Ohio Valley Wrestling


Championship Contender
Im from Kentucky and a famous promotion near me is ohio valley wrestling.They used to be in wwe development but in 07 wwe scraped them.Now they have no money and every wrestler sux.I used to watch John Cena Batista Randy Orton and many more in my small town i got to meet them and get pics and autographs from them for free before they were stars.They have made many of wwes gretest superstars with there trainer rip rogers.so what do you kthink they should do now that they have no money and will go out of business soon?
They are pretty much screwed man... When a promotion thrives like that with so many big names from WWE... It's very hard to still make money once that is all taken away...

Since you are from there, I was wondering if you ever heard of a friend of mine... His name is Mack Johnson and he worked there while guys like Matt Morgan and Orlando Jordan were there...
Im from Kentucky and a famous promotion near me is ohio valley wrestling.They used to be in wwe development but in 07 wwe scraped them.Now they have no money and every wrestler sux.I used to watch John Cena Batista Randy Orton and many more in my small town i got to meet them and get pics and autographs from them for free before they were stars.They have made many of wwes gretest superstars with there trainer rip rogers.so what do you kthink they should do now that they have no money and will go out of business soon?
Every wrestler sux, as you so eloquently put it, because the place is a wrestling school first and a wrestling promotion second. Many people on the roster are very new to the business and are learning as they go. Accordingly they aren't able to perform on the same level as the guys you may see on WWE/TNA or indies that have years of experience. Also they have a very old school style of wrestling that avoids the spot-fests you normally see these days. At this beginning stage they are trying to instill a strong sense of ring psychology.
Moving right along, if, as you say, they have no money and will go out of business soon, why even ask "what should they do now"? It's largely an irrelevant question seeing as how they're going out of business right?
Well they are trying to do what wcw did before they went out and that is they are putting on gimmick matches.they have to many of them one week they will have a cage match then the next its a mexican death rope match but the matches are terrible and no i have never heard of mack johnson although the name sounds familair.was that his ring name?

Well they are trying to do what wcw did before they went out and that is they are putting on gimmick matches.they have to many of them one week they will have a cage match then the next its a mexican death rope match but the matches are terrible and no i have never heard of mack johnson although the name sounds familair.was that his ring name?


You confuse me, and honestly I don't know what it is you are asking unless you're being rhetorical, though if that is the case, why start a thread that is supposed to serve as the beginnings of a discussion or debate? You say everyone is terrible, and that the matches (gimmick or otherwise) are terrible, and that they appear to be going out of business soon.
With all that being true (at least from your POV) what really is there left to comment on? Should I just say that "They should just put on better matches and try to make more money"? I think not.
Instead I'll answer your question with one of my own: What do you propose they do, realizing of course that they have a fixed (and probably maxed out) budget, and only have access to their current line-up of talent?
OVW was cool back in the day, I actually lived by nick at the time and used to go there every week when they was on mechanic street in jeffersonville, those where good times, even tho there not with wwe anymore they still offer the same training they did when they was with wwe, and the relationship between ovw and wwe is still pretty good last time I heard, I just haven't been up to speed with it sense all the big names left.
It's a real shame that a great company like OVW is facing the possibility of going out of buisness. Once stomping grounds for future greats such as John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, Desmonde Wolfe, Elijah Burke, and many others.

I really don't know why they might be going out of buisness though, the OP failed to specify. In fact, I can't see how they would be going out of buisness seeing as many wrestlers still train there and new applicants arrive each day, in fact after reading LigerBombs posts, I've realised the OP was just talking out of his ass, this thread sucks, and OVW will be fine.
ovw is not going out of business, the wrestlers there pretty much work for free or little to nothing, and there is still revenue coming in from training and other service they offer for wrestlers, if they lasted this long without the wwe's help they will continue doing what there doing.

ovw has plenty money to keep it going, and its still on TV just in some ohio markets, I don't know if its on here in our viewing area tho..

