Pure Championship Wrestling Alliance (PCWA)


Pre-Show Stalwart
Pure Championship Wrestling (from now on referred to as PCW) is a alliance of those wrestlers who have determined that is it is their goal to make wrestling back the forefront of what is now known as "sports entertainment." The PCW is based in the Mid-West and travels mainly in the Ohio Region.

The main "feature" of PCWA\ is the use of mainly Cruiserweights and Light Heavyweights on the roster. The use of smaller wrestlers will insure that each match will be exciting and will feature wrestling in new exciting pure way. Another main feature is the use of pentagon shape ring which is used to showcase the premier match, Five Ways to the Top. A match that features five wrestlers in a match where the goal of the wrestler is to pin an opponent and once he pins at least one opponent he is then able to climb the five poles at the turnbuckles in hopes of finding a #1 contender ship on one of the poles.

The wrestlers of PCW will be competing for three titles.
These titles include the following:

The Pure Wrestling Title: A championship based on athleticism of a wrestler usually defended at big events such as PPV’s or an occasional “supershow” normally in non gimmick matches.

Held by: Bryan Danielson Won at: Remember the Name:Night 1

The Pure Wrestling Tag Team Championship: The premier Tag Title that all teams strive to obtain. Also, see title above.

Determined at Remember the Name: Night 2 Tag Team Mayhem

Cross The Line T.V. Championship: A championship where it is about the determination and will for the wrestler who is trying to obtain it. Usually fought for at regular shows in all kinds of matches.

Determined at Remember the Name: Night 2 Tag Team Mayhem. Co-Main Event "A-Double" Austin Aries vs "The Kid" Matt Sydal
Red-designates a heel
Blue-designates a face
Tweener-used as face and heel

A.J. Styles
Amazing Red

Austin Aires

CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
Dolph Ziggler

Frankie Kazarian
Jeff Hardy
Jerry Lynn

John Morrison
Justin Gabriel
Matt Sydal
Roderick Strong

Ted DiBiase
Zack Ryder

Tag Teams
America's Most Wanted (AMW)
Chris Harris
James Storm

Briscoe Brothers, The
Jay Briscoe
Mark Briscoe

Ink Inc.
Jesse Neal
Shannon Moore

Murder City Machine Guns (MCMG)
Alex Shelly
Chris Sabin

Triple X
Christopher Daniels
Elix Skipper
Low Ki

World's Greatest Tag Team, The
Charlie Haas
Shelton Benjamen

Young Bucks, The
Jeremy Buck
Max Buck

General Manager
Me Dhays9

Kyle Durden

Please post anything you felt I did wrong, need to improve upon, or did well. This is important for this is my first Book This!

First Show: Remember The Name

*The lights go out in the arena and music slowly starts to play*


*A single spotlight shines in the ring on the commentator*

Commentator: Tonight is the night that everyone has been waiting for……THE START OF PRUE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING!!!!!! This is the night that we will find out who has the heart, desire and who will to be on top. This is the night that 3 lucky wrestlers will have their moment and obtain the glory they have always wanted. This is a night where champions are born. This is a night to remember.

Now everyone please take note of the song that just played. Now I have I a question for all wrestlers in the back and that is…....... What will we remember of you?

*Pyro goes off and the shows start*

Commentator: Tonight is a very special moment in Pure Championship Wrestling history as tonight will be the first ever tournament for the Pure Wrestling Title (The PW Belt). With someone out of the ten wrestlers who are competing here tonight will be awarded the Cross the Line T.V. Championship. The Cross the Line Title represents that who is willing to do whatever it takes to win. The first round for The PW Belt will be first with 5 matches and the winners moving onto the premier match Five Ways to the Top. So without any further interruptions the first match is set to begin.

Qualifying match #1:

Commentator: Entering first is a man who can shoot stars…………”The Kid” Matt Sydal

*Intro music hits*


Announcer: And his opponent in the opening match is non-other than a self proclaim star himself……known as “A Double” it is Austin Aries.

