One thing that you are proud of

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
your country for? Not a nationalistic thread. Just throw one thing out there. I think picking that one thing you are proud of. Heck, do it for your province, state, territory or shire.

Is it an invention? a person? a brand of scotch? a food? whatever you choose.

Mine, I'll do for my province.


Terry Fox

The man tried to run across Canada for research donations for cancer after losing his leg to cancer. Unfortunately on the way, he developed lung cancer and had to stop, dying shortly later at the age of 22. Every year in Canada we run in his honour, and have raised millions for cancer research. A few years ago, Canada ran a campaign to find the greatest Canadian, and he finished second.

He is a personal hero, and is for many who know what he tried to do, especially those touched by the wrath of cancer.

So what one part of your country or whatnot do you look at as being proud of?

Opps, this isn't the Cigar Lounge. Mod could move, or keep it.
I am so proud of the Scottish national pride. That may be a little round about but it makes a little bit of sense. The Scottish people have gone through a lot of things and I think it has given us a bond between us that no one can break.

We are not the best country in the world. Nor are we the finest peoples in the world but I think that we are all very friendly and welcome people to Scotland very well. The Scottish people are amongst the kindest people you will ever come across. You come to Scotland and I promise you that you will be taken aback by how nice the people are... unless you are English.

The passion that is evident between the Scottish people is amazing. Go to a Scotland football match and you will be blown away. Maybe not by the standard of football but by the passion that is evident:


I get shivers just hearing that song...
Our football hooligans, they always put in 110% into the matches.

We also love a good cue.
Film and music. As great as the film and music of other cultures can be, there's a reason why the entire music and movie worlds revolve around the United States: it's the best. No other country produces the quality of music or film that we do. England is the only one that comes close.

No offense to other countries obviously.
It's more the fact I didn't want a pitbull with lipstick helping to run our country. o_O

Also I am proud of the fact we are slowly bridging the racial, religious and sexual orientation gaps in our coutnry finally... slowly of course, but hey it's a start.
I was going to say the respectful nature by which teens treated their elders, but I'll settle for our never violently overthrowing our government.
I don't read the Cigar Lounge, actually. I form my own opinions. Huzzah!

You're 11. The only things you should have an opinion on are bodily movements and candy. In that order.
My TV is way to narrow and expensive for me to get on.

Also you might not haven read the thread.

Stupid Canuck.
Yeah, I didn't read from the beginning. Hush yo mouth....damn Canadian *shakes fist*
I'm actually quite proud of anything I've done on this forum. I just saw that my JTMFTG, Why do We Have This, and Compare and Contrast threads are at the top of their respective sections?

Want to see me stop bragging about this?

Then come on down, and post in any one of these delightful sections! I'll be there a waitin

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