On WWE's young Brits: Or WTF were they thinking when McIntyre was pushed over Barret?


Is a thin rope
As you've probably guessed from the title, this thread (and hopefully series of threads if it works out) is going to be about things in wrestling that make me say 'what the fuck'. In this case, that's the two Brits who've debuted in the last year Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett. In case you don't know what these two were doing before they got called up I'll give you the longwinded backstory.

Our story begins before their WWE debuts (well, before Drew's redebut. You may remember that he flopped on his first one). Specifically it begins in mid-late 2008, because that's the last time they were booked as equals. At the time, Barrett (under the name of Stu Sanders) and McIntyre were tag team champions in FCW under the name of 'The Empire', here's one of their matches from that time when they were equals.


You can probably notice a few things here, first they lost. Second that Stu Sanders was a better talker than Drew McIntyre (this hasn't changed). Third that they were a pretty good tag team. Fifth that they were both about as good as eachother. and finally that Eric Perez (read: Escobar) was always shit.

So, what happened next for The Empire? Well, in short they imploded. As all good tag teams do, the team split up faced eachother in a couple of matches then got on with their lives. Interestingly, they were still booked as equals at this point, as niether scored a win in either of their (untelevised, I believe) matches, as the first was a time limit draw, the second was a double countout. After the Empire fell? Well... I'll let the footage speak for itself:



Stu Sanders became Lawrence Knight, played second fiddle to Byron Saxton - who apparently attended the Randy Orton Academy of Heel Promocutting - in his 'conglomerate' and on the losing end of a feud with Johnny Prime. In the mean time, Drew McIntyre got a main event push and eventually ended up as Florida Heavyweight Champion. (NB I am aware of the time difference between the two videos, but FCW footage isn't too easy to find and in any case, Drew was put into the main event straight away, as he was in the finals of a tournament to crown the FHC straight after the breakup). And what's more, Drew was essentially given a gimmick he'd been working with for years along with the push. Compare his promo above, with this one from before his signing and note the similarities:


So while Drew was given a big push with a gimmick he'd been working for years, Sanders was given a brand new one, put on the loosing end of a feud with a manager he doesn't need. Fun times for both of them I'm sure.

Flash forward to about a year ago, Drew McIntyre now has a new gimmick (presumably someone realised that the same old shit still stinks and won't get over), which initially consisted of him saying 'The party's over' (which if you recall his previous gimmick, is quite a shift in attitude) and jumping people for seemingly no reason. For some reason Drew didn't get over. So, Mr McEvil was drafted in to vouch for him (and call him a future world champion and a 'badass'), this is sensible as McMahon is still loathed by the crowd (see: Nexus beatdown of him eliciting a positive reaction from the crowd). Drew still didn't get over. To remedy this, they decided to drop the whole 'the party's over' schtick, put him in proper matches, give him a title and see how that works out. So, they fed him John Morrison. Specifically a John Morrison who was the hottest he'd ever been, and was cutting some almost decent promos (a feat he has yet to repeat). It didn't work, Drew got the same middling amount of heat, and Morrison cooled off, caught 'Shelton Syndrome' and went back to being a charismaless spotmonkey. Drew's quest to get over continued by going on a short losing streak where McMahon would expunge the losses from his record (failed), beating up Matt Hardy (failed), and feuding with Teddy Long (failed). Drew is finally beginning to get over as a heel, but my god he took his sweetass time about it.

You may be wondering what happened to Lawrence Knight at this time. Well presumably he continued to do nothing in FCW for a while, but at around the same time as Drew McIntyre was trying (and failing) to get over, something went Knight's way. He became Wade Barrett, stepped into the commentary booth and became the single most entertaining person on FCW. Observe:


Eventually the NXT season one rookies were called up, and the rest was history. Wade proceeded to outperform every other rookie at promocutting and (with a couple of exceptions) at wrestling. He was also finally put into title contention in FCW at this time, when he was in two triple threat matches for the title. He was unsuccessful on both occasions, but on the second occasion it was because he was paid off to give the 'third man' (Alex Riley) the win (completing the storyline that removed him from the booth in the first place).

