Outside of the IWC Bubble (Rumble Reactions)

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Getting Noticed By Management
I wanted to put together some twitter posts of dissenting opinions in hopes of penetrating the bubble that many fans here seem to be trapped in. Hopefully this isn't deleted as spam by our esteemed moderator. I just want to show what the casual fan thinks of Reigns vs Lesnar and yes Daniel Bryan. You see if you want to increase profits you have to appeal to a wide range of people not just the 1%. Trickle-down fandom doesn't work. Anyway I digress.

@ItsMsBreezy 1h1 hour ago
So is Roman Reigns fans && Daniel Bryan fans beefing now because if so it's #TeamReigns over here

@mikekeyes35 Jan 26
@theherd631 @WWE No I am reality land where the attitude era fan wants to see Lesnar Reigns that's who WWE wants to attract

@GodsGift_S0L0 Jan 26
That interview between Brock Lesnar & Roman Reigns was something serious! I'm definitely ordering #Wrestlemania31

@AmberLuvsWWE Jan 26
Roman reigns vs Brock Lesnar is gonna be one hell of a match im definitely ordering Wrestle mania this year. #RoyalRumble

@CusterBoyToon Jan 26
Roman reigns vs. Brock lesnar in wrestlemania ... Gotta order it

‏@DroGotti94 Jan 26
SAME "@_Njay3: That lesnar/reigns confrontation was dope and got me excited for their match #RAW"

@BigBadMozilla Jan 26
Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar. I've anticipated this for a long time in a UFC environment

@JoshLopezCSR 23h23 hours ago
"Perception is reality and when you see Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar on the poster the general public will see two monsters ready to fight."

@YoMamasFav94 7h7 hours ago
These crybaby Daniel Bryan fans are starting to annoy TF out of me. Daniel Bryan had his moment last year and now it's someone else's shot.

@LambeauStaley 10h10 hours ago
WWE hitting 1,000,000 network subscribers just goes to show how much of a loud but ultimately tiny minority the Daniel Bryan fans are.

@rondog187 7h7 hours ago
@Connox94 it's just Daniel Bryan fans bitching and moaning like usual

‏@Tomkingbekhor 12h12 hours ago Israel
Typical Daniel Bryan fans :" if Bryan Don't win everything we will boo everyone".

@Clarence2679 16h16 hours ago
@WWERomanReigns Congrats on winning the Royal Rumble, screw the Daniel Bryan Fans you deserved to win. I can't wait till you take out Brock

‏@RomanSoprano Jan 26
And then People say Reigns isn't believable over Lesnar buttttt Bryan is lmao I seriously can't deal man
Fckin iwc lol #RAW Thurs LIVE SD

@Diligent_Shadow 8h8 hours ago
Reigns vs Lesnar match is where the money is at. Some fans may not like it but most do and WWE cares about overall what fans want.

@darrylcobb Jan 26 Philadelphia, PA
I enjoyed the #RoyalRumble and look forward to Lesnar/Reigns. Money well spent.

Jan 26
@JKILLABEE just curious as a casual fan, whats the beef everyone has w Reigns? Guy seems to have tremendous star power. I understand Lesnar

‏@wade_jwade4824 5h5 hours ago
Still looking forward to WrestleMania 31 regardless what anyone says. I can't wait for Reigns to beat Lesnar & become champion. Believe that

@RashandaRenee 23h23 hours ago
Roman Reigns Vs Brock Lesnar can't wait for that #KeepingWWENetwork

@TheJonHernandez Jan 25
Lesnar versus Reigns at Wrestlemania actually sounds like a blockbuster match.

‏@JRatcliff34 47m47 minutes ago
@Jagnarok I'm glad he won .. I can't realistically see Bryan beating Lesnar and it being believable at all.

@ProWrestlingMag 5h5 hours ago
Reigns Vs Lesnar appeals to the MASS audience

Reigns Vs Bryan appeals to us Internet Wrestling Fans

@ODSTWP 10m10 minutes ago
Attention Daniel Bryan fans, a match between him and Brock Lesnar would put daniel back into a hospital in less than 5 minutes.

