New Raw Theme (Love It/Hate It/Should Be Something Else)

I don't have a problem with the RAW theme. It's fine in my opinion. Fits the wrestling show nicely. It just gets hate because Nickelback performs it and a lot of people don't much care for them. It's not as bad as To be Loved. I'd have picked Monster by Skillet too, it's a pretty badass song. I don't really know of anything else..
I think they should use "WAR" by the Sick Puppies(this is the song they used as the theme for the newest street fighter game) or "Way of the Fist" by Five Finger Death Punch (this will never happen becuz of the emense amount of cussin throughout the song but it wud b awesome)

Way of the Fist-

I think both of these songs work great for wrestling and should b looked at by the WWE:jason:
Always hated the Papa Roach theme song, read the title of this thread, got excited, then died a bit inside. Why Nickelback, WHY?! I'm Canadian and I'm ashamed of them. But you never know, maybe they're ditching the whole PG bull given the rumours of TNA moving to Monday nights, so they needed some more raunchy lyrics? That's the only good that would come out of this.
While the Papa Roach theme was cool at first, it really got old after just a few shows. The theme needed to be changed desperately, especially seeing how Smackdown has rotated through at least two or three theme songs since this one was chosen for Raw.

I didn't have a problem with "Across the Nation." That theme was kickass. But if you listen it kinda has the same tempo as the Nickelback song. Something energetic that makes you wanna move and is perfect for a wrestling show. But WWE had could pick and choose between hundreds of talented up-and-coming bands, but for some reason they settled on Nickelback.

I miss the theme from the Attitude era. Badass metal which fit the show perfectly. Plus, I'm also a metalhead so that helps.
I absolutely HATED that damn Papa Roach song for Raw. Did not fit the brand and was aggravating me. As much as I despise Nickleback, I can safely say I'm glad the song's changed. The Attitude Era Raw theme is still the best and if Nickleback's new song is anything like that, I'll be happy. Otherwise, it's just one more stupid move by Vince and his cronies.
anyone think move to the music was one of the most annoying and worst theme songs?? This one was used when Bischoff was GM. I would think the new one would have to at least be better.
I didn't mind "To Be Loved" but it kind of felt like they should change it after a while. Smackdown's had two changes with Raw staying the same...after a while, just, meh. I just really hope that they don't change ECW's opening, as "Don't Question My Heart" with that echo is just beautiful and fits PERFECTLY in my mind.

As far as this new song, its not too bad, but it could be better. I was hoping that they'd go with something a little more...energetic? Something along the lines of their production song "Burning Tree" but with lyrics....that's what I'd like to see.

More importantly, I'd like to see them change the WWE signature. #6 was my favorite, the one that was really electronic sounding and was used I think around 97. I'm getting a little tired of hearing "We promise you a great show...HULKAMANIA...REST IN PEACE..." etc. And I'd love to see them change the WWE logo itself. It's been over a decade of the scratch, and it doesn't even have an E in it. Give us something different.

But yeah...anyway, back on topic lol. This new song could work. I'll have to see the intro video first before I make my full judgment on it.
Hmm.. as reported here on WZ, next week we will hear the debut of Raw's New Theme by Nickelback called - Burn it to the Ground. Now upon hearing the news, I visited youtube and heard the song with the lyrics.

Here's the link if you haven't heard it:

Now what I noticed about this new song is its kinda different. Yeh, different. First of all if you listen and read the lyrics it isn't really PG friendly. "I gotta fist full of whiskey , the bottle just bit me" and "Oh that shit makes me".

I know, I know I'm not hinting at the WWE scrapping the PG rating or anything but it did make me think. They could be airing another "clean" version. I hate Nickelback but I do think this song does have a RAW feel to it. Personally my fuckin fav RAW theme would have to be the "Across the Nation" Raw theme.

Well what do you guys think of the new theme? May this perhaps be a change into the new direction RAW may possibly, perhaps, hoping will take? i have always been a firm beleiver in tailoring each show to a different audience and capturing the missing market share that stopped watching after the attitude era. Raw should not be PG. And if I remember correctly, the Snoop Dogg skits were kinda non-PG (although not funny).