*Intro Music Hits*


*Austin Aries is on the mic*

Austin Aries- Alright, now “A Double” Austin Aries is here for one reason. That reason is to be the star of Pure Championshiop Wrestling. And, well you musta never met “A Double” Austin Aries cuz I’m going to show you what a true star really looks like and really does.

Commentator: The match starts by “A Double” Austin Aries kicking Matt Sydal before the bell rings. Austin Aries runs off the ropes and hits hesitation drop kick on Matt in the corner. Matt Sydal staggers to stand up in the corner and Austin runs in to hit him with an elbow but Matt dodges hit and hits Austin Aries in the head with an enziguiri which sends Aries to the outside. Aries is trying to stand up and OMG!!!! Matt Sydal just hit a springboard 450 splash. The crowd is going wild for Sydal. Sydal picks up Aries and throws him back in the ring and goes to top rope. He attempts the Shooting Sydal Press but Austin Aries is able to roll away. Now the two are doing a nice serious of countering each other’s arm drags with Austin Aries finally gets Matt Sydal on the mat applying the Fish Hook of Doom. Somehow Matt Sydal is able to get to the ropes. The ref breaks the holds and the both stand up with Matt Sydal hitting Aries with stiff kicks to the legs. Sydal then runs to the ropes and does a springboard hurricanrana. He, then goes to the top ropes looking for the Shooting Sydal Press, but somehow Austin Aries is able to get up and knock him of the top turnbuckle. Now, what is Austin Aries going to do with Matt on the top rope. OMFG!!!!!!!! Aries just hit an avalanche brainbuster of Sydal. Aries goes for the pin and ref slaps the mat for the 1,2,3.

Winner and first qualifier: “A Double” Austin Aries.

*Austin Aries continues to beat up Matt Sydal*

Commentator: What is Austin doing? He doesn’t need to do this to prove anything to the fans after that exciting match that we just saw.

*Austin Aries takes a mic*

Austin Aries: See what just happened. (Pause) Now everyone here knows who the true star is in PCW and that’s “A Double”

*Throws mic down and leaves the ring*

Qualifying Match #2

Announcer: Entering the ring first, he is none other than “The WOO WOO” Kid Zack Ryder.

*Intro music hits*


Announcer: Next, claiming to be from the future, his opponent

*Intro music hits*


Announcer: Frankie Kazarian!!!!!!

The ref calls for the bell.

Commentator: Kazarian and Ryder lock up trying to get a feel for each other and break away from each other. They lock up again but this time with Ryder getting a headlock on Kazarian. Finally, Kazarian is able to break free with a shot to the gut and runs off the ropes hitting a missile dropkick on Ryder. Ryder is able to stand up and Kazarian goes for an Irish Whip but Ryder does a drop toe hold into the turnbuckle. Kazarian just got his face cleaned with Ryder running facewash. Kazarian gets up and Ryder rolls him up for quick two count. Kazarian counters with a small package. Then out of nowhere Ryder hits a swinging neckbreaker. Ryder then goes for the cover but puts his feet on the rope. OH MY GOD!!!!!! The ref didn’t see it and counted the 3 count. Kazarian is just sitting in the ring in disbelief.

Winner and Second Qualifier: “The WOO WOO Kid” Zack Ryder

*Short commercial break and comes back to Cody Rhodes in the ring cutting a promo*

Cody: You wanna know how I feel about my opponent tonight. I mean come on just look at this. If you wanna know what I think of Bryan Danielson, he’s nothing. It’s like comparing the best looking person in high school with nerd of the school who can’t even look at someone without them losing their lunch. Let’s just say I’m simply better.