Which leads on to the point of this thread, which is what the fuck were they thinking when it was decided to push Drew McIntyre over Stu Sanders (which, imo is where it all went wrong)? Stu was not only the better wrestler (if we include mic skills), he was also the one who can get himself over better. Which he did in FCW (when he was a better colour commentator than any of his contemparies on the main shows) and on NXT (when he revealed to the world that he's good in the ring and completely unflappable). In the 4 months he's had on the roster, he's successfully gotten more over than Drew has in 10, and he's done it largely off his own efforts. Nexus did, admittedly take him from 'that guy off NXT' to getting ME level heat (except when beating up McMahon, proving that it's not McMahon's fault Drew hasn't been able to sponge any heat off him); but I think he would have gotten to that point anyway as he simply needs exposure and a microphone to get over (which he did very effectively in FCW and NXT). Winning NXT and feuding with Cena would have provided that. Nexus however (and the numbers agree with me here), was the superior road to go down.

So yeah, Wade Barrett is better than Drew McIntyre, he's proven it (what with him getting over and being entertaining) and I hope that whoever thought that it was the other way around gets his ass removed from the booking commitee and slapped in the face.

It all comes down to the higher ups that saw something in Drew McIntyre that reminded them of a young Triple H, the fact that someone is watching a rookie, and is reminded of one of their obvious Hall of Fame wrestlers, the one guy who has won the most world championships in WWE, and is hugely over, it does something for people's opinion on you in the roster.

Drew McIntyre was lucky to be in the right place at the right time, looking good in front of Vince McMahon, something Wade Barrett might not have had the luck of, I believe there could have been a chance that Wade Barrett was out with the injury during the time of which Drew McIntyre was debuting.

Wade Barrett seems to be getting the push over Drew McIntyre right now either way, he is rumored to be set to feud with John Cena over the summer, while I don't know whether that is true, it seems like it could happen to him and The Nexus feuding with John Cena already.

Wade Barrett has a championship contract as well, he's getting good heat, he's getting put together with some of the bigger guys, something Drew McIntyre can't even truly brag about (with exception of Big Show and Undertaker, some which he has lost to, Wade Barrett has wrestled John and lost, but ultimately put him down viciously alongside the other rookies).

Drew McIntyre's "love" has been down a little bit, and I think that is where Wade Barrett steps in, and perhaps becomes more pushed than Drew, I can imagine that Wade has the better reputation backstage as well because he simply is that good as opposed to Drew McIntyre getting places due to influential love.
It all comes down to the higher ups that saw something in Drew McIntyre that reminded them of a young Triple H, the fact that someone is watching a rookie, and is reminded of one of their obvious Hall of Fame wrestlers, the one guy who has won the most world championships in WWE, and is hugely over, it does something for people's opinion on you in the roster.

But as I said, Drew McIntyre was pushed from being an equal to being far superior despite the pair being roughly equal in everything except mic skills. It's unfathomable to me.

Drew McIntyre was lucky to be in the right place at the right time, looking good in front of Vince McMahon, something Wade Barrett might not have had the luck of, I believe there could have been a chance that Wade Barrett was out with the injury during the time of which Drew McIntyre was debuting.

Thing is though, they were in the same place at the same time and that's why I don't get it. They're both about the same size, Stu a little bigger, both about as tallented, and one guy's more charismatic. I just don't get it.

Wade Barrett seems to be getting the push over Drew McIntyre right now either way

Yes he is. Because he's finally proven once and for all that he is better than Drew McIntyre.

he is rumored to be set to feud with John Cena over the summer, while I don't know whether that is true, it seems like it could happen to him and The Nexus is feuding with John Cena already.

And the feud should be a good one.

Wade Barrett has a championship contract as well, he's getting good heat, he's getting put together with some of the bigger guys, something Drew McIntyre can't even truly brag about (with exception of Big Show and Undertaker, some which he has lost to, Wade Barrett has wrestled John and lost, but ultimately put him down viciously alongside the other rookies).

Yes he has. Presumably because WWE hit upon the goldmine that is Nexus, and ran with thit.

Drew McIntyre's "love" has been down a little bit

He certainly seems to have been depushed somewhat.

and I think that is where Wade Barrett steps in, and perhaps becomes more pushed than Drew

Which should have been the case in the first place.