and i want to add that they still train wrestlers that get called up to fcw, so its still pretty relevent.

desmonde wolf never wrestled for ovw
Ummm what wrestlers do they train that get called up to fcw.NONE!!!!!!!The only ovw superstars that have gone to florida are ones that when wwe broke away from there development contract they were still under contract with wwe so they sent them to there only development florida.also if wwe signs a wrestler from ovw they will send them to florida but they hardly ever sign anyone from ovw.
Well you should go to one of the shows and you will find out why they will be going out of business soon.I dont give them 3 to 5 years and they will be done. They have no money and hardly any wrestlersw take a look at there roster
O.K. I' looked at their roster. They have about 24 male competitors, which should be more than enough for a weekly show or live event, so I don't really understand the "hardly any wrestlers" portion of your comment. Also I suspect that this is their current talent line-up and doesn't include the members of the developmental school who will eventually be part of the main roster. Secondly, I've been to plenty of their live events and TV taping shows and watched the TV program when it was on The CW in Louisville. Finally, given the state of the economy I wouldn't be in-line to speculate on the sustainably of any business, let alone those that make their income on generating entertainment revenue/school tuition, in any realistically foreseeable capacity, at least not within the time frame of 3-5 years. Now, I'm not saying that it's impossible for an OVW closing to happen but I'm also not sure one could be so exact as to speculate up to five years in the future whether a business will fail or not based on the day to days of the here and now.

Ummm what wrestlers do they train that get called up to fcw.NONE!!!!!!!The only ovw superstars that have gone to florida are ones that when wwe broke away from there development contract they were still under contract with wwe so they sent them to there only development florida.also if wwe signs a wrestler from ovw they will send them to florida but they hardly ever sign anyone from ovw.
Not true on the first half. OVW's own Asher Knight, real name Adam Atherton (according to Wikipedia) was signed just this past winter at OVW's WWE tryout camp. Currently he is in FCW as Rudy Parker. Word going around is that another OVW star may have also been signed recently but I haven't heard or read anything about it other than some one-off rumors. And the second part of your post is full of contradictions.
Asher KNight was singed by wwe but no he wasnt called up to fcw but wwe sent him to fcw and jay millz is the one who wwe singed i talked to him at an event the other day he said wwe is sending him to florida too.but all the people listed on there roster isnt all there anymore.Theres only about 12 wrestlers because half of the men on there roster on the website are gone or wrestle on occasions.And OVW isnt on cw any more
Asher KNight was singed by wwe but no he wasnt called up to fcw but wwe sent him to fcw and jay millz is the one who wwe singed i talked to him at an event the other day he said wwe is sending him to florida too.but all the people listed on there roster isnt all there anymore.Theres only about 12 wrestlers because half of the men on there roster on the website are gone or wrestle on occasions.And OVW isnt on cw any more
Just... no. I won't address the arguments of minutia between being signed and then sent to FCW vs. being "called up" to FCW as it's largely irrelevant. The point is, if you go to OVW there's a good chance WWE will eventually take a look at you, the possible positive consequences of which are a paid stay in Florida for further training.
Moving along, it very well may be Jay Millz it may not, who knows. I don't care to speculate, and with regards to wrestling believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. Anyway, concerning the roster: Not all people can/or should be on every show. So that they rotate the people they use is of little consequence. The 12 you mention is bit of exaggeration though. And again this doesn't account for those people currently being trained who will eventually be added to the main roster.
And OVW isnt on cw any more
Thanks for the news flash there "chief" but next time learn to read. I said, and I quote:
LigerBomb said:
...and watched the TV program when it was on The CW in Louisville.
I never claimed it was currently on The CW. However, according to their website their program is back on TV in Louisville:
OVWrestling.com said:
Louisville: Saturday at Noon (12 pm) on WKYI (Cable Digital Channel 138, AT&T Uverse channel 24, and over the air channel 24.1)
those who being trained are on the main roster.They have less talent and the ones in the wrestling school are the main talent except for a few like mike mondo
those who being trained are on the main roster.They have less talent and the ones in the wrestling school are the main talent except for a few like mike mondo
No way guys who have no experience and who are just starting out are de facto main roster talent/booked on TV and live events. It's my understanding that you have to make it to the advanced class first.
well that was a few years ago.kids in the school wrestle but ovw doesnt have a tv deal anymore.they mostly air online and do a lot of house shows
well that was a few years ago.kids in the school wrestle but ovw doesnt have a tv deal anymore.they mostly air online and do a lot of house shows

