Orlando Jordan ??????

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wp2 4 life

Orlando Jordan WHO thinks he would help TNA in the push 4 prime tv spot

Now I went to school with him in miami and he was a good kid back then I don't he has a big haed so he would be a good fit 4 TNA what do you think?

come on think about all he can do in the ring and he's got a good look and can talk shit about JBL AND the WWE, And Think about all the fudes he can get in to Raven, Abyss, Samoa Joe, Cage, Scotty, Sting, Aj,fallen Angel. all of the x div. Man I think he could do good thins 4 TNA.

If they are looking for a wrestler with some ability, and not looking for a HUGE name to give them a popularity push, I think Orlando Jordan would fit the bill nicely. When he first came to the WWE, I thought he was really good, really athletic, had good speed and good moves.

Then, they buried him deep in midcardland, finally made him JBL's whippin boy (JBL, for god's sake!), gave him the US title (thought maybe that was the restgart for him, but no), then had Chris Benoit (granted, Benoit is one of my all-time favorites, but still...) break the fastest pin record... twice? Three times? ...wrestling Orlando.

I'd like to see him there, but man, that would just add fuel to the WWE marks' fire, talking about TNA as WWE's rubbish bin...
Jordan in my oppinion was an o.k wrestler nothing special. I think he should have been thankfull that he was allowed to be in J.B.L's company because without him he would'nt have gotten any exposure.
Yeah, god knows being JBL's bitch will make a career. Especially since JBL is such a talented performer...
pod_daddy said:
Yeah, god knows being JBL's bitch will make a career. Especially since JBL is such a talented performer...

It made Jordans career, he got the U.S. title of Cena because he was feuding with J.B.L. And J.B.L. is a talented performer he just happens to be a shit wrestler.
Jordan was nothin in wrestling, then he got friendly with taker and then turned on him and then i didnt care about him.
wp2 4 life said:
Orlando Jordan WHO thinks he would help TNA in the push 4 prime tv spot

Now I went to school with him in miami and he was a good kid back then I don't he has a big haed so he would be a good fit 4 TNA what do you think?

come on think about all he can do in the ring and he's got a good look and can talk shit about JBL AND the WWE, And Think about all the fudes he can get in to Raven, Abyss, Samoa Joe, Cage, Scotty, Sting, Aj,fallen Angel. all of the x div. Man I think he could do good thins 4 TNA.

He wouldn't push TNA any higher in the ratings. I think if he was there he'd be just another X division wrestler who has no character. And I don't like the idea of gays in wrestling. There's too much crotch grabbing and rubbing on eachother, he might make the other wrestlers feel uncomfortable. I don't like it.
He would not do anything for TNA's ratings but they could definitely use him in a storyline. There's barely anybody nowadays with exceptional wrestling ability so it's really no big deal if he's not that great...
hey no offence to jordan but umm is he gay? im just asking no offence to anybody but is he?
NO he was to play one on tv and he was to love his best friend and Trinity A love Triangle a bi one at that.
ya he is bi.....but i he dosent ask for a lot of money they can use him in some angles
NO WAY. It does nothing for TNA. Theres a bunch of guys that they should go afta before him.
Virgil (Ted Dibiase's former bodyguard and former jobber to Skinner, Ludvig Borga and the Repo Man) would make a much better addition to TNA than Orlando, but since orlando is friends in real life with Christopher Daniels, expect Daniels to keep pushing TNA executives and the Jarretts to bring him in
um just to be honest here, orlando has those gay pics on the net kissing some white dudes and stuff...

personally i couldnt care less if he slept with horses but how can any company push this guy with those pics out there? how "tough" can he be made to look? fans wont buy it. just ask tank abbott and kanyon...

tho kanyon is always gonna be one of my favs in or out of the closet so maybe i just proved myself wrong...

anyway most male fans will not embrace a gay champion. imagine if austin or the rock were gay DURING their runs (since coming out now wouldnt hurt their wrestling career). and the extremely rude chants that would be created...what a headache for any company...
He has a boyfriend. My mate Aaron has proof. His uncle sent him the pictures of Orlando Jordan and his boyfriend. Orlando's boyfriend was groping his winkle!
orlando jordan sucks, TNA sucks, i think they would go perfect together, and to quote a post from above, he would just be another face in the crowd, he couldnt do good things in TNA, cause TNA is no good at all.
I don't know, both Gorgeous George and Adrian Adonis had success as heels with their gay gimmicks... with "the truth" out there about Orlando, they wouldn't even have to fake it; he'd just have to vamp it up a bit.

Or course, the gay angle backfired on Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo...
jawn87 said:
orlando jordan sucks, TNA sucks, i think they would go perfect together, and to quote a post from above, he would just be another face in the crowd, he couldnt do good things in TNA, cause TNA is no good at all.

I am going to go out on a limb here...You enjoy watching matches with batista, John Cena, and the other big name WWE superstars?
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