*Intro music hits*


Qualifying Match #3

Commentator: Cody comes out the gate with a series of big clotheslines. Cody decides he’s going to work Bryan by stomping the extremities of Bryan. He’s trying to rouse the crowd but could be giving Danielson too much time. Ohhhhhh…..Bryan just hit Cody with a stiff European uppercut and hits a German suplex as Cody got spun around from that stiff uppercut. Danielson goes for the pin but Cody gets up and they do a nice series of chain wrestling both coming out cleanly. Danielson is then able to take Cody to the mat and applies an Indian deathlock to Rhodes but Rhodes is able to get the ropes. OMG!!!!!!!! As Rhodes stands up he is nailed with a Regal-Plex for the 3count.

Winner & Qualifier #3: Bryan Danielson.

Qualifing Match #4

Announcer: Now, for all the fans at home we have special privellage tonight. Introducing first is the “Second City Saint” CM Punk!!!!!!

*intro Music*


Announcer: His opponent is the one and only “Rated R Superstar” Edge!!!!!!!!

*Intro Music*


Edge: Cut the music. I said “CUT THE DAMN MUSIC.” Now if there’s one thing I just can’t put my finger on is why? Why Punk? Why would Punk be chosen as my competition? Just look at me I’m the Rated R Superstar and come on he’s “Straight Edge” what the hell is that?

CM Punk: You wanna know what “Straight Edge” is?

Edge: Yea I kinda do or are you to far stuck up your ass to here. No one is going to remember CM Punk because that’s exactly what you are and will forever continue to be…..A PUNK.

CM Punk: Edge you wanna try talk shit to me well I’ll show what straight edge is right here in this ring.

Edge: How are you going to do that? Look at me! I’m the Rated R Superstar I do whatever I want……whenever…..I want. If I want I wanna walk right to that ring and beat your ass to where you’re an inch from death I damn well will.

CM Punk: I guess I’ll have to show you with one of your favorite items. CHAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!

Commentator: Edge rushes the ring but hits a suicide dive and takes Edge down on the outside. Punk goes gets a chair from under the ring and starts taking shots at Edge yelling “YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT STRAIGHT EDGE IS ABOUT!!!” Somehow, Edge is able to get up and missile dropkicks a chair into Punk’s face and applies the Edgecator on to CM Punk. Oh no CM Punk looks like he’s about to tap but Edge breaks it to set up the one man con-chair-to. WHAT NO WAY! Punk is able to roll out the way and hit his famous Welcome to Chicago, Mother Fucker backbreaker and applies an inverted frankensteiner. Edge is able to get the ropes and break it. As both stand up Edge goes for an Irish Whip on Punk and comes of and hits an inverted facelock neckbreaker. He then goes out of the ring to get a chair and places it under Edge. Punk climbs the turnbuckle, what could he be doing???? Edge is able to stagger up and Punk goes for a 450 on the chair but EDGE PICKS UP THE CHAIR AND NAILS PUNK THE FACE!!! Punk gets up and Edge kicks him in the mid-section and throws Punk in the corner. What could he be doing putting Punk on the top rope??? Somehow, somehow Punk is able to nail Edge with stiff knee to the head and stands up on the top rope. WHAT THE FUCK???? Punk just hit the Pepsi Plunge and nailed Edge’s head of the chair for a 1…2…3

Winner and #4 Qualifier: CM Punk

Commentator: Wow I don’t know who Punk thinks he is but what he just did to Edge should be 100% illegal. If I was in charge here CM Punk would be fired. I think someone needs to teach him what really happens around here when you do something like that.

*Backstage with Christian*

Kyle Durden-Christian, after seeing what just happened to your good friend Edge, how do you feel?

Christian-You know what Kyle I feel like Punk doesn’t know what respect is and is just trying to get his fifteen minutes of fame by using a chair tool. Who does he think he is? A straight edge superstar. You know what I’m surprise Punk even came here since we all know he’s the type who doesn’t go anywhere without holding his mommy’s hand.

Kyle Durden-Christian, what is your next move?

