Olympic Foosball

The problem OSU has is that the SEC has so much speed it's unstoppable. OSU had Ted Ginn JR who was fast, but he didn't play defense. The Big Ten just doesn't have the toughness of the SEC. That schedule top to bottom is full of monsters. As soon as Ginn ran that kick back, I said outloud to absolutely no one, Florida is going to kill them. And that's exactly what happened.
The problem was the OSU defense couldn't keep up with Florida and Florida got past them every time and it was like target practice for Leek.
That was damn scary. I've always wondered what would have happened if he'd been in the rest of the game. That was early in the 4th I beleive.
The next series, Leek went 6-6 and tied it up. OSU looked stunned. Ginn could've played all ngiht and the Bucks didn't have a prayer.
Last year, the problem was friggin personal fouls. Wells kept us in that game, but there's no way you are going to beat an LSU with the stupid penalties that we were committing.

I woke up BALLS early in Italy to listen to that game online. I was PISSED.
It was the same thing all over again. Speed and power again precision. Speed and power will win every time.
I was there. I was in the first row of fans that was going to rush the field. I saw that up on the big screen, turned to the girl I was there with, and said we're in trouble. 81 Right I Black Berlin. That was the play LSU ran. Laborious, to coin a phrase.
Don't worry KB...UK football has a few bright spots...for instance:

Until the day I die I will argue that Couch wasn't anywhere near as big of a bust as he was made out to be.

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