Orton vs Nash (A Great Missed Rivalry That Still Could and Needs to Happen)

What are your thoughts on the feud?

  • With all that'll exclude Orton at WM29 have Nash vs Orton

  • I dont want to see the match at all

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It's pretty simple. I know there are many who think Nash needs to never step into a ring again, and there are some that feel that Orton is boring, somehow. I would agree he needs a great feud, one that matters. I think Randy Orton vs Kevin Nash is the way to go.

Remember how intense Nash/Hunter got back in 2003 I believe. I think, even though they dont share any history really, we could get a kind of a feud like that out of them. I mean it wouldnt need any pure wrestling, just some good hardcore fighting, and Nash can still do that.

As much as I like the idea of his last match being the one I witnessed at TLC last year in the first ever Sledgehammer Ladder Match with Triple H, I'd like to see him have one feud with Orton. I just think it has some potential for great things.

I wish we couldve gotten the feud a little earlier in the early part of this decade, but actually 2009 Orton vs 2003 Nash would be a dream to me.

What are any of your thoughts on a potential Nash vs Orton feud?

What would happen if Diesel fueled that Viper's IED?
So you want to see the slowest botchfest in professional wrestling history? Then Orton vs Nash is just for you.

Not knocking you or anything... but Nash in any shape or form sucks and he brings down anything or anyone that's involved with him. He used to be a halfway decent worker when he was younger and healthy, but he's neither decent or healthy anymore. Orton is fine and would help out quite a bit, but Nash is someone I wouldn't involve in any meaningful storyline.

And Nash can't do 'hardcore fighting'. He's only good at barely raising his leg up for a big boot and trying not to bust a quad in any of his matches. Orton still has a good mean streak... but saying Nash can do some 'good hardcore fighting' is asinine.

So no. For the love of God no.
Terrible match, bro. The last thing Randy Orton needs is to carry some pathetic old has been like Nash. And that's if Nash even stays healthy for the match and doesn't either blow out a quad on his way to the ring or come down with yet another convenient ailment when he has to put Randy over.
I don't think "intense" is the best way to describe HHH/Nash's 2003 feud.

Nash/HHH from last year wasn't as terrible as people made it out to be, but it sure wasn't good either. Nash could probably still be a great manager or announcer.
While the best option would be for Nash to never be on WWE television again, this would actually be the second best option. If they're going to employ two people that will literally put their viewers to sleep, might as well have them feud with each other, so people only sleep through one segment.

Seriously though, terrible. That's just terrible, awful, horrible, bad, bad, bad. I can't for the life of me figure out why anybody would want to see this horror show.
First I want to point out that you guys are really bashing him haha, some of you must still have a bad taste in your mouth from what he said a few weeks ago about Eddie and Benoit.

But I'm not really a huge Kevin Nash fan so I don't really care if he came back to see this.. I think Orton could be used in much better ways, plus why would Nash need to face Orton at all? who is going to win? Orton doesn't need to get the rub, this was the same reason why HHH and Nash wasn't all that great of a rivalry last year.
The only thing I find even remotely interesting is the possibility of seeing Nash get punted in the skull. Other than that, I sense this feud would just be filler until Orton got a more important/interesting storyline. It wouldn't be terrible, but it wouldn't be amazing.

If Nash had to come back to feud with someone, I'd rather it be someone in the mid-card in order to give them the rub.
I'm just not seeing the interest in this feud at all. In my eyes, Kevin Nash has never been particularly fun to watch inside the ring for the vast majority of his career. You put him in there against someone who can carry him well like HBK, Bret Hart, Taker and a handful of others from back in the day then it was just fine.

I also don't really see a point in the feud. Why have it happen just so Orton can say that he beat a guy that hasn't really been relevant in over a decade and is far past his prime? Even though Nash looks in great shape, the guy just can't go anymore for the most part. They had to cancel his match against CM Punk last year because the WWE doctors found something during a physical exam of Nash and were concerned about his heath. During his match against Triple H, it was reported that Nash was injured as the match was just too physical for him.

The only reason I'd like to see Nash return would be for him to engage in a feud with someone like CM Punk or Dolph Ziggler or Daniel Bryan just for the purpose of putting them over. Why? Because even though he can't really get it done anymore, Kevin Nash is still a legend and beating a legend on the level of someone like Nash could do some big things for the career of a younger guy. Orton on the other hand gains nothing from such a feud. He's already a much better overall wrestler than Nash ever was, he's a 9 time World Champion, he's feuded with most of the biggest names in wrestling over the course of his career in WWE, he's headlined huge shows, he's been a main eventer really since he was in his mid 20s and he's only in his early 30s now. He doesn't need a win over Nash to establish himself.