Christian-You wanna know my next move. First, off its to see how my good friend Edge is doing. Then, CM “Punk” we are going to have a little fun.

Kyle Durden-Now back to ringside which I’m sure will be a great match between two great competitors.

Qualifing Match #5

Announcer-First up is the phenom of professional wrestling…..A.J. STYLES!!!!!!!

*Intro music*


Announcer-Entering the ring next, he is “The Guru of Greatness” John Morrison!

*Intro Music*


Commentator-The two wrestlers lock up and A.J. Irish Whips Morrison and performs jumping forearm knocking Morrison to the mat. Morrison gets up and is met by repetitive forearms into the corner. A.J. jumps and hits a Hurricanrana on Morrison and gets a two count. Both get up and A.J. goes for a headlock but Morrison kicks him in the stomach and performs a Russian legsweep. He then goes to the turnbuckle and hits the Starship Pain on A.J. A.J. Struggles to get up while Morrison runs off the ropes and hits a devastating leg lariat. Morrison then goes to work on A.J. with a chin lock. A.J. is able to get up and fight his way out. And Morrison goes for another leg lariat BUT A.J. HITS THE PELE OUTTA NO WHERE. He then goes to the top rope for what’s sure to be a Spiral Tap. Wait Morrison stands up and A.J. decides to hit the Phenomenon on Morrison and locks in the Boston Crab. Morrison makes it the rope for a clean break and A.J. goes for the Rack Bomb a backbreaker rack turned into a powerbomb. He then goes up and hits Shooting Styles Press. What’s this? He’s not going for the pin but going onto the top rope again. He may be wasting too much time. No he didn’t. He hit the Spiral Tap for a 1,2,3.

Winner and #5 Qualifier: A.J. Styles

Commentator- The stage is set for what’s sure to be an exciting match with following participants: “A Double” Austin Aries, The “WOO WOO” Kid Zack Ryder, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, “The Second City Saint” CM Punk, and finally “The Phenomenal One” A.J. Styles. Five Ways to the Top is sure to be a good match so stay tune after a quick word from the sponsors of tonight’s show.

*Back to the ring which has all the wrestlers and is set up for Five Ways to the Top*

Commentators- For those that don’t know the match about to be shown is the staple of Pure Championship Wrestling. A match where 5 determined young stars strive to win the # 1 contendership, however tonight is a special privilege as it will be used to determine the PCW inaugural champion. To win this match a wrestler must pin an opponent and then reach one of the poles and see if it has the belt above it. For this match there are five poles but only one has the championship so all wrestlers know where it is at, so they know what they are shooting for. Please stay tune afterward as the General Manager announces who has shown to be honored as our first ever Cross The Line T.V. Champion.

*General Manager comes out*

General Manager- I want the five wrestlers in that ring to remember what I said at the beginning. Who will leave that ring tonight as champion? Whose name will the fans remember after tonight? Who will you remember after tonight? Who will cross the line.

*GM leaves*

Five Ways to the Top

Commentator- All five wrestlers start brawling with A.J. Styles and CM Punk getting thrown to the outside leaving Austin Aries, Zack Ryder, and Bryan Danielson. It seems Austin Aries and Zack Ryder are teaming up to take down Danielson. Aries Irish Whip Danielson off the ropes and is met by a double dropkick. Danielson is back up and is met by another dropkick. Now, Ryder does a leg drop while Aries goes for standing moonsault and kick pin attempt. Danielson kicks out and Ryder and Aries start fighting with Ryder hits a swinging neckbreaker on Aries followed by jumping knee drop. While A.J. climbs the top rope and hits the Phenomenon on Ryder. Which CM Punk comes in and hits an Enziguiri on Styles knocking him out of the ring once more. CM Punk is then charged by Danielson and hits a snap-scoop slam followed by shinning wizard. Aries is back up and Punk hits a Crooked Moonsault into a DDT. But while celebrating A.J. comes in and hits a 450 on Aries for the first 3 count of the match.

