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Orders From Triple H: Longer Title Reigns

I think this can be a good thing in the case of the WWE and World titles as long as it is still defended as often as it is now. I think this is what is wrong with the mid card titles. Who cares if someone holds the IC, US, or Tag titles for 200 days if they defend it four times it that span. To me that makes the title just as meaningless as if they passed it around a lot. I loved Roode's long reign as TNA champ, and Punk's current run with the WWE belt, but with Santino holding the US title for 135 days I have had to stop and think who the US champion even was sometimes. I like Santino a lot to, but he hasn't added any prestige to the US belt at all by holding it for those days. So while I am for longer title reigns there also needs to be meaningful title defenses to make the belts important again. If they combine the two then I think fans could actually get interested in the titles again.
I agree with what some people have said about long reigns can be good or bad. It is good so the title can have value and people not deserving of a belt wont become multi-timed champions or that the titles wont change hands every month. But if the person(s) wearing the gold are not deserving of it (i.e Santino) then watching them hold onto the title gets annoying and the title begins to lose value. So if the right person or persons hold the gold then long reigns are good.
I think titles should be held for 3, 6, 9, and 12 month reigns. More than 1 year is boring. I can see the IC and US title changing hands ever 3 months. 6 for Tag, Divas, WWE, and WHC. 12 should be for a major WWE or WHC title holder.
The only problem is longer title reins shouldn't also equate to less title defenses.

Cody (when he held it) and Christian who holds the IC Now never defend it.

Santino's US Championship is more like the Cobra sock around him and really hasn't been a belt in YEARS.

Layla was the DIVA champion is a joke. ANOTHER DIVA who never defends it but carries it around.

I can't remember the last time the tag team titles actually meant anything.

The only two people who defend their belts are Punk and Sheamus.

Personally I'd love if they got rid of the US Championship and tag titles in place of a Cruiserweight belt where we can watch people like Shelly defend the belt weekly. It could be WWE's version of the X-Division.

I am SURE HHH is taking credit for another person's suggestion anyway. He hasn't done one good thing since he's taken over yet. Since he's run things, the WWE product has gotten worse. All so he can have his face out there and pushes for the people he's either friends with or signed. He ruined the Punk momentum after last years Summerslam, and in the process of ruining Lesnar.

The WWE Product has gotten worse? Uh how could it get worse than a midget beating/screwing Chavo over and over and over and over?
This is still a transition. It sounds like you are one of those people that wants INSTANT results. Guess what, with the mess he has to clean up HHH has done a fine job. He's working to REESTABLISH a TAG TEAM division. Guess what, the failure of the division wasn't his fault. He wants to rebuild it. It can happen
Tag Teams:
  1. Usos
  2. Prime Time Players,
  3. R-Truth & Kofi,
  4. Primo & Epico,
  5. Hunico & Camacho

5 solid tag teams so far with more to come. Plus you could always rejoin Slater/Gabriel

to form tag teams. Plus with the addition of the extra hour chemistry can be built up between talent to form new tag teams.
The Tag Team division can make a comeback and I believe it will be at HHH's hands that this comeback happens.

I'll agree with you about the IC title. The US title can be salvaged still but in all honesty the IC title was heavily damaged by Cody's reign, or lack there of. He held it how long again? and had minimal defenses.

And obviously the WHC and WWE Championship have been defended a lot more than any other championship.
The Diva's championship..yeah let's just scrap that and get a Cruiserweight/Light Heavyweight belt back. Then we could get some high flying action that is fast paced and fun to watch instead of these 4minute at best Divas matches.
Yes there should be longer reigns for the right people, a guy like shemus who in my opinion has had 1 of the least relevent WHC reigns ever he shud drop the strap he doesent even get a reaction besides from the kids, cm punk shud change his name to cm boring cuz thats what his title reign has been really boring yes hes had some good matches but do u honestly remember any? the only ones i remember are the matches with cena so this match coming up cud make the title mean more. i think punk should get a clean win over cena on the 1000 episode but then carry on the fued to summerslam wear cena wins the strap maybe that wud bring the wwe title back in the main event...

As for the mid card belts, retire the u.s belt that championchip has turned into a complete joke with santino holding it for 140 days? u mean to tell me were suppose to belive nobody on the roster cud beat santino? A guy with credibility like miz shud win the belt and retire it and say hes to good for it. or unify that belt with the IC belt and have a meanful match between christion and miz that wud be the first meaningful match involving those belts in idk how long.

The idea of long reigns sounds good but in reality if the champ cant keep everyone happy he needs to lose the strap and someone else gets a shot thats how it shud work.
Finally someone with the idea that the main titles can be elevated if they are held onto longer, that is quality thinking!

It is just so obvious that guys need to hold the titles longer, especially right now. Titles in the mid-card mean nothing. Its a bit wish-wash and there are positive and negative aspects of long title reigns.

For me, personally, Santino has done nothing to warrant holding the US title as long as he has. I like his character. He is funny (sometimes). But the titles are supposed to be prestigious. Look at the greats that have held that US title. There is prestige in all current championships but the holder needs to understand the history they have. The Intercontinental title is held by Christian, who I think is great for it. I thought Cody Rhodes did a great job of making the title meaningful again. Then the Big Show brought it down again. Hopefully Christian can build it back up again. He is, because he is Christian, and a truly great wrestler.

