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Orton and Cena would be the greatest tag team of all time.


You don't want it with me.
I honestly think that if the WWE ever got serious about tag team wrestling, the team of Orton and Cena would be a great way to shake the division up and raise it's profile.

First of all, the finisher would be deadly. Cena holding a man up and Orton RKOing off his shoulders would be the most devastating tag team finisher ever. We could call it the RKO adjustment.

Secondly, both men could play both roles. One could "Ricky Morton" and the other could "Jim Neidhart" every match. Either one, either role. That is how you keep a tag team fresh. Too many teams had one guy take all the punishment and the other guy always save the match. It got predictable. At the very least, this team wouldn't be predictable, and I doubt they would ever get stale.

Next, the break up feud would be amazing. For whatever reason, a Cena/Orton feud has never felt as big as it should. They are the present and the next decade of the WWE. Every time they are in the same ring, epicness should ensue, however, their chemistry has never clicked 100%. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed their matches and their mic work, but it never has lived up to my expectations, or the WWE Universes. I think that six months of working as a team would allow them to get some chemistry for a one on one series that would finally define the decade for the WWE. It would be Mega Powers II. Involve Kelly Kelly.

Also, the benefits to the rest of the roster would be tangible. With these two in a tag team, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, HHH, and one elevation, be it Kofi or MVP would form the basis of the main event. It would be new. MVP can work the mic on a main event level. Mark Henry is the dominant monster that the main event can always use. Having them available for both shows allows for fresh singles matches in preparation for the PPV's. Cena and Jericho had a good match tonight. I would love to see Cena carry big Shad through a match. Shad is athletic enough to put on a great match with Cena. I would love to see Orton vs. Punk, or more Orton/Hardy. If we're not going to end the brandsplit, I think that using Orton and Cena as a tag team would freshen up all three shows.

I know it is a far fetched idea, and I know that Cena has to team with his opponent in a tag title match before last year's SummerFest, but this one seems promising, as last year, it seemed forced.

I think that the WWE would be stupid not to have Orton and Cena involved with each other as much as possible. Their matches have never been bad, and it seems only a matter of chemistry. What better way to enhance a duo's chemistry than to put them in a tag team?
while i do think tag teams would be a great idea for these two. it will not happen they are both to big to be a tag team. they are the only top main event guys right now. but man that finisher by Cena and Orton tonight was sweet as hell and i like the name for it. the RKO adjustment. the landing by Y2J looked sick and real to believe. but they will not ever team together. sadly the less talented roster seems to only get worse every year. same matches on Raw that is why Raw is going down the tube.
Just because two wrestlers are stars of the business and have loads of talent doesn't mean they would make a great tag team. While you mentioned chemistry, chemistry in a one vs one match is not the same chemistry as a tag team match. Maybe it's just that I can't wrap my mind around the thought of these two together. Also, putting two very active main eventers together in the tag team division is the last thing Vince wants right now. The tag team would be nonsensical.
I know it will never happen, twothree, but my thought is that it would build the necessary heat to make them Hogan and Savage. The IWC constantly accuses Vince of shoving them down out throat. I think those arguments may be warranted, although, I, personally enjoy them both. I think that having them team up would provide the basis of a nice long feud with heat and a back story.

We are waiting for the next big thing. It was Hogan/Savage, Hart/HBK/, Austin/McMahon, and now, now we're waiting for that one big feud. It should be between Orton and Cena. I think that six months of their teaming and six months of their feuding reshuffles the deck on all three shows, elevates tag fighting, allows for two or three guys to get main event experience, and then tears down the house at Mania when these two settle the score.
It's a very interesting thought at least. That finisher was so fucking devestating, I'm still half expecting a report to come through about Jericho having a neck injury. I know exactly what you mean about the chemistry not feeling 100%. They are the biggest face and heel respectively in the company at the moment, yet it doesn't have that big moment feel like it should. This idea could be perfect to boost it.
Though it would have to take some planning for either one to make the change from heel to face or face to heel, I love the idea, that is a tag team I would love to see, and it would give a build up that would ultimately lead to a hell of a feud too. I'm not sick of seeing either of them, but as has been stated, this 'feud' if you will they are doing now isn't personal or really a rivalry, it's more Orton has the title and Cena wants it. However if they did the tag thing, they would build a friendship and then when the split came, it'd be very personal, thus having more emotion too it, making it a more interesting and dynamice feud. Nice FTS, I love it.
To be honest tag team chemistry takes longer than a week to build...look at jerishow...at NOC they were pretty meh, then look at Raw right now and you think wow these two are great together. A team with Cena and Orton would work, but I think the timing is a bit bad to be honest, we have DX back as well as jerishow which is essentially four main event caliber wrestlers in tag teams at the moment. Do you want to add your other two ME guys from Raw? No, but the fact that they have a double team finisher seems a bit odd to me.
they look good together but it wouldn't make sense. For years Cena has been about respect, loyalty, blah blah.. and Orton has been about the hell with the fans. Would only worked if Cena turned heel, and finally turned on the fans for booing him all these years. But i think i read that Vince is dead set against that because he sells too many merchandise as a face.
To be honest tag team chemistry takes longer than a week to build...look at jerishow...at NOC they were pretty meh, then look at Raw right now and you think wow these two are great together. A team with Cena and Orton would work, but I think the timing is a bit bad to be honest, we have DX back as well as jerishow which is essentially four main event caliber wrestlers in tag teams at the moment. Do you want to add your other two ME guys from Raw? No, but the fact that they have a double team finisher seems a bit odd to me.