A.J. pins Aries.

CM Punk then tries to get the Punk-Handle Piledriver but gets pele kicked by A.J. A.J. goes for the belt but Zack Ryder come in and is able to stop A.J. on the top turnbuckle with an inverted Rough Ryder which knocks A.J. out of the ring. Inside the ring Bryan Danielson is controlling Aries on the match with a crucifix armbar courtesy of the Danielson Special. CM Punk comes in and breaks it up but Danielsoon is able to hit a series of suplexes and a running big boot. Danielson goes for a quick small package gets the 1, 2, 3 for a pin.

Danielson pins Punk.

Now, Ryder is outside working on A.J. whom he’s thrown in the guardrail multiple times and rolls him back in and hits an inverted DDT on Danielson who is attempting to grab the belt from one of the poles. Aries also comes in and as A.J. staggers to get up Aries and Ryder hit him with a double powerbomb. Then Aries does a spin kick to the gut followed by a bulldog on Ryder. Ryder gets up and is hit with a brainbuster by Aries for a pin.

Aries pins Ryder.

Now, Aries throws out everyone but Punk who leaps back with a springboard hurricanrana which throws Aries out of the ring. Aries getting frustrated grabs a chair from under the ring so he can easily get the belt. WAIT Matt Sydal rushes down the entrance and and Aries tries to hit him but is met with a spin kick to the stomach and IS HIT WITH THE SYDAL SPECIAL ON THE CHAIR FOLLOWED BY A DOUBLE HELIX!!!!!

Aries seems to be out of the match now, leaving Punk, Danielson, Ryder, and A.J. who are all in the ring. Ryder attacks A.J. but is ganged up by Punk and Danielson and thrown out the ring. A.J. and Danielson now go after Punk by hitting simultaneous enziguiris, knocking Punk to the floor. This just leaves A.J. Styles and Bryan Danielson in the ring, both qualifying with a pin to take the belt down. They lock up and Danielson hits A.J. with rolling fireman’s carry slam. Ryder gets back in and hits a missile dropkick of the top rope onto Danielson sending him out of the ring. Punk is also back in the ring now and irish whips A.J. into the corner with the belt which A.J. jumps to the top of the turnbuckle to get the belt, but he’s stop by Ryder and Punk. Wait, what are they doing? Looks like Punk and Ryder are going for a superplex but can’t quite pull him off the top rope. Now, Danielson is in the ring and oh my god hits a devastating tower of doom. Danielson hits it and is now the only wrestler standing and goes to the get the belt. HE DID IT! BRYAN DANIELSON WON! THE FIRST EVER PURE WRESTLING CHAMPION BRYAN DANIELSON!!!!


*confetti falls*

*Lights go out after Danielson is done celebrating with GM in the middle of the ring with a spotlight shining down*

GM-Congratulations Bryan you are the first PCW Champion and I’m sure you continue to give fans a reason to remember your name.

*Danielson nods in agreement and hypes the crowd.*

Now there is a matter of two more titles in Pure Championship Wrestling. Before I get to the Cross The Line T.V. Championship, I wanna talk about the PW Tag Titles. I want all tag teams to take note of the five wrestlers that were in that ring tonight. Each in every one of those wrestlers put everything on the line to be champion and to have the fans remember their name. Therefore, next week will be Remember the Name: Night 2 Tag Team Mayhem. You better come ready to step up to the challenge.

Now, I would like to talk about the Cross the Line T.V. Championship. A title based on those superstars who are willing to do whatever it takes to become the number one wrestler in the world. A title based on the heart and determination of a wrestler. That is why instead of naming the champion tonight it will be held next week at Remember the Name: Night 2 Tag Team Mayhem. Those two individuals are willing to lay it on the line to become stars. So, next week’s co-main event is AUSTIN ARIES vs MATT SYDAL!!!!!!

*the opening music starts to play as the lights go out*

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