One of the things WWE has done right over the past 3 months.

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Having the WWE World Heavyweight Champion walk around with two belts.

I know it's only the first reign but it makes the title seem so much more official and the prestige of the belt is raised a lot with those two big gold belts around the titleholder.

I know there are reasons other than prestige that they have the two belts (merchandising, mainstream identifies the Big Gold belt with pro wrestling moreso than the WWE belt, plus when sports stars get the belts, some have the big gold, some have the WWE, so WWE hasn't really been consistent on which ones they send out, and they want the publicity of both). But it makes the title of being WWE World Heavyweight Champ a lot more important.

I hope they keep it like that for the forseeable future. Even if they change the design of the WWE Title to match the new logo (even though they JUST got a new belt last year), I hope they still have the dude walk around with the WWE Title and the Big Gold.

How do you feel about the two belts?
The new WWE belt looks ridiculous. They should have brought back the old undisputed belt, or Attitude era world title. Therefore, having the champ walk around with two is best, as it at least diverts some attention from the stupid belt design. If we are stuck with that for another 7 years then help us all! No one outside the WWE is going to see anyone as legit with that toy around their waist. Imagine Lesnar havning that on after being a UFC champ.
Brilliant thread! And finally a thread not about the same old DB, CM Punk, or WCW or fantasy booking threads. This is an enlightening point brought forth after quite some time and somewhere in the back of my mind, it was always present. The two belts held and carried by one person do actually look better and no matter what the IWC might think of Randy Orton, he looks pretty good walking around and posing with those two belts around. IMO the whole Randy Orton being the face of the WWE has either been Lacklustre or hasn't had Randy be the focal point because of that overrated wrestler Daniel Bryan and the abominable so-called YES movement. But in all these months, I've never felt slightly bored or dismayed watching Randy with the titles because contrary to popular IWC opinion, Randy actually has charisma, talent and his matches are entertaining.

That being said, I agree that this is one of the "right" things which the WWE have done in the last 3 months and I would also add to the list of "right" things that they choose Randy Orton and not John Cena(thank the heavens!) as the unified WWE WHC, the Batista heel turn(which itself should've happened sooner), and the continued underestimation and demeaning of Daniel Bryan by HHH and The Authority. What other role would you have a tiny hobbit like Bryan play? Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit's role!? Neh.
I'm a fan of holding the two belts as I've been a boxing fan since I was a kid and it reminds me a lot of Mayweather, De La Hoya etc. walking around dripping with gold for their weight division.

I think the WWE have kept them however so they can split up the titles again in the Post-Mania season. If they were intent on keeping a unified champion they would gladly be marketing a fresh belt for Wrestlemania season. What I can see happening is a triple threat at Extreme Rules with Bryan, Orton and Batista where two of the competitors (lets say Batista & Bryan) but pin Orton at the same time, or Bryan makes him tap whilst Batista is getting the pin, and the WWE declares them both world champions, giving one the WWE Title and the other the World Heavyweight Championship
When I see Orton with two belts it makes me think that Orton isn't who WWE would ideally want as their main champion. I certainly can't imagine Cena being made to hold both of them.

I don't think it works when they're holding two titles. Maybe its because having two belts for the same title is utterly worthless. I can't say I watch much boxing, but I know they hold multiple titles, but are any of them the exact championship just in different designs? Seems unlikely to me. Maybe I don't like it because Jericho was the first Unified Champion who did it and his reign was a complete bomb, or I'm rememberering tag teams having to hold two extra belts for reasons I can't think of. I guess I just associate two belts with losers more than winners.

Likely the reason there are still two belts is so WWE can sell an extra version of their expensive replica titles.
If you guys can recall, when Primo and Carlito lost the Unified tag titles, every new champ won both titles individually. It wasn't until Hart Dynasty came out with new belts that one of the belts was officially retired.

That's why I frankly think these titles will be split at some point. When he loses the title, the next guy will win 2 world titles. This will go on a couple of times just like what happened with the tags, but instead of retiring one of them, someone will take one of the titles off him.
I dont like the title unification and end of brand split. It ends most mid carders world champion dream and many main event matches and lots of story for world title.

My idea is to get back the brand split and split the belt as 2. And bring Draft Raw after Wrestlemania.
I can't say I watch much boxing, but I know they hold multiple titles....

From what I've read, when boxing was in it's heyday, there was one champion per division; it made the person holding the belt the undisputed leader of his domain....and boxing was much more respected than it is today. When different boxing federations were formed, each with it's own champion, it coincided with the legitimacy of the sport fading.

