Omg X2!

I figured you might be.

The thing is, Dwight Howard's not too old at all. Probably 21 or 22. He's got some years left to develop, barring injury. And I was being nice...I meant that he was the second coming, in that he was with Orlando, lost his first Finals appearance with Orlando, and will probably win that title somewhere else. Howard will be good, but nowhere near Shaq at his peak. Shaq was immpossible to guard in his prime. Period.
I've not checked in a while, but I used to have Bif Naked, and Gordon from Tragically Hip following me on Twitter. In fact, Bif has tweeted back to me a couple times, asking if I thought she could sell out one of Cincy's smaller venues (Taft Theater). I love my twitter account, I just don't have time to maintain it.
dude. I was being sarcastic. Dwight, at his apex, wont be able to lace Shaq's sneakers. Dude, as a Kings fan. I can attest. Shaq was absolutely absurd back in the day.

If you mean by offensive fouling Vlade or Pollard pretty much every time Shaq touched the ball.. then yeah, he was absurd. ;)

The Kings got fucking robbed in 2002, dude. Shaq and Dwight play the exact same way today as Shaq did back then, but the NBA refs don't suck their dicks like they use to Shaq, so they both get in foul trouble nearly every game. It should've been like that with Shaq during the Lakers 3 titles run. Nearly every time that fucker touched the ball, he'd lower his shoulder and plow his way to the goal. That's a fucking offensive foul every single time, but it hardly ever got called. Instead, Vlade got a reputation as a flopper, which was horseshit because Derek Fisher is the biggest flopper in the history of the fucking game and all calls goes towards that douchebag's way. Damn, I can go on all day here. The bottom line is that the Kings got rob, and fuck that overrated hack Shaq. I cannot stand that motherfucker.

On subject, I follow quite a few celebs on Twitter as well, but I never attempted to talk to any of them.
Fuck twitter, in one day last week I had a conversation with Ike Taylor, L.C. Greenwood, and Maxime Mother fucking Talbot. AKA Max mother fucking Superstar... Now that's what I am fucking talking about..FUCK...
Wow, I might get a twitter, and Dwight Howard one of my favorite in the NBA, along with Brandon Roy, I wish howard would go to the Blazers, I'd be in 7th Heaven.

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