@Chilly_McFreeze Jan 25
Wrestling fans are terrorists and they hijack the show, demanding that Daniel Bryan get pushed more. The worst part is that it works.

@JoshuaCaudill85 Jan 25
And here we go with a #snarky crowd of douches crying about #danielbryan trying to hijack the show. Go home #wwe #royalrumble

@TheMarshall10 Jan 26
All these #CancelWWENetwork nerds make me want to order it. Come on Bell Canada. Lesnar and Reigns are beasts.

@DCMatthews_NAI 15h15 hours ago
@NewAgeInsiders @HeymanHustle Reigns, Heyman and Lesnar immediately gave that match a "UFC big fight" feel.
A few people aren't buying the idea of a Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan match. A lot of casuals questioning the authenticity of such a match-up.

@julianexcalibur Jan 26
@TheKickOutShow if lesnar went against Bryan he would have killed him. Bryan standing next to lesnar would be a joke.

‏@fxck_ziggy Jan 26
@Yourawinnit @EliteRko what does Bryan have then? He'd be killed by lesnar if cena did at sunmerslam you goof

@Gurto52 Jan 25
Daniel Bryan would get killed by Lesnar so everyone needs to shut the hell up holy shit #RoyalRumble

@Jlovell55 Jan 25
Idk why the ppl at the #RoyalRumble are pissed that reigns won, come on ppl he deserve it, Bryan would get killed by Lesnar

@anowicki23 4h4 hours ago
@MShadows17 I feel like Bryan would get destroyed by Lesnar. That's why I say Reigns, Orton or Sting would be a better match

@Miss_SLP 5h5 hours ago
No one would believe Daniel Bryan could beat Brock Lesnar. If Lesnar easily destroyed Cena & Rollins like come on... #Raw #WWERaw

@Segunomics Jan 26
People really think a running knee would beat Lesnar. He practically destroyed Cena and Rollins last night. Lol what magic does Bryan hsvy

@PreciousRican Jan 26
When you guys really think about it, do you really want Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar? Lesnar would destroy his ass.

@TheRealLukeIWC Jan 26
Reigns is a way better choice to face Lesnar than Bryan. With Bryan beating Lesnar, WWE would destroy not only Lesnar, but the streak too!

@aaugusti Jan 25
@Michael_Fabiano Bryan vs. Lesnar is unrealistic. Brock would legitimately destroy him. Anything else is unbelievable.
I don't really get why people have a difficult time buying into 'Lesnar Vs Bryan'. Maybe they share Vince's beliefs that big men are the way to go? Do they have these same issues when Bryan fights Big Show, or John Cena? Cena's stronger looking than most of the performers and yet people bitch when he doesn't put anyone over.

It's wrestling. And wrestling is fake. Bryan doesn't look like he'd stand a chance against half the roster, but his in-ring abilities are so cool looking that we don't care. God, these same people must never want Ziggler to main event. He makes Bryan look like Lesnar in terms of physical appearance.

The good news about 'Reigns Vs Lesnar' is that Lesnar's defeat will put someone who really needs such a rub on the map. Cena doesn't need a Lesnar victory and Rollins cheating wouldn't give him that much credibility. Also, Reigns is a powerhouse. But will it be a good match? I don't see it, but hopefully I'm wrong.
If your view is accurate, then why not have Eva Marie become the WWEWHC? Because there's a point where you're watching, and you could actually imagine the two fighters really having a fight. That's what the suspension of disbelief is supposed to do. When I see Cena v. Lesnar, I see two super heavyweights. When I see DB vs. Lesnar, I see a homeless bum and a super heavyweight. I'd rather watch Brock beat up some scumbag at the bar.

