the door locked. Jenna is wearing a "Survivor Style" bikini, really going all out with the gimmick. Sytch is wearing gear similar to her "Body Donna" days, and the crowd is all over it! Sytch takes early control, and she looks in great shape. Sytch looks to end this fight early, but Fairplay leaves the announcer's table, and jumps to the ring apron. Sytch begins to argue with him, as Jenna sneaks up from behind. Sytch dodges the blow, and Jenna instead sends Johnny Fairplay flying off of the apron. Sytch lands a face plant for the pin, and advances to the Women's Championship match! (9:00)

In Ring Segment:
- Paul Heyman comes out to the ring. "I'm lovin this place. Let's get to talking about OWA #2, Innovation Chamber. This match takes place in a 3 story steel cage, yeah that's right. We went all out. The 2nd and 3rd level each have a trap door. There are four fighters in this. Each fighter will have a number put on the back of their neck, where nobody can see it. Each number will open the lock on a trap door ONCE. As each fighter is eliminated, their number is used. That means the winning fighter could have 3 total numbers to unlock with. One opens the 2nd floor, one opens the 3rd floor, and the final number unlocks the World Championship, from a compartment on top of the 3rd story. One more thing- each guy gets to start with 1 weapon, but it has to be approved by me. Let's get to the competitors. First man in , via Bill Alfonzo, is 2 time OWA Champion Big Kahuna. He was an easy pick anyways. The second guy in is another local guy, the emerging Showstopper, Bret Michaels. I think he will rise to the occassion. The last 2 guys are former ECW Originals, so they have some respect from me. New Jack gets a slot. He retired Gypsy Joe last year, and is the craziest guy I've ever met. The last spot goes to the greatest star in ECW history, the Sandman. I wonder what weapon he will be using?"


Dennis Blevins "Paul, I'm looking at this contract for tonight, and it just says it's against the Blevins Gang. Well we are shuffling our team a bit this year, and our lead tag team is gonna be Jumpin Jeremy and Big D. Demolition's run has been too long already, I honestly think Big D could beat them by himself!"

World Tag Titles (Cage Match)
Demolition (c) (w/ Bill Alfonzo) vs Blevins Gang (w/ Bull)-
- Demolition and Alfonzo are upset, stating that they had prepared for Jumpin Jeremy and The Bull. Ironically enough, the referee is the oldest Blevins, Dennis, and he's not having it. Big D shoots a double and gets Ax down. He overwhelms him with "ground n pound", busting Ax up. D lets Ax get to his corner, and invites Smash in. D chooses to stand up in this encounter, and works some aggressive Muay Thia kicks and knees. Smash is now bleeding worse than Ax. D drops him with a head kick, but Ax rolls in for the save. D plants Smash with a DDT, but passes on the pin. D lifts Ax to the 2nd rope, and then drags him to the top of the cage. Both men are now sitting along the top of the cage, and Ax is bloodied. Big D pushes Ax off the top of the cage, and he CRASHES to the mat. He may have a severe spinal injury. D looks around, salutes the crowd, and lands a flying spash from the top of the cage. 1. . . . 2. . . . 3!!!! We have new Tag Champions, and Miss Ohio, Amy K, and Brandon all join in the celebration. Ax still hasn't been moved, we must all hope that he is alright. (13:56)

Entrance Ramp Promo:
Paul Heyman "Thanks for coming out folks. Don't miss the wildest fight you've ever seen in the Innovation Chamber, at OWA 2! We will also have our first Women's Champion, when it's Tammy Sytch vs Francine! Ricky Morton and Torch will be back to take on a new team called the Asylum, consisting of Medicine Man and The Royal Battler. Also, Brian Christopher has promised me a surprise for you fans. Thanks for your support!!!
OWA #18 "Innovation Chamber"

In Ring Segment: Commissioner Paul Heyman
"God, I sure am excited for tonight! This PPV is gonna rock. Bad note to start off on though, Demolition Ax is out indefinitely with a broken back. Honestly, he might never come back. You guys are getting 2 title fights tonight, with the first ever Women's Championship with Tammy Sytch vs Francine! The 4 man Innovation Chamber for the vacant World Title will be between Big Kahuna, Sandman, New Jack and Bret Michaels!"