OK, but what do you think if it happens after HHH and HBK split again? I think JeriShow is probably done soon too. If you start it around Armageddon, by next SummerSlam we get that match.

I don't think that the feud would have to start immediately. What is Show and Jericho messed up the title match at SummerSlam? What then, if they cost Orton the title on Raw or the next PPV? What if they put Legacy out of commission for a while? At this point, both would have a beef with JeriShow. This would lead to a tag team main event. At this point, if Cena and Orton win, they could hate each other and defend the titles. They could slowly start to respect each other, and then boom, Orton turns. If you wanted it to be an even bigger deal, Cena turns, and they lose the titles, Cena snaps and boom, feud with face Orton vs. Heel Cena.
Just based on their match awhile back against the entire Raw roster, I believe Cena and Orton would be a great team. That finsher on Jericho was very impressive. As was what they did to Cody Rhodes in the match I mentioned. It would also be nice to see Cena giving the STF to someone and when the opponent is thriving in pain and is trying not to tap out, Orton then punts them in the head.
i too think this team would work. even when they are involved in a feud they always get paired up and they do pretty well together. they even defeated the whole raw roster prior to WM24.
I as well as a lot of people in the IWZ are tired of Cena/Orton in the main event all the time, especially Cena. However, if this were to ever happen which I highly doubt will because of the whole Heel/Face demention, then it would be an epic tag team that I would very much enjoy because it would have to freshen up the main event scene a little bit at least, which is much needed. That finisher on Jericho was just sick and got a great pop....rightfully so. If the fans respond well to this next week and Orton doesn't sneak attack Cena after the match then I think creative should maybe test the waters with it after SummerSlam. Again I don't think it will happen but maybe creative can and will try and prove us wrong!
How about just leaving the 2 as is in the tag team. a face & a heel. We've seen opponents for the heavyweight title be forced into tag teams even though they would have to compete against each other at a later date 4 the heavyweight belt. I think the last case of this was Cena & Michaels.

Cena-Orton could be similar to Storm-Candido in the old ECW, where the two guys hated each other's guts, had opposing views, but still had to compete as tag team champions. I believe the stipulation was that which ever one of them intentionally lost the belts would be fired. Something similar could be done with Cena & Orton (although the stip would have to be modified e.g. no future title shots to the one who sabotages the team).

I believe the mic work between Cena & Orton as such a tag team would be interesting & freshen up the bland & predictable mic work that these two have been doing lately. It would also add a fresh dynamic to WWE as I don't recall WWE ever really doing a face-heel team before (although the kids may be confused as to why their hero, Cena is teaming with that meanie, Orton).
You know what TBTNW, you have a very good point there! Not to bring up the AttitudeEra but I think this idea would work better then, only because of the whole PG/Kids factor now. However, a very good idea nonetheless. This is probably a mute point but what the hell!
What if the WWE had Cena turn heel here or something. ( I know it will never happen) But have DX knock legacy out for a month and have DX interfere in the match to give Orton the win and have HHH saying he wanted Orton to have the title so he can take it away from him at Hell in the Cell. Have Cena say something about HHH being jealous of Orton and siding with Orton. Then they canhave a DX vs Cena Orton. Then at hell in the cell have Cena vs HBK and RKO vs HHH ( I know everyone but me doesnt like that idea but add a big steel cage and u never know.)
Then maybe at Hell in the Cell, or in the rematch on the next night, You can have Legacy come out and take out Orton and Cena. They can Claim that Orton held them down. This would successfully bring interest into tag team (DX vs Orton and Cena, high profile kinda like Y2J Show) and turn Dibiase face, for the movie. It can also set up Dibiase vs Orton and even give Rhoades a chance to work with Cena and Orton. These 2 fueds with DX and Orton and Cena could give Legacy a legit chance for a big push.
I saw Raw and I must say that that FU/RKO move that Cena and Orton did on Jericho looked BRUTAL. I'm not talking about brutal in bad I'm talking about brutal as in debacling your opponent. I think they would make a great team. Cena would make up for Orton's lack of personality which is my biggest beef with Orton. But I think they would be a great team.
I agree,it would be a great tag team they could feud with DX coming back at Summerslam for the Unified Tag Team Championships.It would raise the ratings but who's gonna be the WWE Champ? Batista and Edge can't feud...Edge is coming back face and Batista won't turn face but if he does,that would be weird.So this can't work but may work after the Draft in 2010 if some other main eventer goes to RAW.
When this was announced and Orton and Cena tossed out Big Show and Cena was about to Attitude Adjust Jericho but then Orton came in to RKO him, I loved it.

That was cool.

If they could really put aside their differences and fight off a common enemy, may be they can be a formittable team in the future. A shake of the hand would have capped it off but I think if this is done, one of the two will hit their finisher any way.

