One thing WWE has done right this summer/fall season


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The booking of Rusev. It's just been perfect.

Why are people not more excited about it?

Simple, we all see the end game, and that's Cena beating him, and then Rusev/Lana deteriorating into comedy characters.

Is there anyone who doesn't see this happening?

I really hope I'm wrong about this. I'm not a Cena detractor, but if all this was just to build Rusev up so he can lose to Cena at Wrestlemania or someplace else, then I will be 100% done with Cena and his bullshit. Edge and Jericho already somewhat exposed how Cena's politics can ruin a good thing, but if it leads to Rusev rotting in mid-card hell for years to come and Lana turning into another zombie diva, then seriously, fuck him. Even if it's not him playing politics, he needs to raise his voice and start doing what's right long term for WWE.

This Rusev/Lana combo has been brilliant and has endless amounts of potential. Rusev is a legit monster with a very unique skill-set, and Lana is a top 3 promo in all of wrestling right now. They cannot fuck this up, but of course, we ALL think they will, right? And that's why no one in the IWC is as hyped as we probably should be about these two.

Come on, WWE. Shock us. Actually do something right for a change. Keep building these two up and don't let your foot off the gas pedal. Will they do that?

Someone get me optimistic, explain to me why WWE will do the right thing here. Or do you see what I see happening? Or shit, explain to me why it's not the right thing and I'm overrating the hell out of Rusev/Lana. Let me hear it....
Yeah, I'd be more excited if ultimately he wasn't just being set up to fall to Cena. Maybe WWE can pospone the feud for a while and I'd be more intrigued. But I fully expect Rusev to be Cena's post-Mania challenger.

Whilst Rusev is away from Cena he has my full attention.
I'd argue that's why I'm not invested in it.

Every contender that has gone up against Rusev I thought might beat him (Big E, Swagger, Henry and now Show) but he comes back and beats them clean. Top that off with Lana being great as a manager (and attractive as well) and you've got a great combo.

I just can't invest into it because I know how this ends. Dominant foreign heel becomes comedy wrestler. It happened with Kozlov, it happened with Tensai and Umaga never really recovered from his loss to Cena either.

I want to be invested in the Rusev program but it's just I can't be bothered if it's just going to lead to comedy jobber status. It's part of the reason I'd love for Kurt Angle to return and be the one to beat Rusev. A great back and forth match between Angle and Rusev with Angle winning for the pride of America would work as the American fans are happy and Rusev gets to stay a monster for taking an American hero to the limit.
Because I don't care about russia and I care even less about american pride and whatnot. He's alright in the ring for the big guy he is, but ultimately not that great, he also has been put against really boring opponents. Honestly at this point I'm just skipping all the rusev-related segments on RAW.
It took me a while to really give a shit about Rusev but over the past couple months I've enjoyed him. One time recently I caught myself actually lost in the television watching his and Lana's entrance schtick and finally got it and wasn't just thinking to myself how bad something was (Dean Ambrose's mannequin anybody?).

He hasn't lost but he does sell well and does things like playing on having an injured limb a lot (limping around, looking like he's in pain) which a lot of guys fail to do and makes him seem like he isn't invincible... he also has a unique moveset, is convincing on the mic and has Lana as a main mouthpiece (in more ways than one, heh) who pretty much everyone seems to love.

I do see him falling to SuperCena eventually and being relegated to mid card then changing gimmicks. You can only run with the "foreign guy who hates America" Iron Sheik gimmick so long... especially in 2014-2015, I'm surprised they went with it... but they've had a Bunny wrestler and Adam Rose lately; so who knows.
You know I was thinking about this and although this is a long shot...

What if Cesaro and Rusev are thrust into some random tag team match on a random SD (holla holla!) and take out like the Usos or some team. They team up again next week, and take out another tag team. Soon they are a force to be reckoned with and eventually set their sights on tag team gold at the Royal Rumble. By some immense stroke of luck the Dust Brothers win and some dissension is teased between RuSaro. Later on in the Rumble match they work together. Cesaro pulls off some really cool spots, eliminates a few heels using his freakish strength (this is kinda important), plays to the crowd...

Rusev sneaks up behind him and eliminates him.

While Cesaro looks shocked, Rusev has a small grin and Cesaro shares the grin. The next night Cesaro comes out and wants to congratulate Rusev, says he lost to a more cunning man (Rusev has to be eliminated by the eventual winner of the Rumble, be it Reigns or Ambrose) Rusev shakes Cesaro's hand and Lana proclaims its good that a man who comes from a cowardly country like Switzerland knows when to bow down to a super power. Lays into him, but Cesaro quietly listens and nods and smiles.

Now at some point towards Mania 31 there will be a battle royal or some important match that will have Rusev in it. Cesaro during a backstage promo declares his support for Rusev and says he will cheer him from ringside. Cesaro does indeed make it to ringside and cheers the Russian. Suddenly though mid match, Cesaro inconspicuously picks up Lana and starts leaving. This will get a pop because Lana till date, has not been touched, let alone hoisted over another man's arms. Rusev loses it, leaves his match, Cesaro drops Lana and finally blasts Rusev with an Uppercut. The action stops in the ring because all cameras are now pointed to the entrance way (ye you wanna make this a big deal, go gungho!) as Cesaro brings back the Giant Swing on the stage and drops the Russian to the right, right off the stage onto the tables, equipment below.