American Kickboxer (1-0) vs The Bull
- Kickboxer looks to keep his momentum rolling, and the Bull looks to begin his singles career. Bull rushes him and gets a takedown in the corner. Kickboxer escapes and leaves the ring. Bull chases him, but Kickboxer gets back in the ring, and scales the top rope. Kickboxer lands the "AK47" moonsault kick for his second consecutive knockout. (7:12)

Backstage Segment:
Looney Layne "I've dropped the dead weight that was Backwards Billy. I'm done fighting tags. I'm done fighting the guys. Now that we finally HAVE a Women's Championship, it will be mine before you know it!

Miss Ohio vs Looney Layne
- Looney's size advantage leads to an early advantage over the smallest member of the Blevins Gang. Ohio is pretty fast, and manages to escape major damage. Looney hits a Thesz Press, then scales the ropes. Looney shocks the crowd by giving us a 2nd consecutive moonsault finish! I'm not sure than Any other woman is OWA can pull that off! (9:24)

Backstage Segment: New Rock N Roll Express
Ricky Morton "Torch, we have to prove ourselves. Getting the belts once was easy, let's prove we are real champions by working our way up the ladder."
Torch "I'm with ya, Captain."

New RnR Express (Ricky Morton/Torch) vs The Asylum
- This match pits OWA's past (New RnR) vs OWA's possible future, the masked tag team known as The Asylum. It's also a crossroads battle, as the winning team will become a top contender for the belts, while the losing team would have a long ways to go. Morton and the Medicine Man lock horns to kick things off. It's back and forth until the purple masked Medicine Man gets an edge, and tags in his partner, The Royal Battler. The one eyed Battler takes control early with some power moves, and Morton is on the brink of disaster. Morton crawls between his legs and makes the tag to a "hot" Torch. Torch cleans house , dropping both members of the Asylum! Morton is still laying in the corner, beaten. Torch controls The Battler, until he is blindsided by a trip from outside the ring, courtesy of the Medicine Man. Battler hits a big spine buster and gets the pin. The Asylum might be a contending team to keep our eyes on. Torch comes to his feet, and gives a disgusted look to his still-fallen partner, Ricky Morton. (16:32)

Backstage segment:
Demolition Smash "Blevins Gang, you might have taken our belts, but this isn't over. If Ax can't come back, I'll find another partner and hunt you down."
Bill Alfonzo "That's right, Smash. Maybe Kahuna will want the World and Tag belts? You don't cross the Hardcore Alliance and get away with it, I don't care who you are!"

In Ring segment:
Paul Heyman "It's time to announce the approved Weapons for the Innovation Chamber! You already know, Sandman is bringing that Singapore Cane. The Big Kahuna must be hungry or something, cause he asked to bring a bucket of salt! New Jack is bringing a metal pipe, and Michaels is bring nothing! I don't know what he is thinking, but he refused a weapon. Oh yeah, and the Blevins Gang will be making their first title defense at OWA 19, versus The Asylum."

Inaugural Women's Title Match:
Tammy Sytch (1-0) vs Francine (1-0)
- This one is for major bragging rights, in becoming the first ever champ in the new division. Sytch gets a major reaction to her former "Body Donna" attire, and the crowd appears to be on her side. Francine seems offended by this, feeling that she is the original OWA vixen. Both women land a series of punches and smacks to open things up. Sytch gets the edge , and lands a Thesz Press for the near fall. Referee Bill Alfonzo's count is questionably fast. Sytch complains. As she is complaining, Francine blindsides her with an elbow. Francine then scores a rollup pin, but the 3 count is questionably fast by Alfonzo. Sytch is irrate, but Francine is the new champion! (12:54)

In Ring segment:

"The Player's Cafe" hosted by Brian Christopher
***Ring is a VIP type setup, with couches, a bar, and drinks***

Brian Christopher "Let me welcome all of you to the Players Cafe. This is your little insight into what being a Superstar is like. Like me. Let me welcome my 1st ever guest, The Showstopper Bret Michaels."

Bret Michaels "I'm ready to win the belt tonight, and I'm going to do it with honor. I don't need any weapons! This match is going to come down to heart."

Brian Christopher "Good luck tonight, Bret. Cause your gonna need it. Your lucky I'm not in there!"

Locker room segment:

Tito Santana and Greg Valentine cross paths. They stop, and glare at each other.

Valentine "It's been a while."