I can imagine that Wade has the better reputation backstage as well because he simply is that good as opposed to Drew McIntyre getting places due to influential love.

I am not one for backstage speculation, but Wade Barrett is certainly doing more with his push than Drew did.
2 things from that last video: 1-Wade Barrett is pretty funny. 2-The WWE needs to let Serena wrestle. She's not bad.

As for the topic, I really don't get the fascination with Drew McIntyre. He has no personality, and it's not as though he stands out in the ring. He's alright, but not only has he been surpassed by Barrett, he's also been surpassed by Sheamus. There was a time when they were on similar levels as well, but Sheamus has really run with his opportunity. You can't say the same about Drew. I'm tired of Drew running to Vince for help, I'm tired of Drew's promos that have absolutely no emotion. I just don't get Drew's appeal.
2 things from that last video: 1-Wade Barrett is pretty funny.

Yes he is. Look at more FCW stuff you youtube. He has more where that came from.

2-The WWE needs to let Serena wrestle. She's not bad.

Yes they do. Not yet though, the time isn't right.

As for the topic, I really don't get the fascination with Drew McIntyre.

Niether do I. He's alright, but he simply doesn't seem to be able to deliver when he should be.

He has no personality, and it's not as though he stands out in the ring.

Yep, whichever betting man chose to back Drew is stubborn though, because he has been pushed hard for two years.

He's alright, but not only has he been surpassed by Barrett, he's also been surpassed by Sheamus.

I wouldn't compare him to sheamus. The latter was given a monster push which intitially failed. It wasn't until after he dropped the title that he was truely elevated to Main Event level.

There was a time when they were on similar levels as well, but Sheamus has really run with his opportunity.

Yes he has. Monster push, or no monster push Sheamus managed to get over as a MEer.

You can't say the same about Drew.

No. You probably can't.

I'm tired of Drew running to Vince for help

In fairness, that's his gimmick. He's Vince's golden boy, he has however failed to sponge enough heat from it to get over.

I'm tired of Drew's promos that have absolutely no emotion.

Works for Randy. Though Randy is considerably better than Drew.

I just don't get Drew's appeal.

Niether do I.
First of all, phenomenal post. I was able to be educated a little bit about both Barrett and McIntyre, as well as learn how their careers took different paths. I don't even think it's debatable. Yes, Barrett is better than McIntyre. Better in the ring, better on the stick, and although both have the necessary look, I tend to find McIntyre rather annoying on the mic, and I have no idea what management saw in him to put him ahead of Wade in the pecking order. I also have no idea how this guy could be compared to The Game. Accent or not, he sounds like he's got a problem. He was a diamond in the rough for sure, and thank god for NXT, because otherwise, there'd still be no Wade Barrett.

Pardon the rant, but yes, Wade Barrett > Drew McIntyre, no questions asked. And even with a comparison to HHH, Trips was never the most talented guy in the locker room, and strategically used backstage politics to rise to the top.
First of all, phenomenal post. I was able to be educated a little bit about both Barrett and McIntyre, as well as learn how their careers took different paths.

Thanks, I worked hard on it.

I don't even think it's debatable. Yes, Barrett is better than McIntyre. Better in the ring, better on the stick,

I definately agree with you there. The two year delay has allowed Barrett to better himself considerably, as did NXT where he improved leaps and bounds throughout the show.

and although both have the necessary look, I tend to find McIntyre rather annoying on the mic

I don't know about annoying (since he's trying to be), but he's definately missing sometihng in the promo department. Not as much as someone like Morrison, but still something.

and I have no idea what management saw in him to put him ahead of Wade in the pecking order.

I can't believe they left Wade in FCW for so long. I really can not.

I also have no idea how this guy could be compared to The Game.

The finisher and the general look I think. Also markist hyperbole. Morrison was the next HBK a few months ago.

Accent or not, he sounds like he's got a problem.

Agreed, he speaks quietly and with no emotion whatsoever. I don't know what it is but he seems to be missing something, bith in the ring and on the mic.

He was a diamond in the rough for sure, and thank god for NXT, because otherwise, there'd still be no Wade Barrett.

He was Wade Barrett pre-FCW and without NXT he'd probably have come up as Wade Barrett. Probably to ECW where he'd have gathered a following, and eventually gone to one of the other brands.