Somethings gotta give.
Haha i love this.No matter where at in media people either love or hate Nickelback.I like Nickelback but i agree that this song does not fit RAW.I am just happy that we did not get the Jonas Brothers or Lil Wayne.I think a good song to fit the RAW theme would be "The Sound Of Madness" by Shinedown.
Not a big Nickelback fan, but this is a decent theme for Raw. I think it doesn't adjust to their whole "PG Era" thing, but I like it. Smackdown I believe has a better theme (Let It Roll). I personally like Saliva to, but I think ECW should get a new theme as well.

But I think it's a good thing overall for Raw to get a new theme after a few years :p
I think yearly would be better, but all is well.
Well seeing as I love nickelback, I am excited for it, the song would sound great blasting out round the arena, but it seems to me that i'm the only one who liked papa roach's to be loved, I thought it was catchy and great to listen to.
I personally think this song is a little too controversial and mean spirited for WWE's current direction. Also, interpreted incorrectly the lyrics could be seen as promoting arson. Although after seeing X mention the Beatles briefly in this thread, I think I know what the best choice for the new Raw theme would be.

"Here Comes The Sun" is a song that really makes me feel good about myself. If I could listen to that every Monday night with the opening sequence showing the Raw roster playing ring around the rosie and having potato sack races, I think I'd feel good about WWE's flagship show to. Maybe have Michael Cole slaving over a grill cooking up some vintage Cole-burgers and Hornswoggle eating some WWE Ice Cream Bars. Yeah, that'd be pretty wholesome.
Hell yeah... I love Nickelback and I love this song, so I am very very happy that it's the new Raw Theme. However don't get me wrong, it is a little odd for a wrestling theme, but I think it will work. So all in all good choice.
So as we all thought we thought raw was debuting thier new theme and intro last night. That was not the case. I think they didnt debut yet was for a simple reason since survior series is in 2 weeks they might be changing a champion. so which could lead that triple h or HBK could leave the ppv as champion. Now i know its 2 weeks away but wwe did a pretty good job covering it up today anyone think they can do it for 2 more weeks????

(P.S if its just because thier not ready well then w/e)
i dont think they are going to take the belt away from cena already bc if they do i might just stop paying attention to teh wwe title bc these 3-4 week regins are not cool. the world title and hell teh ecw title has more meaning then any title in teh wwe
it could be possible. the new theme could be a part of a "new era" or whatever, possibly more with HHH as champ and a heel turn. it could also happen with HBK or even if Cena comes out champion. to Junior's statement, no one's really taken the WWE title seriously since they made it that horrendous spinner belt, so a 3 week reign won't make it less meaningful. Kane had a less than 24 hour reign and it didn't make it less meaningful. what makes a title meaningless is how it looks (if it looks like a toy like the current one does) or who wins it (ex. David Arquette)
I think it's as simple as: 1. They didn't change it because Ozzy was the guest host. 2. They simply haven't finished it yet. I'm still looking forward to it.
I'm guessing it's because point #1 as listed above. Ozzy was the host.

Last night, as WWE sometimes does, Raw started with a "cold" opening and didn't roll ANY intro. It wouldn't make sense to play the new theme (and/or use any new graphics that may have been created) "out of the blue" throughout the rest of the show without the new intro establishing that they have a new theme.

I can't blame WWE for wanting to get Ozzy on screen as soon as they could by skipping the intro and go straight to Ozzy (which they did) as it would be a ratings grabber.

And apparently that's true... the start of the show did fairly well when Ozzy was on, but, soon as the momentum with Ozzy faded out, the ratings DIVED.
Ozzy was great last night and skipping the new intro and going straight to was probably the best thing to go with. We may see the new intro next week, then again who knows for sure. Perhaps it wasn't done yet so we'll see what happens.
The new opening sequence will debut the night after Survivor Series. John Cena will be retaining the WWE Championship at Survivor Series, as this match is the first seed planted for the HBK/HHH break up, to lead to their match at Wrestlemania 26, supposedly HBK's last. One will cost the other the title, more likely HHH going heel. Yes, that old chestnut again.

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