Non-IWC smarks want to watch WWE like nerds watch UFC. They want to see believable matchups, and they want to see the people they believe could really be the champ. Daniel Bryan, for all of his effort, just is never going to be the long term champ.
Do any of these people on Twitter (fucking hate Twitter) even watch wrestling? Do they really think that Daniel Bryan with years of experience behind him couldn't find a way to beat Lesnar, and Roman Reigns with what 5 months of singles competition under his belt is a more credible threat? Did they even watch the Rumble? Didn't they see Lesnar take down Rollins and Cena? Jesus Christ. Oh yea he's no match for Roman Reigns who will destroy him in minutes. Bunch of *****.

And to the OP. Nice of you to just include the Roman Reigns fans point of view there. I guess there isn't any Daniel Bryan fans out there tweeting, as they all use V-tech's and can't access Twitter on them.
Daniel Bryan fans aren't casual fans - there's very little overlap. Do you want a venn diagram? It's not that people don't appreciate Daniel Bryan's abilities but like laodaron said casual fans want to believe.

And you can hate twitter all you want but other life resides there and this is what they're saying.

@Drootin_39 Jan 26
@jeffgerstmann I like Daniel Bryan plenty, but should he really be the one to stop Lesnar? Reigns atleast has the size.

Daniel Bryan fans are on twitter but its a vocal minority, and the casual fan doesn't look at Roman Reigns and say he's green. They look at him and see a bad ass.
How exactly are those people outside the "IWC bubble?" They're on the internet talking about wrestling just like people on this forum. You found a bunch of people that agree with you. Does this validate your opinion and discredit anyone that thinks differently? People have different opinions and like to discuss their opinions. Good thing this is a discussion forum. I don't see much point in this thread. You found random strangers that agree with you. Take that random strangers that don't.
Jan 26
@PaulGriffin Size wise, Reigns can match lesnar a lot more than Bryan can. If I wasn't a fan, no way would I believe Bryan vs Lesnar
Daniel Bryan fans aren't casual fans - there's very little overlap. Do you want a venn diagram?

And you can hate twitter all you want but other life resides there and this is what they're saying.

And Roman Reigns fans aren't the only ones taking to Twitter, that can almost be guaranteed. I could go and find out but I can't be arsed to do that. And this about Bryan fans not being casual couldn't be further from the truth. He is universally liked by fans of all ages, genders and walks of life. Listen to the reaction he gets when his music hits, compared to Roman Reigns, it's like night and day.

Oh by the way I'm not a Daniel Bryan fan so to speak, I'm a Reigns fan, but at least I'm a realist about this whole thing.
How exactly are those people outside the "IWC bubble?" They're on the internet talking about wrestling just like people on this forum. You found a bunch of people that agree with you. Does this validate your opinion and discredit anyone that thinks differently? People have different opinions and like to discuss their opinions. Good thing this is a discussion forum. I don't see much point in this thread. You found random strangers that agree with you. Take that random strangers that don't.

lol you know there's a difference between people that frequent wrestling forums and websites and the average casual fan on twitter. IWC is interchangeable with hardcore fans.
Daniel Bryan fans are on twitter but its a vocal minority, and the casual fan doesn't look at Roman Reigns and say he's green. They look at him and see a bad ass.

Yes until they see him in the ring and then they might change their minds. He's not a bad ass, he's an inexperienced wrestler who needs a lot of work, and time to grow. Time that the WWE isn't giving him.

Like he said last night, he got thrown into the deep end now it's sink or swim. You'd better hope that he's a Michael Phelps and not a rock. No pun intended.
And Roman Reigns fans aren't the only ones taking to Twitter, that can almost be guaranteed. I could go and find out but I can't be arsed to do that. And this about Bryan fans not being casual couldn't be further from the truth. He is universally liked by fans of all ages, genders and walks of life. Listen to the reaction he gets when his music hits, compared to Roman Reigns, it's like night and day.

Oh by the way I'm not a Daniel Bryan fan so to speak, I'm a Reigns fan, but at least I'm a realist about this whole thing.

the fans that fill arenas are akin to season ticket holders - they're the hardcore fans. the iwc. I know you guys don't think fans outside of arenas matter but it's about getting eyeballs on screens. DB fans are a vocal minority. And his Yes chant isn't really a call and response chant ala let's go cena/ cena sucks. Nobody wants to shit on Daniel Bryan but not everyone loves him.