Pardon the rant, but yes, Wade Barrett > Drew McIntyre, no questions asked.

!00% agreed.

And even with a comparison to HHH, Trips was never the most talented guy in the locker room, and strategically used backstage politics to rise to the top.

I sort of disagree there. HHH would have made it to the top eventually. Politicing or not he was tallented, charismatic and had a great look. He'd have been a star no matter which ass he was tapping.
But as I said, Drew McIntyre was pushed from being an equal to being far superior despite the pair being roughly equal in everything except mic skills. It's unfathomable to me.
Unfathomable!? Please, McIntyre is SUPERIOR. Mic skills can be developed the 'IT' factor can not.
Nexus did, admittedly take him from 'that guy off NXT' to getting ME level heat
Yes which is why anybody is even talking about Wade Give him two years and lets see if your still this high on him.
He certainly seems to have been depushed somewhat.
Why do you think that? Because he lost the IC title? I believe he dropped the belt so he can move onto bigger and better things.....Feud with Mysterio anyone?

To summarize at the end of the day Drew was picked over Wade because WWE saw something in him and for Vince to back ANYONE even if its a gimmick still means alot. Do you think Vince would just make anyone his chosen one? I believe not. But all is not lost for Wade he is talented on the mic(not so much in the ring) and hes apart of the hottest storyline going on in WWE. But If you put Mcintyre in Wades spot you guys would be all over his dick like you are Wade. But I do have to say it looks like you put alot into your thread and I respect that.
But as I said, Drew McIntyre was pushed from being an equal to being far superior despite the pair being roughly equal in everything except mic skills. It's unfathomable to me.

Again, it is still something based on the likings and what the actual main roster guys / management sees of potential in you, and what they think is possible to do with you, considering Drew McIntyre as I said was seen as a young Triple H, that gives you bonus over someone else, unless Wade Barrett was seen as the Evolution like Triple H, which would've given Wade an edge.

Thing is though, they were in the same place at the same time and that's why I don't get it. They're both about the same size, Stu a little bigger, both about as tallented, and one guy's more charismatic. I just don't get it.

I don't exactly know when Wade and Drew was looked upon by Vince, but I would guess if Drew was to be chosen over Wade it has to have been during the time where Wade was in the commentary booth and injured.

And even with that, you can't deny the fact that someone in management or Vince himself did NOT see the resemblance but saw the superiority in Drew, I don't know how Vince or anybody thinks, but it all comes down to the person who looks upon it.

Yes he is. Because he's finally proven once and for all that he is better than Drew McIntyre.

I have always found Wade to be superior to Drew, but again, I cannot tell how someone else decided to look at these two talents, and what their reasons was to choose one over the other, I do believe that Wade will be world champion before Drew although.

And the feud should be a good one.

Indeed, anything involving John Cena and pushing young talent is bound to be good in some manner, especially with a guy like Wade who has the insane potential of the world.

Yes he has. Presumably because WWE hit upon the goldmine that is Nexus, and ran with thit.

Even if he didn't have The Nexus, he would've still had the contract because he wouldn't get fired in the first place for assaulting people because he'd be all on his own, but I do agree that The Nexus is a goldmine waiting to explode.

And Wade is running it, can't be more than a plus side to it all.

He certainly seems to have been depushed somewhat.

Yes because the backstage people didn't like it because they didn't feel he paid his dues, nobody wanted to work with him because he was supposedly being an ass who came off as expecting like he earned stuff.

Which should have been the case in the first place.

That is true.

I am not one for backstage speculation, but Wade Barrett is certainly doing more with his push than Drew did.

That is true again.

As I mentioned, Drew is catching heat for not earning his position in the company, Wade Barrett has already now scratched and clawed his way through NXT, impressed the living hell out of everybody, and John Cena, the damn face of the company has said "let me work with these guys" or well I don't think he exactly said that, but I'm guessing he agreed.
Nice post, hope to see more of your series. Good work.

I somewhat disagree though. To be honest I've seen great things in Drew since day 1. He's a decent in ring wrestler but his mic work is in the higher realms of the WWE roster. His promo's are great and the work he's been doing with Long has been great. I don't know why you can't see it. His mannerisms and actions in and out of the ring have been top notch in my opinion.