This needs to happen more. Orton/Cena vs. Show/Jericho is a good match up.
I read abit of the posts but got bored, I came very close to posting this last night, I love these 2 as a tag team it's just awesome. We could see that cena heel turn we all want, think about it, these 2 have teamed only a few times in there life, but every time it is an amazing match, remember when orton and cena teamed up together to face the raw roster? Some of the moves they pulled of was epic. My perfect way to make this happen would be a Cena heel turn, don't know how this could be done, just make him go absolutely nuts or interfere with the DX vs legacy fued... not at summerslam but at the next PPV where inevitably we'll see mostly the same matches. Have shawn micheals lining up for the sweet chin music, when all of the sudden cena runs down to the ring with a steel chain and beats DX down, then at the top of the ramp randy slowly walks down with that evil smile/stare thing he does, steps into the ring and then cena picks up shawn for the attitude adjustment and then throws him into the air for randy to RKO, then legacy beat down on HHH hitting their finishing moves, all 4 stand proud in the ring, when suddenly they turn on legacy as well, leaving just cena and orton standing proud in the ring. They could feud with DX and legacy for a while but eventually the team breaks up at about royal rumble, Orton punts Cena in the head or something, forcing Cena out of the WWE for a few weeks, when suddenly he makes his return at no way out just after Orton won the WWE title off someone like, MVP, mark henry... etc. he smashes randy Orton to small pieces, leading to the main event at mania, Orton vs Cena for the WWE title in something epic like a last man standing match... that's what I want to see anyway, good way to clear the main event picture for new stars, but still make an amazing feud. and to the people who say, you can't have main event superstars as a team? Batista/Rey, randy/edge, HHH/HBK, Show/Jericho, Jericho/Edge... get my drift? i know it's very impossible but would be awesome...
If I've learned anything in watching the WWE, it's that anything is possible with the right provocation as an excuse. As far as I've seen, those wrestlers that have the best matches against each other also make the best tag teams working together. Cena and Orton could make an absolutely epic tag-team, but given the personal animosity between them (at least kayfabe) this would be difficult to manage.

I could see Cena turning heel, but the WWE would have to be careful how they do it given how major a draw (and merchandise icon) he is as a face. We hardcore WWE freaks would love to see him break out and heel turn for a bit just to give us something different, but I don't think the majority of the fans are ready for it. He's been a face too long. Meanwhile, so far as I've seen, Orton has been a heel practically since his beginning and has continued to develop into one of the most vicious heels the WWE has to offer, so a face turn (as interesting as that sounds) is not likely for him in the near future.

I could see Cena doing a sort of "all business" heel turn, teaming up with Orton against a common enemy, especially if he were ganged up on by Jericho and Show and Orton shows up to bring the pain to Jericho/Show for his own reasons. I think it would be more difficult to make Orton go face than Cena to go heel, though.
Although it probably won't happen, Cena and Orton would make a great team. Never say never in this business, though, because Hogan teamed up with a lot of his enemies for a while like Savage, Piper, Warrior, and Orndorff. Also, remember a few years ago when Austin and HHH teamed up as the 2-man Power Trip. Even the Rock and HHH have gone a short while as a team so never say never.

They looked good last night working together to toss Show out of the ring and that finisher on Y2J was absolutely sick. I could see it, but will WWE?
A Cena/Orton Team would be fantastic.

Id like to see it as Otron influencing Cena in such a way making him for a heel turn. Remember when it was Orton/Edge as a Tag Team that was pretty cool.

I know that Cena wouldnt fit in joining Legacy of course because thats about 2 rookies being guided by a veteran, so Legacy would have to be broken up for this.

Send Rhodes and Dibiase on their own, they cant be breastfed forever.

Like many other mentioned this would be a shot in the arm in the Tag Team division, Orton and Cena would move out of the World title spot to make room for the up and comer's to get the piece of the pie.

I think it would work out great.
Personally, I like the possibility of them being forced to team together to face common enemies with the face/heel dynamic. It would work because they would constant want to one-up the other and if they were to win the tag titles both have the egos that would allow them to refuse to lose. Remember Rock/Jericho; MVP/Hardy; Rock/Austin; Taker/Austin; Savage/Hogan--history has shown that enemies can work together based soley off of ego. Have them win the titles after Summer Slam and have Orton walk around with all 4 tag belts claiming that Cena isn't worthy of being his partner. After their first title defense have Cena do the same thing post-match: great one-upsmanship. As long as they keep winning, keep their tumultuous relationship going and even show signs of respect for the other. Plus, as long as their tag champions, we get to see "vintage" cowardly Orton hiding behind the tag titles to prevent having to defend the WWE title against Cena.

Have Legacy and Orton grow discontent with each other with Legacy being angry that Orton is teaming with the enemy and holding the tag titles that they should have. I love the possibilities, FU-RKO, STF/running punt-this would be awesome stuff. Then finally when they lose have Orton assult Cena saying that he carried the team. Them we have a more emotional feud. Once they lose the tag titles, Cena renews his focus on the WWE title.

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