OVWrestling.com said:
OVW is on TV in:
  • Louisville: Saturday at Noon (12 pm) on WKYI (Cable Digital Channel 138, AT&T Uverse channel 24, and over the air channel 24.1)
  • London: Friday at 11 pm on WOBZ-TV 9
  • Lexington: Saturday at 11 pm on WKYT-TV
  • Also, I'm sorry but there is no way that OVW puts guys who are a month in the business, and still learning to bump in the ring, on cards. Be it on TV or live events. Perhaps, I can see the occasional squash or over the top battle royal where the guy walks in and then immediately gets tossed out. But that's it; tops.
yes they come on tv but not on comcast so i cant see them but i watch it online.and no its not the people who have been there a month or 2 but usually they will put you on the card if you have been there and still in school for 3 or 4 months.they dont have many in there school anyways if any right now
Ummm what wrestlers do they train that get called up to fcw.NONE!!!!!!!The only ovw superstars that have gone to florida are ones that when wwe broke away from there development contract they were still under contract with wwe so they sent them to there only development florida.also if wwe signs a wrestler from ovw they will send them to florida but they hardly ever sign anyone from ovw.

serena trained with ovw a good while after the wwe went to florida, she was called up to FCW a good while after the relationship was over, they also took 2 other guys with them.

just because they don't have a TV deal don't mean there going out of business

if OVW's online stream was directed by someone then it would be just as valuable as the TV show was.
yes they come on tv but not on comcast so i cant see them but i watch it online.and no its not the people who have been there a month or 2 but usually they will put you on the card if you have been there and still in school for 3 or 4 months.they dont have many in there school anyways if any right now
So because you personally don't have it on your TV that makes claims like "ovw doesnt have a tv deal anymore." true/accurate?:rolleyes:
Anyway, this has devolved greatly since the OP and in truth I've no idea what the purpose of this topic even is. Going back to the original posted question:
"So what do you kthink they should do now that they have no money and will go out of business soon?"
They should leverage their brand name/recognition as much as they possibly can by creating marketable products, rent out the building and traveling sound/lighting/ring rig to other promotions (maybe even a setup and break down crew to boot) for extra income, open up the ring to rental times like a gym, and try to establish themselves as the premier pro-wrestling training school outside of FCW. Basically, they need to generate revenue streams that compliment rather than exclusively focus on being a wrestling promotion
They also need to get their PR in place. No one, be it fans, dirt sheets or industry professionals, talks about them anymore and that is what's killing them. You have to be ever present in the minds of the industry as a whole. Silence = Irrelevance = Promotion Extinction.
I don't know what TaylorNix is thinking and no offense but until I see it reported on a wrestling news site like this one I will not believe it;s going out of business period.
they only report mainstream wrestling on here it looks like, cause FCW and ROH is hardly reported on here....

BTW to the person that posted this thread, ROH is coming to louisville on the 23rd in the davis arena, i can't wait for this
they only report mainstream wrestling on here it looks like, cause FCW and ROH is hardly reported on here....

BTW to the person that posted this thread, ROH is coming to louisville on the 23rd in the davis arena, i can't wait for this
Yea just heard about that a little while ago. I really wish I could make it to the show but unfortunately I'm going to be working and have other commitments all day. *Insert sad emoticon* I hope this event will be a success and will encourage ovw to book other traveling promotions in the venue as a means of earning some extra cash.

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