Old School Smackdown?


Dark Match Jobber
What do you guys think of an old school Smackdown ? Have it go live for one night only, bring back the very first theme song , logo, and the oval titantron. Highlight a couple of the best matches. Have both shows there for the event. Bring back guys like JBL, Austin, and The Rock. Also bring it back to the Thursday timeslot.

What do you guys think. ?

Would you watch. ?

Do you see the WWE doing in the near future ?
What point would this serve? They did it with Raw because it's their flagship show and has enjoyed a very enventful & played a huge part in the WWE's success, not to mention it's the show that garners most ratings. Whereas Smackdown is their B Show, it was around in the WWFs peak but few would argue it had any true relevance in the WWF Vs WCW saga, it was designed to compete with WCW Thunder for sure but other then that it didn't play and still hasn't played much a role in the WWF/WWEs history (other then providing CENA and a handful of others)

Would they want to spend that much money on bringing back a traditional set? No way, it would cost a fortune.

It would be too much of a headache to change scheduling for one night only

It would cause too much havoc on their touring schedule to do it live also Smackdown was never a live show.

Most guys synonymous with the Smackdown brand and era won't draw in too many more viewers to be worth while, The Rock, after all it was 'his show' would be on the only sensible person to bring back along with JBL but other people have jumped brand so many times and/or had equal success on each brand that it all seems kinda pointless & let us not forget Rey Mysterio is still an active member of the WWE Roster so doesn't count.

They always highlight a couple of their best matches in the vault thing anyways

It all seems kind of redundant and thats why it won't happen anytime soon, maybe in another 10 or 15 years time, if it's still even active then.
If this were to happen, I bet you ten bucks it would happen on Monday Night on the USA Network. I can see it now "NEXT WEEK, RAW GOES RETRO SMACKDOWN!"

All honestly, when Smackdown reaches a milestone of some sort, I don't know what milestone it would be, maybe 500th episode if that hasn't happen yet. Regardless, when that happens I wouldn't be surprised if they did something special. However I highly doubt they would move it off Friday night for one night. It is like admitting that there product isn't as good as it once was.

As for bringing back the old school set, if it is sitting in storage somewhere in Stanford, Connecticut maybe that would happen, besides that though don't hold your breath.Like mentioned before it would cost too much to rebuild the old school set for a one night special on a Friday Night on SyFy Network.

The only real thing I can see happen for the next big milestone of Smackdown is for them to have a "celebration". A celebration means that the Raw wrestlers will come over to Smackdown and have some matches there, they will recap some of the best moments on Smackdown and most likely people like The Rock and Austin will have taped messages for the audience.

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