Now Barret, he's very talented too. But, I didn't pay much attention to him until the whole Nexus thing. I watched him on NXT but was way too into Danielson to care about him. He gave me the feeling that he's decent but not amazing. Drew did. I would bet that if Drew was given Barrett's role as a debut, leading the most interesting faction since Evolution he would get over just as much as Barrett.

Now this doesn't mean I'm a Barrett hater or a Drew mark. I'm not huge on either but I definatley see a lot of potential from both. I see them both as equal still and see world title's in both of their careers.

Good luck to both of them I say.

Nice thread though I enjoyed reading it and look forward to more.
Unfathomable!? Please, McIntyre is SUPERIOR.

What exactly makes Drew 'superior'? It's not mic skills, Wade outshines him there. It's not wrestling ability, when the push was made, they were on the same level. It's not that Drew was the star because they were booked as equals, and Wade is the one who made himself a star whenever he was given the chance.

Mic skills can be developed the 'IT' factor can not.

And yet, Drew is the one lacking in both departments in my opinion. Of course, that depends entirely on what you cinsider the 'it factor' to be.

Yes which is why anybody is even talking about Wade.

Disagree. I was talking about him from the MOMENT I heard him cut a great promo on the first NXT show. I became a mark for him when I saw him wrestle. NXT or no NXT, he'd get more over than Drew given the same oppertunity and time frame.

Give him two years and lets see if your still this high on him.

Well, I'm high on his commentary from a year ago and his work on the UK indie scene from longer ago than that. Does that count?

Why do you think that?

Firstly because I read this weeks spoilers (which I won't go into here). Secondly because he's been stationary. In my eyes, a push constitutesmoving(i.e. being pushed) up the card. That hasn't happend to McIntyre recently.

Because he lost the IC title?

No. Because he dropped the Intercontinental title to feud with Teddy Long because his IC title reign failed to get him over.

I believe he dropped the belt so he can move onto bigger and better things.

We'll see soon enough.

Feud with Mysterio anyone?

:lmao: No for two reasons. Firstly because you don't jump from former IC champion feuding with Teddy Long to WHC contender and secondly because he's not over enough.

To summarize at the end of the day Drew was picked over Wade because WWE saw something in him and for Vince to back ANYONE even if its a gimmick still means alot.

The question is, WHAT did they see in him. From what I can tell, Wade was greater than or equal to Drew in all important areas and has since demonstrated an ability to get himself over. When Wade is given the ball he runs with it. He was given the FCW commentary job, knowing full well it would be temporary. What did he do? Commentary so fucking good, that he was put straight back in the booth after Dusty came back, and then shot into title contendership based on his commentary work. What has Drew done to get himself over? Absolutely jack shit.

Do you think Vince would just make anyone his chosen one? I believe not.

No. I think that somebody, somewhere sees something in Drew (god knows what) and gave him EVERY SINGLE aid to getting over that was available. Hence the (failed) heatsponging off McMahon. The clean wins over a red hot Morrison, et al.

But all is not lost for Wade he is talented on the mic

Yes he is.

(not so much in the ring)

Excuse me while I titter. Let me guess, you also think John Cena is shit in the ring and is ruining pro wrestling. You're simply wrong about Wade Barrett's wrestling ability.

and hes apart of the hottest storyline going on in WWE.

Yes he is.

But If you put Mcintyre in Wades spot you guys would be all over his dick like you are Wade.

No I wouldn't. I started liking Wade from the second he opened his mouth to say "My name is Wade Barrett...". I became a mark after I looked at his works (,ye mighty and dispair) on youtube. Can't say I got that high on McIntyre. Who has A had more chances to get em to take an interest, B more stuff on youtube and C been given a more sustained push than Barrett has.

I'm going to go ahead and flip it though. I honestly believe that Barrett would have gotten more over than McIntyre if he was 'the chosen one'. Because he is simply BETTER than McIntyre. He connects to the crowd better, he works better and he gets himself over better.

But I do have to say it looks like you put alot into your thread and I respect that.


Nice post, hope to see more of your series. Good work.

