Ol' Dirty Bastard's "Shimmy Shimmy" song as the new theme of RAW


Pre-Show Stalwart
The theme of the opening credits for monday night Raw is always a rock'in roll track. For once why can't for RAW, or any other brand for the matter. Have a Hip-Hop track as it's opening theme track? Sure on Smackdown between 2003-4 the theme was a Hip-Hop track (kind of) from a rapper we've really never heard of (mostly likely John Cena's cousin "Tha Trademark").

So why not have the late Ol' Dirty Bastard aka Dirt McGirt's track from back in '96 "Shimmy Shimmy" as the opening track for RAW? "I like it RAW/I like it Raw/ I like it RAWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! Shimmy Shimmy yo/Shimmy Shimmy yey".

But since the WWE is now the "WWEPG", it'd most likely NOT happen! Unless the WWE went back to being rated TV-14 like back in the attitude era? With the new monday night wars in affect, it would be a great way to open up with RAW!
The reason why the RAW theme won't change to a hip-hop song is not necessarily in order to comply with the PG rating (the Nickelback theme is centered around drinking, after all). I'd say that if anything, rock is a more universal genre and further is identifiable with the stereotypical wrestling fanbase.

Long story short: Rock > Hip-Hop for WWE themes in order to not alienate particular audiences/demographics.
Shimmy Shimmy Ya by ODB is pretty suggestive when you think about it. In other words, it just wouldn't work in the PG-era WWE. Now back in the Attitude era, this would've been a perfect theme song for Raw. However, rock music in general seems to work a lot better in wrestling show theme songs in general because it has that high energy that gets the adrenaline pumping in ways hip-hop/rap couldn't necessarily do.
To be Honest, I love Shimmy Shimmy, but you answered your own question. The song is from 1996, and the theme songs are generally much newer. A new hip hop song would work, as long as it has a good strong beat. Maybe have a new theme tie in with a guest host or something.
i don't think it because the PG rating i think simply because the way RAW is perceived is it is rock and roll show so rock and roll theme fits it
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what are you on about man? who cares if its rock or hip-hop. i dont think the pg era has anything to do with it, i mean how much swearing does the current song have. they would just edit it out or something. Rock is just better suited to RAW i guess, i mean if Smackdown tryed hip hop a few years a go and they didnt bring it back then they must have a reason why.
the fact is that rock and roll is so much more of a pump up of a song for wrestling. think of the last few Raw themes. burn it to the ground- rock. whatever it was called by papa roach- semi-rock. The late captain Lou Albano started the combo of rock and wrestling, and there has never been a change since...
if WWE were to change the theme, it wouldnt be to hip hop...srry, but its NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! and besides, they just changed it a couple of months ago.
but they do REALLY need to change back to pg-14
If you look at MOST wrestling themes used in WWE, they are rock oriented. Sure, there are exceptions, like most of the "Black" wrestlers using Rap/Hip Hop and the Great Khali's Indian Rap song. The closest thing we probably will ever get to a Rap song being the theme of Raw would be a Nu-Metal group performing it

Oh, and the rating isn't going to change from PG to 14 for a while, so please stop asking for it's return.
If you look at MOST wrestling themes used in WWE, they are rock oriented. Sure, there are exceptions, like most of the "Black" wrestlers using Rap/Hip Hop and the Great Khali's Indian Rap song. The closest thing we probably will ever get to a Rap song being the theme of Raw would be a Nu-Metal group performing it

Oh, and the rating isn't going to change from PG to 14 for a while, so please stop asking for it's return.
The answer to that is NO! In the world of WWE Tv. It's time for a revolution! Sorry.
lol, even though this is would never happen in todays PG world I would personally love it. Not because its a good idea, but I would surely be laughing my ass off if Shimmy Shimmy Ya became the new theme song (I wonder what they would show when they go "Psycho Killa Norman Bates") as I find the WWE to be a kind of a joke these days anyways.

It wouldn't get the crowd going, it's not a very energetic and for a theme to a wrestling show it just doesn't fit, AT ALL (and just because it starts off with ooohhh baby I like it RAW doesn't make it fit)

I love ODB (and Shimmy Shimmy ya for that matter) but it would fit a show more like Dexter, not RAW.
the reason Raw doesn't use rap songs is because when you break it down simply put..........ROCK songs can be edited more than Rap songs.............because when you edit a rap song.........it just well..........it really Jack Swaggers.......and for you that don't know what that means......it just sucks.

And I doubt the wwe will ever pg again in our lifetimes. maybe in our kids lifetime but in ours prolly not, i mean after all you have stephanie mcmahon running the show now and she's always hated anything violent and that's proof with how she used the ecw side in the invasion angle. hell i for one am surprised that JBL didn't have her up in the grand stands when ECW ONE NIGHT STAND 1 happened.
I despise most most rap and hip hop with a passion, but i reluctantly have to agree that this song would be hilarious as Raw's theme.

The only part you'd need to play is "Baby I like it Raw" because you flat out can't understand anything that ODB says in the rest of this song, or any other one of his songs for that matter. Thats part of his style though. Pop in an ODB song and prepare to be confused. He's the ultimate Warrior of Rap and it's awesome in it's absurdity!

Frankly at this point a Hanna Montana song would be better then Papa Roach or Nickelback.
I hate rap, but pretty much anything would be better than fucking Nickelback.*

*Except for perhaps Papa Roach.

So, yeah, I guess I'd rather the RAW theme song be rap, since the WWE is currently dedicated to making the theme be from the epitome of suck in terms of mass-marketed, soul-less, corporate "rock n roll".

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