The Yes chant is more popular than Daniel Bryan, you have to believe me.
lol you know there's a difference between people that frequent wrestling forums and websites and the average casual fan on twitter. IWC is interchangeable with hardcore fans.

And what makes you think these are casual fans that only use twitter on occasion. How do you know most of these people don't frequent wrestling forums too? I'm just wondering how came to the conclusion that this group of people that conveniently agrees with you is a representation of the casual fan. By the way, it is possible that casual fans have opposing viewpoints too. It's not like all casual fans have one opinion and all hardcore fans have the opposite opinion.
And what makes you think these are casual fans that only use twitter on occasion. How do you know most of these people don't frequent wrestling forums too? I'm just wondering how came to the conclusion that this group of people that conveniently agrees with you is a representation of the casual fan. By the way, it is possible that casual fans have opposing viewpoints too. It's not like all casual fans have one opinion and all hardcore fans have the opposite opinion.

It's not that they agree with me, it's that they don't agree with you. You people here needed to see a dissenting opinion and that's what I showed you.

They use twitter frequently looking at some of their tweet numbers but they casually talk about wrestling or for instance they say

I'm ordering wrestlemania THIS YEAR - they don't order wrestlemania all the time, they haven't subscribed to the network the past year.

If you're wondering why the network passed a million subscribers on a monday after the royal rumble AFTER CancelWWENetwork it's because of people like this. the johnny come latelys, the big fight fans, the casuals.
the fans that fill arenas are akin to season ticket holders - they're the hardcore fans. the iwc. I know you guys don't think fans outside of arenas matter but it's about getting eyeballs on screens. DB fans are a vocal minority. And his Yes chant isn't really a call and response chant ala let's go cena/ cena sucks. Nobody wants to shit on Daniel Bryan but not everyone loves him.

The Yes chant is more popular than Daniel Bryan, you have to believe me.

I believe what I see with my own two eyes, and when Daniel Bryan comes out the place erupts. Not with the boo's that we saw at the end of the Rumble for Reigns, fans are actually believe it or not glad to see the guy. They support him in a way that most other wrestlers could only dream of.

Everyone say's "Well you cheered Reigns last year, and now you're pissed off." No that's not true. Yes they cheered Reigns for one reason, they didn't want Batista to win. Yes they cheered him afterward as well, because he's a face. The same way they cheer Ambrose, Ziggler and all the other faces. Just because fans were cheering him doesn't mean he should have won the Rumble.

In this business experience should count for something, and he has none. He will get it, but he doesn't have a lot other than the wrestling dynasty he hails from. The only problem there is when he steps in the ring, he doesn't have the Rock, Uso's, Wild Samoan's and the rest beside him, he's there on his own. And as good as his family members are and were, he isn't up to their level yet. It's going to take time and why fans aren't willing to give it to him it leaves me scratching my head.
I wanted to put together some twitter posts of dissenting opinions in hopes of penetrating the bubble that many fans here seem to be trapped in. Hopefully this isn't deleted as spam by our esteemed moderator. I just want to show what the casual fan thinks of Reigns vs Lesnar and yes Daniel Bryan. You see if you want to increase profits you have to appeal to a wide range of people not just the 1%. Trickle-down fandom doesn't work. Anyway I digress.

@ItsMsBreezy 1h1 hour ago
So is Roman Reigns fans && Daniel Bryan fans beefing now because if so it's #TeamReigns over here

@mikekeyes35 Jan 26
@theherd631 @WWE No I am reality land where the attitude era fan wants to see Lesnar Reigns that's who WWE wants to attract

@GodsGift_S0L0 Jan 26
That interview between Brock Lesnar & Roman Reigns was something serious! I'm definitely ordering #Wrestlemania31

@AmberLuvsWWE Jan 26
Roman reigns vs Brock Lesnar is gonna be one hell of a match im definitely ordering Wrestle mania this year. #RoyalRumble

@CusterBoyToon Jan 26
Roman reigns vs. Brock lesnar in wrestlemania ... Gotta order it

‏@DroGotti94 Jan 26
SAME "@_Njay3: That lesnar/reigns confrontation was dope and got me excited for their match #RAW"

@BigBadMozilla Jan 26
Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar. I've anticipated this for a long time in a UFC environment

@JoshLopezCSR 23h23 hours ago
"Perception is reality and when you see Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar on the poster the general public will see two monsters ready to fight."

