"Option C" Problem


Getting Noticed By Management
Right now this would be Eric Young vs Sanada would this be a match you would want to see? With the Destination X show coming up and "Option C" for a cash-in at the world title, how hyped are you for this potential matchup? Do you hope someone more worthwhile than Sanada has the belt by the time this rolls around? Or do you think EY won't have the title by this time? If so who do you think makes sense to have it?

Personally here is what I think:
I wouldn't be surprised if Aries beats Sanada before Destination X, and chooses to face Young then for the World Title. The ending of Slammiversary almost leads me to believe that's what will happen.

What do you think?
Based on how things fared in the main event at Slammiversary, I'd put good money on Sanada dropping the X Division title to Aries who'll use it to cash in and take on Eric. Otherwise, if it's not him, someone will. There's just no way you can go into it with Sanada cashing in, or even worse — not.

A dark horse in all of this... James Storm. He's tweeted a few times now in the last week about being tired of being a stepping stone for others in the company, and that it's time to start stepping himself.

In fact, speak of the Devil...

@JamesStormBrand: Bethlehem tomorrow night it's going down. Time to start Stepping. #NextWorldChamp #RedneckRevolution​

Check that hash tag, boys.
Sanada could be a good match up vs EY but i feel like everything in the X division is too jumbled. Sanada could put on a great 1 v 1 but storylines and lack of character development for Sanada makes him a bad pick. Aries is a great guy but do we want him winning it again?...look at who else could go for the title Joe is a guy i want win but i know won't happen. Honestly Kenny king should win and be the first to lose Option C if MVP is good to go in August MVP wins it at Hardcore Justice.
I don't see the see the problem at all. In fact I think the timing of Option-C is perfect here for Sanada to get the shot. It works out ideally.

Mutoh will be at the taping the night before Destination-X is taped. They can work an angle where he and Sanada decide that it is right for him to lay down the X-division belt for a chance to become a World Champion. With Mutoh's blessing Sanada will take his shot at the title. I think that EY will still be champ at that point and I'd expect the two of them to have a very high quality match for the belt, with the fighting champion EY coming out on top to retain. Then after the set of tapings I would expect Sanada's run to be over and he'll return full time to Japan and Wrestle-1.

This gives a clear reason and purpose for Mutoh's presence, and it allows Sanada to leave the company looking strong by never having been beat for the X-division title and putting up a competitive showing nearly defeating the world champ. Sanada doesn't need to do the job to anyone. He can logically exchange his belt for his title shot, clearing the way for someone else to take the reigns of the X-division and Sanada to return as a made man to his homeland.
You all say that the X Division Champion MUST give up his title.
But I believe this year this will go and build some credibility to the X Division and have Sanada saying that this is what he was dreaming about all his life and he will not give it up..even for a World Title shot.

Just think how the X Divison will be viewed after that...
As long as Young is your champion Option C seems like a mistake. I think this is a great opportunity for MVP to garner more heat by denying the past and giving himself (if he is healthy) the title shot or giving it to one of his disciples. Maybe have Aries win the X-Title and then swerve the fans by announcing it doesn't mean what they think it means.

However things play out the feud they need to get to is Aries vs Lashley.
You all say that the X Division Champion MUST give up his title.
But I believe this year this will go and build some credibility to the X Division and have Sanada saying that this is what he was dreaming about all his life and he will not give it up..even for a World Title shot.

Just think how the X Divison will be viewed after that...

I could have maybe bought this line of thinking if the division was still treated as it was treated in 2007 and prior. But the days of the belt being treated as more of an alternative title as opposed to a lesser title are far gone. The days when the belt could headline a PPV are nearly a decade in the past. For that decision to be a viable and believable one for the champion to make, they would have had to have spent the better part of the first few months of year truly emphasizing, building, and featuring the division. For a wrestler to choose the X belt over the world title shot now wouldn't make the X-Division title look more valuable and prestigious, it would simply make the champion look like an idiot for turning down a world title to hang onto an underutilized glorified midcard strap.

I have to believe that the plan has been in place since day one for Sanada to hold the belt until Destination-X so that he could relinquish it without ever having to be beaten for it, allowing his run to go out on the strongest note possible. Booking Sanada as carefully as possible has to be a priority to maintain a strong relationship with Wrestle-1 and keep them from souring on the agreement. They can't afford to screw it up the way they did the deal that they had with NJPW when they wasted elite talents like Tanahashi and made a young promising star like Okada into a curtain-jerking jobber who couldn't even get TV time until he was made a lackey strapped with a borderline racist stereotype gimmick.
The way I see it, is that option C is actually a really good way to take the X Division strap off of Sanada without him losing it, and putting on a good match in which EY retains. This way both champs look strong and the X title can be vacated to allow for Sanada to return back to Wrestle-1.
Well it seems like Sanada V Lashley is now the next Championship match....Barring Aries/EY/Roode/Joe taking the title off him.... but I liking where this going i hope Sanada now get get builded up as a Champion that could win vs MVP Clique.
Look for either the Lashley title win to get reversed via the board or EY/Aries taking the X title and cashing in.
A Double will cash in the X Division title for a second time, in what could be match of the year from TNA(sadly they haven't had anything close to a MOTY in a looooooooooooooooooooong time). Austin Aries vs Bobby Lashley for the TNA World Championship. Bobby Roode wins the BFG Series again and we get a solid BFG Main Event for a change.
A Double will cash in the X Division title for a second time, in what could be match of the year from TNA(sadly they haven't had anything close to a MOTY in a looooooooooooooooooooong time). Austin Aries vs Bobby Lashley for the TNA World Championship. Bobby Roode wins the BFG Series again and we get a solid BFG Main Event for a change.

Out of curiosity, even though I obviously already know the answer, did you even BOTHER to read the rules for down here? Thanx' for spoiling this yet AGAIN in another thread. READ THE RULES!!!!

As for "Option C" being a problem, I just don't see what the big deal is. I thought it was a neat thing, and considering the way things seem to be headed for TNA over the last couple of weeks, hopefully they can do something interesting with it this time around because things are getting interesting again. BFG Series is coming up and the whole Option C thing could make things pretty interesting. Say what you will, I'd even love to see Eric Young get the X-Division Title and cash it in. I wasn't exactly feeling his reign at first, although I respected it to a degree because of how hard he worked for the company for so many years, but he grew on me. Dude was a much better champion than Magnus was. I'd like to see him go heads up against the champion again, whoever it may be at the time. not necessarily win the title, but at least you know you will get a solid match out of it anyway.

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