In pro wrestling, who holds the title is determined by management, not the competitors. Given that, it's still better to have one champion because of the ever-standing provision that this guy is the best until someone can knock him off. While many don't care for Randy Orton as the titleholder, he's still a legitimate choice for the role; it's not as if they've installed Santino as the undisputed champ.....Randy has the credentials.

If they want to merge the two title belts into one, that would be a good thing.....but I doubt they will; they'll probably have two champions again some day just because fans like to see matches for the championship and WWE figures if there are more champs, they can have more title contests.

Personally, I hope they keep things as they are now. If everyone with title aspirations is shooting for Randy Orton, it gives his title reign more validity every time he defends it, even if he has to cheat to keep it. Hell, Ric Flair made a living for years doing that.
If they really are going to stay with ONE "unified" champion, I'd like them to have only ONE belt for that champion.

They don't call him the "WWE Champion AND the World Heavyweight Champion", it's the "WWE World Heavyweight Champion". They don't have him defend one championship at one PPV, and the other one on the next.

I don't see the brand extension coming back anytime soon, and they made such a big deal out of unifying the titles that I don't think they have plans to go back to how it was.

I don't really care what type of belt it is, but the champion should only have one.
I love the Two-Belt design of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title. I loved it when Chris Jericho had the Undisputed WWE World Championship Titles. I loved it when Rob Van Dam had the WWE and ECW Championship Titles. I loved it when the Colons, Edge and Chris Jericho, Jeri-Show, D-Generation X, ShoMiz, and the Hart Dynasty had the Unified WWE World Tag Team Championship Titles. I’m just a huge fan of Championship Title Belts and to me, the more the better.
I think unifying the titles was a good move im not sure if they plan on splitting them into two official titles again in the future but id rather they didnt.i think one wwe heavyweight champion is a lot better it seems a lot more important then two champs i always thought two champs kind of halves the prestige.i would rather they went with one belt though.not the wwe title as it has a tacky bling bling look and although i like the design not the heavyweight title either as its usually seen as the number two title they should make a new simple but impressive looking one minus diamonds spinners and other crap.
I don't like it. There's one champion, therefore they only need one belt. I didn't like it when it was done for the Undisputed Championship and I don't like it now. I can understand having the champion use both belts initially to show respect for the prestige of both of the belts that got unified, but there comes a time when either a new one needs to be introduced to represent the new merged title or simply keep one after retiring the other.

I can see them keeping the WWE Championship's design and at some point retiring the World Heavyweight Championship's design. There's no point to keep having the champion bring out both belts anymore. It has been 3 months since the unification. This should change either at Wrestlemania 30 or the Raw following it. It makes sense to wait for a week as historic as that one to reveal a new belt design and/or retire either of the older ones. What I really want to see is a version of the WWE Championship that has a gold plate behind the WWE logo instead of black, to show respect to the big gold belt design, plus it looks cooler. However, I think they'll simply just retire the big gold belt keeping the WWE title exactly the way it is. Either way, it's time to move forward and only have one belt for the one World Champion.
Once again you're missing the point,

There could be 32 world title belts, if the booking behind all of them was done right, all would make sense, the intercontinental title was once on the line in a match putting SCSA vs Rock.
Hell, even the European title was fun and relevant at one point in the early 2000´s.
The amount of belts changes nothing

Even worse, we know it's a temporary solution because he walks with 2 seperate belts, how ridiculous is that? He is the world champ but has 2 belts?? Nah, if you want to let him have both you need to call him world AND wwe champ.

Makes no sense, absolutely awful,

The only reason that it makes it more relevant is because the other title was badly booked. Not because there's only one champ

Good booking makes everything make sense, even a flag on a pole match or a pink slip match
WWE should ditch the WWE Championship and keep the World title belt. IMO, the new one is not brilliant looking. I prefer the classical looking belt for my liking but then again, that's just me.
Its fine for now, but eventually Id like to see ONE belt...with a completely new design. I would love to see a 16 man tournament (or at the minimum 8) to crown an undisputed champion. Maybe at Money in the Bank, Battleground or Survivor Series.

All-Japan has had the Triple Crown for years, which was three belts unified. Only recently have they made the actual switch to one belt - which for me has removed some of the ceremony and pushed the history of the title into the background a little bit. By having two belts WWE is simultaneously honouring its past and giving the title holder a big rub by having them play into a dual lineage. Which is really important, because history and prestige helps to sell, whereas with multiple titles you only have confusion (look at heavyweight boxing, as a reference).