@YoMamasFav94 7h7 hours ago
These crybaby Daniel Bryan fans are starting to annoy TF out of me. Daniel Bryan had his moment last year and now it's someone else's shot.

@LambeauStaley 10h10 hours ago
WWE hitting 1,000,000 network subscribers just goes to show how much of a loud but ultimately tiny minority the Daniel Bryan fans are.

@rondog187 7h7 hours ago
@Connox94 it's just Daniel Bryan fans bitching and moaning like usual

‏@Tomkingbekhor 12h12 hours ago Israel
Typical Daniel Bryan fans :" if Bryan Don't win everything we will boo everyone".

@Clarence2679 16h16 hours ago
@WWERomanReigns Congrats on winning the Royal Rumble, screw the Daniel Bryan Fans you deserved to win. I can't wait till you take out Brock

‏@RomanSoprano Jan 26
And then People say Reigns isn't believable over Lesnar buttttt Bryan is lmao I seriously can't deal man
Fckin iwc lol #RAW Thurs LIVE SD

@Diligent_Shadow 8h8 hours ago
Reigns vs Lesnar match is where the money is at. Some fans may not like it but most do and WWE cares about overall what fans want.

@darrylcobb Jan 26 Philadelphia, PA
I enjoyed the #RoyalRumble and look forward to Lesnar/Reigns. Money well spent.

Jan 26
@JKILLABEE just curious as a casual fan, whats the beef everyone has w Reigns? Guy seems to have tremendous star power. I understand Lesnar

‏@wade_jwade4824 5h5 hours ago
Still looking forward to WrestleMania 31 regardless what anyone says. I can't wait for Reigns to beat Lesnar & become champion. Believe that

@RashandaRenee 23h23 hours ago
Roman Reigns Vs Brock Lesnar can't wait for that #KeepingWWENetwork

@TheJonHernandez Jan 25
Lesnar versus Reigns at Wrestlemania actually sounds like a blockbuster match.

‏@JRatcliff34 47m47 minutes ago
@Jagnarok I'm glad he won .. I can't realistically see Bryan beating Lesnar and it being believable at all.

@ProWrestlingMag 5h5 hours ago
Reigns Vs Lesnar appeals to the MASS audience

Reigns Vs Bryan appeals to us Internet Wrestling Fans

@ODSTWP 10m10 minutes ago
Attention Daniel Bryan fans, a match between him and Brock Lesnar would put daniel back into a hospital in less than 5 minutes.

@Chilly_McFreeze Jan 25
Wrestling fans are terrorists and they hijack the show, demanding that Daniel Bryan get pushed more. The worst part is that it works.

@JoshuaCaudill85 Jan 25
And here we go with a #snarky crowd of douches crying about #danielbryan trying to hijack the show. Go home #wwe #royalrumble

@TheMarshall10 Jan 26
All these #CancelWWENetwork nerds make me want to order it. Come on Bell Canada. Lesnar and Reigns are beasts.

@DCMatthews_NAI 15h15 hours ago
@NewAgeInsiders @HeymanHustle Reigns, Heyman and Lesnar immediately gave that match a "UFC big fight" feel.

How sure are you all these twitter posts aren't part of the IWC. I mean you seem to be pro Reigns vs. Lesnar and you are part of the IWC.

Well let's get out of the IWC bubble and go to reality, which is 17,000 fans chanting bulls*** in live attendance.
This is just a bunch of random people you found on Twitter who agree with your point of view and it serves no purpose. Closed.
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