Discussion of an "Old School" Nitro?

Two things here:
1. Seems like the IWC complete forgot what Vince said the day that the WWE purchased WCW. On Monday Night Raw, Vince said that he was going to put WCW on a shelf for it to sit and rot. There is NO WAY Vice is going to do an old school Nitro, because that would mean giving respect to what WCW was. In Vince's mind, WCW was a cancer, one that has no need to ever be brought back.

2. IF they were to bring it back, why has no one mentioned El Dandy? Who are all of you to doubt El Dandy? This guy is a serious professional.

also, to Kostaki, Chyna just made a new porno, so I'm thinking that WWE might want to pass up on inviting her back to anything :)
Would be as irrelevant, boring and pointless as the "Old School" RAW was considering few of importance could or would possibly be there.

Bischoff? TNA.
Hogan? TNA.
Flair? TNA.
Sting? TNA.

That right there encompasses about 80% of what made WCW WCW in the first place.

So who's actually available? Goldberg, DDP, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Scott Hall, Lex Luger, Randy Savage, Vader, Arn Anderson and Kevin Nash, technically.

Goldberg has repeatedly said he doesn't want to come back for a cheap pop, and only under the right circumstances.

DDP retired from wrestling and said he wanted to continue his movie career.

Booker T is probably available, though he's been "rumored" for WWE for some time now and it's yet to happen, Steiner is available, Hall is a mess, but available, Luger is a wreck, but available, Savage is probably available, Anderson is already working backstage in WWE and Nash is technically available as well.

Sounds like a monumental waste of time if you ask me, but what the fuck do I know? I'm blind.
Buff Bagwell,Lex Lugar,DDme,Ming&Barbarian,Kevin Sullivan,Harlem Heat,Konan,Kevin Nash&Sting if niether resign with TNA scott hall Sixpac Goldberg, Hughe Morris Alex Wright, Disco inferno, there are plenty of people they can bring in for a old school show that dont involve Hogan WCW was around before him so they dont need him. Dick Mcmhan could use the old school Nitro to try and get Sting and Goldberg for the hall of fame but they probably still wouldn't do it cause who wants their careers mocked and made fun of and thats what the dick would do bury every WCW character by having one of his guys do shit to them only the ones that need the money would be involved so it woulndn't mean shit for old WCW fans to watch it.
also, to Kostaki, Chyna just made a new porno, so I'm thinking that WWE might want to pass up on inviting her back to anything :)

Would be a valid point, except it didn't stop them from using "Sexual Chocolate" again with Mark Henry or Mae Young audibly calling two women "****s" and "bitches" without it being censored at all. It seems like they have teased and are willing to ease back into being just a little edgier again.
I think seeing an oldschool Nitro would be interesting and I liked the idea when I first read the article. However, the question does come up. Who would they bring in? Sting is in TNA. Hogan, Bischoff, and the rest of the NWO guys pretty much all are too. Goldberg might make an appearance. Then there's a lot of other guys who were in WCW but have since become WWE guys already. I hope we aren't in for a Shockmaster appearance, watch Santino get stuck doing an impression of him. So other than maybe Goldberg there aren't many people they could bring in who aren't already WWE guys or under contract with TNA. The idea sounds a lot better than it really is because while Nitro was awesome back in the day, it could flop when they aren't able to bring that many people in for an appearance. It would be awesome to see some of the old WCW sets and logos though if they do it the way they did with the oldschool Raw.
Like others have said I highly doubt VKM do this and even if he did who wanna see bunch of lame midcarders/jobbers who did squat in wCw anyways...atleast the legends on Old Skool RAW was great back in the day.
The problem with these "Old School" nights (if the first was anything to judge it by) is that they're not throwbacks a la TNA's Hardcore Justice PPV where the current crop of company performers take a back-seat for a night to let the old guard at it one more time, rather all they did in the case of RAW was bring in a few old faces (who we've seen a dozen times before in segments just like they were featured in [some very recently]) and then throw them into pointless comedy skits and backstage segments. It's irrelevant. Utterly irrelevant. They didn't even show famous clips from historical RAW moments, so honestly, why should I give a shit?

"Old School" RAW was was little more than a ploy to get some of the "old school" fans to tune in and watch the new school DPC members compete all night like any other RAW, just this time in a throwback ring with blue steel ring posts and a grey canvas while everyone wore apparel with the original WWF logo on it. Oh, I'm sorry, and a to appease those "old school" fans, they threw in a couple highly predictable "surprise" appearances from WWE HOF alumni. What a crock of shit. If RAW was any indication of how a WCW version would be constructed, count me the fuck out. I have no desire to watch talentless and boring vanilla midgets wrestle in pointless feuds no one should give a shit about just because they're doing so in a ring with a darker grey canvas and black ropes.
I think seeing an oldschool Nitro would be interesting and I liked the idea when I first read the article. However, the question does come up. Who would they bring in? Sting is in TNA. Hogan, Bischoff, and the rest of the NWO guys pretty much all are too. Goldberg might make an appearance. Then there's a lot of other guys who were in WCW but have since become WWE guys already. I hope we aren't in for a Shockmaster appearance, watch Santino get stuck doing an impression of him. So other than maybe Goldberg there aren't many people they could bring in who aren't already WWE guys or under contract with TNA. The idea sounds a lot better than it really is because while Nitro was awesome back in the day, it could flop when they aren't able to bring that many people in for an appearance. It would be awesome to see some of the old WCW sets and logos though if they do it the way they did with the oldschool Raw.

there are plenty, and i mean plenty of WCW wrestlers that aren't under contract with TNA or WWE that could make an appearance. Take my list from before, and thats pretty much all they had for OSR. And some of these guys can still wrestle and put on a good entertaining match. And there's still more. Steve "Mongo" McMichael, La Parka (The Chairman of Monday Nitro), Alex Wright/Berlyn, Juvi, Psychosis, Elix Skipper, Mark Jindrak, Wrath with a tribute to Mortis (sorry, huge Kanyon mark). Hell, Main even, Wrath vs Glacier..... Money man, MONEY. I mean, there's plenty of guys.

Granted, there are a lot of dead ones, which is unfortunate, but a show using even the mid/low card WCW names would work, because a lot of casual fans havn't seen these people in a long time

crap, almost forgot, ERNEST "THE CAT" MILLER.....!!!!
I think they need to do an old skool smackdown though...they could actually bring back wreslers from that time period for the show. It would work more then an old skool Nitro, as I have a feeling that VKM just mess it all up and have all the wCw superstars job to WWE superstars.

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