Ok Ill admit it, cruiserweights are overrated!

I posted this in the Nakamura thread but that thread made me think of the CWs, I figure I would start my own thread voicing my disapproval.

THis non selling shit that they do is killing wrestling. They have no rhyme or reason between their moves, all they are concerned with is hitting their next spot.

I equal it to an action movie. Sure as a fan you love to see some crazy action spot in the movie, but what would you think of the movie if it was nothing but crazy CGI explosions and action sequences with no plot or no story? That's how these cruiserweight matches are. Neither opponent looks like they are trying to win, instead they look like they are trying to get a bigger pop out of the crowd by doing a crazier move. It completely sucks.
The cruiserweights could never have felt special. It's not 1995 anymore. Your maineventers are doing more impressing stuff than the division that's supposed to impress me. You don't have Hogan and Kevin Nash anymore as main eventers. You have guys that can do everything the cruiserweights do, but with actual wrestling storytelling. So yeah, I said it before, unless the cruiserweights outperform the rest of the roster, how are the gonna feel special?

Best thing the can do is rename the Cruiserweight Championship, TV Championship or 24/7 Championship and also add their jobbers to that division and then, take the guys that matter and put them in the Tag, IC and the US title scene.
While I do agree on the no-selling aspect, the cruiserweights are not overrated. To be overrated, they should be rated higher than they deserve, not be ignored by a majority of the audience.
This is how I feel about 75-80% of the roster. Storytelling is largely finished, which is why in-ring wrestling today can never match what we saw in the 80's, even the 90's.
Or the early noughties. Or 2011. Or 2013.

Brian Kendrick, however, is wonderful - as is Rich Swann's entrance theme. A permanent fixture on the running playlist, that one.

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