TL;DR Ladies and Gentlemen, you have your match for Mania 31: The Swiss Superman Vs The Undefeated Russian.

Oh Ye Rusev's booking so far, very good.
I hear what you're saying JMT, And I totally understand it. But... let me propose a scenario to play Devil's Advocate that could lead to Cena beating Rusev actually being a huge positive:

Perhaps Rusev and Lana's next logical step is to move on to Sheamus, and attempt to get the U.S. Title. After running through Sheamus and taking the belt, the title becomes the prop in the Rusev/Lana story. All promos become about how the title proves that Rusev is superior to all Americans and no American can defeat him for it. Lana would put the championship over as the ultimate proof that the "Russian Federation" is better than the United States.

Cue a build to Mania where Cena becomes increasingly irritated with this banter, and puts it on himself to be the one who takes the belt back. Have John go in to full on Captain America mode. Have him be "The Marine" type Cena. Let him claim to be doing it for the troops and National pride. And then at the February PPV have Rusev beat John clean. Next have John agree to some outlandish stipulation like- if Rusev beats him again he'll carry a Russian flag to the ring for the rest of the year or something equally corny, just so John can get a second crack at Mania.

Have him walk down the aisle at WM to God Bless America or some shit like that with a parade of war veterans flanking him. And then have him win the belt in some gimmick match where Rusev doesn't have to be pinned, like Last Man Standing or tables, or ladders, or something.

Once WM is through, have Lana claim Rusev has no desire for a rematch as he doesn't want to go back to holding the title of champion of such a pathetic country. Have Lana remind everyone at every chance that Rusev pinned Cena at Fast Lane, but Cena has never pinned Rusev; nor has anyone else for that matter, moving along as if Rusev was almost just as undefeated as beforehand, having never been pinned or tapped out, and have him move on to his post-Cena program still looking reasonably strong.

As for Cena, here's the silver lining. Have Cena move on with the US title as his new pride and joy. Have him cut promos about how important it is for him to wear a title that displays the stars and stripes. Have him claim that he has been World Champion fifteen times, but now his focus is to represent America as the champion of the greatest country in the world. Have him claim fighting for America, as its champion, is the least he can do to honor the Americans that go to war to fight for our freedom. Then let John have the longest US title run in history.

Here's the result:

Have him in the same caliber matches, still being John Cena. No heel turns. No completely stepping aside to relinquish the spotlight. Just a promise to stay focused on being US champion. Book the US title like they used to book the World title, elevating it because of its attachment to Cena. Its something somewhat fresh, but it also most importantly executes the ultimate move of removing Cena from the WWE Title picture for a long period of time, stopping him from adding multiple more reigns, giving other guys the chance to shine with that title, and years(2? 3? maybe more?) down the line Cena can be put back in the WWE title picture after a long absence in a big story of him attempting to tie Ric Flair's record number of reigns.

A sacrifice of Rusev's streak(as long as its handled right and doesn't lead to a burial) would be palatable collateral damage to accomplish what this proposed scenario accomplishes- logically removing Cena from the WWE title picture for an extended period of time without devaluing or changing Cena's standing, marketability, or placement around the top of all the cards. and everyone wins, even Vince, who can stay happy making a killing selling John Cean-related red, white, and blue pro-USA and national pride merchandise.
The Rusev promos are entertaining. Especially every time he said "Big Show you garbage American!!!". The accolade is a cool finisher and I look forward to it every match. I also posted #RusevCrush on WWE fansites all the time ever since it was first spoken. Its a catchy catchphrase and surely one that will be remembered from the Reality Era. I'm enjoying his run because I know it won't last long. Us Rusev fans have to make the best of it! #RusevCrush #ThankYouRusev
^^^ Can't forget

I can also see Papa Pillman's thing but they would REALLY have to build relevancy to the US title to put it on Cena... It's very tough to see him a US Title/stepping stone title - not to mention Sheamus hasn't done a damn thing with it and has been boring as hell up against Miz/Mizdow and really shown his one dimensionality which would be the feud before the feud were it to happen. He might be able to pull it off though.
I can also see Papa Pillman's thing but they would REALLY have to build relevancy to the US title to put it on Cena...

Understandable. But you're forgetting how simple these things can be. The flow chart goes like this...

Title doesn't mean shit----> Cena wins Title----> Cena defends title often and acts like its a big deal to him----> As long as he holds title it then has relevance

Its that easy. Seriously.
It's funny, because I always think to myself how WWE has this tendency to not let things play out long enough, which is why something like the Undertaker's streak, or Goldberg's streak worked, because they actually had time to build in to something to make the fall that much more impactful. Whereas on the other hand, someone like Bo Dallas wins like 16 matches and then randomly loses to R-Truth for no reason. So you would think I should be happy about Rusev's build, but I gotta be honest here…I think he is absolutely awful.