Thankyou very much. I think my next thread won't be a 'WTF' thread, but one about 'Shelton Syndrome'.

I somewhat disagree though.

Well disagreement is the cornerstone of debate.

To be honest I've seen great things in Drew since day 1.

Good that it's not just someone in the booking commisson.

He's a decent in ring wrestler but his mic work is in the higher realms of the WWE roster.

Agreed, he's got all of the ingredients there, but something doesn't quite right. To use an analogy, it's like you've eaten some really great food at a restaurant prepared by a master chef. You buy the Chef's recepie book and find the recepie for the delicious food you just ate. You follow the recepie to the letter, but for some reason it doesn't tase as good. That's what it's like with McIntyre. All the ingredients are there and everything's been done right, but the results are less than expected.

His promo's are great and the work he's been doing with Long has been great. I don't know why you can't see it.

Like I say, he's doing all of the right things, but he can't seem to connect with the crowd that well. His actions against Morrison should have garnered more heat. He's association with Vince should have garnered more heat. His actions against Hardy should have garnered more heat. And that's it. THere seems to be an invisible barrier between him and the crowd that prevents connection with them.

His mannerisms and actions in and out of the ring have been top notch in my opinion.

See above. It's all there but it's not having the desired effect.

Now Barrett, he's very talented too.


But, I didn't pay much attention to him until the whole Nexus thing. I watched him on NXT but was way too into Danielson to care about him.

Yep, even I thought Danielson was going to win NXT. Hard to be as impressive when you aren't booked as 'the corporate champion', but as a rookie next to Bryan Danielson.

He gave me the feeling that he's decent but not amazing.

Fair enough.

Drew did.

And if Drew McIntyre had been debuted at the same time as seven other people including Bryan Danielson? You mentioned above that you didn't care about him because of Danielson. Would you have cared about Drew in the same cercimstances?

Drew has been given a million chances to get over. He simply has NOT capitalised on them to the same degree as Wade did whenever he was given a microphone.

I would bet that if Drew was given Barrett's role as a debut, leading the most interesting faction since Evolution he would get over just as much as Barrett.

I doubt that would have happened, I really do. Mostly because I doubt Drew would have been able to capitalise as well as Wade did on his chances. Wade got his attention by simply destroying every other person on the mic, and when asked to word the crowd, he was able to do so. Drew, like I say, just seems to lack that ability to connect with fans.

Now this doesn't mean I'm a Barrett hater or a Drew mark. I'm not huge on either but I definatley see a lot of potential from both. I see them both as equal still and see world title's in both of their careers.

Fair enough. You don't seem to be someone blinded by love or hate for either man.

Good luck to both of them I say.

Indeed, I hope they both succeed.

Nice thread though I enjoyed reading it and look forward to more.

Thanks again.
First of all i am usually biased to Drew being Scottish and he's a Rangers fan anaw.

HHH, HBK and Vince seen something in him clearly Barratt wasn't as lucky but what two things does Drew have better than Barratt? Looks and Accent.

Nothing against Barratt looks or his voice (i think is excellent) but those two things can get you far and it seems they got him a massive push.

I prefer Barratt over Drew as a Wrestler also.

Yet another fantastic post Remix :)
First of all i am usually biased to Drew being Scottish and he's a Rangers fan anaw.

Fair enough. I'm English, so I'm genetically predisposed to favor my countrymen as well.

HHH, HBK and Vince seen something in him clearly Barratt wasn't as lucky but what two things does Drew have better than Barratt? Looks and Accent.

I disagree about the look. Wade looks the part, both as a wrestler and as a successful bare knuckle fighter. And the 'accent advantage' is diluted by the fact that McIntyre can't talk to save his life. He's either rediculously quiet, or rediculously angry. The former doesn't work if you're trying to cut a promo, the latter doesn't work if you're trying to play a cold calculating heel. Which McIntyre was before Wrestlemania.

Two things Barrett has over McIntyre is Tallent and Charisma.

Nothing against Barratt looks or his voice (i think is excellent) but those two things can get you far and it seems they got him a massive push.

Not as far as tallent and charisma.

I prefer Barratt over Drew as a Wrestler also.

Fair enough.

Yet another fantastic post Remix :)

Thank you.

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