Overrated guitar players!

El Rev sXe

If you have ghosts...
time for another bash the Rev thread...er....I mean overrated music! this time I'm going to talk about guitar players that IMO are overrated.

as you may know, there are lists out there that says the top 5432 guitarists of all time. now, most of those list I think are completely bs cause it's most a fucking popularity contest rather than a skill's contest. anyway there are guys that always tops that lists guys like Slash. as always, DON'T GET ME WRONG! I LOVE SLASH WITH OR WITHOUT GnR! but c'mon the guy is a good guitarist. the perfect example is the final solo for Paradise City. that solo is fucking sick! but when people start to talk about him as one of the biggest guitar players of all time. I mean, you know Chris Broderick? or John Petrucci? those guys know how a guitar is meant to be played.

my other pick, and this one is definitely is going to get me bashed, is Kirk Hammett (spelling? sorry..) I'm sorry but since the 90's all Kirk's solos are pure WAH-WAH. it's the only thing that you hear. it isn't cool like the way funk use wah-wah. Kirk can get his ass kicked by many, many other metal guitar players!

anyway my thoughts, as always feel free to agree or disagree and chose other guitarist that you thibnk that are overrated!

So you yourself said Slash is a good guitarist, heck I'm gonna say he's one of the best of the past twenty five years, (mainly because there's been so few who can contend with him) November Rain holds the record for longest solo, not an easy record to beat I might add.

Sorry Chris Broderick and John Petrucci you may be good but it won't get you anywhere if you're not well known.

Onto the subject at hand, I'll say Herman Li from DragonForce, heck I'll say all the guitarists from DragonForce. Just because you can play fast doesn't mean you're good, I can learn a tune and play it really fast does that mean I'm awesome, no.
So you yourself said Slash is a good guitarist, heck I'm gonna say he's one of the best of the past twenty five years, (mainly because there's been so few who can contend with him) November Rain holds the record for longest solo, not an easy record to beat I might add.

Sorry Chris Broderick and John Petrucci you may be good but it won't get you anywhere if you're not well known.

Onto the subject at hand, I'll say Herman Li from DragonForce, heck I'll say all the guitarists from DragonForce. Just because you can play fast doesn't mean you're good, I can learn a tune and play it really fast does that mean I'm awesome, no.

c'mon man...John Petrucci unknown? you're kidding, even Slash says that he was influeced by him (he also admits taht those list are popularity contests). Petrucci is like THE reference for guitar players but, hey it's my opinion....

on the other hand...man you are right! all Dragonforce guitarists are waaaay overrated! completely agree:"I play really fast, therefore I'm good!"..NOT! (ps: this aplies for all the power metal guitarists). plus anyone can play fast if you speedup the fucking tempo on the studio you jerk!
Fuck, again? Really? First off, as with all forms of art, music is very much subjective and "in the [ear] of the beholder". Ever see the similarly title Twilight Zone episode? This isn't like a math test where you know your better than the other guy becuase you got the higher score (and even that analogy is flawed seeing as how some people are simply poor test takers)
Anyway, the entire concept of "overrated" is pretty stupid. Opinion does not necessarily produce fact. If 10 people claim A is better than B, but only 9 believe B is better than A, the greater number doesn't make either opinion concrete fact. The only thing that can be gleaned is that more people prefer A to B. That doesn't make A "overrated" (unless of course your part of the nine who believe differently I suppose). Nor does is make B underrated. It's all just opinions.
So you believe Kirk Hammett is an "overrated" guitarist. Why? Because he uses too much wah? Ok. My question to you then is exactly how much wah use would be proper so as to have him be rated appropriately? Silly question isn't it? Again, it's all subjective.
Perhaps, in fact what you really mean to say is not that KH is overrated but that you believe Guitar player X is better than Kirk—for your own entirely subjective reasons—and therefore should get the same (if not more), praise, credit, respect, recognition, fame, money, success etc., that Kirk Hammett gets. And that's just as silly. You preferring another person's work doesn't make the other guy overrated.
If Kirk' fans decided that his work is what they wanted to spend their money and free time on, rather than that of another they are justified to do so. And he is therefore entitled to all the money and praise etc., that accompanies it. Likewise if those same people—in greater total number—vote in a poll and he is declare the best of the best, then he deserves to win as the entire poll was designed to be decided by a simple popular vote. Just because Guitar Magazine voters vote him to be "the best guitarist in the world. Ever!" that doesn't make it true. Once again it's a case of subjective opinion. What you can say is that more people believe Kirk to be best as voted on in a magazine poll than any other. Granted it's minor semantics but there is a difference buried deep in there.
What I'm getting at is that by the sheer process of choice, consumer driven purchasing power, and decision Kirk can't by definition be overrated as he is appraised quite accurately according to people's tastes. The best you can do therefore is say "There's no accounting for taste", and prefer someone else in Kirk's place.
Well Slash is my favourite guitarist so I cant say I agree with you but I can see where your coming from.

Anyway I agree with the Dragonforce stuff, I hear people at my school going on about how great they are cause they con play so fast, it dosent mean they are good, not by a long shot. I can play stuff fast but it sounds like absolute crap most of the time, slow it down just a bit and you might be able to hear what is going on. Also they cant even play that fast live most of it is studio sh*t. This applies to all guitarists who only play fast it's just those guys are the most famous of them.
Slash is without a doubt one of my most favourite guitar players ever. He is up there with John P, Hendrix, EVH and even the one part of his GNR replacement Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal.
If you want to know guitarists who are over rated look at DragonForce, I absolutely find that music repulsive and like the poster above said they can't even play that stuff live.
I'm a musician myself, I have been playing guitar & bass for about 3.5 years respectively. I love to study music. But some people these days are just TOOOO overrated.

Kudo's to the post above for mentioning Dragon Force!

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