Aside from taking up air time over the course of a few months for the purpose of having a dull, generally uninteresting match, I see no need for Orton vs. Nash.
I honestly think this might be quite a compelling feud. Nash is a good mic worker and Orton is adequate on the stick when he has someone good to bounce off. I would have Nash ridicule Orton for becoming a fan favourite and say he always thought Orton was overrated when he was calling out legends in 2005 "and didn't call the biggest legend of 'em all, Big Sexy Kevin Nash!" Could even play off Orton's loss to Undertaker at Wrestlemania and Hulk Hogan at Summerslam, saying that when he's against an actual legend, he chokes. (Which we know isn't true because he beat 'Taker at one point and Shawn Michaels several times, to name but a few). This could make Orton more vicious as he tries to rediscover the hungry young competitior he was.
I agree the match would be shite. Although WWE matches focus on telling a story rather than technical wrestling, so if the added a stipulation like Street Fight or whatever and told a good story, it'd be satisfying to watch.
And kudos to the OP - this is one feud that would never cross most people's minds.
You people are missing it completely. I hate the thought that feuds are only good pending on whether someone needs the win. Matches arent always about that, screw that logic. So what Nash cant go, he can still fight, anyone can stage a fight, movies stage fights. He can brawl with Orton in a one off bout

Parking Lot Brawl even

I just think it's funny even though HHH and Rock can still go you ppl wouldnt probably mind the thread that brought up that there should be (which there should) one more HHH vs Rock match, not because either needs the win, there's more to feuds than putting young guys over, Rock didnt need to beat Hogan in that case as he was already over

It's like arguing why was Austin facing Razor back at Mania X8 if neither would gain from each other, it was still a nice match. And then what about Lesnar/Goldberg, not every match is about that

even Y2J/Nash wasnt about that Orton/Nash could work just being straight up street. An all out brawl match and a nice heated build up

or the match that shouldve happened some Summers ago Edge vs HHH, why not have that? would you argue dont have it cause neither needs the win? forget the fact (cause ppl will bullshit argue) that they can both put on a better quality match and focus on the fact that neither are as young as they use to be and when Edge was suppose to face HHH that match wouldve been epic despite neither needing the win
I dont really want to see Nash anymore, we hear him enough outside the ring. With that said the Nash and HHH match wasn’t that bad. It was actually alot better than I thought it would have been.
Randy Orton vs Nash, maybe if it had something to do with him legend killer gimmick at the time. But to just to throw them together and hope it sticks wouldn’t be a good move. But then again it wouldn’t be the worse idea either. I rather see Nash then Brock. I wouldn’t have minded if the Punk and Nash thing played out. So you have pro's and con's. So do I want to see Nash return? No. Would it be the worse idea WWE creative could or have thought of? No to that one too. It more of a pick your poison type of deal. He's not good but yet not the worse they could pick from.
First I want to point out that you guys are really bashing him haha, some of you must still have a bad taste in your mouth from what he said a few weeks ago about Eddie and Benoit.

But I'm not really a huge Kevin Nash fan so I don't really care if he came back to see this.. I think Orton could be used in much better ways, plus why would Nash need to face Orton at all? who is going to win? Orton doesn't need to get the rub, this was the same reason why HHH and Nash wasn't all that great of a rivalry last year.

Don't think it has anything to do with that, when's the last time Big Daddy Slow put on a good match? or cut a decent promo, the last few times he did he sounded like a whiny schoolgirl.

Diesel was cool, Big Daddy Cool was cool, Kevin Nash was relevant in the nWo b4 WCW folded not since.

Orton would be wasting his time, it would not help his cause 1 bit and there's no payoff for Nash winning.

so no, if Triple H can't get a decent match out of him (his best friend) then noone can.

as for his comments about Eddie and Chris, well he's an idiot, they definately had the fans behind them Eddie more then Chris and the title runs were brief so who the fark cares it didn't hurt anything. Bischoff and Vince Russo ruining any credibility WCW had and Nash & Hogan playing politics in WCW hurt the business they even admitted they did. Vince going off his rocker after WCW ruined the business not who was champion. i'd say Rey Mysterio winning the world title hurt the credibility more then anyone else, no way in hell should that ever have happened.
The only way I would like to see this go down is if Orton decided to revisit his Legend Killer gimmick and pick out some Legends he didn't happen to finish off.
You people are missing it completely. I hate the thought that feuds are only good pending on whether someone needs the win. Matches arent always about that, screw that logic. So what Nash cant go, he can still fight, anyone can stage a fight, movies stage fights. He can brawl with Orton in a one off bout

I don't think the feud will be good if it helps Orton. The feud will suck because Nash sucks.

Parking Lot Brawl even


I just think it's funny even though HHH and Rock can still go you ppl wouldnt probably mind the thread that brought up that there should be (which there should) one more HHH vs Rock match, not because either needs the win, there's more to feuds than putting young guys over, Rock didnt need to beat Hogan in that case as he was already over

HHH and Rock can still go and at a somewhat high rate at that. Can Nash? I seriously doubt it.