One title makes the championship seem like a much bigger deal. We all knew that the WHC was effectively at the same level as the IC title in the early 90s: not bad, you might say, but not the same as the main belt.

I just wish Orton would find some way of carrying them so one doesn't keep slipping off his shoulders.
Perhaps its time to just follow TNA and UFC in its design of the World Title, keep the World Title design and slap on the WWE logo over the top of it (but blended into the colour scheme rather than the over use of colour). That way you could the Big Gold history but make it the WWE title at the same time.

I do get the feeling WWE do not want to get rid of the Big Gold design.
I do like the look of having the champ walk around with two belts. It does give the wrestler more of a bad ass look like he's hands down the champ, and the man. My only problem with them having him carry both belts is the way Michael Cole went on and on about how we would never see those belts together again. Except we do seem them again. Every single week on Monday, Sometimes Friday, and One Sunday every month. I liked the line when he said it cause i felt it drove home the fact that there will be only one champion. But then to turn around and be like oh well not literally never again is a little stupid. WWE tends to think fans don't remember these small details, but some of us do.

I'm also kinda glad they didn't switch to one belt, cause they would most likely go with the WWE title since its there true title, and I've always been partial to the look of the world heavyweight title. It just has a very simplistic yet prestigious look.

We also have to Keep in mind that back when WWE combined the WWE and WCW belts they had the champ walk around with both belts for a few months till they came out with the Undisputed WWE title belt. (Which till this day is probably my favorite look for the WWE title) So maybe after wrestlemania they'll either drop the WHT or come out with a new belt, which I kinda hope they do. I like the current WWE title's look more than the spinner but it left so much to be desired and i think it has an awkward shape to it.
Barely notice, barely care. Just happy to have one major champ. Feuding over titles is easily explained. Less titles should give the writers more reason to provide back story to a feud. Not that they will, but they should.

May as well have title suspenders, or title cuff links, or how about title dickies?

Maybe they will invent the WWE Network Champion. The belt should consist of a tablet and coaxial cable around the waist and can be only defended on the network.
The new WWE belt looks ridiculous. They should have brought back the old undisputed belt, or Attitude era world title. Therefore, having the champ walk around with two is best, as it at least diverts some attention from the stupid belt design. If we are stuck with that for another 7 years then help us all! No one outside the WWE is going to see anyone as legit with that toy around their waist. Imagine Lesnar havning that on after being a UFC champ.

The Attitude belt was one belt I was happy to see retire. It was beyond fugly. The new belt while it's own kind of ugly looks way better than that one. Being the logo has already changed since then I can see a new belt being created once they milk the one they have for about a year worth of sales. Funny enough.. it seems Orton doesn't like carrying 2 belts as boring as he makes it seem
The new WWE belt looks ridiculous. They should have brought back the old undisputed belt, or Attitude era world title. Therefore, having the champ walk around with two is best, as it at least diverts some attention from the stupid belt design. If we are stuck with that for another 7 years then help us all! No one outside the WWE is going to see anyone as legit with that toy around their waist. Imagine Lesnar havning that on after being a UFC champ.

It's funny you gave that last line, because I don't know if you've watched the UFC, but the WWE title actually looks EXACTLY like a UFC title. Like, so much so that it can't be a coincidence. They had to have gotten the idea for that title from watching the UFC.

Just had to bring that up. But yeah, I definitely think it looks cool to have the champ carrying around two belts. I will that if they plan on keeping the belts together forever, I think they should go with one belt at some point. Eventually the novelty of two belts will wear off, and that'll give them a reason to introduce a brand new belt, to represent both. But I'm not convinced they won't separate the titles again at some point, and that may be the reason there's still two belts.
Barely notice, barely care. Just happy to have one major champ. Feuding over titles is easily explained. Less titles should give the writers more reason to provide back story to a feud. Not that they will, but they should.

May as well have title suspenders, or title cuff links, or how about title dickies?

Maybe they will invent the WWE Network Champion. The belt should consist of a tablet and coaxial cable around the waist and can be only defended on the network.

Sometimes I think they should have run with the Internet Championship concept.
The guy holding the championship, should be the guy that everyone of the Internet community cries for daily and claims to be being buried. I am sure the prestige of such a title would be sky-high in a matter of a few months.

Cheers. Just saying. ;)

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