Punk for me has brought a lot of meaning to the WWE title for the first time in more time than I can remember. The last time that title meant something in my eyes was when it was around the waist of Eddie Guerrero. That is not discrediting all those who have held it since, I just think the title itself meant more then. Guys like Edge did it proud too but that was the last time I remember it meaning anything to me. I can only hope that Punk keeps it for that year title reign that he wants, because then it would truly be a wanted title. Other wrestlers would know what it was to wear it.

Shaemus I hope holds the belt for a while. Daniel Bryan did a great job with it, consistently showing how relieved he was every time he scrapped a win, none so more evident than his win at the Royal Rumble after the cage match, he reaction holding the title was priceless. He would walk out of the curtain and point directly at the belt letting people know who he was.

Longer title reigns are a great idea, it just needs to be done properly, with the right wrestlers.
I'm all for longer title reigns, as long as they don't end up dragging on. The longer a champion carries the strap, the more time they'll have to really establish themselves and have more of a lasting impression on the fans. That being said, I don't want to see guys hanging on to the title for months longer than they should, just because Triple H wants to see longer reigns -- this wouldn't solve anything, just as playing hot potato with the championships won't do anything either. They have to find a solid balance of how long a champions should hold his belt. Looking at WWE right now, CM Punk has had a great, long reign and I don't see any need for it to end -- on the other hand, Santino's reign has been fairly long and it needs to end sometime soon. That right there shows me that the WWE probably needs to focus more on title reign quality, rather than length.

So, yeah, while I'm in favor of longer title reigns -- I'm not insinuating that I want to see year long reigns or anything, 6, 8, 10 months (max) -- I'm scared that the WWE may completely miss the boat with this. They might make one champion's reign far too long, just because THEY like what they're seeing; this is a realistic fear too, because it's not as if WWE is really "in touch" with a lot of what the fans would like. It should be interesting to see future title reigns, that's for sure.
A lot of times longer title reigns makes the superstar holding that title much more credible and "main event material". CM Punk's 240+ day reign has been superb in my books. I have loved the interaction with Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho, and of course the whole AJ/Daniel Bryan thing has allowed Punk to do so much with the title and it has been very entertaining.

However, Santino, who has held the title for 130+ days has defended it what, four times? Jack Swagger is the only one I can think of. In this respect, the long title reign has done nothing but de-value the title. I get Santino is very popular (for some reason) and a title on him looks good, but he has done nothing but ruin what Dolph Ziggler and Zack Ryder, and even Jack Swagger, tried to do, which is recreate the value of the United States Championship. Not Santino's fault, WWE creative's fault.

With Triple H making this decision, I hope this means more title reigns will be like CM Punk's second WWE Championship reign, rather than Santino's. A few times, the quick change of the title has been needed and was done good, such as Christian and Randy Orton last year, and the CM Punk thing last year, but the majority of the time, the longer reigns are better. Quick exchanges sometimes work, sometimes flop. Hopefully Triple H knows what he needs to do and with the news that the Intercontinental Championship and the United States Championship won't be merging, this creates more oppertunities for this sort of stuff. Good long title reigns.
the length of the title reign should reflect how good the person is doing. if you have a champ who is just not connecting with the crowds, giving him a long title reign is not a good thing. but there have been a lot of guys who have had short title runs which made no sense to people because they were just building up steam. it all depends on the person and how they are getting over. personally, i haven't had a huge problem with the length of the title runs in the past for the most part, just who it keeps returning to.
Don’t mind the decision. It makes for more of an impact when the champ losses the belt now. Before they would only have it till the next PPV or so. I guess it goes down to who the champion is and if he is worthy of a lengthy title run. But as of now I don’t mind any of the champs having a long title run.
I know you’re going to say Santino but Honky Tonk Man had a long run and as a wrestler and think Santino is better. You remember he was once was a serious competitor and beat Umaga and held the Int title.
This was a great announcement and in the long run will lead to better prestige for ALL of the titles.

I was very happy that this announcement did not center on the WWE and WHC titles, but also focused on the mid-card and lower tier titles because they NEED length to matter to people.

I think the thing that long reigns does the best is it makes the eventual title shift a MUCH BIGGER event than when it is passed around like a hot potato. Don't get me wrong, sometimes you need a hot switch, but for the majority of the time, a long reign means that when someone finally takes it off the guy it will feel EARNED.

We could see VERY long reigns for Punk and Sheamus. I think BOTH could actually keep their titles all the way through the end of 2012 (of course, Punk could lose tonight, who knows). Sheamus is in position to carry the title all the way to WrestleMania possibly and have a feud with MiTB winner Ziggler, but that is looking far ahead.

Bottom line ... having long reigns does not ALWAYS mean burying other talent. Hell, Bryan had not been champ in 113 days, but I would find it VERY difficult to say he has not been a serious player and a legit threat to BOTH top titles that entire time.

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