It's like arguing why was Austin facing Razor back at Mania X8 if neither would gain from each other, it was still a nice match. And then what about Lesnar/Goldberg, not every match is about that

Austin/Hall was awful. Who you trying to kid?

even Y2J/Nash wasnt about that Orton/Nash could work just being straight up street. An all out brawl match and a nice heated build up

Tell me what this buildup would consist of? What reason would these two have to fight about?

or the match that shouldve happened some Summers ago Edge vs HHH, why not have that? would you argue dont have it cause neither needs the win? forget the fact (cause ppl will bullshit argue) that they can both put on a better quality match and focus on the fact that neither are as young as they use to be and when Edge was suppose to face HHH that match wouldve been epic despite neither needing the win

Edge/HHH has already happened. Step your game up.
So you want to see the slowest botchfest in professional wrestling history? Then Orton vs Nash is just for you.

Not knocking you or anything... but Nash in any shape or form sucks and he brings down anything or anyone that's involved with him. He used to be a halfway decent worker when he was younger and healthy, but he's neither decent or healthy anymore. Orton is fine and would help out quite a bit, but Nash is someone I wouldn't involve in any meaningful storyline.

And Nash can't do 'hardcore fighting'. He's only good at barely raising his leg up for a big boot and trying not to bust a quad in any of his matches. Orton still has a good mean streak... but saying Nash can do some 'good hardcore fighting' is asinine.

So no. For the love of God no.

Yeah no thanks. Not only would this match be awful, but could you imagine the mic work leading up to it? I wouldn't have to get any more sleep medication. All I'd have to do is tape it and watch these two talk back and forth.

And could you imagine the backstage fight afterwards?
Why does this match "need" to happen, exactly?

In fact, I'm not even sure it "still could" happen. Did you see Nash in his run with CM Punk and Triple H? He could barely walk and, surprising to no one, wound up injured and cost the whole angle to go down the toilet. But you're ready to rely on him for a big-time WrestleMania feud? I'm not buying it.
I don't think the feud will be good if it helps Orton. The feud will suck because Nash sucks.


HHH and Rock can still go and at a somewhat high rate at that. Can Nash? I seriously doubt it.

Austin/Hall was awful. Who you trying to kid?

Tell me what this buildup would consist of? What reason would these two have to fight about?

Edge/HHH has already happened. Step your game up.

You did it despite me saying it's not about whether or not Nash can go, you ppl dont listen and are determined to stay stuck on the little issues you hold on to with every recurring argument you make.

ANYONE can fucking fight! Anyone can make a brawl look good, that is undenyable because real fights are sloppy by nature anyway. I said give the guys a brawl they dont even have to wrestle, YET the majority of you are stuck on wrestling, wtf?

And Edge vs HHH didnt happen as a feud, you knew what I was talking about. I mean that little bit with Vickie isnt the actual feud they had planned between the two for the SUMMER.
You did it despite me saying it's not about whether or not Nash can go, you ppl dont listen and are determined to stay stuck on the little issues you hold on to with every recurring argument you make.

I think whether can Nash go or not is an issue. You would look real silly if a "fight" happens and Nash manages to blow a quad two seconds into it.

ANYONE can fucking fight!

I don't watch anyone fight. I watch people who can put on a good fight. I don't think Nash can.

Anyone can make a brawl look good, that is undenyable because real fights are sloppy by nature anyway. I said give the guys a brawl they dont even have to wrestle, YET the majority of you are stuck on wrestling, wtf?

See above comment.

And Edge vs HHH didnt happen as a feud, you knew what I was talking about. I mean that little bit with Vickie isnt the actual feud they had planned between the two for the SUMMER.

Well, they fought during the summer unless you're one of those who thinks that only August is a summer month.
Regardless of whether or not someone needs a win from it or not I just don't see any interest in seeing Nash wrestle or seeing Nash fight. Rock and Triple H might not be in their prime but they're still in a decent enough shape to put on a good show and they're still aware of the product enough to be able to work a crowd. I don't think Nash is able to do that anymore and if he can't then I don't see how the feud itself, let alone the match/brawl, would be interesting.

From the WWE's perspective, HHH/Rock again would draw. Nash/Orton wouldn't because not enough people give a shit about Nash in 2012.
LOL A feud with Nash would be some sort of punishment for Orton. Rock and HHH are still decent in ring. Nash looks absolutely finished. He can barely move around in the ring and he couldn't even take a pedigree without botching it.
this would only make sense and be of any interest if Randy Orton was returning to his legend killer gimmick. Bringing Nash back, without closing his shitty little feud with Punk or acknowledging Hunter would bhe piss poor WWE booking at its best.
Orton doesnt need to go over or beat up on an over 50 year old clown. This feud would be a SERIOUS step backwards for Orton who is now lost in the shuffle since he returned. I agree he needs something to be come relevant again, but punting Kevin Nash in the head isnt the way to go here. Orton turning heel and leaving Shemaus laying, followed with some deep, dark intense promoswould be a much better way to have him get over again. If you have to bring back old guys to get Orton over, bring back guys who are either over or can wrestle.
I know orton is very good at getting the best out of his opponents, but even for the viper this would be mission impossible. kevin was never that great in the first place and the chances are that you would end up building the match only for nash to pull out injured and all that hard work would have gone to waste.

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