Santana "A long while. Let's get at it one more time. Myself and Luke Williams will take on whoever you can find at OWA 3! Ariba!!!"

Valentine "You're ON."

Main Event: Vacant World Title Inside the 3 Story "Innovation Chamber"

Bret "Showstopper" Michaels vs Big Kahuna vs Sandman vs New Jack
- This one promises to get wild early, and all 4 men are released into the bottom chamber. All eyes turn to the Big Kahuna, as all 3 opponents charge the 468 lb 2 time World Champion. Kahuna uses his salt as he attempts to blind his opponents! Michaels is blinded and rolls away. Kahuna grabs Sandman's cane and cracks him in the head! New Jack blindsides Kahuna with a pipe across the skull, and gets the pin! Jack reveals a #3 on Kahuna's neck, and uses it to access the trap door leading to the 2nd story. OWA officials remove Kahuna from the ring. Sandman recovers and follows New Jack to the 2nd floor, and they square off, cane vs pipe! Both men connect multiple times, and we now have 2 bloody contestents. Michaels recovers from his temporary loss of vision, and rejoins the fight on the 2nd story. Michaels superkicks a battered Sandman, whom falls through the trap door, and back to the 1st story! Jack low blows Michaels from behind, then scurries to the bottom story, pinning the unconscious Sandman. He reveals a #1, and takes it all the way back to the 3rd story trap door! Michaels follows New Jack to the top, and it's 1 on 1 for the belt! Jack cracks Michaels with the pipe, and he is going to need some stiches. New Jack winds up for a final finishing blow, when Michaels reverses the pipes momentum via a superkick! New Jack is laid out. 1. . . 2. . . . 3!!!! Michaels reveals a #4 on Jack's neck, and grabs the World Title from the compartment on top of the cage! Brett Michaels in our NEW, UNDISPUTED World Champion!!!! (1:02:43)

On Ramp:

Paul Heyman "Wow!!!!!!! That's the greatest match I've ever seen, congratulations to Bret Michaels! Boy do I have a card lined up for OWA #19, Truth or Consequences. Why is it called Truth or Consequences? Because I'll be interviewing Bill Alfonzo regarding our Women's Title fight, and he BETTER not lie to me! As I said earlier, the Blevins Gang will make their 1st title defense, vs The Asylum. Also, Jenna M returns to action vs Amy K. Santana and Valentine renew their old rivalry in tag action. Josh Storm will fight American Kickboxer in a cage! And lastly, Brian Christopher will take on the impressive New Jack, to see who is our next title contender. Thanks for coming out folks!!!!"
I love the concept of the "Innovation Chamber" and I'm a little guarded of the addition of a Women's Title.....But, perhaps this is the opportunity for you to add more females to your roster to add depth to your program.....Also, MAYBE a Women's only-show could be planned in the future to enhance and showcase the various female talent that is available out there....Keep it up, though, and I am glad to see you back...
Main Event

Bret "Showstopper" Michaels (Champion) 3rd season
Big Kahuna 3rd season
Sandman 3rd season
Brian Christopher 1st season
Kishi Phatu 1st season
New Jack 2nd season

Mid Card Singles

American Kickboxer 2nd season
Greg "The Hammer" Valentine 1st season
Josh Storm 2nd season
Backwards Billy 3rd season
The Bull 3rd season

Tag Division

Blevins Gang (Big D/Jumpin Jeremy) (champions) 3rd season
Demolition (Ax/Smash) 3rd season
Luke Williams & Tito Santana 3rd, 1st seasons
The Asylum (Medicine Man/Royal Battler) 3rd, 2nd seasons
New Rock n Roll Express (Ricky Morton/Torch) 3rd season

Women's Division

Tammy Sytch (champion) 1st season
Francine 3rd season
Amy K 3rd season
Jenna Morasco 2nd season
Miss Ohio 3rd season
Looney Layne 3rd season

Non Wrestling Charactors

Paul Heyman Commissioner / Part Owner 1st season
Dennis Blevins Referee / Part Owner 3rd season
Missy Hyatt Backstage Interviews 1st season
Sgt Craig "Pitbull" Pittman Security 1st season
Bill Alfonzo Referee / Manager 3rd season
Brenda Blevins Announcer 3rd season
Johnny Fairplay Announcer 2nd season

Coming soon. . . . . OWA #19, "Truth or Consequences". . . . .

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