Not even in the, "he's so good at his role that I dislike him" way, but more like the "get off my screen" way. This shtick is SO played out. It feels like a bad '80s angle, being played out in 2014, they are such over the top, one dimensional, cartoon characters. Plus, like the OP said, we all know where this going. He will never sniff the title, will ultimately be fed to Cena, and within a couple of years will be having tea parties with Santino, so why bother with any of this crap?

I think one thing that really doesn't help is that he is working an extended program with Big Show who I also feel a lot of that "get off my screen" contempt for, and prior to that felt like he wrestled Jack Swagger every single show for like a year straight. It's gotten so bad now, that I literally put the TV on mute when he comes out, go do other stuff, and check back when his segment is over. The only full segment of his I've watched in the last month was the one with the Rock, and even then the moment was spoiled for me because as I was trying to fast forward through on DVR, I saw the Rock all of a sudden, and had to rewind. haha

The worst part, is he isn't really that bad of an in-ring worker, but his general look (he looks vaguely Samoan, has something that resembles the Eifel tower on his back plus a flag that isn't Russian, the whole I was Bulgarian/but now I love Russia, the name change, Lana's annoying "shud up, you stupid Americans!" cheap heat, his music, the stupid graphic for his name that reminds me of when Borat put the english translation over the original writing. The whole presentation just annoys me to no end.

Usually I can see value in almost every talent, and think of ways to book them, or improve them, but about the only place I can think to book him would be the unemployment line. And honestly, I know everyone thinks Lana's hot and gives her a pass, but get past the whole sexy secretary bit, and she is basically a decent looking marginal talent, not all that different from say Rosa Mendes. The fact that she is taking up TV time that could be more effectively used by any of the women currently in NXT is bothersome.

So this might be the one time where if super Cena sent them packing back to Bulgaria/Russia, I don't think I'd mind all that much.
Most people like pointing out the trend of turning Foreign Killing Machines into Comedy Jobbers (Kozlov if anything got MORE teaming with Santino than he ever freaking did solo, but that's just me) but I'm gonna deviate.

Basically, the Anti-American shtick HAS to factor into what happens to Rusev after he's conquered. Just dropping it sounds feasible because, hey, it's Vince and Vince is a senile fuck-up nowadays, but I'm going to presume they don't go to all this trouble just to mangle it.

So, 'fast-forward' to Cena finally conquering Rusev and breaking the BulgaRussian's invulnerability. What happens? Well, I forsee him turning face and turning against his manager in the same moment- probably Lana bitching him out a little too much and him snapping.

Anyhoo, in comes Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger. Only they're not here to rub salt in the wound. Rather, they are there to take Rusev under their wing and show him what America is about. Blowharded and SICKENINGLY patriotic to be sure, but here's what you get; you get vigniettes of Rusev truly experiencing the American way of life, learning all of the virtues, enjoying all of the perks. By the time Lana comes back around with her new client(my money would be on Cesaro at that point) Rusev will have dynamically changed into someone who has been absorbed into the Melting Pot and is willing to fight for this country. It turns into an Immigrant story, a bleeding-heart feel-good tale about learning to embrace something profoundly different.

The corniness throughout will be dialed up to Eleven, but there's no getting around that. Just like you won't be able to avoid the smiling face of Lady Liberty on Rusev's new Titantron Theme.
I like your idea, Papa Pillman, but one question I have is if Cena is so patriotic, where does he go after he wins the title from Rusev? The only non-American that people might be able to buy into beating him would be Sheamus, who right now IS the U.S. champion, and has lost a lot of momentum to boot. This whole "USA vs. the World" which is basically the story that you're proposing, doesn't seem to work out after Cena finishes with Rusev. If Cena is so patriotic, the only people that make sense as challengers while Cena is champion are superstars that aren't from America. How many would legitimately pose a threat to Cena's reign?
I can envision a scenario where Rusev isn't just being built up to get fed to Cena and then become a hapless joke comedy character.
They could be building up to instead get fed to Reigns and then become a hapless joke comedy character.

See... that's much different.

I envision him tag teaming with Zack Ryder. Their tag team will be called The Broski & The Russki.
The one thing i really like is how they continued to book Lesnar as a Top Heel with Paul Heyman doing all the talking in Promos. BEating Taker at WM was HUGE. and Not wasting it by having him go on to Beat Cena CLEAN for the title at SS. WHich is unheard of because Cena never loses CLEAN.. It was Fresh, and even tho he is part timer, they built him as a prize fighter and he has Draw power, hes paid his dues.
If you watch the Rock/Rusev promo closely it's clear that they are being very careful not to make Rusev look weak.

Why didn't Rock People's Elbow him or Rock Bottom him? because Rusev would of been made to look like a chump. Instead Rock slapped him around and he fell out of the ring. Rusev was up again in flash as he left ringside. The Rock also attacked him out of nowhere, so it's not like Rusev was getting overpowered by a 40 odd year old part timer.

Rusev going for and winning the US Title would my choice of where he goes from now. They could even have Rusev win the title then dump it the next night, adding to the storyline of his hatred to the US.

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